Waters TQ Detector Quick Start Manual

Waters TQ Detector
Quick Start Guide
71500126803/Revision A
Copyright © Waters Corporation 2007.
All rights reserved.
Copyright notice
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Waters Corporation. Waters Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. This document is believed to be complete and accurate at the time of publication. In no event shall Waters Corporation be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising from, its use.
Waters Corporation 34 Maple Street Milford, MA 01757 USA
Connections Insight, ESCi, and Waters are registered trademarks of Waters Corporation. ACQUITY UPLC, IntelliStart, IonSABRE, MassLynx, T-Wave, UPLC, and ZSpray are trademarks of Waters Corporation.
Other trademarks or registered trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.
Customer comments
Waters’ Technical Communications departme nt invites you to tell us of any errors you encounter in this document or to suggest ide as for otherwise improving it. Please help us better understand what you expect from our documentation so that we can continuously improve its accuracy and usability.
We seriously consider every customer comment we receive. You can reach us at tech_comm@waters.com.
Waters Corporation 34 Maple Street Milford, MA 01757 USA
Safety considerations
Some reagents and samples used with Waters® instruments ca n po se chemical, biological, and radiological hazard s. Be sure you are aware of the potentially hazardous effects of all substances you work with. Always observe Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) guidelines, published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and consult your organization’s safety representative for guidance.
When you develop methods, follow the “Pro tocol for the Ado ption of Analyt ical Methods in the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory,” Ame rican Journal of Medical Technology, 44, 1, pages 30–37 (1978). This protocol addresses good operating procedures and the techniques necessary to validate system and method performance.
Instrument-specific safety consideratio ns

Solvent leakage hazard

The source exhaust system is designed to be robust and leak-tight. Waters recommends you perform a hazard analysis, assuming a maximum leak into the laboratory atmosphere of 10% HPLC eluate.
• To confirm the integrity of the source exhaust system, the source seals must be renewed at intervals not exceeding one year.
• The source seals can withs tand exposure only to specific solvents, see Appendix C in the Wat ers TQ Det ector Oper ator’ s Guide. If you intend to use solvents other than those listed, you must first determine whether those solvents are compatible with the composition of the seals.
Flammable solvents hazard
Warning: Where signif icant quantities of flammable solvents are
involved, the source must receive a continuous flow of nitrogen to prevent possible ignition within that enclos ed space.
Never let the nitrogen supply pressure fall below 400 kPa (4 bar, 58 psi) during analyses that require flammable solvents. Connect to the LC output with a gas-f a il co n n e ctor to stop the LC solvent if th e ni t rogen suppl y fa i l s.
High temperature hazard
Warning: The source enclosure can be hot. To avoid burn injuries,
avoid touching the source enclosure when operating or servicing the TQ Detector.
Waters TQ Detector high temperature hazard:
Source enclosure ass em bly
High voltage hazard
• To avoid electric shock, do not remove the TQ Detector’s protective panels. The components they cover are not user-serviceable.
• To avoid non-lethal electric shock, any equipment connected to the ESI and IonSABRE™ APCI probes must be grounded.
• When the TQ Detector is in Operate mode, certain ext ernal surfaces can conduct high voltages. To avoid non-lethal electric shock, make sure the instrument is in Standby mode before touching areas marked with this high voltage warning symbol.
Safety advisories
Consult Appendix A for a comprehensive list of warning and caution advisories.
Operating this device
When operating this device, follow standard quality cont rol procedures and the guidelines presented in this section.
Symbol Definition
Intended use
The Waters Tandem Quadrupole (TQ) Detector is intended to be used as a research tool to deliver authentica ted mass measurement in both MS and MS/MS modes.
The Waters TQ Detector can be used for general In Vitro Diagnostic applications, only by professionally trained and qualified laboratory personnel.
Authorized Representative of the European Community
The CE symbol serves as confirmation of the conformity of a product with all European Community directives applicable to that product.
For in vitro diagnostic use.
The Waters TQ Detector is CE-marked according to the European Union In Vitro Diagnostic Device Directive 98/79/EC.
To calibrate LC systems, follow acceptable calibration method s using at least five standards to generate a standard curve . The concentration range for standards should cover the entire range of quali ty-control samples, typical specimens, and atypical specimens.
To calibrate mass spectrometers, consult the calibration section of the operator’s guide of the instrument you are calibrating.
Quality control
Routinely run three quality-control samples that represent subnormal, normal, and above-normal levels of a compound. Ensure that quality-control sample results fall within an acceptable range, and evaluate precision from day to day and run to run. Data col lected when qualit y control samples are ou t of range might not be valid. Do not r eport the se dat a until you ar e cert ain that the instrument performs satisfactorily.
When analyzing samples from a co m plex matrix such as soil, tissue, serum/plasma, whole blood, etc., note tha t the mat rix components can adversely affect LC/MS results, enhancing or suppres sing ionization. To minimize these matrix effects, Wate rs recommends you adopt the following measures:
Prior to the instrumental analysis, use appropria te sample pretreatment such as protein precipitation, liquid/liquid extraction (LLE), or solid phase extraction (SPE) to remove matrix interferences.
Whenever possible, verify method accuracy and precision using matrix-matched calibrators and QC samples.
Use one or more internal standard compounds, preferably isotopically-labeled analytes.
IVD authorized representative information
IVD authorized representative
Waters Corporation (Micromass UK Limited) is registered in the United Kingdom with the Medicines and Healthcare P roducts Regulatory Agency (MHRA) at market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, London, SW8 5NQ. The referenc e number is IVD000167.
Waters Corp o ra tion (Microm a ss UK Ltd.) Floats Road Wythenshawe Manchester M23 9LZ United Kingdom
Telephone: +44-161-946-2400 Fax: +44-161-946-2480 Contact: Quality manager

Table of Contents

Safety considerations .......................................................................................... iv
Instrument-s pe c if i c sa f et y co n si d erations............. ... ............. .. .......................... iv
Flammable solvents hazard ................................................................................ v
High temperature hazard.................................................................................... v
High voltage haza r d......... .. .......................... ... ............. .. .. ............. ... ................... vi
Safety advisories................................................................................................. vi
Operating this device ......................................................................................... vii
Symbols ............................................................................................................. vii
Intended use...................................................................................................... vii
Calibration ....................................................................................................... viii
Quality control ................................................................................................. viii
IVD authorized representative information ................................................. ix
IVD authorized representative .......................................................................... ix
1 Waters TQ Detector Overview ............................................................ 1-1
Overview ............................................................................................................. 1-2
Waters TQ Dete c to r.......................... ... ............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. . 1-2
ACQUITY TQD UPLC/MS system .......... .. .. ................................................... 1-4
MassLynx mass spectrometry software and data system ............................. 1-5
ACQUITY UPLC Console......................................................................... ....... 1-6
Ionization techniques and source probes ................................................... 1-7
Electrospray i on i za tion (ESI)..... .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ..... 1-7
Combined electrospray ionization and atmospheric p ressure chemical ionization
(ESCi) ......................................................................................................... 1-7
Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization..................................................... 1-8
Atmospheric pressure photoionization ........................................................... 1-8
Table of Contents xi
Ion optics ............................................................................................................. 1-9
MS operating modes ....................................................................................... 1-10
MS/MS operating modes ................................................................................ 1-11
Product (daug h t er) ion mode. .............. .. ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. .......... 1-11
Precursor (pare n t) ion mode...... ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. .. .............. .. ... 1-1 2
Multiple reaction monitoring mode .............................................................. 1-12
Constant neutral loss mode........................................................................... 1-13
Sample inlet ...................................................................................................... 1-14
Vacuum system ................................................................................................ 1-14
Rear panel .. ... ............. .. .. .. ... .. .. ............. ... .. .. .. .. .............. .. .. .. .. ... ............. .. .. ... .. .. . 1-15
IntelliStart fluidics system overview ......................................................... 1-16
IntelliStart fluidics system operation ........................................................ 1-17
Operating the IntelliStart fluidics system from the ACQUITY UPLC
Console . .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. .............. .. .. ... 1-1 7
Operating the IntelliStart fluidics system from the Tune window............. 1-18
Programming the MS method to operate the IntelliStart fluidics system. 1-18
2 Preparing the Waters TQ Detector for Operation ......................... 2-1
Starting the TQ Detector ................................................................................. 2-2
Configuring IntelliStart..................... ............................................... .. ............. 2-6
Verifying the instrument’s state of readiness................................................ 2-6
Tuning and calibration information ............................................................... 2-6
Running the TQ Detector at high flow rates.................................................. 2-7
Monitoring the TQ Detector LEDs.................................................................. 2-8
Preparing the IntelliStart fluidics system .................................................. 2-9
Installing the solvent manifold drip tray........................... .. .......................... 2-9
Installing the reservoir bottles..................... .......................................... ....... 2-10
Diverter valve positions................................................................................. 2-11
Purging the infusion syringe......................................................................... 2-13
Rebooting the TQ Detector ........................................................................... 2-14
Rebooting the TQ Detector by pressing the reset button ............................ 2-14
xii Table of Contents
Shutting down the TQ Detector .................................................................. 2-15
Putting the TQ Detector in Standby mode for overnight shutdown........... 2-15
Complete TQ Detector shutdown.................................................................. 2-16
Emergency TQ Detector shutdown............................................................... 2-17
3 ESI and ESCi Modes of Operation ..................................................... 3-1
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3-2
Installing the ESI probe .................................................................................. 3-2
Required materials .......................................................................................... 3-2
Installing the corona pin ................................................................................. 3-5
Required materials .......................................................................................... 3-5
Optimizing the ESI probe for ESCi operation ........................................... 3-7
Required materials .......................................................................................... 3-7
Removing the corona pin ................................................................................ 3-9
Required materials .......................................................................................... 3-9
Removing the ESI probe ............................................................................... 3-11
Required materials ........................................................................................ 3-11
4 Operating the Waters TQ Detector .................................................... 4-1
Setting-up the instrument .............................................................................. 4-2
Required materials .......................................................................................... 4-2
Performing a sample tune .............................................................................. 4-7
Required materials .......................................................................................... 4-7
Developing experiment methods .................................................................. 4-9
Required materials .......................................................................................... 4-9
Verifying the sys t em us in g Sys t em QC ........... ............. .. ... .. .. .. .. .............. .. . 4-11
A Safety Advisories ..................... ..... ..... ................................................... A-1
Warning symbols ............................................................................................... A-2
Task-specific hazard warnings........................................................................ A-2
Warnings that apply to particular instruments, instrument components, and
sample types............................................................................................... A-3
Table of Contents xiii
Caution symbol .................................................................................................. A-5
Warnings that apply to all Waters instruments ......................................... A-5
Electrical and handling symbo l s ............. .. ... .. .. .. ............. ... .. .. .. .. ... ............. . A-13
Electrical symbols.......................................................................................... A-13
Handling symbols .......................................................................................... A-14
xiv Table of Contents

1 Waters TQ Detector Overview

This chapter describes the instrument, including its controls and gas and plumbing connections.
Contents: Topic Page
Overview 1-2 Ionization techniques and source probes 1-7 Ion optics 1-9 MS operating modes 1-10 MS/MS operating modes 1-11 Sample inlet 1-14 Vacuum system 1-14 Rear panel 1-15 IntelliStart fluidics system overview 1-16 IntelliStart fluidics system operation 1-17


Waters TQ Detector

The Waters® TQ Detector is a tandem quadrupole, atmospheric pressure ionization (API) mass spectrometer. Designed for routine UPLC™/MS/MS analyses in quantitative and qualitative applications, it can operate at fast acquisition speeds compatible with ultra performance LC.
Waters provides these ion sources with the instrument as standard equipment:
ZSpray™ (dual orthogonal sampling) interface.
Multi-mode ESCi chemical ionization (APCI) and electrospray ionization (ESI).
Optional ionization modes are IonSABRE™ APCI and APPI (atmospheric pressure photoionization) .
For TQ Detector specifications, see the Waters TQ Detector Site Preparation
Waters TQ Detector:
ionization switching for atmospheric pressure
1-2 Waters TQ Detector Overview
Waters TQ Detector with doors open:
IntelliStart technology
IntelliStart™ technology monitors LC/MS/MS performance and reports when the TQ Detect or is ready for use.
The IntelliStart software automatically tune s and mass calibrates the TQ Detector and displays performance readbacks . In tegrated with MassLynx™ mass spectrometry software and ACQUITY UPLC™ Console software, IntelliStart enables simplified set-up of the system for use in routine analytical and open access applications.
The IntelliStart fluidics system is built into the TQ Detector. It delivers sample directly to the MS probe from the LC column or from two integral reservoirs. The integral reservoirs can also deliver sample through direct or combined infusion so that you can optimize instrument performance at analytical flow rates.
See also: The TQ Detector online Help for further details of IntelliStart.
Overview 1-3


Note: The Waters TQ Detector is designed for compatib ility with the
ACQUITY UPLC system; if you are not using an ACQUITY UPLC system, refer to the documentation relevant to the LC syst em being used.
The ACQUITY TQD UPLC/MS system includes an ACQUITY UPLC system and the Waters TQ Detector.
The ACQUITY UPLC system includes a binary solvent manager, sample manager, column heater, optional sample organizer, op tional detectors, and a specialized ACQUITY UPLC column. Waters MassLynx mass spectrometry software controls the system.
See also:
ACQUITY UPLC System Operator’s Guide
Controlling Contamination in LC/MS System s (part number
715001307). You can find this document on http: //www.waters.com; click Services and Support and then Support Center.
1-4 Waters TQ Detector Overview
Sample organizer (option al)
Solvent tray
Column heater
Sample managerBinary solvent
TQ Detector

MassLynx mass spectrometry software and data system

MassLynx is a high-performance mass spect rometry application that acquires, analyzes, manages, and distributes ultra-violet (UV), evaporative light scattering, analog, and mass spectrometry data.
MassLynx software permits these major operations:
Configuring the instrument.
Creating LC inlet and MS/MS methods that define operating parameters for a run.
Using IntelliStart softwar e to tune and m a ss calibrate the TQ Detector.
Running samples.
Monitoring the run.
Acquiring data.
Processing data.
Overview 1-5
•Reviewing data.
•Printing data.
See also: MassLynx 4.1 user documentation and online Help for more
information on installing and using MassLynx software.


The ACQUITY UPLC Console is a software application with which you configure settings, monitor perfor manc e, run diagnostic tests, and maintain the system and its modules. The ACQUITY UPLC Console functions independently of MassLynx and does not recognize or control the data system.
See also: ACQUITY UPLC System console online Help for details of the TQ
TQ Detector ACQUITY UPLC Console page:
1-6 Waters TQ Detector Overview

Ionization techniques and source probes

Electrospray ionization (ESI)

In electrospray ionization (ESI), a strong electrical charge is given the eluent as it emerges from a nebulizer. The droplets that compose the resultant aerosol undergo a reduction in size (solvent evaporat ion). As solvent continues to evaporate, the charge density incre ases until the dr oplet su rfac es eject io ns (ion evaporation). The ions can be singly or multiply charged. The multiply charged ions are of particular interest because the TQ Detector separates them according to their mass-to-charge ratios (m/z), permitting the detection of high-molecular-weight compounds.
The instrument can accommodate eluent flow rates of up to 1 mL/min.

Combined electrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (ESCi)

Combined electrospray ionization and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (ESCi) is supplied as standard equipment on the TQ Detector. In ESCi, the standard ESI probe is used in conjunction with a corona pi n to allow alternating acquisition of ESI and APCI ionization data, facilitating high throughput and wider compound coverage.
Ionization techniques and source probes 1-7
ESCi mode:
Corona pin
Sample cone tip
See also: “Electrospray ionization (ESI)” on page 1-7.

Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization

A dedicated high performance atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) probe is offered as an option.
See also: The Waters TQ Detector Operator’s Guide for full details.

Atmospheric pressure photoionization

Atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) is offered as an option. It uses photons generated by a krypton-dischar ge ultra-violet (UV) lamp ( 10.2 eV) to produce sample ions from vaporized LC eluent.
1-8 Waters TQ Detector Overview

Ion optics

The TQ Detector’s ion optics operate as follows:
Samples from the LC or Intellistart fluidics system are introduced at atmospheric pressure into the ionization source.
The ions pass through the sample cone into the vacuum system.
The ions pass through the transfer optics to the fir st quadrupole where they are filtered according to their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z).
The mass-separated ions pass into the T-Wave™ collision cell where they either undergo collision-induced dissociation (CID) or pass to the second quadrupole. Any fragment ions are then mass-analyzed by the second quadrupole.
The transmitted ions are detected by the photomultiplier detection system.
The signal is amplified, digitized, and sent to the MassLynx mass spectrometry software.
Ion optics overview:
Sample cone
Sample inlet Transfer optics
T-W ave co llision cell
Conversion dynode
Isolation valve
Z-Spray ion sourc e Quadrupole 1
Quadrupole 2 (MS2)
Ion optics 1-9

MS operating modes

The following table shows the MS operating modes.
MS operating modes :
Operating mode MS1 Collision cell MS2
MS1 Resolving
MS2 Pass all masses Resolving
SIR Resolving (static) Pass all masses
The MS1 mode, in which MS1 is used as the mass filter, is the most common and most sensitive method of per formi ng MS analysis. It i s di rectly analogous to using a single-quadrupole mass spectrometer.
The MS2 mode of operation is used, with collision gas p resent, when switching rapidly between MS and MS/MS operat ion (for example, in survey scan mode). It also provides a useful tool for instrument tuning and calibration before MS/MS analysis and for fault diagnosis.
The selected ion recording (SIR) mode of operation is used as a quantitation mode when no suitable fragment ion can be found to perform a more specific multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) analysis.
Pass all masses
1-10 Waters TQ Detector Overview

MS/MS operating modes

The following table shows the MS/MS operating modes.
MS/MS operating modes :
Operating mode MS1 Collision cell MS2
Product (daughter) ion
Static (at precursor mass)
spectrum Precursor
Scanning Static (at product (parent) ion spectrum
MRM Static (at
precursor mass) Constant neutral
loss spectrum
with MS2)

Product (daughter) ion mode

Product ion mode is the most commonly used MS/MS operating mode. An ion of interest is selected for fragment ation in the collision cell, thus yielding structural information.
Product ion mode:
Pass all masses Scanning
Static (at product mass)
Scanning (synchronized with MS1)
Static (at precursor mass)
Collision cell
Pass all masses
Typical applications
Structural elucidation (for example, peptide sequencing)
MS/MS operating modes 1-11
Method development for MRM screening studies: – Identifying product ions for use in MRM transitions. – Optimizing CID tuning conditions to maximize the yield of a specific
product ion to be used in MRM analysis.

Precursor (par ent) ion mode

Precursor ion mode:
Typical application
You typically use the precursor ion mode for structural elucidation–that is, to complement or confirm product scan data–by scanning for all the precursors of a common product ion.

Multiple reaction monitoring mode

MRM mode is a highly selectiv e MS/MS equivalent of SIR. As both MS1 and MS2 are static, greater dwell time on the ions of interest is allowed, and therefore better sensitivity compared to scanning MS/MS. This is the most commonly used acquisition mode for quantitative analysis, allowing the compound of interest to be isolated from the chemical background noise.
Collision cell
Pass all masses
Static (at product mass)
1-12 Waters TQ Detector Overview
Multiple reaction monitoring mode:
Static (at precursor mass)
Typical application
You typically use MRM to quantify known analytes in complex samples:
Drug metabolite and pharmacokinetic studies.
Environmental, for example, pest icide and herbicide analysis.
Forensic or toxicology, for example, screening for target drugs in sport.
MRM does not produce a spectrum because only one transition is monitore d at a time. As in SI R , a c h romatogram is produce d.

Constant neutral loss mode

Constant neutral loss mode detects the loss of a specific neutral fragment or functional group from an unspecified precur sor or precursors.
The scans of MS1 and MS2 are synchronized. When MS1 transmits a specific precursor ion, MS2 “lo oks” to s ee whether that p recu rsor lo ses a fra gment of a certain mass. If it does, the loss registers at the detector.
In constant neutral loss mode, the spectrum show s the masses of all precursors that actually lost a fragment of a certain mass .
Collision cell
Pass all masses
Static (at product mass)
MS/MS operating modes 1-13
Constant neutral lo ss mode:
Typical application
You typically use constant neutral loss mode to screen mixtures for a specific class of compound that is character ized by a common f ragmentat ion pathway, indicating the presence of compounds containing a common functional group.

Sample inlet

Either of two methods delivers solvent and sample to the installed probe:
An LC system, which delivers the eluent from an LC analysis.
IntelliStart fluidics system, which uses on-board solutions to automate instrument optimization. You can de liver solutions by direct or combined infusion.

Vacuum system

(synchronized with MS2)
Collision cell
Pass all masses
(synchronized with MS1)
An external roughing (rotary vane) pump and an internal split- flow turbomolecular pump combine to create the source vacuum. The turbomolecular pump evacuates the analyzer and ion transfer region.
Vacuum leaks and electrical or vacuum pump failures cause vacuum loss, which protective interlocks guard against. The system monitors turbomolecular pump speed and continuously measures vacuum pressure with a built-in Pirani gauge. The gauge also serves as a switch, discontinuing operation when it senses vacuum loss.
A vacuum isolation valve isolates the source from the mass analyzer, allowing routine source maintenance without venting.
1-14 Waters TQ Detector Overview
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