[ Care and Use ManUal ]
MassPREP DigEstion stanDaRD MixtuREs
Two MassPREP protein digestion standard mixtures (MPDS Mix 1 and
MPDS Mix 2) were prepared by individually digesting Yeast Alcohol
Dehydrogenase (ADH, SwissProt P00330), Rabbit Glycogen Phos-
phorylase b (GPB, SwissProt P00489), Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA,
SwissProt P02769), and Yeast Enolase I (ENO, SwissProt P00924)
with sequencing grade trypsin, and producing mixtures in the
indicated molar ratios. The MPDS mixtures are purified, and do not
contain undigested protein, trypsin, or very hydrophilic components
such as salts.
Vial contEnts
Protein MPDS Mix 1 [Molar ratio,
Amount (pmol)]
ADH 1.0, 50 pmol 1.0, 50 pmol
GPB 1.0, 50 pmol 0.5, 25 pmol
ENO 1.0, 50 pmol 2.0, 100 pmol
BSA 1.0, 50 pmol 8.0, 400 pmol
MPDS Mix 2 [Molar ratio,
Amount (pmol)]
Ex PR Ess io n syst EM us i ng nano sca lE
(75 µM scalE) HPlc
Each MPDS mixture is prepared by resuspension of the lyophilized
powder in 1.0 mL of 0.1% formic acid. Mix capped vial by vortex
to insure all material is resuspended. Refer to the Waters Protein
Expression System Operator’s Guide for detailed system level test
procedures employing the two MPDS mixtures.
Reconstitution of MPDS mixtures for analysis with the Waters Protein
ExPREssion systEM using MicRoscalE
(300 µM scalE) HPlc
Each MPDS mixture is prepared by resuspension of the lyophilized
powder in 100 µL of 0.1% formic acid. Mix capped vial by vortex
to insure all material is resuspended. Refer to the Waters Protein
Expression System Operator’s Guide for detailed system level test
procedures employing the two MPDS mixtures.
stoRagE anD stability
The lyophilized powder is stable at room temperature until the
expiration date printed on the label or two years from date of
purchase. Once reconstituted in 0.1% formic acid, the solution is
stable for one week when stored at 4 °C. Stability can be extended
by freezing samples at -20 °C.
Note: The contamination of sample with endo- or exopeptidases may
cause rapid sample degradation.
Reconstitution of MPDS mixtures for analysis with the Waters Protein
MassPREP Digestion Standard Mixtures 1
Mass PR EP D igE s tio n sta nDaR D o RD ERin g
Part Number Product Description Qty per
186002325 MassPREP Digestion Standard, Enolase 1
186002326 MassPREP Digestion Standard, Phosphorylase b 1
186002327 MassPREP Digestion Standard, Bovine
186002865 MassPREP Digestion Standard, Mix 1 1

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
safEty anD MsDs infoRMation
The MPDS mixtures contain various non-hazardous peptides in
powder form. They are for laboratory use only; and solely intended
for purposes of scientific experimentation, analysis, research, or
development. The mixtures should be used only as directed and in
accordance with good laboratory practice. All Waters MassPREP
Digestion Standards are non hazardous as defined by OSHA’s
Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200(c) and
Appendix A and B, and are thus exempt from the requirements of
the Hazard Communication Standard, including the requirement to
supply MSDSs.
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© 2008 Waters Corporation. Waters, The Science of W hat’s
Possible and MassPRE P are trademarks of Waters Corporation.
May 2008 715001717 Rev 3 VW-P DF
MassPREP Digestion Standard Mixtures 2
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T: 1 508 478 2000
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