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Wasp Labeler User Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Gettin g Sta r te d ...................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 8 - About Screen .................................................................................................................... 198
8.1 Using/V i ewing the About Scr een ................................................................................................ 198
Index ................................................................................................................................................... 199
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.1 Introduction
Thank you for your pur chas e of the Wasp Labeler bar code c r eati on software. This topic contains
information that will help famil i ar iz e you with b ar codes and show you how to create cu stomized
barcodes. The I ntr oductory Materials secti on contains im portant i nformation you shoul d fam i liarize
yourself wit h p r i or to creating bar codes .
Introductory Materials
Wasp Labeler Capabilities
What is a Barcode?
Navigating the Main Screen
Creating a Static Label
Binding a Data Source to an Object
Using String Builder to Concatenate Data
Creating Enumerated Labels
Example Labels
Bar cod e Sy m bo lo g y Reference
After you have read the introductory material s, you are ready to start us i ng Wasp Labeler . Click on t he
link below to go to the next step in the Getting Started section.
Software activation system licensed under Patent No. 5,490,216
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.2 Gett ing St arted - Wasp Labeler Capabilities
Wasp Labeler is a profession al label gener ati on ap plic ation designed to meet the most demanding
barcode labelin g an d printing requ i r ements. Easily gen er ate bar code lab el s, asset or inventory label s,
add r ess labels and envelopes with PostN et Zip Cod es, I D b adge labels, business checks, and date and
time stam ps for peri shable g oods, th en print your labels from any local or network Windows printer . You
can i m port data direc tly from your corporate databas es or you c an create a new Micros oft Acces s
database. In addition, Wasp Labeler can generate compliance labels for practically ev ery in du stry.
Wasp Labeler:
• Sup ports the following barcode languages:
• Prints the mo s t po pul a r 2D ba r c o de s :
• Sup ports any las er , dot matri x, th er mal or ink jet p r inter using a standard W i ndows pr int er
• Allows you t o edit m ult i ple labels concurrently.
• Allows you t o i np ut data on the label at pr i nt tim e.
• Capable of advanced gr aph i c resizing and gr aphic rotati on.
• Allows import of t ext files or Mi crosoft Excel worksh eets.
• Allows import of Q uickBooks
• Includes over 100 label layou t templates.
Wasp Labeler su pport s drawing objects includ ing text, lin es, rec tangles, ellipses , and barcodes . Eac h of
these drawing objects h as full edit capabilities includi ng draw style, size, position and color. I n addition,
practical l y any p icture can be imported onto th e label design, linked to the ori ginal file, or r etrieved from
a database.
AztecCode, Codabar, Cod e 128, C ode 39 , Cod e 93, DataM atrix, EanJ an1 3, EanJan8,
Interleaved2 of5, Isbn, Itf1 4, MaxiCode, MicroPDF417, MicroQRCode, Ms i , PD F417,
Postnet, QRCode, GS 1, GS1Stacked, G S1Omnidirectional, GS1Trunc ated, GS1Expanded,
GS1Limited, UCCEAN128, UPC-A, UPC-E
For a description of each of these s ymbol ogies, pl ease refer to the
Barcode Symbology
DataMatrix, MaxiCode, Micr oPDF, Micr oQRCode, P DF417, Az tec Code and QRCode
(*.tiff, *.tif), GIF (*.gif), ICON (*ico).
Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, ODBC data sources,
as well as c omma sep ar ated files or other delimit ed text files.
dat a ( version 2008 or later).
Wasp Labeler User Manual
Wasp Labeler su pport s St atic, Serialization, Prompt at Print Time, External Dat a Sour ce, B ind t o
An other Object, and Date/Time for objects. The 'Promp t at Print Time' feature is used to interactively
enter information onto the lab el at pr i nt tim e. The 'Extern al Data S ource' feature al lows you to i mp or t,
vie w, and edit in format i on from th e m ost c om mon d atabases an d al lows your Text and Bar Code
objec ts t o r etrieve thei r source value from an ext er nal file. In addition , Wasp Labeler provid es the
capability to q uickly create your own datab ase.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.3 Gett ing St arted - What is a Barcode?
A b ar code is a graphical r epresentation of a s et of numeric or alphanumeric charact er s that can be read
by a barcode s canner.
1234 becomes:
Whse1 becomes:
Ass igning a per manen t barcode to eac h site, location, item , s upp l ier and c ustomer creates an
environment where a mobil e device c an be used to easily keep track of inv entory movements an d
alleviates the prob lem of data-entry err or s.
Barcodes get wid er with the amount of numbers and ch ar acters you want repr esented by them. In
other words , the widt h is determined by t he am ount of number s or charact er s repr esented by the
barcode. Some barcode scanners have a limited wid th that th ey c an read . If you have very long item
numbers or location numb er s you may need to reconsider the num bering scheme or th e scan ner you
are using. Also be aware that many of the less expen sive barcode readers do not read barcodes t hat
are bent, at an angle, ar e too small or are damaged. Consider the possible di spos ition of your
barcodes before choosing a scanner.
There ar e man y different barcode formats or symbologies. The di fferent symb ologies can be thought of
as di fferent font s. Th e same charac ters are rep r esented by diffe r ent symb ologies in different wa ys . For
example, the two symbologies belo w represent th e same information (Whse1) .
These different formats exist to pr ovide wa ys to compress more data into a smaller sp ace, to represent
a diff er ent set of charact ers or to enable scanning at di fferent angles or distances.
When using Wasp Labeler, barcodes should be printed using a high quality laser or ink jet prin ter, or a
ther mal label prin ter. You wan t the barcode label t o be h ig h quality because low qu al ity bar codes are
harder to s can and usu al ly do not last lon g. W asp Labeler can print to a reg ular print er or a barcode
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.4 Gett ing St arted - Navigating the Main Screen
In this topic:
Help/Resizing Icons
Accessing Help
Resizing/Minimizing Wasp Labeler
Icon Toolbar
Design Window
Properties Box
Hide/Show the Properties Box
Move the Properties Box
This topic provides a brief overview of Wasp Labeler's Main screen. The Main screen provid es access
to all of the featur es and functions you will need to create c ustomi zed labels or to create label s us i ng
the temp l ates. Use thi s topic to h el p fam i liarize yourself with getting ar ound in the ap plication. Links to
detailed i nstruc tions for using each functi on ar e provided throughout this topic.
A: Help/Resizing Icons
B: Tabs
C: I con Toolbar
D: Design Window
E: Proper ties Box
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.4.1 Section A: Help/Resizing Icons
This s ection contains ic ons that allow you to adjust th e size of t he Labeler s creen, access this Help file
or close the Label er window.
Acces si n g H elp
Launching the Help File: You can launch th is Help fil e from anywhe r e in the Labeler application
by clicking the ques tion m ar k icon in the top ri ght of the screen. Using this method launches the
Help with the topic related to the cu r r entl y open s creen/tab displayed. You can searc h for or
navigate to other topi cs as needed.
Context-Sensitive He lp : You can access a Help topic sp ecific to the screen or featur e you are
currently using by clicking on the small qu estion mar k arrow t hat appear on most screen s and in the
Properties box. Clicking the Help icon on the Properties box launches Help specific to the object
you hav e selected. You can also launch context-sensitive help by hitting the F7 key on your
Help Button Example - Screen
Help Button Example - Properties Box
Wasp Labeler User Manual
Resizing/Minimizing Wasp Labeler
Wasp Labeler can be resi zed to fit your whole scre en or reduc ed to appear as a porti on of your
To resize th e window, cli ck the icon in the top , right of the Main screen, as shown bel ow:
The screen will reduce in size when the ic on is clicked. You can r esize t he screen by dr agg i ng an y
of the corners or borders. Labeler will remember the size when i t is closed and re-opened.
To min imize the screen and place it on the taskbar, click the minimize icon in the top, right of the
Main sc r een, as shown below:
Lab el er will be placed on your t askb ar . To reopen it, click on the icon on your taskb ar .
1.4.2 Section B: Tabs
File Tab:
The File Tab contains s ave, open , and close opt ions. This t ab also allows you to l aun ch example
labels and check for updates to your software. Click on an icon to access a function.
Design Tab:
The Design Tab c ontain s all of the option s for cu stomizin g your l abel. Click on an icon to access that
function. The toolbar on thi s tab is divided i nto 5 secti ons:
Clipboard - This section contains basic commands such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo and Redo.
Insert - The Insert options allo w you to insert text, basic shapes, a pict ure or a barcode into your label.
Arrange - The Ar r ang e m enu allows for precision placement of objects or text you insert onto your
Wasp Labeler User Manual
Layout Options - Use t hese options to change the layout of your label or to hide/show the r uler along
the top and side of the label.
View - The V iew menu allows y ou to zoom i n or ou t.
Changes you make will appear in the Label Design window.
Data Tab:
The Data Tab allows you to add a database, spreadsheet, .csv file or other data source t o your lab el
project. You can then ass ociate an obj ect on your label, such as a text field or a barcode wit h the data
Wasp Labeler User Manual
P rint Tab:
The Pri nt Tab cont ai ns functi ons rel atin g to pr i nting your lab els, i ncluding Page Layout.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.4.3 Sec tion C: Icon Toolbar
The tabs at the top of th e Main screen allow you to switc h between functional ities . The tabs act as a
way to gr oup Wasp Label er ' s feat ures together by task. For instance, the File tab contains functionality
related to opening a new file, c losing a file, saving a file, etc ., while the Design tab contains
functionality related t o creating and designing your labels. When you first open Wasp Labeler, the
Design tab is displayed and this is the tab you will probably use the m ost.
You can switch t o a differ ent tab by cl icking on the desired tab l abel.
1.4.4 Sec tion D: Design Window
The Wasp Labeler Design window, by default, sh ar es sp ace on the Main screen wit h the Properties
box. You can Hide the Properties
resize the window, place your m ouse over the dividing line between the Design window and the
Properties box until your cursor turns into a double arrow, as shown below:
With the left bu tton held down on your mouse, drag the divid i ng line either left or r ight. Keep in mind
that you cann ot expan d the Design window over the Properties box. When the Design window
reaches it's maximum width, it will stop moving. If you need more design area,
box entir ely, or you c an resi ze the Design window as needed. To
hide the Properties
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.4.5 Section E: Properties Box
The Properties box contains options specific to t he type of objec t you have selected in the Design
window (barcode, text box, picture or drawing object). You can hide the Properties box or "dock" i t in a
differ ent locati on as needed.
Hide/ Show the Pro p ertie s Bo x
The Properties box is displayed on the Main screen by default. This box displays information
relating to the tab you ar e currentl y using. For exam ple, on the Design tab, the Properties box
displays the various options available to the selec ted object.. If you want to have a larger d esign
area, you can hide the Properties box by clicking on the Pin icon in the right-hand corner of th e box,
as shown below:
When the Properties box is hidden, a label will ap pear on the r i gh t side of t he sc r een as s hown
Wasp Labeler User Manual
M ov e the Pro per tie s Box
By default the Properties Box is docked on the right sid e of the Label er screen. You can m ove, or
redock, t he Properties Box to the center-left, center-right or left sid e of the screen as needed.
1. Click on t he top of the Properties Box and dra g it. The box will undock from it's current
locati on an d appear as a smal l , floati ng box similar to the example shown bel ow:
2. Drag the box to the center or le ft of th e screen. Arrows appear on the sc r een showi ng you all
dockable l ocations as shown below:
Wasp Labeler User Manual
3. Drag the box to an ar r ow.. The screen will highlight yellow indicating the area in which the
box will appear if d ocked ther e. In the example shown below, the box would appear from t he
center of the window to the right.
You can then let go of the box and it will dock where indicated.
To move t he Properties box bac k to th e defaul t location, cli ck the Reset Docking icon on
the Design Tab
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.5 Gett ing St arted - C reating a St ati c La bel
Now that you ar e familiar with the basics of m oving ar ound the Main screen, you can begin creatin g
your lab els. This topic will take you through the steps to create the mos t basic label - a static barcode
label. A stat i c label means the in format ion on it does not change. The label does not pull information
from a database, i sn't serial i zed, etc.
For this example, we are going to c r eate one nam e badg e l abel contai ning a standar d Code 128
barcode an d a text field contai ning a name and employee ID n umber. Links are provided in each step
to detailed informat i on regarding the tabs and scr eens.
1. Open a document:
Open a New D ocument and make sure theDesign
2. Add a barcode:
Click on the barcode icon and drag it to the Design window.
tab is select ed.
You can move the barcode around on you r label as needed by clicking on it and d rag ging it
where you want it.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
3. Define your barcode:
By default, a Code128 barcode with con tent123456789 will b e placed onto your label. Use t he
encoded in the barcode).
box to select the approp r i ate bar code and enter the c ontent (what you want
a. Make sure the barcode is selec ted i n the Design window.
b. Click the Barcode tab in the Properties box. c. Make sure Cod e 12 8 is selected in th e Symbology dro p do wn box.
d. En ter the data you want en coded in the barcode in to the Content box. In this case, we
want th e em ployee name and employee ID num ber so entered Jane Doe123456 into
the Content box.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
Note t hat your label chang es to display Jane Doe1 23456 bel ow t he bar code.
e. Now that we have the content in the barcode, we can specify how it should be
formatted. In this case, we want the em ployee ID n um ber to app ear below the
employee name. To d o thi s, click the ellipse (... ) button to th e r ight of the Content field.
The Special Characters menu opti on appear s.
Place your cursor where you want the break to oc cur. Here we will place th e cursor
after the e i n Doe. Then click the Special Characters button. A list of all available
special characters ap pears. Scroll through the list and select <CR> (c arriage return).
Now your data will ap pear as fol l ows:
Note: For a descri ption of the ASCII Special Ch ar acters , pl ease refer to the topic ASCII
Special Character Codes.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
The barcode on you r design label will l ook similar to the foll owing:
4. Add additional objects to your label:
You can in clude addi tion al objects on your lab el as needed. In the case of t he nam e bad ge we
are cre atin g in this exampl e, a gr aphic such as a picture of the employee or a company logo
might be included. To add object s, you will follow the same step s you u sed for adding a
barcode. Click on the icon of th e object you want to add and drag i t to you r l abel.
5. Save you r label :
It i s a good idea to save your l abel periodically so you won't lose any informat ion in the event of
an unexpected shutdown. To save your Label , cli ck the File tab
. Select Save from the toolbar ,
then select a name and l ocation for your label. You can also save b y pressing CTRL + S on
your keyboa r d to save the l abel.
6. Choose the label stock on which you want to print:
When you have your label d esigned the way you want, you can print i t to the label pr int er of
your choice. You c an select t he label st ock on the Print tab
. When you open the Print tab, an
exam ple of how your label will print is displayed as shown below:
Wasp Labeler User Manual
The example i n the sc r een shot above sh ows a layout of 4 labels per pag e. To chang e the
type of label , click the Layout button on the toolbar . The Page Setup
screen appears:
The Page Se tup screen allows you to choose a different label template or create custom
templates. The templat e should match the label stock you are us ing. For our exam ple label, we
want to p r int just one em ployee badge for Jane Doe. Let' s assum e our exam ple comp any uses
a laser printer with Avery name b adge labels for t he em ployee bad ges. In this case, we should
select Aver y Laser from the Family drop down and Name Badge from the Type drop down.
The screen will now look like this :
Wasp Labeler User Manual
Click Done to close the Page Setu p screen. Notice that the Print Pr eview window changes
based on the Family and Type of label you selected. The Properties box indicates that 8
labels will be printed, because this particular type of l abel (Avery Name Badge) has 8 labels per
page. We just want to print one label, so in the Number of Labels sec tion select Specify and
enter 1 as s hown below:
7. Print your label:
Now you are ready to prin t your label. Click the Print button on the Print tab tool bar
standard Windows Print screen will appear allowing you to select a p r int er .
That' s i t! You've created a static barcode label. You can move on to the next step:
. The
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.6 Gett ing St arted - Binding a Data Source to an Object
Now that you can c r eate a basic label (see Gettin g Started - Creating a Static Label), l et's try binding
a data source to an object. This all ows you to creat e one label templat e, attach a database to it, t hen
let Labeler pu l l informati on from th e database when pr inting. For example, if you are cr eatin g em ployee
bad ges, you can create on e tem plat e bad ge, then bind a database contai ning all employee names and
ID numbers to object s on your label. When pri nting , Label er will pull the in format i on from t he database
and place it in the assoc i ated ( bound) barcod e or text b ox on the badge.
This topic will show you th e basic steps for att aching a d atabase to your label using the Static Label you
created in the previous step.
1. Open your label.
On the File tab, select the Open icon.
Recen tly opened files w ill ap pear in the drop down. If you see your l abel li sted, cl i ck on it t o
open. If you do not see your l abel in the lis t, c l ick Op en Files From Folder. Br ow se to you r
label and select it. It will appear i n the Design window.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
2. Select an External Data Source on the Data tab.
We'll add a dat a source to th i s project us ing th e Data tab. Your data sourc e opti ons are lis ted
on the Data tab.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
Select the typ e of database you want to add. For this examp le, we want to add a .txt file that
contains a list of employee id s, and names so click on Text.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
The Data Source - Text File (delimited) screen appears:
Select your file an d the ass ociated Delimiter, then click Apply. For detailed instructions on
add i ng a Text file, see the topic Connecting to a Text File
3. Bind an object on the label to a column in the data source.
On the Design tab, select the ob j ect t o which you wan t to bin d data. The p r opert y options for
the selected object app ear i n the Prop er ties box.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
Here we h ave se l ected the barc ode object and want to bind it to th e Em ployee ID column in the
data source. On th e Properties box > Content tab, click th e Database button. A w i ndow
app ear s displaying al l available colu mns from the data source.
Select the approp r i ate column from the drop down list and click Done.
Notic e that the Properties Box now indicates that this object is using th e Employee ID col umn as
the data source.
That's all there is to adding a data source and binding an object to it. You can continue binding
objec ts t o colum ns or other data sourc es (Serialized Numbers or Letters , Data/Time, Etc.) as needed.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
1.7 Getting Started - Using String Builder to Concatenate Data
In the pr evious example we learned how to add a data source t o the l abel project and bind an object to
a colu mn within that data source. Now let's learn how to c oncatenat e, or comb i ne, two dif feren t
colu mns. Joined data is called a "str i ng". Cr eatin g string s all ows you to bind data from two d ifferen t
colu mns i n your data sou r ce to one object. Continui ng the Employee Badge example: we p r eviousl y
bou nd the colum n cont aining the Employee ID to a barcode, now let's bind th e Em ployee First Nam e
and Employee Last Nam e colum ns to a t ext box.
1. Add a Text Box Object
Click on the barcode icon and drag it to the Design window.
The Properties Box updates with options for t he text box.
Wasp Labeler User Manual
2. Create a String using String Builder.
On the Properties Box > Content tab, click the String Builder button.
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