Waters 2996 Operator's Manual

Waters 2996
PDA Detector
Operator’s Guide
34 Maple Stre
Milford, MA 01 75
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Waters Corporation. Waters Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. This document is believed to be complete and accurate at the time of publication. In no event shall Waters Corporation be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising from, the use of this docum ent.
Millennium, PIC, and Waters are register ed t rad emar ks, and busLAC/E and PowerStation are trademarks of Waters Corporation.
Micromass is a registered trademark, and MassLynx is a trademark of Micromass Ltd. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the sole property of their respective
Note: When you use the instrument, follow generally accepted procedures for quality control and methods development.
If you observe a change in the retention of a particular compound, in the resolution between two compounds, or in peak shape, immediately determine the reason for the changes. Until you determine the cause of a change, do not rely on the separation results.
Note: The Installation Category (Overvoltage Category) for this instrument is Level II. The Level II Category pertains to equipment that receives its electrical power from a local level, such as an electrical wall outlet.
Attention: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Important : Toute modification sur cette unité n’ayant pas été expressément approuvée par l’autorité responsable de la conformité à la réglementation peut annuler le droit de l’utilisateur à exploiter l’équipement.
Achtung: Jedwede Änderungen oder Modifikationen an dem Gerät ohne die ausdrückliche Genehmigung der für die ordnungsgemäße Funktionstüchtigkeit verantwortlichen Personen kann zum Entzug der Bedienungsbefugnis des Systems führen.
Avvertenza: eventuali modifiche o alterazioni apportate a questa unità e non espressamente approvate da un ente responsabile per la conformità annulleranno l’autorità dell’utente ad operare l’apparecchiatura.
Atención: cualquier cambio o modificación realizado a esta unidad que no haya sido expresamente aprobado por la parte responsable del cumplimiento puede anular la autorización de la que goza el usuario para utilizar el equipo.
Caution: Use caution when working with any polymer tubing under pressure:
• Always wear eye protection when near pressurized polymer tubing.
• Extinguish all nearby flames.
• Do not use Tefzel tubing that has been severely stressed or kinked.
• Do not use Tefzel tubing with tetrahydrofuran (THF) or concentrated nitric or sulfuric acids.
• Be aware that methylene chloride and dimethyl sulfoxide cause Tefzel tubing to swell, which greatly reduces the rupture pressure of the tubing.
Attention : soyez très prudent en travaillant avec des tuyaux de polymères sous
pression :
• Portez toujours des lunettes de protection quand vous vous trouvez à proximité de tuyaux de polymères.
• Eteignez toutes les flammes se trouvant à proximité.
• N'utilisez pas de tuyau de Tefzel fortement abîmé ou déformé.
• N'utilisez pas de tuyau de Tefzel avec de l'acide sulfurique ou nitrique, ou du tétrahydrofurane (THT).
• Sachez que le chlorure de méthylène et le sulfoxyde de diméthyle peuvent provoquer le gonflement des tuyaux de Tefzel, diminuant ainsi fortement leur pression de rupture.
Vorsicht: Bei der Arbeit mit Polymerschläuchen unter Druck ist besondere Vorsicht
• In der Nähe von unter Druck stehenden Polymerschläuchen stets Schutzbrille tragen.
• Alle offenen Flammen in der Nähe löschen.
• Keine Tefzel-Schläuche verwenden, die stark geknickt oder überbeansprucht sind.
• Tefzel-Schläuche nicht für Tetrahydrofuran (THF) oder konzentrierte Salpeter- oder Schwefelsäure verwenden.
• Durch Methylenchlorid und Dimethylsulfoxid können Tefzel-Schläuche quellen; dadurch wird der Berstdruck des Schlauches erheblich reduziert.
Precauzione: prestare attenzione durante le operazioni con i tubi di polimero sotto
• Indossare sempre occhiali da lavoro protettivi nei pressi di tubi di polimero pressurizzati.
• Estinguere ogni fonte di ignizione circostante.
• Non utilizzare tubi Tefzel soggetti a sollecitazioni eccessive o incurvati.
• Non utilizzare tubi Tefzel contenenti tetraidrofurano (THF) o acido solforico o nitrico concentrato.
• Tenere presente che il cloruro di metilene e il dimetilsolfossido provocano rigonfiamento nei tubi Tefzel, che riducono notevolmente il limite di pressione di rottura dei tubi stessi.
Advertencia: manipular con precaución los tubos de polimero bajo presión:
• Protegerse siempre los ojos a proximidad de tubos de polimero bajo presión.
• Apagar todas las llamas que estén a proximidad.
• No utilizar tubos Tefzel que hayan sufrido tensiones extremas o hayan sido doblados.
• No utilizar tubos Tefzel con tetrahidrofurano o ácidos nítrico o sulfúrico concentrados.
• No olvidar que el cloruro de metileno y el óxido de azufre dimetilo inflan los tubos Tefzel lo que reduce en gran medida la presión de ruptura de los tubos.
Caution: The user shall be made aware that if the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Attention : L’utilisateur doit être informé que si le matériel est utilisé d’une façon non spécifiée par le fabricant, la protection assurée par le matériel risque d’être défectueuses.
Vorsicht: Der Benutzer wird darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass bei unsachgemäßer Verwenddung des Gerätes unter Umständen nicht ordnungsgemäß funktionieren.
Precauzione: l’utente deve essere al corrente del fatto che, se l’apparecchiatura viene usta in un modo specificato dal produttore, la protezione fornita dall’apparecchiatura potrà essere invalidata.
Advertencia: El usuario deberá saber que si el equipo se utiliza de forma distinta a la especificada por el fabricante, las medidas de protección del equipo podrían ser insuficientes.
Caution: To protect against fire hazard, replace fuses with those of the same type and rating.
Attention : Remplacez toujours les fusibles par d’autres du même type et de la même puissance afin d’éviter tout risque d’incendie.
Vorsicht: Zum Schutz gegen Feuergefahr die Sicherungen nur mit Sicherungen des gleichen Typs und Nennwertes ersetzen.
Precauzione: per una buona protezione contro i rischi di incendio, sostituire i fusibili con altri dello stesso tipo e amperaggio.
Precaución: sustituya los fusibles por otros del mismo tipo y características para evitar el riesgo de incendio.
Caution: To avoid possible electrical shock, power off the instrument and disconnect the power cord before servicing the instrument.
Attention : Afin d’éviter toute possibilité de commotion électrique, mettez hors tension l’instrument et débranchez le cordon d’alimentation de la prise avant d’effectuer la maintenance de l’instrument.
Vorsicht: Zur Vermeidung von Stromschlägen sollte das Gerät vor der Wartung abgeschaltet und vom Netz getrennt werden.
Precauzione: per evitare il rischio di scossa elettrica, spegnere lo strumento e scollegare il cavo di alimentazione prima di svolgere la manutenzione dello strumento.
Precaución: para evitar choques eléctricos, apague el instrumento y desenchufe el cable de alimentación antes de realizar cualquier reparación en el instrumento.
Commonly Used Symbols
Direct current Courant continu Gleichstrom Corrente continua Corriente continua
Alternating current Courant alternatif Wechselstrom Corrente alternata Corriente alterna
Protective conductor terminal Borne du conducteur de protection Schutzleiteranschluss Terminale di conduttore con protezione Borne del conductor de tierra
Frame or chassis term inal Borne du cadre ou du châssis Rahmen- oder Chassisanschluss Terminale di struttura o telaio Borne de la estructura o del chasis
Caution or refer to manual Attention ou reportez-vous au guide Vorsicht, oder lesen Sie das Handbuch Prestare attenzione o fare riferimento alla guida Actúe con precaución o consulte la guía
Caution, hot surface or high temperature Attention, surface chaude ou température élevée Vorsicht, heiße Oberfläche oder hohe Temperatur Precauzione, superficie calda o elevata temperatura Precaución, superficie caliente o temperatura elevada
Commonly Used Symbols (Continued)
Caution, risk of electric shock (high voltage) Attention, risque de commotion électrique (haute tension) Vorsicht, Elektroschockgefahr (Hochspannung) Precauzione, rischio di scossa elettrica (alta tensione) Precaución, peligro de descarga eléctrica (alta tensión)
Caution, risk of needle-stick puncture Attention, risques de perfor at io n de la tail le d’u n e aigu il le Vorsicht, Gefahr einer Spritzenpunktierun g Precauzione, rischio di puntura con ago Precaución, riesgo de punción con aguja
Caution, ultraviolet light
Attention, rayonnement ultrviolet Vorsicht, Ultraviolettes Licht Precauzione, luce ultravioletta Precaución, emisiones de luz ultravioleta
2996 PDA Detector Information
Intended Use
The Waters® 2996 PDA Detector can be used for in-vitro diagnostic testing to analyze many compounds, including diagnostic indicators and therapeutically monitored compounds. When you develop methods, follow the “Protocol for the Adoption of Analytical Methods in the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory,” American Journal of Medical Technology, 44, 1, pages 30–37 (1978). This prot ocol covers good operating procedures and techniques necessary to validate system and method performance.
Biological Hazard
When you analyze physiological fluids, take all necessary precautions and treat all specimens as potentially infectious. Precautions are outlined in “CDC Guidelines on Specimen Handling,” CDC – NIH Manual, 1984.
Follow acceptable methods of calibration with pure standards to calibrate methods. Use a minimum of five standards to generate a standard curve. The concentration range should cover the entire range of quality-control samples, typical specimens, and atypical specimens.
Quality Control
Routinely run three quality-control samples. Quality-control samples should represent subnormal, normal, and above-normal levels of a compound. Ensure that quality-control sample results are with in an ac cept ab le range, and evaluate precision from day to day and run to run. Data collected when qua lity- contr ol samp les are out of range may not be val id. Do not report this data until you ensure that chromatographic system performance is acceptable.
General Maintenance
To clean the outside of the Waters 2996 PDA Detector, use only a soft lint-free paper or cloth dampened with mild soap and water.
Table of Contents xi
Preface................................................................................................................ xix
Chapter 1 Installation
........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Installation Site Requirements .......................................................................... 1
1.2 Power Connections............................................................................................ 2
1.3 Millennium32 Workstation Connections ........................................................... 3
1.3.1 Connecting the IEEE-488 Cable.......................................................... 4
1.3.2 Setting the IEEE-488 Address ............................................................ 5
1.4 Non-IEEE-488 Communication Connections................................................... 6
1.4.1 Connecting Analog Output Cables ...................................................... 6
1.4.2 Connecting Event Cables .................................................................... 7
1.5 Fluidic Connections........................................................................................... 9
1.6 Starting Up and Shutting Down the Detector.................................................. 11
Chapter 2 Diagnostics and Calibration
.......................................................................... 15
2.1 Diagnostics...................................................................................................... 15
2.2 User-Initiated Diagnostics............................................................................... 17
2.3 PDA Calibration.............................................................................................. 18
Chapter 3 Maintenance
...................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Flow Cell Maintenance ................................................................................... 19
3.1.1 Flushing the Flow Cell....................................................................... 20
3.1.2 Removing the Flow Cell ................................................................... 20
3.1.3 Disassembling and Cleaning the Flow Cell ...................................... 22
3.1.4 Installing the Flow Cell Assembly .................................................... 24
Table of Contents
xii Table of Contents
3.2 Replacing the Lamp ........................................................................................ 25
3.3 Replacing the Fuses......................................................................................... 27
Chapter 4 Principles of the 2996 PDA Detector Optics
.............................................. 29
4.1 2996 Detector Optics....................................................................................... 29
4.2 Resolving Spectral Data.................................................................................. 31
4.3 Measuring Light at the Photodiode................................................................. 32
4.4 Computing Absorbance Data Points............................................................... 35
4.4.1 Calculating Absorbance..................................................................... 35
4.4.2 Resolution ......................................................................................... 38
4.4.3 Filtering Data .................................................................................... 38
Chapter 5 Spectral Contrast Theory
.............................................................................. 41
5.1 Comparing Absorbance Spectra...................................................................... 41
5.2 Representing Spectra as Vectors ..................................................................... 42
5.2.1 Vectors Derived from Two Wavelengths .......................................... 43
5.2.2 Vectors Derived from Multiple Wavelengths ................................... 43
5.3 Spectral Contrast Angles................................................................................. 44
5.4 Undesirable Effects ......................................................................................... 47
5.4.1 Detector Noise ................................................................................... 47
5.4.2 Photometric Error ............................................................................. 48
5.4.3 Solvent Changes ............................................................................... 48
5.4.4 Threshold Angle ............................................................................... 48
Table of Contents xiii
Appendix A Detector Specifications
................................................................................... 51
Appendix B Spare Parts
........................................................................................................ 53
Appendix C Mobile Phase Absorbance
.............................................................................. 55
Index ................................................................................................................... 59
xiv Table of Contents
List of Figures xv
1-1 Waters 2996 PDA Detector Dimensions.................................................... 2
1-2 Detector Rear Panel ................................................................................... 3
1-3 Example of IEEE-488 Cable Connections................................................. 4
1-4 Locating the IEEE-488 Switches............................................................... 5
1-5 Analog Out Terminal Strip......................................................................... 7
1-6 Event Input/Output Terminal Strip ............................................................ 8
1-7 Compression Screw Assembly ................................................................ 11
1-8 2996 Detector Indicator Lights................................................................ 12
3-1 Removing the Flow Cell Assembly......................................................... 21
3-2 Flow Cell and Fluidic Connections Assemblies...................................... 22
3-3 Disassembling the Flow Cell................................................................... 23
3-4 Lamp Power Connector and Mounting Screws....................................... 26
3-5 Fuse Block ............................................................................................... 27
4-1 Optics Assembly Light Path.................................................................... 30
4-2 Benzene Spectrum at 1.2 nm Resolution................................................. 32
4-3 Photodiodes Discharged by Light............................................................ 33
4-4 Absorbance as a Function of Concentration............................................ 36
5-1 Comparing Spectra of Two Compounds.................................................. 42
5-2 Plotting Vectors for Two Spectra............................................................. 43
5-3 Spectra with a Large Spectral Contrast Angle......................................... 45
5-4 Spectra with a Small Spectral Contrast Angle......................................... 46
5-5 Absorbance Spectra of a Compound at Two Concentrations .................. 47
5-6 Effects of pH and Solvent Concentration on the Absorbance Spectrum of
p-Aminobenzoic Acid ............................................................................. 49
List of Figures
xvi List of Figures
List of Tables xvii
1-1 Site Requirements..................................................................................... 1
1-2 Event In Terminal Specifications on TTL or Switch Closure................... 9
1-3 Event Out Terminal Specifications on Contact Closure ........................... 9
1-4 LED Indicator Sequences During Startup............................................... 12
2-1 2996 Detector Troubleshooting .............................................................. 15
4-1 Optics Assembly Components................................................................ 30
A-1 2996 Detector Specifications.................................................................. 51
B-1 Spare Parts.............................................................................................. 53
C-1 Mobile Phase Absorbance Measured Against Air or Water................... 55
List of Tables
xviii List of Tables
The Waters 2996 PDA Detector Operator’s Guide describes the p rocedures for installi ng, maintaining, and troubleshooting the Waters
2996 PDA Detector. It also describes
detector optics and th e principle s of Spectral Contrast used in the Millenni um®
software for analyzing the data from the PDA detector. Also included is information on vector analysis, mobile phase absorbance, specifications.
This guide is intended for individuals who need to install, operate, maintain, and troubleshoot the 2996 PDA Detector. It is also intended for users who need to understand the Spectral Contrast principles underlying the processing of PDA Detector data by Millennium
This guide contains the following:
Chapter 1 describes how to install and set up the 2996 Detector. Chapter 2 describes how to troubleshoot the 2996 Detect or. Chapter 3 describes how to replace the flow cell, the lamp, and the fuse. Chapter 4 explains the principles involved in resolving spectral data, measuring light
at the photodiode, verifying wavelengths, and computing absorbance data. Chapter 5 describes the calculations used for Spectral Contrast. Appendix A provides the specifications of the 2996 PDA Detector. Appendix B lists recommended spare parts. Appendix C provides a table of absorbances at several wavelengths for common
mobile phases.
Related Documentation
W at ers Li censes , Warranties, and Supp ort: Provi des software lic ense and warranty information, describes training and extended support, and tells how Waters handles shipments, damages, claims, and returns.
Help: Describes al l Millennium32 windows, menus, menu selections,
and dialog boxes. Also includes reference information and procedures for performing
all tasks required to use the Millennium32 software. Included as part of the Millennium
Software Ge tting Started Guide : Provides an introduction to the
System. Describes the basics of how to use Millennium32 software to acquire data, develop a processing method, review results, and print a report. Also covers basics for managing projects and configuring systems.
to use Millennium
PDA Software Ge tting Started Guide : Describes the basics of how
PDA software to dev elop a PDA proces sing method an d to review
PDA results.
System Installation an d Configu ration Gui de: Describes
software installation, including the stand-alone workstation, PowerStation™ system, and client/server system. Discusses how to configure the computer and chromatographic instruments as part of the Millennium covers the installation, config uration, a nd use of ac quisition s e rvers such as the LAC/E
module, the busLAC/E card, and interface cards used to com municate with
serial instruments Water s 29 96 PD A De tector Qual ificati on Workbook: Describes qualification
procedures for the 2996 PDA Detector.
Documentation Conventions
The following conventions may be used in this guide:
Convention Usage
system . Also
Bold Bold indicates user action such as keys to press, menu selections,
Italic Italic indicat es infor mation that you s upply such as varia bles. It also
Courier Bold
and commands. For example, “Click Next to go to the next page.”
indicates emphasis and document titles. For example, “Replace file_name with the actual name of your file.”
Courier indicates examples of source code and system output. For example, “The
SVRMGR> prompt appears.”
Courier bold indicates characters that you type or keys you press in examples of source code. For example, “At the enter
set password oracle to access Oracle.”
LSNRCTL> prompt,
Convention Usage
Keys The word key refers to a computer key on the keypad or keyboard.
Screen keys refer to the key s on the instrument located im mediately
below the screen. For example, “The A/B screen key on the 2414 Detector displays the selected channel.”
Three periods indicate that more of the same type of item can
optionally follow. For example, “You can store filename1, filename2, … in each folder.”
> A right arrow between menu options indicates you should choose
each option in sequence. For example, “Select File > Exit” me ans you should selec t File from the menu bar, then select Exit from the File menu.
Notes call out information that is helpful to the operator. For example:
Note: Record your result before you proceed to the next step.
Attentions provide information about preventing possible damage to the system or equipment. For example:
Attention: To avoid damaging the detector flow cell, do not touch the flow cell
Cautions provide information essential to the safety of the operator. For example:
Caution: To avoid possible burns, turn off the lamp at least 15 minutes before removing it for replacement or adjustment.
Caution: To avoid possible electrical shock and injury, always turn off the detector and unplug the power cord before performing maintenance procedures.
Caution: To avoid chemical or electrical hazards, always observe safe laboratory practices when operating the system.
Installation Site Requirements 1
Chapter 1 Installation
The Waters® 2996 Photodiode Array (PDA) Detector operates in any standard laboratory environment. The detector requires electrical power, sample and wast e fluidic lines, and either the Millennium®
or MassLynx™ workstations. Optional connections on the detector rear panel allow communication with chart recorders, data integrators, and other instruments that are not compatible with Millennium
or MassLynx software control.
1.1 Installation Site Requirements
Install the 2996 PDA Detector at a site that meets the specifications in Table 1-1 and Figure 1-1.
Table 1-1 Site Requirements
Factor Specification
Ambient temperature 4 to 40 °C (39 to 104 °F), not to vary more
than 1 °C per hour (to prevent drift) Relative humidity 20 to 80%, noncondensing Bench space Width: 11.5 in. (29 cm)
Depth: 24 in. (61 cm)
Height: 8.5 in. (22 cm) Bench support Capable of supporting 31.5 pounds (14.3 kg) Clearance At least 4 in. (10 cm) on the back side for
ventilation Power Grounded ac, 100 to 240 Vac
11.5 in. (29 cm)
Photodiode Array
8.5 in.
(22 cm)
24 in.
(61 cm)
Sample Outlet
Figure 1-1 Waters 2996 PDA Detector Dimensions
1.2 Power Connections
Ensure that power connections for the 2996 PDA Detector are made according to the procedures that follow.
Operating Voltage
The 2996 PDA Detector has a universal input power supply that requires no voltage adjustmen t. The electrical power requiremen ts for the Waters 2996 PDA De tector are:
Sample Inlet
Drain Line
Voltage range: 100 to 240 Vac
Total power: 100 VA
Frequency range: 50 to 60 Hz
The 2996 PDA Detector is shipped with fuses rated for North American operation. If you operate the 2996 P DA Detect or in anot her loca tion, install t he IEC-rat ed fuses (supplie d in
Millennium32 Workstation Connections 3
the Waters 2996 Detector St ar tup Kit ) in the fu se h older in the rear of the de tecto r (re fer t o Section 3.3, Replacing the Fuses).
Connecting the Power Cord
Connect one end of the 2996 Detector power cord to the rear panel power receptacle (Figure 1-2) and the other end to a power outlet.
Figure 1-2 Detector Rear Panel
1.3 Millennium32 Workstation Connections
The 2996 Detector requires signal connections to the Millennium32 Work station over the IEEE-488 bus. All detector control and data acquisition communications take place over the IEEE-488 bus.
Note: If an inject start signal is not available over the IEEE-488 bus, you must provide a signal at the Event In 1 terminals on the 2996 Detector rear panel (Section 1.4.2, Connecting Event Cables).
AC Input
1.3.1 Connecting the IEEE-488 Cable
To connect the 2996 Detector to a Millennium32 Workstation:
1. Connect one end of the IEEE-488 ca ble to t he IEEE-488 recepta cle on t he rear panel of the 2996 Detector. Connect the other end of the cable (stackable connector for daisy-chaining additional instruments) to the IEEE-488 connector on any of the other instruments in your chromatographic system (Figure 1-3).
busLAC/E Card
(on Workstation)
Separations Module
IEEE-488 Cable
Waters 2996
Note: The order in which you connect IEEE-488 devices to the busLAC/E card on the workstation is not important. For example, you can connect the 2690 Separations Module before or after the 2996 Detector.
2. Use another IEEE-488 cable to connect to the stackable connector on the first instrument and the IEEE-488 connector on another instrument.
3. Repeat step 2 for each IEEE-488 instrument in your chromatographic system, up to a maximum of 14 IEEE-488 instruments.
Note: Keep in mind cable-length limitations when you set up your system. For a list of IEEE-488 interface guidelines, refer to the Millennium Configuration Guide.
Figure 1-3 Example of IEEE-488 Cable Connections
System Installation and
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