Waters XBridge Protein BEH, C4, 300A, 3.5 µm Columns User Manual

XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å, 3.5, 5, and 10 µm Columns
a. Column Installation b. Column Equilibration c. Initial Column Efficiency Determination d. Useful Functional Tests for Benchmarking a New Column
a. Sample Preparation b. Operating pH Limits c. Solvents d. Pressure c. Temperature
a. Cleaning and Regeneration b. Storage
Thank you for choosing a Waters reversed-phase Protein Column. The XBridge® Protein BEH C4, 300Å packing material was designed to provide excellent peak shape, high efficiency, and good recovery for biological macromolecules that are too large or too hydrophobic for separation on columns with smaller pores or longer chain bonded phases. The base particle and bonding chemistry are chosen to provide exceptional stability at both high and low pH as well as at high temperature. The XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å packing material is manufactured in a cGMP, ISO9002-certified plant using ultra-pure reagents. Each batch of XBridge Protein BEH C4 reversed-phase column material has been qualified with a protein test mixture, and the results are held to narrow specification ranges to ensure reproducible performance. Every column is individually tested for efficiency, and a Performance Test Chromatogram along with a Certification of Acceptance is provided with each column.
a. Column Connectors and System Tubing Considerations b. Measuring System Bandspreading Volume
Each XBridge Protein BEH C4 Column has a Certificate of Acceptance and a Performance Test Chromatogram. The Certificate of Acceptance is specific to each batch of packing material and includes the batch number, analysis of unbonded particles, analysis of bonded particles, and chromatographic results and conditions. The Performance Test Chromatogram is specific to each individual column and contains the information: batch number, column serial number, USP plate count, USP tailing factor, retention factor, and chromatographic conditions. These data should be stored for future reference.
a. Column Installation
Note: The flow rates given in the procedure below are for a typical 3.5 μm packing in a 4.6 mm i.d. column. Scale the flow rate up or down accordingly based upon the column i.d of the column being installed. See “Scaling” section for calculating flow rates when changing column i.d and/or length. See “Connecting the Column to the HPLC” for a more detailed discussion on HPLC connections.
1. Purge the solvent delivery system of any buffer-containing or water-immiscible mobile phases and connect the inlet end of the column to the injector outlet. An arrow on the column identification label indicates the correct direction of solvent flow.
2. Flush column with 100% organic mobile phase (acetonitrile) by setting the pump flow rate to 0.1 mL/min. and increase the flow rate to 1 mL/min over 5 minutes.
3. When the mobile phase is flowing freely from the column outlet, stop the flow and attach the column outlet to the detector. This prevents entry of air into the detection system and gives more rapid baseline equilibration.
4. Gradually increase the flow rate as described in step 2.
5. Once a stable backpressure and baseline have been achieved, proceed to the next section.
Table 1: Empty Column Volumes in mL (multiply by 10 for flush solvent volumes)
Column Internal Diameter
Column Lengt h (mm)
50 0.17 0.83 3.9 14.2 35.3
75 53 100 0.35 1.7 7.9 28.4 70.7 150 0.52 2.5 11. 8 42.5 106 250 0.87 4.2 19.6 70.9 176.7
To avoid precipitating mobile phase buffers on your column or in your system, flush the column with five column volumes of a water/organic solvent mixture, using the same or lower solvent content as in the desired buffered mobile phase. For example, flush the column and HPLC system with 50% acetonitrile in water prior to introducing 50% acetonitrile/50% buffer mobile phase.
Column equilibration may be judged initially by stable pressure and by a stable detector baseline. For a specific application, it is, however, necessary to test the required duration of equilibration. The criteria for adequate equilibration include reproducibility of retention time for major and minor peaks, resolution for critical pairs, and consistent baseline characteristics.
Note: Low concentration mobile phase additives, particularly those with minimal buffering capacity may require extended equilibration and re-equilibration between gradient analyses.
2.1 4.6 10 19 30
c. Initial Column Efficiency Determination
1. Perform an efficiency test on the column before using it in the desired application. Waters recommends using the solute mixture and conditions described in the Performance Test Chromatogram to test the column upon receipt.
b. Column Equilibration
Your XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å Column is shipped in 100% acetonitrile. It is important to ensure mobile phase compatibility before changing to a different mobile phase system. Equilibrate the column with a minimum of 10 column volumes of the mobile phase to be used (refer to Table 1 for column volumes).
2. Measure retention of the test compounds and the number of theoretical plates (N).
Repeat the test at predetermined intervals to track column performance over time. Slight variations may be obtained on two diff erent H P L C sy stems due to t he quality of th e connections, operating environment, system electronics, reagent quality, condition of column, and operator technique.
XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å, 3.5, 5, 10 �m
d. Useful Functional Tests for Benchmarking a New Column
The Column Efficiency Test described above is a useful measure of the physical state of the packed bed as well as an indicator of the c hemical integrity of the b onded phas e. It may also be useful to benchmark the column performance with a sample that is more representative of t he intende d ap plic ation. Two tests c an be suggested as starting points for benchmarking a new column and for monitoring a column during its use.
Peptide Mixture Performance Test
Sample: Waters MassPREP™ Peptide Standard Mixture
(P/N 186002337) Reconstitute 1 vial in 100 μL 0.1% TFA:5% Acetronitrile: 94.9% Water Injection Volume: 2.1 mm – 3.3 µL
4.6 mm – 16.0 µL Column: XBridge Protein BEH C
3.5 µm, 2.1 x 50 mm Flow Rate: 2.1 mm – 0.2 mL/min
4.6 mm – 0.96 mL/min Mobile Phase: A: 0.1% TFA in water B: 0.075% in 71.4% acetonitrile/
28.6% water
, 300Å
Gradient Time for Different Column Lengths
50 mm 100 mm 150 mm 250 mm %A %B Curve
Initial Initial Initial Initial 100 0 *
30 60 90 150 30 70 6 32 64 96 160 30 70 1 50 100 150
Temperature: 40 °C Detection: 220 nm
250 100 0 1
This chromatogram is typical of the results obtained in Waters laboratories with the method described above, using a XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å, 3.5 µm, 2.1 x 50 mm Column. The retention times will double, triple, and be five times greater for the 100 mm, 150 mm and 250 mm columns respectively. The exact results observed in any laboratory will depend on the instrument in use. System volume, gradient generation mechanism, mixing, design of temperature control, detector cell dimensions, detector optical properties, and detector electronic properties all have a direct impact on the observed chromatogram. The pattern should be similar, however, on any well-functioning, modern HPLC. This test is exceptionally valuable for monitoring the life of the column and for troubleshooting separation difficulties that may arise.
Protein Mixture Performance Test
Sample: MassPREP Protein Standard Mixture (P/N 186004900) Dissolved in 0.1% TFA:5% acetonitrile:94.9% water
Protein Sigma P/N Conc. mg/mL
Bovine Ribonuclease A R5500 0.04 Horse Cytochrome c C7752 0.06 Bovine Serum Albumin A8022 0.20 Horse Myoglobin M1882 0.13 Yeast Enolase E6126 0.22 Rabbit Phosphorylase b P6635 0.59
Injection Volume: 2.1 mm – 5.0 µL
4.6mm – 25.0 µL Column:
3.5 µm, 2.1 x 50 mm
Flow Rate: 2.1 mm – 0.2 mL/min
4.6 mm – 0.96 mL/min
XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å
Figure 1: Typical Peptide Chromatogram Using MassPREP Peptide Standard Mixture
XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å, 3.5, 5, 10 �m
Mobile Phase: A: 0.1% TFA in water B: 0.075% in 71.4% acetonitrile/28.6% water Gradient:
Time (Column Length)
50 mm 100 mm 150 mm 250 m m %A %B Curve
Initial Initial Initial Initial 72 28 *
25 50 75 125 0 100 6 27 54 81 135 0 100 1
45 90 135 225 72 28 1
Temperature: 40 °C Detection: 220 nm
1 - RNase A 2 - Cyt. C 3 - BSA 4 - Myoglobin 5 - Enolase 6 - Phosphorylase b
Figure 2: Typical Protein Test Mixture Chromatogram using MassPREP Protein Standard Mixture
This chromatogram is typical of the results obtained in Waters laboratories with the method described above, using a XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å, 3.5 µm, 2.1 x 50 mm Column. The retention times will double, triple, and be five times greater for the 100 mm, 150 mm, and 250 mm columns respectively. The exact results observed in any laboratory will depend on the instrument in use. System volume, gradient generation mechanism, mixing, design of temperature control, detector cell dimensions, detector optical properties, and detector electronic properties all have a direct impact on the observed chromatogram. The pattern should be similar, however, on any well-functioning, modern HPLC. This test is exceptionally valuable for monitoring the life of the column and for troubleshooting separation difficulties that may arise.
To ensure the continued high performance of XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å, 3.5, 5, and 10 µm Columns, follow these guidelines:
a. Sample Preparation
Sample impurities often contribute to column contamination. Samples should be free of particles before injection into the system.
It is preferable to prepare the sample in gradient solvent A or in a mobile phase that is weaker (less organic modifier) than the initial strength mobile phase. This ensures the best peak shape and.
If the sample is not dissolved in the mobile phase, ensure that the sample, solvent and mobile phases are miscible in order to avoid sample and/or buffer precipitation.
Filter sample with 0.2 μm filters to remove particulates. If the sample is dissolved in a solvent that contains an organic modifier (e.g., acetonitrile, methanol, etc.) ensure that the filter material does not dissolve in the solvent. Contact the filter manufacturer with solvent compatibility questions. Alternatively, centrifugation for 20 minutes at 12–50,000 g, followed by the t ran sfer of the supernatant liquid to an appropriate vial, could be considered.
b. Operating pH Limits
The recommended operating pH range for XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å, Columns is 1 to 12. A listing of commonly used buffers and additives is given in Table 2. Additionally, the column lifetime will vary depending upon the operating temperature as well as the type and concentration of buffer used.
XBridge Protein BEH C4, 300Å, 3.5, 5, 10 �m
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