• Never point a firearm at anyone and always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe
• Always treat all firearms as if they are loaded. Don’t rely on your gun’s “safety”.
• Firearms should be unloaded when not in use and stored in a safe and secure
location. Keep firearms and ammunitions away from children.
• Use correct ammunition. Only use ammunition that exactly matches the caliber or
gauge markings on your firearm.
• Always wear ear and eye protection when shooting.
• Before shooting be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions.
• Never load your firearm until you are in a location where it is safe to shoot. Always
keep the safety engaged until you are ready to shoot.
• Keep your finger off the trigger while loading or unloading the shotgun.
• If your gun fails to fire, keep it pointed in a safe direction, then unload it carefully
avoiding exposure to breech. If your gun fires, but the report of recoil seem weak,
unload it and ensure the barrel is not obstructed.
• Don’t alter or modify your gun. Use only genuine parts.
• Clean and maintain the firearm according to the instructions in this booklet.
• Keep your firearm unloaded. Never carry or store a loaded firearm in a building or a
1. Before loading the shotgun, put the safety on SAFE by pushing the
safety button on the side where the red stripe is seen.
2. Press the slide unhooking lever positioned in front of the trigger
guard. ( FIG.1 )
3. Pull the forend to the rear, to open the shotgun. ( FIG.2 )
4. Place a shell in the receiver through the ejection port. ( FIG.3 )
5. Push the forend forward. This will close the bolt chambering the shell.
( FIG.4 )
6. Turn the gun upside down and with the thumb press the cartridges
one by one into the magazine tube. ( FIG.5 )

1. Push the safety off ( the red stripe is now visible )
2. Point the shotgun on the shooting target.
3. Pull the trigger.
4. After the firing of the first cartridge, pull the forend to the rear to eject
the fired shotshell. ( FIG.6 )
5. Return the forend to its forward position to chamber a fresh round.
( FIG.7 )
6. Repeat this “pump” action after each fire. The trigger must be released
and pulled to fire each shot.
7. At the end check that the gun is empty by inspecting the chamber and
the magazine tube. You have to see the cartridge follower in the
magazine tube.
1. Push the safety button on safe position
2. Point the shot gun in a direction which present no danger.
3. Press the sli de unhooking lever and pull backward and pull forward
alternatively the forend. Repeat this “pump” action , with your thumb
still pressing the slide unhooking lever, until all the cartridges have
been extracted.
4. At the end check that the gun is empty by inspecting the chamber and
the magazine tube. You have to see the cartridge follower in the
magazine tube.
1. Place the shotgun on safe and ensure that it is completely unloaded.
2. With the bolt closed, unscrew the forend cap.
Then carefully remove the barrel. ( FIG.10 ) The barrel ring slides off
the magazine tube.
3. Pull the forend forward so that the action bar group will slide out from
the receiver. ( FIG.11 )
4. Remove the bolt ( FIG.12 ) from the action bar.
5. Take the bolt in hand and push the firing pin to compress the firing pin
spring. ( FIG.13 )
6. Remove the firing retaining pin from the bolt. ( FIG.14 )
7. Then you can take out the firing pin, its spring and the locking block
from the bolt. ( FIG.15 )
8. With a pin punch tap out the two trigger guard pins. ( FIG.16 )