[ Care and Use ManUal ]
oasIs hlB glass CartrIdges
I. IntroduCtIon
II. QuICk start sPe ProCedure
III. adjustments to oPtImIze reCoverIes
Iv. PreParatIon of PhosPhate-Buffered salIne (PBs)
a. Sample Comminution
b. Extraction/Partitioning
c. Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction
v. orderIng InformatIon
a. Extraction Solution Preparation
I. IntroduCtIon
Waters Oasis® HLB glass cartridges are available in 5 cc (200 mg)
configuration with Teflon
for trace analysis at parts per trillion level including monitoring
endocrine disruptors, such as phenols and phthalates. The Oasis
glass cartridge contains a unique (patented
designed to have a hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB), that gives
high and reproducible recoveries for acidic, basic, and neutral com-
pounds - even if the cartridge runs dry.
E a c h l o t o f gl a s s c a r t r i d g e s a n d T e f l o n f r i t s a r e t e s t e d f o r t h e
presence of bisphenol A and other phenols and phthalates before
packing. These tests assure that endocrine disruptors, in water
samples, can be analyzed to part per trillion levels.
This Instruction Sheet outlines in Section II the Quick Start Solid-
Phase Extraction (SPE) Procedure for extracting endocrine disruptors
and many other types of compounds. Section III gives a simple
protocol to determine if any adjustments are necessary to optimize
recovery. Section IV describes the preparation of phosphate-buffered
saline (PBS) solution (required only for serum, plasma or urine
frits. T he clean glass cartridge is designed
) sorbent, a copolymer
Oasis HLB Glass Cartridges 1
The Certificate of Analysis (COA) reports recoveries, with RSDs, for
three polar pharmaceutical compounds. The COA displays results
from stringent quality control tests on the batch of polymer sorbent
and the lot of packed cartridges.
US Patent # 5,882,521

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
II. QuICk start sPe ProCedure
I. If desired, add 10 to 50 μL of internal standard to the sample
(soil, food and other solid samples require pretreatment before
2. Adjust the sample to pH 3.
3. Place (Oasis HLB extraction cartridges on vacuum manifoldand
set vacuum to approximately 5” Hg. T he extraction procedure
can also be done by positive pressure using the 5 cc Teflon
adaptors (part number 405000934).
No individual stopcocks are necessary
4. Solid-Phase Extraction Procedure: The following simple protocol
s h o u l d b e u s e d i n p r e p a r i n g a n d u s i n g t h e c a r t r i d g e s f o r t h e
isolation of a wide spectrum of acidic, basic, and neutral
analytes especially many classes of endocrine disruptors.
No step should be omitted.
Procedure optimization is discussed in Section III.
Note: Once t he H LB sorbent has bee n cond itioned and
equilibrated, there is no need to keep the cartridges wet prior to
sample loading. Maintain a continuous vacuum on all cartridges
throughout steps 4a-4d This convenience will save you time.
Note: For the load and elute steps, the recommended flow rate
is 10 mL/min for 5 cc cartridges. You may need to momentarily
increasethe vacuum to start the flow of aqueous solutions.
4a. Condition: Add to and draw through each cartridge 5-10 mL
10% methanol in methyl tertbutyl ether (MtBE) and then 3 mL
4b. Equilibrate: 3 mL water
4c. Load: Draw sample through the cartridge. The maximum recom-
mended sample volume is 1 L for 5 cc cartridges.
4d. Wash: Add to and draw through each cartridge 3 mL of 5%
methanol in water (v/v). Release vacuum, remove manifold
cover, and discard waste fluids. Insert rack containing collection
vessels, replace cover, and turn on vacuum.
4e. Elute: Add to and draw through each cartridge 6 mL 10%
methanol in MtBE, If desired, evaporate eluates to dryness.
5. Reconstitute in acetonitrile and adjust to the mobile phase
concentration for LC analysis.
6. For GC analysis dry extract over sodium sulfate and reconstitute
to 1 mL.
III. adjustments to oPtImIze reCoverIes
Spike an appropriate volume of reagent water (for general analysis)
or PBS (for biological fluids analysis) with all analytes and internal/
s u r r o g a t e s t a n d a r d s . F o r p r e p a r a t i o n o f P B S s o l u t i o n s e e S e c t i o n I V .
F o l l o w s t e p s 4 a - 4 e i n S e c t i o n I I , b u t u s e a r a c k t o c o l l e c t t h e e l u a t e s
in the Load (4c), Wash (4d), and Elute (4e) steps in separate collec-
tion vessels. In addition, repeat step 4e with a second portion of
elution solvent and collect the eluate. Analyze all four collected
fractions. Use the table to determine adjustments, if necessary, to
optimize sample recovery.
If the fraction
from this step
contains the
Load (4c) The Oasis HLB sorbent has been found to retain ionized
Wash (4d) Recoveries of very polar analytes can be increased by
First Elution
E l u t io n
(4e repeated)
Make this adjustment for optimum sample recovery:
analytes more strongly than silica-based reversed-phase
sorbents. However, recoveries may be enhanced when
analyte ionization is suppressed. For acidic analytes,
adjust the sample pH to at least two pH units below the
pKa of the acid. For basic analytes, adjust the pH to at
least two pH units above the pKa of the conjugate acid.
using only 1 mL of water (not 5% methanol in water) as
the wash solution.
If an acceptable recovery of analyte(s) is obtained in this
fraction (usually > 90%), no adjustments are necessary.
For very nonpolar analytes, stronger solvents such as
acetonitrile, methylene chloride or ethyl acetate may be
substituted, or used in sequence. In addition, for ionizable
analytes, methanol may needed to be modified with the
a d d i t i o n o f 2 % a c i d o r 2 % b a s e , a s a p p r o p r i a t e . I f s o l v e n t s
stronger than methanol or acetonitrile are used for the
elution, then a preliminary conditioning step (see step 4a)
should be performed prior to the methanol conditioning
step. For example, if ethyl acetate is to be used as an
eluent, condition the cartridge with 1 mL of ethyl acetate,
followed by 1 mL of methanol and 1 mL of water.
Oasis HLB Glass Cartridges 2