Waters 2790 Quick Start Guide

W aters 2790
Separations Modul e
Quick Start Guide
34 Maple Street
Milford, MA 01757
71500279003, Revision A
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Waters Corporation. Waters Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. This manual is believed to be complete and accurate at the time of publication. In no event shall Waters Corporation be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising from, the use of this manual.
Alliance , M il len n iu m , P IC, S y m metry, and Waters a re r egist er ed tr ad emarks of Waters Corpor ation.
LAC/E and SAT/IN are t rade mar k s o f Waters Corporat io n. Eppendorf is a registered trademark of Brinkmann Instruments, Inc. MassLynx, BioLynx, OpenLynx, and Micromass are trademarks of Micromass UK Limited. All other trad em a rk s a re th e sole p r op er ty o f th eir res pe ctive own er s .
Summary of This Guide
The following figure summarizes the information contained in this Quick Start Guide. Use it as a reference after reading the entire document.
Power on the
Configure the
Degas Solvents
Configure the Plate
Load the Sample
Perform an
Automatic Run?
Set Flow Rate and
Select Direct
Function Begins
Prime the
Prime the
Prime the
Needle-Wash Pump
Refresh the Syringe
Follow the
Procedures in
Section 4.1
Run Ends as Programmed
Refer to Section 6.2,
Waters 2790
Separations Module
Operator’s Guide
Conventions Used in This Guide
Waters 2790 Separations Module Quick Start Guide
uses the following conventions:
• Bold text indicates user input or action. For example, press
• When you are instructed to “press the X key,” press the indicated keypad key.
• When you are instructed to “press the X screen key,” press the key directly below the key name displayed on the screen.
Notes, Attentions, and Cautions
This guide uses the following conventions for Notes , Attentions, and Cautions:
• Notes call out information that is important to the operator. For example:
Record your results before you proceed to the next step.
• Attentions provide information about preventing possible damage to the system or equipment. For example:
To avoid damaging the detector flow cell, do not touch the flow cell
To avoid chemical or electrical hazards, always observe safe laboratory
To avoid electrical shock and possible injury, remove the power cord from
• Cautions provide information essential to the safety of the operator. For example:
practices when you operate the system.
the rear panel of the instrument before you perform the procedures in this section.


Waters 2790 Separations Module Quick Start Guide
features of the Waters
2790 Separations Module and describes how to make a run.
Who Should Use This Guide?
This guide is intended for both novice and experienced chromatographers who need to operate the 2790 Separations Module.
What Is in This Guide?
Waters 2790 Separations Module Quick Start Guide
information to help you set up the 2790 and make a run. For additional information, or if you want to learn how to modify any procedures in this
guide, refer to the If you are using the 2790 as part of an Alliance
MassLynx software), ensure you become familiar with the procedures in:
• Waters Allian ce LC/MS Sy ste m Qu ick Sta rt Guid e
Waters 2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide
HT LC/MS system (controlled by the
introduces you to the basic
contains basic procedural
• MassLynx NT Guide to Data Acquisition
• MassLynx NT User’s Guide
MassLynx NT BioLynx Guide
MassLynx NT OpenLynx Guide
Before You Begin
Ensure you have performed the following before you use the 2790:
• Your system is properly installed. Refer to the
Operator’s Guide
• You r separation methods and sam ple sets are created and stored. Refer to the
Waters 2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide
Separation Methods and Sample Sets.
• Become familiar with the front panel and keypad operating procedures described in the
Waters 2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide
Display and Keypad.
, Chapter 2, Installing the 2790 Separations Module.
Waters 2790 Separations Module
, Chapter 5, Creating and Editing
, Section 3.1, Using the 2790
If you are using the 2790 for high-throughput applications, refer to the
Separations Module Operator’s Guide,
Chapter 6, Making Automatic Runs and Setting Up
Waters 2790
for High-Throughput Operation.
System Description
The Waters 2790 Separations Module (Figure 1-1) integrates a solvent management system and a three-axis sample management system to provide high-throughput analysis for HPLC, LC/MS, or flow injection-mass spectrometry applications.
When the 2790 is installed with a sample heater/cooler and a column heater, it is known as the 2790XE. Refer to the
Waters 2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide
Section B.3, 2790 Module Options, for information about the 2790 Separations Module options.
Solvent Bottle Tray
Detector Drip Tray
Front Panel Display
and Key board
Floppy Disk
Sample Compartment
Access Door
Solvent Delivery Tra y
Access Door
Solvent Conditioning
Tray Access Door
Syringe Compartment
Column Heater
Column Selection Valve
(Optional) Door
Figure 1-1 Waters 2790XE Separations Module (Front View)
The sample management system in the 2790 uses an XYZ needle assembly, up to four sample plates of up to 384 wells each, for a total capacity of 1536 samples. The 2790 uses a variety of plate types including several that are preconfigured (refer to the
Separations Module Operator’s Guide
, Table 3-6 and Table B-5).
Waters 2790
6 Introduction
Operating Mode s
The 2790 Separations Module can operate in one of the following modes:
• Stand-alone HPLC system controller
• Component of an LC/MS system controlled b y MassLynx
As a stand-alone HPLC system controller, the 2790 manages both the solvent delivery and sample management systems as well as controlling one or more detectors. The 2790 controls the sample plates using a rotating carrier. Optionally, the 2790 can also control a three-column, six-column, or column regeneration selection valve.
An LC/MS system that includes the 2790 and the Waters ZMD mass spectrometer is designated as a Waters Alliance HT LC/MS System. For further information on MassLynx control of the 2790, refer to the
Waters Allianc e LC /MS System Quick St art Guid e

1.1 Powering On the 2790

To power on the 2790, move the power switch (located at the top of the left side panel) to the I (ON) position. The startup diagnostics routine begins.
Startup Diagnostics
The startup diagnos tics routine performs tests on the:
• CPU board
• Memory (ROM and RAM)
• Keypad
• External communicat ion system
• Digital signal processor (DSP)
• Floppy disk drive
When initial startup diagnostics tests are complete, the front-panel screen displays the tests results, as shown in Figure 1-2
Figure 1-2 Diagnostic Test Results Screen
Powering On the 2790 7
The Main Screen
If the initial tests of the startup diagnostics routine are successful, the Main screen (Figure 1-3 continues, the status of each of diagnostic test appears in the banner area of the Main screen. If the startup diagnostics routine fails, refer to the
Module Operator’s Guide,
routine finishes, the 2790 enters the Idle mode.
) appears in the front panel display. As the star t up diagno stics routine
Waters 2790 Separations
Section 8.5, Troubleshooting. When the startup diagnostics
Bann er Area
Data Area
Screen K ey Area
Figure 1-3 Main Screen
Some 2790 screens have additional screen keys that are not visible when you
display the screen f or the first time. Press the keys.

1.2 Configuring the 2790

Before you can operate the 2790, you need to configure the 2790 operating parameters. Press the (Figure 1-4
8 Introduction
screen key in the Main screen to display the Configuration screen
screen key to displa y additional screen
Figure 1-4 Configuration Screen

1.2.1 Setting Configuration Parameters

Ta ble 1-1 describes the parameters you can set for your system configuration.
Ta ble 1-1 Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
Syringe Size and Loop Size
System Specifies the operating mode and the IEEE-488 bus
Printer Specifies the type of printer and baud (data transfer)
Specifies the sizes of the syringe and sample loop. These values are preset at the factory. Change these values when you install a different-sized syringe and/or sample loop (see the
Operator’s Guide,
address (when required). See Se ction 1.2.2,
Configuring the Operating Mode.
rate and flow control.
The baud rate is automatically set to 1200 if you
Waters 2790 Separations Module
Table 7-5).
set the 746 Integrator as the printer type.
Configuring the 2790 9
Ta ble 1-1 Configuration Parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description
Date Format Specifi es MM/D D/ YYYY (f o r e xample, 0 3/ 28/1999 for
March 28, 1999) or DD.MM.YYYY (28.03.1999 for 28
March 1999). Alarm Sound Specifies the type of alarm (continuous or single beep). Pressure Units Specifies psi (pounds per square inch), kPa (kPascal),
or bar.

1.2.2 Confi guring the Operating Mode

On the Configuration screen, you configure the operating mode as follows.
No Interaction Mode
In this stand-alone mode, the 2790 is not connected to the IEEE- 488 interface bus , b ut can control non-IEEE-488 devices in the HPLC system using the I/O connections on the rear panel. Refer to the Making Analog Signal Connections, for the procedure to make I/O connections.
Waters 2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide,
Section 2.5.2,
To set the 2790 to No Interaction mode:
1. Select operating modes.
2. Select
3. Press
No Interaction
System Controller Mode
In this stand-alone mode, the 2790 can control up to th ree de tector ch annels on t he IEEE-488 bus. The channels can include up to two UV detector channels (a Waters 2487 Dual λ Detector and/or a Waters 486 Tunable Absorbance Detector) and one RI detector channel (Waters 2410 or 410 Differential Refractometer).
Refer to the Digital Signal Connections, for inf ormation on making IEEE-488 connections. You can also control other HPLC components using the I/O connections. Refer to the
Separations Module Operator’s Guide,
for the information on making I/O connections.
10 Introduction
Waters 2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide,
in the Configuration screen, then press
, then press
Section 2.5.2, Making Analog Signal Connections,
to display the list of
Section 2.5.3, M a k i ng
Waters 2790
To set the 2790 to Sys tem Controll er mode:
1. Select operating modes.
2. Select
3. P ress the interface bus addresses) appears.
4. Press
For information on setting detector parameters in a separation method, see the
System Controller
a. Press
absorbance channels and one RI detector) may appear in the list.
b. Press the OK screen key to return to the Configuration screen.
2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide,
in the Configuration screen, then press
, then press
screen key. A li st of active devices (with their IEEE-488
to update the list of devices. Up to th ree dete ctors ( t wo
Section 5.2.6, Setting Detector Parameters.
to display the list of
Controlled by MassLynx Mode
In this remote control mode, the Micromass MassLynx NT s oftware (Version 3.3 or higher) uses the IEEE-488 interface to control the 2790, and up to two detectors, including the:
• Micromass mass spectrometry (MS) detec tor
• Waters 996 PDA Detector
• Other Waters detectors, such as the 2487 Dual λ Absorbance Detector
To set the 2790 to Controlled by MassLynx mode:
1. Select operating modes.
2. Select is highlighted.
3. Press
4. Select an address that is unused by other chromatographic components connected to the Micromass computer, then press
5. Press
Controlled by MassLynx
in the Configuration screen, then press
, then press
to display a list of addresses.
. The 2790 is ready to be controlled from the MassLynx computer.
. The IEEE-488 Address field
to display the list of
Configuring the 2790 11
Operate Gradient by Event In Mode
In this mode, an external autosampler (a Waters 2700 Sample Manager, for example) initiates the start of the chromatographic run and performs the inject function (instead of
the 2790). In t his mo de, t he 2790 has n o cont rol of IEEE -488 devices, but non-IEEE devices using the I/O connections on the rear panel. Refer to the
Separations Module Operator’s Guide,
for information on I/O connections. To set the 2790 to Operate Gradient b y Event In mode:
Section 2.5.2, Making Analog Signal Connections,
Waters 2790
1. Select operating modes.
2. Select
3. Press Events In conditions, refer to the
Conditions for Events In” discussion.
4. S et the Stop Flow field to the appropriate condition (
On Low
5. S et the Hold 1 f ield to the appropr iate condition ( press
Operate Gradient by Event In
Events In
, Section 3.2.1, Setting Configuration Parameters, the “Specifying Signal
), then press
• Select
• Select Flow I/O terminals of the 2790 is a high (more positive) TTL-level.
• Select Flow I/O terminals of the 2790 is a low (more negative) TTL-lev el .
When you configure the 2790 with a Waters 2700 Sample Manager , select
• Select Inject 1 terminals of the 2790 is a high (more positive) TTL-level to start a chromatographic run and prevent an injection by the 2790.
in the Configuration screen, then press
, then press
to display the Events In dialog box. For information on defining
Waters 2790 Separations Module Operator’s
On High
On Low
On High
if the Stop Flo w I/O t ermin als of t he 2790 are not used.
if the output signal from the external autosampler to the Stop
if the output signal from the external autosampler to the Stop
On High
if the output signal from the external autosampler to the Hold
to display the list of
Ignore, On High
On Low
, or
), then
• Select
On Low
6. S et the Logic field to Or, then press
12 Introduction
On Low
Inject 1 terminals of the 2790 is a low (more negative) TTL-level to start a chromatographic run and prevent an injection by the 2790.
if the output signal from the external autosampler to the Hold
When configuring the 2790 with a Waters 2700 Sample Manager , select
7. S et the Hold 2 field to
8. Press OK to save your selections and exit from the Events In dialog box.

1.2.3 Specifying Report Options

, then press
The 2790 can generate a operation, if a printer or integrator is connected.
Use Port A of the RS-232 connector to connect a cable from the 2790 to a serial
– a record of injections – during stand-alone or remote
printer or to a Waters 746 Data Module.
To define the information to be sent to a printer, integrator, and/or floppy disk:
1. In the Configuration screen, press the Options dialog box (Figure 1-5
screen key to display the Report
Figure 1-5 Report Options Dialog Box
2. From the drop-down list, select the destination for the report.
3. S elect an option from the Separation Method list, then press any numeric key to enable or disable the option. An “X” in the check box indicates the option is enabled. The options are:
Gradient ta ble
I/O eve n t table
Detector table
– Generates the gradient table
– Generates the I/O table
– Generates the detector table
Configuring the 2790 13
Event overview
– Generates an overview of all merged tables
Misc. parameters
System config
Per-inject data
values for temperature and pressure, the time and date of each injection, and the bar code number
4. Press the OK screen key to exit from the Report Options dialog box ( or press the
your changes).
– Generates a list of the error conditions that occur during each
screen key to exit from the Repor t Options dialog box without saving
– Generates a list of all parameters not included in tables
– Generates a list of the instrument configuration parameters
– Generates a list of the minimum, maximum, and average

1.2.4 Specifying an Auto Shutdown

The Auto Shutd own f eatu re allows y ou t o set up t he 2790 to sh ut down auto m atic all y after a specified period of inactivity. Inactivity is defined as:
• No keyboard use
• No injections performed
• No changes sent to the 2790 from a remotely connected MassLynx computer
• An error condition that suspends the operation of the 2790
You can use Auto Shutdown to:
• Minimize solvent flow when a run ends unattended
• Disable the vacuum degasser
• Disable temperature controls
• Turn off detector lamps
To enable an Auto Shutdown:
1. Press the
2. P ress the (Figure 1-6
14 Introduction
Auto Shutdown
screen key in the Main screen, then press the
screen key.
screen key. The Auto Shutdown dialog box appears
Figure 1-6 Auto Shutdown Dialog Box
3. I n the Idle Method field, select the separation method to be applied when the 2790 is shut down. Only the applied during the shutdown period.
4. I n the Shutdown After field, enter a time period of inactivity after which you want the 2790 to shut down (or press
5. P ress the OK screen key. The 2790 shuts down when there has been no activity for the specified period.
6. Press
If you want to use Auto Shutdown to power off a 2487 or 486 detector lamp, specify
a Lamp Off event and a time of INIT in the I/O Events Timed Table screen (see the Waters 2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide, Section 5.2.5, Setting I/O Parameter Values).
to return to the previous screen.

1.2.5 Configuring Plate Types

conditions in the method you select are
to disable Auto Shutdown).
Operator’ s Guide, Table B-5, before configuring plates for the 2790 Separations Module. Read all the recommendations in the footnotes to Table B-5.
There are 15 possible plate types you can configure for use with the 2790, some of which are preconfigured and not editable.
Waters recommends you consult the Waters 2790 Separations Module
Configuring the 2790 15
When you select a preconfigured plate type, the parameter fields indicate the
measured dimensions for the specific plate, which are not editable (indicated by a dotted line surrounding the field).
To customize a preconfigured plate type for the 2790:
1. In the Configuration screen, press the Type Configuration dialog box (Figure 1-7
2. Select the plate type from t he Name dr op-down list. The remaining (noneditable) fields fill with values corresponding to the selected plate type. To configure a custom plate, see the
3. I n the Sequential reference field, select the processing order (see Table 1-5
Ta ble 1-2
describes the fields in the Plate Type Configuration dialog box. See the
Configuring Custom Plates” discussion below.
2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide
their dimensions) for use with the 2790.
Using incorrect dimensions can cause needle damage.
Plate Types
, Tabl e B-5 for recommended plate types (and
screen key to display the Plate
16 Introduction
Figure 1-7 Plate Type Configuration Dialog Box
Ta ble 1-2 Plate Type Configuration Parameters
Field Description
Name Name of the plate type. Use up to 30 characters to identify a
plate type. Some of the 15 plate types are preconfigured. To mov e from one plate type to the adjacent plate type in the
drop-down list, press the
screen key. The
default plate type appears with an asterisk in the Name field and the words “Default Plate Type” are displayed below the Name field.
Wells Number of wells on the plate selected in the Name field. The
parameters for each plate type are:
Number of Wells Number of Rows
24 48
4 6 8 8
Number of Columns
6 8
6 12 24
Configuring the 2790 17
Ta ble 1-2 Plate Type Configuration Parameters (Continued)
Field Description
Sequential reference Direction and sequence of well injections for the selected
plate. See Table 1-5.
Well A1 offset (mm)
The distance from the center of the A:1 well to the left outer edge of the plate
The distance from the center of the A:1 well to the rear outer edge of the plate. See Figure 1-9.
Spacing (mm)
The distance from the centerline of the wells in one row to the centerline of the wells in an adjacent row
The distance from the centerline of the wells in one column to the centerline of the wells in an adjacent column. See Figure 1-9.
Vertical (mm)
Plate height Well depth
Tot al plate height The well depth (distance from the top of the plate to the
bottom of the well)
See the plates recommended for use with the 2790.
Waters 2790 Separations Module Op erator’s Guide
, Table B-5, for dimensions of the
Configuring Custom Plates
You can use one of the preconfigured plate types to create a custom plate. Before
following the next procedure, select the preconfigured plate type that most resembles the custom plate you want to create.
Required Materials
To make plate measurements, you need a ruler or straight-edge scaled in millimeters. To configure a custom plate:
1. In the Plate T ype Configuration dialog box, press the Custom Plate Name field (Figure 1-8
screen key to display the
18 Introduction
Figure 1-8 Custom Plate Name Field
2. E nter a custom plate nam e (see the
Operator’s Guide
, Section 3.1.2, Using the Keypad, the “Entering an
Alphanumeric String” discussion), then press
Waters 2790 Sepa rations Mod ule
. The Plate Type
Configuration parameter fields become editable (surrounded by a solid line).
3. Using a ruler or straight-edge scaled in millimeter s, measure the dimensions for the custom plate as shown in Figure 1-9
and Figure 1-10, then enter each
parameter in the appropriate field in the Plate Type Configuration dialog box.
4. P ress the OK screen key to store the custom plate (or press the
key to discard the changes). To delete the selected custom plate type, press the
screen key. The Remove screen key is active only when a custom plate name is displayed in the Custom Plate Name field. You c annot remove a preconfigured plate type.
To make the displayed plate type the default plate type, press the
Make De fa u l t
screen key. The factory-default plate type is 96 well, 300 µL. The words “Default Plate Ty pe” are displayed below the default plate name in the Plate Type Configuration dialog box.
Press the Press the
Previous Print
screen key to move from one plate type to another.
screen key to print a copy of the plate configuration list to a
floppy disk or printer (if a printer is connected to your 2790).
Configuring the 2790 19
The Needle Depth Offset parameter (
Figure 1-10
) is used to specify an offset from the well bottom to accommodate sample vials or sedimentation. Enter the Needle Depth Offset in the Sample screen when you are creating or editing a separation method (see the Waters 2790 Separations Module Operator’s Guide, Section 5.1, Creating and Editing Separation Methods).
To p View Dimensions
Measure the A1 Left and A1 Rear Ref erence points (left and rear well of fsets) from the outer edge of the plate.
A1 Rear
Outer Edge
of Plate
A1 Left
Figure 1-9 Plate Parameters (Top View)
20 Introduction
Side View Dimensions
Needle Up
Well Depth
Plate Height
The Needle Depth Offset parameter i s part of the separation method. See the
Module Operator’s Guide
, Section 5.1, Creating and Editing Separation Methods.
Needle Down
Needle Depth Offset
Waters 2790 Separations
Figure 1-10 Plate Parameters (Side View)
Ta ble 1-3
describes the preconfigured plate types for the 2790. The plate type names
appear as displayed in the Name field of the Plate Type Configuration dialog box.
Table 1-3 2790 Preconfigured Plate Types
Plate Type Name Description Part Number
24 uCfuge tube, 1.5 mL 24-well, 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube
24 vial (open access), 2 mL24-well, 2 mL vial, open access plate 200000114
48 vial holder, 2 mL 48-well, 2 mL vial holder 405000562 48 uCfuge tube, 0.5 mL 48-well, 0.5 mL microcentrifuge tube
96 well w/700 uL insert 96-well with 700 µL glass insert plate 186000349
Configuring the 2790 21
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