[ Care and Use ManUal ]
XseLeCt HIGH stRenGtH sILICa (Hss) HPLC CoLUMns
I. IntRoDUCtIon
II. ConeCtInG tHe CoLUMn to tHe HPLC sYsteM
a. Column Connection
b. Column Connectors and System Tubing Considerations
c. Band Spreading Minimization
d. Measuring System Band Spread Volume
e. Measuring Gradient Delay Volume
III. WateRs sMaLL PaRtICLe sIze (3.5 �m) CoLUMns
– Fast CHRoMatoGRaPHY
IV. CoLUMn eqUILIbRatIon
V. CoLUMn InstaLLatIon PRoCeDURe
I. IntRoDUCtIon
Thank you for choosing an XSelect™ High Strength Silica (HSS) HPLC
column. The manufacture of XSelect HSS HPLC columns begins with
ultrapure reagents to control the chemical composition and purity of
the final product. XSelect HSS HPLC columns are manufactured in a
cGMP, ISO 9001:2000 certified plant with each step being conducted
within narrow tolerances. Every column is individually tested and
Certificates of Batch Analysis and a Performance Chromatogram are
provided with each column.
XSelect HSS HPLC columns are based on the same particle technol-
ogy and chemistries as ACQUITY UPLC
seamless transferability between HPLC and UPLC
HSS columns, thus enabling
a. Guard Columns
b. Sample Preparation
c. Recommended pH Range
d. Solvents
e. Pressure
f. Temperature
g. Scaling Up/Down Isocratic Methods
IX. CoLUMn CLeanInG, ReGeneRatInG anD stoRaGe
a. Cleaning and Regenerating
b. Storage
X. tRoUbLesHootInG
XSelect HSS HPLC Columns 1

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
II. ConneCtInG tHe CoLUMn to tHe HPLC sYsteM
a. Column Connection
Handle the column with care. Do not drop or hit the column on a hard
surface as this may disturb the bed and affect its performance.
1. Correct connection of 1/16 inch outer diameter stainless steel
tubing leading to and from the column is essential for high-
quality chromatographic results.
2. An arrow on the column identification label indicates correct
direction of solvent flow.
3. When using standard stainless steel compression screw fittings,
it is important to ensure proper fit of the 1/16 inch outer diameter
stainless steel tubing. When tightening or loosening the compression
screw, place a 5/16 inch wrench on the compression screw and a
3/8 inch wrench on the hex head of the column endfitting.
Caution: If one of the wrenches is placed on the column flat during this
process, the endfitting will be loosened and leak. Under-tightening
compression screws or using worn ferrules can lead to solvent leaking.
Care should be taken to check all column connections for leaks to
avoid exposure to solvents and the hazards associated with such exposure
including risks to health and electrical connections.
ferrule depth be reset for optimal performance prior to installing
the XSelect HSS HPLC column. In a proper tubing/column connection
(Figure 2), the tubing touches the bottom of the column endfitting,
with no void between them.
Figure 1: Waters and Parker Ferrule Types
Waters Ferrule Setting Parker Ferrule Setting
Figure 2: Proper Tubing/Column Connection
Tubing touches the bottom of the column endfitting, with no void
between them.
Attention: A void will occur if a Parker ferrule connection is used with
a Waters style endfitting (Figure 3). This will dramatically reduce the
efficiency of the column and cause peak shape distortion.
4. If a leak occurs between the stainless steel compression screw
fitting and the column endfitting, a new compression screw fitting,
tubing and ferrule must be assembled.
It is important to realize that extra column peak broadening can
destroy a successful separation. The choice of appropriate column
connectors and system tubing is discussed in detail below.
b. Column Connectors and System Tubing Considerations
Due to the absence of an industry standard, various column manufacturers
have employed different types of chromatographic column connectors.
The chromatographic performance of the separation can be negatively
affected if the style of the column endfittings does not match the
existing tubing ferrule setting. This section explains the differences
between Waters style and Parker style ferrules and endfittings (Figure
1). Each endfitting style varies in the required length of the tubing
protruding from the ferrule. XSelect HSS HPLC columns are equipped
with Waters style endfittings, which require a 0.130 inch ferrule. If
a non-Waters style column is presently being used, it is critical that
Figure 3: Parker Ferrule in a Waters Style Endfitting
To fix this problem: Cut the end of the tubing with the ferrule, place a
new ferrule on the tubing and make a new connection. Before tighten-
ing the screw, make sure that the tubing bottoms out in the endfitting
of the column.
Conversely, if tubing with a Waters ferrule is connected to a column
with Parker style endfitting, the end of the tubing will bottom out
before the ferrule reaches its proper sealing position. This will leave a
gap and create a leak (Figure 4).
Caution: The connection will leak if a Waters ferrule is connected to a
column with a Parker style endfitting.
XSelect HSS HPLC Columns 2

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Figure 4: Waters Ferrule in a Parker Style Endfitting
There are two ways to fix the problem:
1. Tighten the screw a bit more. The ferrule moves forward, and
reaches the sealing surface. Do not overtighten since this may
break the screw.
2. Cut the tubing, replace the ferrule and make a new connection.
Alternatively, replace the conventional compression screw fitting
with an all-in-one PEEK
fitting (Waters Part Number PSL613315)
that allows resetting of the ferrule depth. Another approach is to use a
connector to ensure the correct fit. The fingertight SLIPFREE
connectors automatically adjust to fit all compression screw type
fittings without the use of tools (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Single and Double SLIPFREE Connectors
c. Band Spreading Minimization
Internal tubing diameter influences system band spreading and peak
shape. Larger tubing diameters cause excessive peak broadening and
lower sensitivity (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Effect of Connecting Tubing on System
0.005 inches
0.020 inches
0.040 inches
Diluted/Distorted Sample Band
d. Measuring System Band Spread Volume
This test should be performed on an HPLC system with a single wavelength
UV detector (not a Photodiode Array (PDA)).
1. Disconnect column from system and replace with a zero dead
volume union.
Table 1. Waters Part Numbers for SLIPFREE Connectors
and Tubing
0.005” 0.010” 0.020”
Single 6 cm PSL 618000 PSL 618006 PSL 618012
Single 10 cm PSL 618002 PSL 618008 P SL 618014
Single 20 cm PSL 618004 PSL 618010 PSL 618016
Double 6 cm PSL 618001 P SL 618007 PSL 618013
Double 10 cm P SL 618 003 PS L 6180 09 PS L 618 015
Double 20 cm P SL 618005 PSL 618001 PSL 618017
Tubing Length
2. Set flow rate to 1 mL/min.
3. Dilute a test mix in mobile phase to give a detector sensitivity
0.5-1.0 AUFS (system start up test mix can be used which
contains uracil, ethyl and propyl parabens; Waters Part Number
4. Inject 2 to 5 μL of this solution.
5. Using 5-Sigma Method measure the peak width at 4.4% of peak height:
Band Spreading (μL) = Peak Width (min) x Flow Rate (μL/min)
= 0.1 min x 1000 μL/min
= 100 μL
Figure 7: Determination of System Band Spread Volume Using
5-Sigma Method
XSelect HSS HPLC Columns 3