The information in this document is subject to change without notice and
should not be construed as a commitment by Waters Corporation. Waters
Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this
document. This document is believed to be complete and accurate at the time
of publication. In no event shall Waters Corporation be liable for incidental or
consequential damages in connection with, or arising from, its use.
ACQUITY, ACQUITY UPLC, Connections Insight, ESCi, UPLC, and Waters
are registered trademarks of Waters Corporation. IntelliStart, LockSpray,
MassLynx, NanoFlow, NanoLockSpray, QuanTof, SYNAPT, T-Wave, “THE
SCIENCE OF WHAT'S POSSIBLE.”, Triwave, and ZSpray are trademarks of
Waters Corporation.
GELoader is a registered trademark of Cell Technology.
Swagelok and snoop are registered trademarks of Swagelok Company.
PEEK is a trademark of Victrex plc.
Viton is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers.
Other registered trademarks or trademarks are the sole property of their
respective owners.
Customer comments
Waters’ Technical Communications department invites you to tell us of any
errors you encounter in this document or to suggest ideas for otherwise
improving it. Please help us better understand what you expect from our
documentation so that we can continuously improve its accuracy and
We seriously consider every customer comment we receive. You can reach us
Contacting Waters
Contact Waters® with enhancement requests or technical questions regarding
the use, transportation, removal, or disposal of any Waters product. You can
reach us via the Internet, telephone, or conventional mail.
Waters contact information
Contacting mediumInformation
InternetThe Waters Web site includes contact
Telephone and faxFrom the USA or Canada, phone 800
Conventional mailWaters Corporation
information for Waters locations worldwide.
252-HPLC, or fax 508 872 1990.
For other locations worldwide, phone and fax
numbers appear in the Waters Web site.
34 Maple Street
Milford, MA 01757
Safety considerations
Some reagents and samples used with Waters instruments and devices can
pose chemical, biological, and radiological hazards. You must know the
potentially hazardous effects of all substances you work with. Always follow
Good Laboratory Practice, and consult your organization’s safety
representative for guidance.
When you develop methods, follow the “Protocol for the Adoption of Analytical
Methods in the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory,” American Journal of Medical Technology, 44, 1, pages 30–37 (1978). This protocol addresses good operating
procedures and the techniques necessary to validate system and method
Considerations specific to the SYNAPT G2 MS system
Solvent leakage hazard
The source exhaust system is designed to be robust and leak-tight. Waters
recommends you perform a hazard analysis, assuming a maximum leak into
the laboratory atmosphere of 10% LC eluate.
• To confirm the integrity of the source exhaust system, renew
the source O-rings at intervals not exceeding one year.
• To avoid chemical degradation of the source O-rings, which can
withstand exposure only to certain solvents (see “Solvents used
to prepare mobile phases” on page C-3), determine whether any
solvents you use that are not listed are chemically compatible
with the composition of the O-rings.
Flammable solvents hazard
Warning: To prevent the ignition of accumulated solvent vapors inside
the source, maintain a continuous flow of nitrogen through the source
whenever significant amounts of flammable solvents are used during
instrument operation.
Never let the nitrogen supply pressure fall below 400 kPa (4 bar, 58 psi)
during analyses that require flammable solvents. Connect to the LC output
with a gas-fail connector to stop the LC solvent if the nitrogen supply fails.
High temperature hazard
Warning: To avoid burn injuries, avoid touching the source enclosure
with your hand when operating or servicing the instrument.
Mass spectrometer high temperature hazard
Source ion block assembly
Hazards associated with removing an instrument from service
Warning: To avoid personal contamination with
biohazardous or toxic materials, wear chemical-resistant
gloves during all phases of instrument decontamination.
Warning: To avoid puncture injuries, handle syringes, fused silica lines,
and borosilicate tips with care.
When you remove the instrument from use to repair or dispose of it, you must
decontaminate all of its vacuum areas. These are the areas in which you can
expect to encounter the highest levels of contamination:
•Source interior
•Waste tubing
•Exhaust system
•Rotary pump oil (where applicable)
The need to decontaminate other vacuum areas of the instrument depends on
the kinds of samples the instrument analyzed and their levels of
concentration. Do not dispose of the instrument or return it to Waters for
repair until the authority responsible for approving its removal from the
premises specifies the extent of decontamination required and the level of
residual contamination permissible. Management must also prescribe the
method of decontamination to be used and the appropriate protection for
personnel undertaking the decontamination process.
You must handle items such as syringes, fused silica lines, and borosilicate
tips used to carry sample into the source area in accordance with laboratory
procedures for contaminated vessels and sharps. To avoid contamination by
carcinogenic, toxic, or biohazardous substances, you must wear
chemical-resistant gloves when handling or disposing of used oil.
Safety advisories
Consult Appendix A for a comprehensive list of warning and caution
Operating this instrument
When operating this instrument, follow standard quality-control (QC)
procedures and the guidelines presented in this section.
Applicable symbols
Confirms that a manufactured product complies
with all applicable European Community
ABN 49 065 444 751
Audience and purpose
This guide is for operators of varying levels of experience. It gives an overview
of the instrument, and explains how to prepare it, change its modes of
operation, and maintain it.
Intended use
Waters designed this instrument to be used as a research tool to deliver
authenticated, exact-mass measurement. It is not for use in diagnostic
Australia C-Tick EMC Compliant
Confirms that a manufactured product complies
with all applicable United States and Canadian
safety requirements
This product has been tested to the requirements
of CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1, second edition,
including Amendment 1, or a later version of the
same standard incorporating the same level of
testing requirements
To calibrate LC systems, follow acceptable calibration methods using at least
five standards to generate a standard curve. The concentration range for
standards should include the entire range of QC samples, typical specimens,
and atypical specimens.
When calibrating mass spectrometers, consult the calibration section of the
operator’s guide for the instrument you are calibrating. In cases where an
overview and maintenance guide, not operator’s guide, accompanies the
instrument, consult the instrument’s online Help system for calibration
Quality control
Routinely run three QC samples that represent subnormal, normal, and
above-normal levels of a compound. Ensure that QC sample results fall within
an acceptable range, and evaluate precision from day to day and run to run.
Data collected when QC samples are out of range might not be valid. Do not
report these data until you are certain that the instrument performs
ISM classification
ISM Classification: ISM Group 1 Class A
This classification has been assigned in accordance with CISPR 11 Industrial
Scientific and Medical (ISM) instruments requirements. Group 1 products
apply to intentionally generated and/or used conductively coupled
radio-frequency energy that is necessary for the internal functioning of the
equipment. Class A products are suitable for use in commercial, (that is,
nonresidential) locations and can be directly connected to a low voltage,
power-supply network.
EC Authorized Representative
Waters Corporation (Micromass UK Ltd.)
Floats Road
Manchester M23 9LZ
United Kingdom
Items exposed to solvent ................................................................................ C-2
Solvents used to prepare mobile phases .................................................... C-3
Index ..................................................................................................... Index-1
Table of Contentsxvii
xviiiTable of Contents
1System Overview
This chapter describes the instrument, including its controls, sources, and
IntelliStart™ Fluidics system.
Waters SYNAPT G2 MS1-2
SYNAPT G2 MS UPLC/MS/MS systems1-2
Instrument sources1-5
IntelliStart Fluidics system1-9
Ion optics1-12
Mass spectrometer configuration1-17
Leak sensors1-18
Vacuum system1-18
Controls on the instrument’s rear panel1-19
The SYNAPT™ G2 Mass Spectrometry (MS) system is a hybrid,
quadrupole/orthogonal acceleration, time-of-flight (oa-TOF) mass
spectrometer controlled by MassLynx™ software.
Either of the following high-performance, ZSpray™, dual-orthogonal, API
sources is fitted as standard equipment:
•LockSpray™ ESI/APCI/ESCi
•NanoLockSpray™ ESI source (see page 1-7).
You can also use the following optional sources:
•Dual-mode APPI/APCI (see the Waters Dual-Mode (APPI/APCI) Source for Xevo and SYNAPT G2 Instruments Operator’s Guide).
•MALDI (see the Waters MALDI SYNAPT G2 Mass Spectrometry System Overview and Maintenance Guide).
For the instrument’s specifications, see the Waters SYNAPT G2 MS Site Preparation Guide.
source (see page 1-5).
The Waters SYNAPT G2 MS is compatible with the ACQUITY UPLC® and
refer to the documentation relevant to your LC system.
systems. If you are not using either of those systems,
The ACQUITY UPLC SYNAPT G2 MS UPLC®/MS/MS system includes an
ACQUITY UPLC system and the Waters SYNAPT G2 MS fitted with the
LockSpray ESI/APCI/ESCi source.
The ACQUITY UPLC system includes a binary solvent manager, sample
manager, column heater, sample organizer, detectors, and a specialized
ACQUITY UPLC column. MassLynx software controls the system.
1-2System Overview
See also: The ACQUITY UPLC System Operator’s Guide or Controlling
Contamination in LC/MS Systems (part number 715001307). You can find the
latter document online at; click Services and Support
> Support.
includes a nanoACQUITY UPLC system and the Waters SYNAPT G2 MS
fitted with the NanoLockSpray source.
The nanoACQUITY UPLC system includes a binary solvent manager,
auxiliary solvent manager, sample manager, column heater, sample
organizer, detectors, and a specialized nanoACQUITY UPLC column.
MassLynx software controls the system.
See also: The nanoACQUITY UPLC System Operator’s Guide or Controlling
Contamination in LC/MS Systems (part number 715001307). You can find the
latter document online at; click Services and Support
> Support.
IntelliStart software monitors the mass spectrometer’s performance and
reports when the instrument is ready for use. The software automatically
mass calibrates the instrument and displays performance readbacks.
Integrated with MassLynx software and Instrument Console software,
IntelliStart software enables simplified setup of the system for use in routine
analytical and open-access applications. See the mass spectrometer’s online
Help for further details on IntelliStart technology.
The IntelliStart Fluidics system is built into the mass spectrometer. It
delivers sample directly to the MS probe from the LC column or from three
integral vials. The vials can also deliver sample through direct or combined
infusion so that you can optimize instrument performance at analytical flow
rates. An additional reservoir contains solvent for the automated flushing of
the solvent delivery system. For further details, see “IntelliStart Fluidics
system” on page 1-9.
MassLynx software, version 4.1, controls the mass spectrometer. A
high-performance application, it acquires, analyzes, manages, and distributes
mass spectrometry, ultraviolet (UV), evaporative light scattering, and analog
MassLynx enables these major operations:
•Configuring the instrument
•Creating LC and MS/MS methods that define operating parameters for a
•Using IntelliStart software to tune and mass calibrate the mass
•Running samples
•Monitoring the run
•Acquiring data
•Processing data
•Reviewing data
•Printing data
See the MassLynx 4.1 user documentation and online Help for more
information on installing and using MassLynx software.
Instrument Console
Using Instrument Console software, you configure settings, monitor
performance, run diagnostic tests, and maintain the system and its modules.
The software functions independently of MassLynx software and does not
recognize or control the data systems.
See the Instrument Console system online Help for details.
1-4System Overview
Instrument sources
LockSpray source and ionization modes
The LockSpray source uses lock-mass correction to acquire exact mass data.
The sample is introduced into the source through a probe. A lock-spray flow,
containing a compound of known mass, flows through a separate ESI probe
(the LockSpray sprayer). An oscillating baffle allows the sprays to be analyzed
as two separate data functions. The lock-mass correction, calculated from the
lock-spray data, is then applied to the sample data set.
You can use the LockSpray source with the following ionization modes:
SYNAPT G2 MS fitted with LockSpray source
Instrument sources1-5
Electrospray ionization
In electrospray ionization (ESI), a strong electrical charge is applied to the
eluent as it emerges from a nebulizer. The droplets that compose the resultant
aerosol undergo a reduction in size (solvent evaporation). As solvent continues
to evaporate, the charge density increases until the droplet surfaces eject ions
(ion evaporation). The ions can be singly or multiply charged.
To operate the LockSpray source in ESI mode, you fit the source enclosure
with an ESI probe.
The standard ESI probe capillary accommodates flow rates of up to 2 mL/min
making it suitable for LC applications in the range 100 µL/min to 2 mL/min.
To reduce peak broadening for lower-flow rate LC applications, such as 1-mm
UPLC columns, use the optional small-bore capillary option, which can
accommodate a maximum flow rate of up to 200 µL/min.
Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) produces singly charged
protonated or deprotonated molecules for a broad range of nonvolatile
To operate the LockSpray source in APCI mode, you fit the source enclosure
with a corona pin and an APCI probe. Mobile phase from the LC column
enters the probe, where it is pneumatically converted to an aerosol, rapidly
heated, and vaporized or gasified at the probe tip.
APCI mode
APCI probe
Sample cone
1-6System Overview
Corona pin
Hot gas from the APCI probe passes between the sample cone and the corona
pin. Mobile phase molecules rapidly react with ions generated by the corona
discharge to produce stable reagent ions. Sample molecules introduced into
the mobile phase react with the reagent ions at atmospheric pressure and
typically become protonated (in the positive ion mode) or deprotonated (in the
negative ion mode). The sample and reagent ions then pass through the
sample cone and into the mass spectrometer.
Combined electrospray and atmospheric pressure chemical
In combined electrospray and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
(ESCi) mode, the standard ESI probe is used in conjunction with a corona pin
to allow alternating acquisition of ESI and APCI ionization data, facilitating
high-throughput processing and wider compound coverage.
NanoLockSpray source
The NanoLockSpray source allows electrospray ionization performed in the
flow rate range of 5 to 1000 nL/min.
For a given sample concentration, the ion currents for similar experiments
approximate to those in normal flow rate electrospray. However, because
sample consumption is greatly reduced, the sensitivity gains are significant
when you adopt similar scan parameters. Lock-mass correction with the
NanoLockSpray source works in the same way as the LockSpray source does
with ESI.
The NanoLockSpray source enclosure consists of a sprayer—either universal,
borosilicate glass capillary, or CE (see below)—mounted on a ZSpray,
three-axis manipulator.
The combined unit is mounted on the NanoFlow™ stage, which runs on a pair
of guide rails, with two defined positions.
A light within the source provides illumination for the spray, which you can
observe using the video camera mounted on the corner of the source housing.
Instrument sources1-7
SYNAPT G2 MS fitted with NanoLockSpray source
The following options are available for the spraying capillary:
•Universal NanoFlow nebulizer sprayer.
This option, for flow injection or coupling to nanoACQUITY UPLC, uses
a pump to regulate the flow rate as low as 100 nL/min.
•Borosilicate glass capillary NanoFlow (nanovials).
This option uses metal-coated glass capillaries, which allow the lowest
flow rates. Usable for one sample only, they must then be discarded.
•NanoFlow capillary electrophoresis (CE) sprayer.
This option uses a make-up liquid at the CE capillary tip, which allows a
stable electrospray to occur. The make-up flow rate is less than
1-8System Overview
Dual-mode ionization source
Atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) uses photons generated by a
discharge UV lamp (~10.2 eV) to produce sample ions from vaporized LC
eluent. Direct photoionization of the sample molecule occurs when the photon
energy exceeds the ionization potential of the sample molecule.
The optional dual-mode (APPI/APCI) ionization source incorporates an APPI
source enclosure used in conjunction with a standard APCI probe. You can
operate the source in APPI, APCI, or dual-mode, which switches rapidly
between ionization modes, facilitating high-throughput analyses.
See also: The Waters SYNAPT G2 Dual-mode Ionization Source Operator’s
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization
The matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) interface enables
rapid, tool-free switching between API and MALDI modes. A motorized stage
moves the MALDI source into position.
See also: The Waters MALDI SYNAPT G2 MS System Operator’s Guide.
IntelliStart Fluidics system
The IntelliStart Fluidics system is built into the instrument; it controls how
sample is delivered to the source.
For standard flow applications, the system delivers sample directly to the
mass spectrometer source in one of three ways:
•From the LC column.
•From three integral vials.
•From a wash reservoir that contains solvent for flushing the
Tip: The vials can also deliver sample through direct or combined
infusion to enable optimization at analytical flow rates.
instrument’s solvent delivery system.
IntelliStart Fluidics system1-9
For nanoACQUITY UPLC, the valves and pumps that make up the
IntelliStart Fluidics system introduce dead volume, which causes
unacceptable peak broadening. For this reason, the nanoACQUITY UPLC is
plumbed directly to the NanoFlow sprayer using a suitably short piece of silica
For reference flows for both the LockSpray and NanoLockSpray source, the
IntelliStart Fluidics system delivers reference solution from vial B or, for
extended operating hours, from a separate, external bottle of reference
IntelliStart Fluidics physical layout
The IntelliStart Fluidics system comprises the components shown in the
following figure.
System components and configuration
(Tubing connections omitted for clarity)
Access doors
Tubing guides
Lock-spray selector valve
Flow sensor
Sample selector valve
Grounded union
Lock-spray pump
Sample pump
1-10System Overview
Diverter valve
Sample vials
(A, B, and C)
The IntelliStart Fluidics system consists of these components:
•A sample delivery system, with a rate pump, sample selector valve and
diverter valve used for LC and probe connections.
•A lock-spray system, with a pump capable of ultra-low flow rates, a
lock-spray selector valve, flow sensor, and grounded union. The
grounded union protects the flow sensor from probe voltages. The flow
sensor regulates flow rate, reducing it to accommodate the very low
volumes required by the NanoLockSpray source.
•Three, shared, 30-mL sample vials; A, B, and C.
•Plumbing for shared wash and waste bottles.
Sample vials A, B, and C are mounted on the instrument’s front panel. When
you select a solvent in the Instrument Console software, its vial is
illuminated. You can simultaneously illuminate all three vials, or extinguish
the illumination when you are using light-sensitive samples. Generally, vial A
contains the sample solution, vial B the reference solution, and vial C the
calibrant solution.
The wash reservoir and (optionally) the reservoir containing reference
solution are external to the instrument; typically, they are bottles placed on
top of the LC system. The waste reservoir is normally a bottle stored under
the instrument bench.
During normal operation, the IntelliStart Fluidics system’s access doors must
be closed.
System operation
You use the console software to configure the IntelliStart Fluidics system. You
can edit the parameters, frequency, and extent of the automation. See the
mass spectrometer’s online Help for further details on IntelliStart software
and operating the IntelliStart Fluidics system.
During auto-calibration, the software automatically controls reference
solution and sample delivery.
IntelliStart Fluidics system1-11
Ion optics
The mass spectrometer’s ion optics operate as follows:
1.Samples from the LC or instrument’s solvent delivery system are
introduced at atmospheric pressure into the ionization source.
2.The ions pass through the sample cone, into the vacuum system.
3.The ions pass through the T-Wave™ ion guide to the quadrupole, where
they are filtered according to their mass-to-charge ratio.
4.The mass-separated ions pass into the Triwave™ region, where they can
undergo collision-induced dissociation (CID).
5.The ions then pass into the time-of-flight (TOF) analyzer. A high-voltage
pulse orthogonally accelerates the ions down the flight tube, where the
dual-stage reflectron reflects them towards the ion mirror, which, in
turn, reflects the ions back to the dual-stage reflectron. The dual-stage
reflectron then reflects the ions to the detector. Ions of different
mass-to-charge ratios arrive at the detector at different times, hence a
mass spectrum can be created.
6.The signal from the detector is amplified, digitized, and sent to the
MassLynx software.
1-12System Overview
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