[ Care and Use ManUal ]
HsPgel Columns For HIgH-sPeed gPC analysIs
I. IntroduCtIon
II. HsPgel Column FamIlIes
III. ConneCtIng tHe Column to tHe gPC system
a. Column Connectors
b. Connecting an HSPgel Column
c. Solvents
IV. Column temPerature ranges
I. IntroduCtIon
Thank you for choosing a Waters HSPgel™ column. Every column
is individually tested and Certificates of Batch Analysis and a
Performance Chromatogram are provided with each column. It is not
recommended to use a guard column with the HSPgel columns, as it
will add significant volume and possible additional bandspreading
to the system. It is recommended, however, that a ~0.5 µm in-line
filter (pre-column) be installed to trap any particulates that may
potentially plug the column frit. The GPC analysis solvent must
be filtered prior to use through an appropriate ~0.5 µm filter. The
sample solutions should also be filtered prior to injection, unless the
sample molecular weight is very high and there may be a chance of
shear degradation.
HSPgel Columns for High Speed GPC Analysis 1

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
II. HsPgel Column FamIlIes
HSPgel columns are available in four offerings, three for organic GPC and
one for aqueous GPC. All columns have dimensions of 6.0 x 150 mm.
The descriptions of the columns are as follows:
• HSPgel HR series for room temperature, high resolution GPC
analysis of organic polymers. Shipped in THF and one solvent
changeover only.
• HSPgel RT series for routine room temperature GPC analysis
of organic polymers. Shipped in THF and multiple solvent
changeovers allowed.
• HSPgel HT series for GPC analysis of organic polymers from
room temperature to 180 °C. Shipped in either THF or ODCB and
may be transferred multiple times to other solvents (i.e., TCB at
0.15 m L /mi n) .
• HSPgel AQ series for room temperature analysis of aqueous
GPC analysis of water soluble polymers.
III. ConneCtIng tHe Column to tHe gPC system
Handle the column with care. Do not drop or hit the column on a hard surface
as it may disturb the bed and affect its performance.
1. Correct connection of 1/16-inch outer diameter stainless steel
tubing leading to and from the column is essential for high-quality
chromatographic results.
2. When using standard stainless-steel compression screw fittings, it is
important to ensure proper fit of the 1/16-inch outer diameter stain-
less steel tubing. When tightening or loosening the compression screw,
place a 5/16-inch wrench on the compression screw and a 3/8-inch
wrench on the hex head of the column endfitting.
Note: If one of the wrenches is placed on the column flat during this
process, the endfitting will be loosened and leak.
3. If a leak occurs between the stainless steel compression screw fitting
and the column endfitting, a new compression screw fitting, tubing and
ferrule must be assembled.
4. An arrow on the column identification label indicates correct direction
of solvent flow.
Table 1. Specifications for HSPgel Columns
Application Columns
Aqueous AQ 2.5 16,000 500- 2,000 4
* MW ranges base d on polystyrene c hain lengths for HR, RT and HT series, based on polyeth-
ylene oxide chain.
** Exclusion limits for AQ series extrapolated from highest MW polyethlene oxide standard
(~900,000 MW).
HR 1.0 18,000 100- 1,000 3
HR 2.0 18,000 500- 10,000 3
HR 2.5 18,000 1,000- 20,000 3
HR 3.0 18,000 2,000- 60,000 3
HR 4.0 18,000 10,000- 400,000 3
HR MB-L 18,000 500- 700,000 3
HR MB-M 16,000 1,000- 4,000,000 Mix of 3.5
HR MB-H 10,000 5,000- 10,000,000 10
RT 1.0 16,000 100- 1,000 3
RT 2.0 16,000 500- 10,000 3
RT 2.5 16,000 1,000- 20,000 3
RT 3.0 16,000 2,000- 60,000 3
RT 4.0 16,000 10,000- 400,000 3
RT 5.0 16,000 25,000- 4,000,000 3
RT 6.0 10,000 50,000- 10,000,000 3
RT 7.0 10,000 100,000- 15,000,000 3
RT MB-L 16,000 100- 1,000 3
RTMB-L/M 16,000 500- 400,000 3
RTMB-M 16,000 1,000- 4,000,000 3
RTMB-H 10,000 5,000- 10,000,000 Mix of 3.5
HT 1.0 12,000 100-1.000 5
HT 2.0 12,000 500- 10,000 5
HT 2.5 12,000 1,000- 20,000 5
HT 3.0 12,000 2,000- 60,000 5
HT 4.0 12,000 10,000- 400,000 5w
HT 5.0 12,000 25,000- 4,000,000 5
HT 6.0 8,000 50,000- 10,000,000 5
HT 7.0 8,000 100,000- 15,000,000 5
HT MB-L 12,000 100- 1,000 5
HTMB-L/M 12,000 500- 400,000 5
HTMB-M 12,000 1,000- 4,000,000 5
HTMB-H 8,000 5,000- 10,000,000 5
AQ 3.0 16,000 1,000- 60,000 4
AQ 4.0 10,000 10,000- 400,000 6
AQ 5.0 10,000 50,000- 4,000,000** 7
AQ 6.0 7,000 100,000-
AQ MB-H 7,000 500- 10,000,000** 9
MW Range*
Size (µm)
HSPgel Columns for High Speed GPC Analysis 2