Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction............................................3
1.1 Welcome...............................................................................................................3
1.2 Product Overview................................................................................................3
1.3 Concepts and Terminology ...............................................................................4
1.4 Components.........................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 – Quick Start Guide .................................... 6
Chapter 3 – Interface and Controls ............................7
3.1 Interface...............................................................................................................7
3.2 Controls ................................................................................................................8
Chapter 4 – The WaveSystem................................... 11
4.1 The WaveSystem Toolbar ...............................................................................11
4.2 Preset Handling.................................................................................................11
4.3 Interface Controls.............................................................................................14
WNS Waves Noise Suppressor
User Guide

Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 Welcome
Thank you for choosing Waves! In order to get the most out of your Waves
processor, please take the time to read through this manual.
In conjunction, we also suggest that you become familiar with
www.wavesupport.net. There you will find an extensive Answer Base, the
latest Tech Specs, detailed Installation guides, new Software Updates,
and current information on Authorization and Registration.
By signing up at
information on your registered products, reminders when updates are
available, and information on your authorization status.
1.2 Product Overview
The WNS Waves Noise Suppressor was designed and engineered for Post
Production professionals who require fast and effective broadband noise
suppression for the cleaning of dialog tracks. It is suitable for both indoor
and location recordings of dialog polluted by stationary and/or modulating
environment noise.
WNS is not intended for surgical removal of specific short term interferences.
It is, rather, a general noise suppressor that will preserve the dialog and
suppress unwanted signal simply and smoothly, with natural sound and
minimal artifacts.
About Waves Post Production Tools
When Waves decided to develop a line of dedicated audio processors
especially for Post Production, we conferred with the people who truly
understand the field better than anyone: The Post professionals who design,
edit, and mix sound for motion pictures, television, multimedia, and video
Waves knows that Post Production work presents audio engineers with
specialized challenges. Once we had identified and analyzed these issues and
concerns, we set out to create the most advanced, most innovative Post
Production sound solutions available.
Waves is proud to bring more than two decades of audio processing expertise
to the world of Post Production.
www.wavesupport.net, you will receive personalized
WNS Waves Noise Suppressor
User Guide

1.3 Concepts and Terminology
The Waves WNS Noise Suppressor is a high resolution broadband noise
suppressor for dialog tracks, engineered especially for post production
The WNS is based on an exclusive 6-band dynamic EQ engine, with 3
standard EQ filters per band. Using 2 basic controls, Threshold and Gain
reduction, WNS defines and then suppresses all signal it perceives as nondialog. It does not introduce any latency, nor does it require noise print
learning. Simply set the global Threshold to just below the dialog level, and
then use the Frequency range faders to shape the desired reduction
Two additional controls, Low Frequency and High Frequency, set the noise
suppression frequency range, leaving the areas below and above that range,
respectively unprocessed. If the Low Frequency is set to 80 Hz, and the High
Frequency is set to 8000 Hz, the graph will reflect these borders, and not
display any signal beyond the specified range (The minimum adjustable
frequency range is two octaves).
In addition; High Pass and Low Pass filters can be engaged to cut frequencies
below or above the “border values”.
Default frequency area for each gain fader:
(Left to right)
WNS Waves Noise Suppressor
User Guide

1.4 Components
WaveShell technology enables us to split Waves processors into smaller plugins, which we call components. Having a choice of components for a
particular processor gives you the flexibility to choose the configuration best
suited to your material.
The Waves Noise Suppressor consists of two components:
WNS Mono
WNS Stereo
WNS Waves Noise Suppressor
User Guide