[ Care and Use ManUal ]
nanoEasE trappinG columns
i. introduction:
Waters NanoEase Trapping Columns are robust devices that can effectively
separate complex samples and remove buffers and high concentrations of
salts. For the latest on Life Science Chemistries, go to:
ii. nanoEasE trap column prEparation
1. It is recommended that the trap column be washed and conditioned
with a suitable solvent before use. This can be accomplished using
a suitable syringe to flush solvent through the column. If a syringe
is used for this purpose, it is recommended that a syringe with an
inert teflon plunger and glass body be used to avoid contami-
nation. Syringes with rubber plungers or plastic bodies should
not be used. Alternatively, the trap column can be placed on the
HPLC system and washed with suitable solvent at a flow rate of
10-40 µL/min for several minutes prior to use.
2. If using a 10-port valve, use UpChurch
part # F-285X) in eac h adjacent port of the 10-port valve, due to
the clearance width of the trap column.
long nuts (UpChurch
i. introduction
ii. nanoEasE trap column prEparation
iii. GEnEral GuidElinEs for column usE
iv. ordErinG information
3. The trap column works with the black 10-32 outer fitting with
white label (Figures 1a and 1b), which secures the stainless steel
tu be and the tan P EEK
switching valve.
NanoEase Trapping Columns 1
(column insert part) pie ce ( Figure 2) to the

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
4. To secure the column into a multi-port valve, care must be taken
to get the face of the stainless steel barrel seated properly into
the port without introducing dead volume between the frit at the
end of the stainless steel barrel and the valve port. The stainless
steel barrel must not protrude too far past the end of the black
fitting, otherwise there will not be enough threads of the fitting
protruding into the valve port to make a proper seal. Consult Fig-
ures to see how to properly seal the trap into the valve port and
connect the desired tubing. The following steps are suggested:
a) First make sure that the trap column insert (Figure 2) is
inside the black fitting (Figure 1b).
b) Screw in a column-blanking plug into the top of the black
fitting (Figure 3) until the stainless steel barrel protrudes
from the end of the fitting approximately between 2 and 3
mm (Figure C). It may be necessary to use your finger (use
a glove to avoid contamination of the trap) to push against
the end of the stainless steel barrel so that the other end of
the insert is set against the column-blanking plug and the
stainless steel barrel protrudes from the end of the black
fitting at the proper depth. Adjust the position of the col-
umn-blanking plug if necessary.
a. Illustration of adjusting the length of the stainless
steel barrel
Figure A. Incorrect. Results in dead volume between valve port and trap column
Figure 1a
Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 1b
Figure B. Incorrect. Note these are insufficient number of threads to seal trap
column to valve
2-3 mm
Figure C. Correct.
NanoEase Trapping Columns 2