The information and descriptions contained herein are the property of WALCHEM. Such
information and descriptions may not be copied or reproduced by any means, or
disseminated or distributed without the express prior written permission of WALCHEM,
Five Boynton Road, Holliston, MA 01746.
Statement of Limited Warranty
WALCHEM warrants equipment of its manufacture, and bearing its identification to be
free from defects in workmanship and material for a period of 24 months for electronics
and 12 months for mechanical parts and electrodes from date of delivery from the factory
or authorized distributor under normal use and service and otherwise when such
equipment is used in accordance with instructions furnished by WALCHEM and for the
purposes disclosed in writing a the time of purchase, if any. WALCHEM’s liability under
this warranty shall be limited to replacement or repair, F.O.B. Holliston, MA U.S.A. of
any defective equipment or part which, having been returned to WALCHEM,
transportation charges prepaid, has been inspected and determined by WALCHEM to be
defective. Replacement elastomeric parts and glass components are expendable and are
not covered by any warranty.
2.4.....VARIABLES AND THEIR LIMITS ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.....UNPACKING THE UNIT .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.....MOUNTING THE ELECTRONIC ENCLOSURE ................................................................................................... 10
4.8.....SHUT DOWN ................................................................................................................................................. 36
5.0OPERATION – USING LOCAL DISPLAY AND KEYPAD .................................................................... 36
5.11...COPY TO USBDISK ...................................................................................................................................... 50
6.0 OPERATION – USING PC .......................................................................................................................... 51
6.2.....START UP MENU ........................................................................................................................................... 52
6.3.....SYSTEM SUMMARY MENU ........................................................................................................................... 57
6.4.....SENSOR MENU -CONDUCTIVITY INPUT ........................................................................................................ 58
6.5.....SENSOR MENU - PHINPUT ........................................................................................................................... 61
6.6.....SENSOR MENU -ORPINPUT ........................................................................................................................ 65
6.7.....SENSOR MENU –CHLORINE,CHLORINE DIOXIDE INPUTS ............................................................................ 68
6.8.....LEVEL (4-20 MA)INPUT MENU .................................................................................................................... 72
6.9.....FLOW METER (4-20 MA)INPUT MENU ......................................................................................................... 74
6.10...GENERIC (4-20 MA)INPUT MENU ................................................................................................................ 75
6.11...4-20 MAINPUT MENU .................................................................................................................................. 77
6.12...FLOW METER (DIGITAL)INPUT MENU ......................................................................................................... 79
6.13...INTERLOCK MENU ........................................................................................................................................ 81
6.14...FEED VERIFICATION INPUT MENU ................................................................................................................ 81
6.15...LEVEL SWITCHES (DIGITAL)INPUT MENU ................................................................................................... 82
6.16...GENERIC (DIGITAL)INPUTS MENU ............................................................................................................... 82
6.17...COUNTER INPUTS MENU .............................................................................................................................. 83
6.18... DIGITAL INPUTS MENU ................................................................................................................................ 84
6.19... RELAY (1–8)OUTPUT MENUS –ON/OFF SET POINT TYPES ....................................................................... 84
6.42...SYSTEM STATUS AUTO-REPORTING ........................................................................................................... 134
6.43...DATALOG AUTO REPORT ........................................................................................................................... 135
6.46...COMMUNICATIONS MENU .......................................................................................................................... 140
7.2.....CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR CLEANING AND CALIBRATION ............................................................................. 151
7.3.....PHELECTRODE CLEANING AND CALIBRATION .......................................................................................... 152
7.4.....ORPELECTRODE CLEANING AND CALIBRATION ....................................................................................... 152
7.5.....DISINFECTION SENSOR CLEANING AND CALIBRATION ............................................................................... 153
7.6.....REPLACING THE FUSES ............................................................................................................................... 153
The WebMasterONE series controller is multi-functional, but not all of the features mentioned are
necessarily present in the controller you have received. All features can be added in the field. The
controller may be configured to control a cooling tower, or a boiler, or both.
Standard features include a direct sensor measurement of either conductivity, pH, or ORP; six
digital inputs (for flow switch, metering pump flow feedback, counter, or other use), eight relay
outputs, and both Ethernet and USB connections to a computer.
Optional features include:
Up to three additional pH, ORP, chlorine, chlorine dioxide and/or conductivity measurements.
Up to six digital inputs (for level switch, metering pump flow feedback, counter, or other use).
Up to eight 4-20 mA inputs (for drum level, flow meters, or practically any other parameter).
Up to four 4-20 mA outputs (for retransmission of the conductivity, pH, ORP, Cl
temperature or any 4-20 mA input signals).
A modem card (for remote communications)
The controller can log data and events, automatically generate reports on a periodic basis at a
programmable frequency, and if equipped with a modem card, dial out in the event of an alarm
condition. The alarm notification may be via phone to a pager, or email.
Our revolutionary digital communications package allows you to change set points, manually
activate or deactivate pumps and valves, upgrade software, receive reports and alarms, from any
PC that has Internet access. No proprietary software needs to be installed on the PC, only a web
, ClO2,
2.1 Measurement Performance
Contacting Conductivity pH
Range 0-10,000 µS/cm Range -2 to 16 pH units
Resolution 1 µS/cm Resolution 0.01 pH units
Calibration ± 50% of raw reading; Calibration single or dual point
scalable to read in ppm
mV Temperature
Range ± 1400 mV Range 32 to 392°F (0 to 200°C)
Resolution 1 mV Resolution 1°F (1°C)
Calibration single or dual point Calibration single point; degrees C or F
Chlorine Chlorine Dioxide
Range 0 to 8 mg/l Range 0 to 10 mg/l
Resolution 0.01 mg/l Resolution 0.01 mg/l
Calibration single or dual point Calibration single or dual point
Electrodeless Conductivity
Ranges 50 to 1000 µS/cm, 1-10 mS/cm, 10-100 mS/cm, or 100-1000 mS/cm
Resolution 1 µS/cm or 1 mS/cm (range dependent)
Calibration single or dual point; scalable to read in ppm or % concentration
2.2 Electrical
Input power 100 – 120/220-240 VAC ±10%, 12A, 50/60 HzFuse 1.6A, 5 x 20mm
Input signals
State-Type Digital Inputs Electrical: Non-isolated 5 VDC with 301K ohm pull-up
Low Speed Counter-Type
Digial Inputs
High Speed Counter-Type
Digial Inputs
Analog Inputs (1-8)
Sensor STANDARD (1)
Signal (isolated) ±1.5V Signal (isolated)±1.5V
Temp (isolated) 1K or 10K or 100K ohm Temp (isolated) 1K or 10K or 100K ohm
Typical response time: <10 seconds
Devices supported: Any isolated dry contact (i.e. relay, reed switch)
Types: Interlock, Level switch, Generic input
Electrical: Non-isolated 5 VDC with 301K ohm pull-up, 0-10 Hz, 50 msec minimum
Devices supported: Any device with isolated open drain, open collector, transistor or
reed switch
Supported on inputs: Standard inputs A-D, Optional inputs 1-6
Types: Contacting Flowmeter, Feed Verification, Generic Counter
Electrical: Non-isolated 5 VDC with 301K ohm pull-up, 0-400 Hz, 1.25 msec
minimum width
Devices supported: Any device with isolated open drain, open collector, transistor or
reed switch
Supported on inputs: Standard inputs A-D, Optional inputs 5-6
Types: Paddlewheel Flowmeter, Generic Counter
4-20 mA, 2-wire or 3 -wire, internally powered by 24 VDC, 25 ohm input resistance,
1000 ohm maximum load. Typical response time <10 seconds
Sensor OPTIONAL (3)
Mechanical relays:
R1, R2, R3, and R4 relays are fused together as one group, total current for this group must not exceed 5.5A
R5, R6, R7 and R8 relays are fused together as one group, total current for this group must not exceed 5.5A.
Relays 1-8 may be dry contact or may switch line (mains) voltage, depending upon model code; refer to Figure 4. Powered
relays have both NO and NC terminals available. Only powered relays are fused.
Digital: USB
Ethernet, 10 Base T
At 115 VAC, 10 amp (resistive), 1/8 HP
At 230 VAC, 6 amp (resistive), 1/8 HP
EN 61010-1:2010 3rd Ed.
EMC IEC 61326-1:2005
EN 61326-1:2006
Note: For EN61000-4-6, and EN 61000-4-3, the controller meets performance criteria B.
*Class A equipment: Equipment suitable for use in establishments other than domestic, and those directly connected
to a low voltage (100-240 VAC) power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
2.3 Mechanical
Material: Polycarbonate
NEMA Rating: NEMA 4X
Dimensions: 10” x 12” x 5-5/8” (25.4cm x 30.5cm x 14.5cm)
Display: 64 x 128 Pixel Backlit LCD Graphics Module
Operating Ambient Temp: 32-120°F (0 to 49°C)
Storage Temp: -20 to 176°F (-29 to 80°C)
Weight 11.5lb (5.2kg)
Flow switch manifold
Pressure: 150 psi up to 100° F, 50 psi @140° F
Temperature: 32 to 140°F (0 to 60°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTF
Wetted Materials of construction: Glass-Filled Polypropylene, PVC, FKM, Isoplast
pH Electrode
Pressure: 0 to100 psi
Temperature: 50 to158°F (10 to 70°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTF
Wetted Materials of Construction: Glass-Filled Polypropylene, CPVC, HDPE,
FKM, Glass
ORP electrode
Pressure: 0 to100 psi
Temperature: 32 to 158°F (0 to 70°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTF
Wetted Materials of Construction: Glass-Filled Polypropylene, CPVC, HDPE,
FKM, Platinum, Glass
Contacting conductivity electrode
Pressure: 0 to150 psi
Temperature: 32 to158°F (0 to 70°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTF
Wetted Materials of Construction: Glass-Filled Polypropylene, Graphite, FKM
Electrodeless conductivity sensor
Pressure: 0 to150 psi
Temperature: 32 to158°F (0 to 70°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTF
Wetted Materials of Construction: Glass-Filled Polypropylene, CPVC, FKM
Stainless steel contacting conductivity electrode
Pressure: 0-150 psi
Temperature: 32-158°F (0 to 70°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTF
Wetted Materials of Construction: Glass-Filled Polypropylene, 316 SS, FKM
Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide sensors
Pressure: 0 to 1 atm (0 to 14.7 psi)
Chlorine Dioxide sensors: 41 to 122°F (5 to 50°C)
Chlorine: 41 to 113°F (5 to 45°C)
Flow Cell Inlet: ¼” NPTF
Flow Cell Outlet: ¾” NPTF
Wetted Materials of Construction: PVC, Silicone or PTFE, Nylon, Isoplast, FKM
High pressure tower contacting conductivity electrode
Pressure: 0-300 psi
Temperature: 32-158°F (0 to 70°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTM
Wetted Materials of Construction: 316 SS, PEEK
High pressure boiler contacting conductivity electrode
Pressure: 0-250 psi
Temperature: 32-401°F (0 to 205°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTM
Wetted Materials of Construction: 316 SS, PEEK
High pressure pH electrode
Pressure: 0-300 psi
Temperature: 32-275°F (0 to 135°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTM
Wetted Materials of Construction: Glass, Polymer, PTFE, 316 SS, FKM
High Pressure ORP electrode
Pressure: 0-300 psi
Temperature: 32-275°F (0 to 135°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTM
Wetted Materials of Construction: Platinum, Polymer, PTFE, 316 SS, FKM
High Pressure flow switch
Pressure: 0-300 psi
Temperature: 32-158°F (0 to 70°C)
Process connections: ¾” NPTF
Wetted Materials of Construction: Carbon steel, Brass, 316SS, FKM”
2.4 Variables and their Limits
All menus shown may not be available. The menus that appear on your controller will vary with
options installed and programmed.
Sensor Input Menu – if pH
Calibration Reminder 0-365 days
Alarm Limits -2 to 16
Alarm Dead Band -2 to 16
Deviation from Primary Sensor 0.01 to 18
Damping 0 to 60 seconds
Temperature Alarm Limits 23 to 302°F (-5 to 150 °C)
Sensor Input Menu – if ORP
Calibration Reminder 0-365 days
Alarm Limits -1400 to 1400 mV
Alarm Dead Band -1400 to 1400 mV
Deviation from Primary Sensor 0.01 to 2800 mV
Damping 0 to 60 seconds
Temperature Alarm Limits 23 to 190°F (-5 to 88 °C)
Sensor Input Menu – if Contacting Conductivity
Calibration Reminder 0 – 365 days
ppm Conversion Factor 0.5 – 1.0
Alarm Limits 0 to 10,000 (units defined by user)
Alarm Dead Band 0 to 30,000 (units defined by user)
Deviation from Primary Sensor 0.01 to 30,000 (units defined by user)
Damping 0 to 60 seconds
Temperature Alarm Limits 23 to 190°F (-5 to 88 °C)
Sensor Input Menu – if High Temp Contacting Conductivity
Calibration Reminder 0 – 365 days
ppm Conversion Factor 0.5 – 1.0
Alarm Limits 0 to 10,000 (units defined by user)
Alarm Dead Band 0 to 30,000 (units defined by user)
Deviation from Primary Sensor 0.01 to 30,000 (units defined by user)
Damping 0 to 60 seconds
Temperature Alarm Limits 32 – 392°F (0 to 200°C)
Sensor Input Menu – if Electrodeless Conductivity
Calibration Reminder 0 – 365 days
ppm Conversion Factor 0.5 – 1.0
Alarm Limits 0 to full scale of range
Alarm Dead Band 0 to full scale of range
Deviation from Primary Sensor 0.01 to full scale of range
Temperature Alarm Limits 23 to 190°F (-5 to 88 °C)
Sensor Input Menu – if Chlorine or Chlorine Dioxide
Calibration Reminder 0-365 days
Alarm Limits 0 to 10 mg/l
Alarm Dead Band 0 to 10 mg/l
Deviation from Primary Sensor 0.01 to 10 mg/l
Damping 0 to 60 seconds
Flowmeter Input Menu – Analog Input Type
Flow Rate at 4 mA 0 to 1000 (units of measure defined by user)
Flow Rate at 20 mA 0 to 1000 (units of measure defined by user)
Level Input Menu – Analog Input Type
Empty mA 0 to 20 mA
Full mA 0 to 20 mA
Full volume 0 to 10,000 (units defined by user)
Low Level Alarm Limit 0.001 to 10,000 (units defined by user)
Generic 4-20 mA Input Menu
Parameter = 4 mA -10,000 to 10,000 (units defined by user)
Parameter = 20 mA -10,000 to 10,000 (units defined by user)
Low Alarm Limit -100,000,000 to 100,000,000 (units defined by user)
High Alarm Limit -100,000,000 to 100,000,000 (units defined by user)
Flowmeter Input Menu – Digital Input Type
Volume per Contact 0 to 1000 (units of measure defined by user)
K Factor 0.001 to 20,000 (Pulses per Gallon or Liter)
Total Alarm Limit 0 = no limit, otherwise >0
Rate High Alarm >0
Rate Low Alarm >0
Feed Verification Input Menu
Alarm Time 0.1 to 10 minutes
Pump Volume per Stroke 0.000 to 100 (units of measure defined by user)
Counter Input Menu
One Count = >0
Total Alarm Limit 0 =no limit, otherwise >0
Rate High Alarm >0
Rate Low Alarm >0
Relay Output Menu – On/Off Set Point
Set Point Full scale range of the input parameter
Dead Band Full scale range of the input parameter
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Time Proportional
Set Point Full scale range of the input parameter
Sample Period 1 to 1440 minutes
Proportional Band Full scale range of the input parameter
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Feed with Another Relay
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Feed after Another Relay (Fixed Time)
Fixed Time to Feed 0 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Flow Based Feed
Volume to trigger Feed 1 to 99,999 (units defined by user)
Feed Time per unit Volume 1 second to 1440 minutes
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Biocide Timer Based
Output On-Time 0 = , 1 to 1440 min
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Feed After Another Relay (%)
% of Relay to Feed 0 to 100%
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Feed as % Time
Time Period 1 – 1440 minutes
% of Period to Feed 0.1 to 100%
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Cycles of Concentration
Cycles Set Point 1 – 50 cycles
Cycles Dead band 0.01 – 20 cycles
Cycles Low Alarm 0 – 50 cycles
Cycles High Alarm 0 – 50 cycles
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Spike
Set Point Full scale range of the parameter
Dead Band Full scale range of the parameter
Relay On-Time 1 sec to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Intermittent, Fixed Blowdown Time
Set Point Full scale range of the parameter
Interval Time 5 to 1440 minutes
Duration of Sample 10 seconds to 60 minutes
Hold Time 30 seconds to 10 minutes
Blowdown Time 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Intermittent, Proportional Blowdown Time
Set Point Full scale range of the parameter
Interval Time 5 to 1440 minutes
Duration of Sample 10 seconds to 60 minutes
Hold Time 30 seconds to 10 minutes
Blowdown Time 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu - Alarm
On Delay Time 0 to 1440 minutes
Power Up On Delay Time 0 to 1440 minutes
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Activate on a DI
On Delay Time 10 seconds to 1440 minutes
Off Delay Time 10 seconds to 1440 minutes
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Target PPM Feed
Makeup Conductivity Full scale range of the parameter
Unit Volume to Trigger Output 1 to 999,999,999 (units defined by user)
Target PPM Set Point 0 to 100,000 ppm
Specific Gravity of Chemical Fed 0 to 10.000 g/ml
Pump Flow Rate 0 to 1,000 (units defined by user)
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Relay Output Menu – Target PPM Feed with Feed Verification
Makeup Conductivity Full scale range of the parameter
Unit Volume to Trigger Output 1 to 999,999,999 (units defined by user)
Target PPM Set Point 0 to 100,000 ppm
Specific Gravity of Chemical Fed 0 to 10.000 g/ml
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
4-20 mA Output Menu - Retransmit
(parameter selected) = 4 mA Full scale range of the parameter
(parameter selected) = 20 mA Full scale range of the parameter
Full Scale Ranges are:
Contacting Conductivity: 0 to 10,000 μS/cm
Electrodeless Conductivity: 50 to 10,000 μS/cm
Or 10 mS/cm to 100 mS/cm
Or 100 mS/cm to 1000 mS/cm
Temperature: 32 to 392°F (-18 to 200° C)
pH: -2 to 16 standard units
ORP: -1400 to 1400 mV
Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide 0 to 10 mg/l
4-20 mA Output Menu – Proportional Feed
Set Point Full scale range of the parameter
Minimum Output Allowed 0 – 100%
Input Value when Output is Max Full scale range of the parameter
Damping 0 – 60 seconds
Interlock Value 0 – 100%
Input Fault Value 0 – 100%
Input Cal Set Value 0 – 100%
Output Time Limit 0 = , 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Time Limit 1 to 1440 minutes
Hand Value 0 – 100%
Full Scale Ranges are:
Contacting Conductivity: 0 to 10,000 μS/cm
Electrodeless Conductivity: 50 to 10,000 μS/cm
Or 10 mS/cm to 100 mS/cm
Or 100 mS/cm to 1000 mS/cm
Temperature: 32 to 392°F (-18 to 200° C)
pH: -2 to 16 standard units
ORP: -1400 to 1400 mV
Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide 0 to 10 mg/l
Data Logging Menu
Logging Interval 10 to 1440 minutes
3.1 Unpacking the Unit
Inspect the contents of the carton. Please notify the carrier immediately if there are any signs of
damage to the controller or its parts. Contact your distributor if any of the parts are missing. The
carton should contain a WebMasterONE and technical support package (contains instruction
manual, Quick Start Guide, CD and USB cable). Any options or accessories will be incorporated
as ordered.
3.2 Mounting the Electronic Enclosure
The WebMasterONE is supplied with mounting holes on the enclosure. It should be wall mounted
with the display at eye level on a vibration-free surface, utilizing all mounting holes for maximum
The enclosure is NEMA 4X rated, suitable for outdoor installation. The maximum ambient
operating temperature is 120° F (49° C); this should be considered if installation is in a high
temperature location.
The installation site should be in close proximity to grounded AC power, the chemistry to be
controlled, and phone line or Ethernet hub (if applicable).
Avoid locations that are in close proximity to sources of electrical noise (motor starters, power
transformers, variable speed motor drives, radio transmitters, etc.), corrosive fumes or excessive
The enclosure requires the following clearances:
Top: 2”
Left: 10”
Right: 4”
Bottom: 8”
3.3 Installation
The WebMasterONE series controllers are supplied with a flow switch manifold designed to
provide a continuously flowing sample of cooling water to the sensors. Please refer to Figures 1
(a-d) below for some typical installation drawings.
Cooling Towers:
Tap off the discharge side of the recirculation pump to provide a minimum flow of 1 gallon per
minute through the flow switch manifold. The sample must flow into the bottom of the manifold in
order to close the flow switch, and return to a point of lower pressure in order to ensure flow.
Install an isolation valve on both sides of the manifold to stop flow for sensor maintenance.
IMPORTANT: To avoid damaging the female pipe threads on the supplied plumbing parts, use no
more than 3 wraps of PTFE tape and thread into the pipe FINGER tight only! DO NOT use any
pipe dope, plumber’s putty or other sealing products that contain diacetone alcohol, as these attack
the flow switch plastic! Use PTFE tape ONLY!
The conductivity probe should be placed as close to the controller as possible, to a maximum
distance of 250 ft. The cable MUST be shielded from background electrical noise. Use 24 AWG,
3 twisted pair, shielded, low capacitance (15 pF/ft) cable such as Walchem P/N 102535 (Belden
9680) or equivalent.
Important Boiler Installation Notes: (see figure 1b and c)
1. Make sure the minimum water level in the boiler is at least 4-6 inches above the skimmer
blowdown line. If the skimmer line is closer to the surface, it is likely that steam will be drawn
into the line instead of boiler water. The skimmer line must also be installed above the highest
2. Maintain a 3/4 inch minimum pipe ID with no flow restrictions from the tap for the boiler
skimmer blowdown line to the electrode. If the ID is reduced below 3/4 inch, then flashing will
occur beyond that point and the conductivity reading will be low and erratic. Minimize the usage
of tees, valves, elbows or unions between the boiler and the electrode.
3. A manual shut off valve should be installed so that the electrode can be removed and cleaned.
This valve must be a full port valve in order to avoid a flow restriction. Keep the distance
between the tap for the boiler skimmer line to the electrode as short as possible, to a maximum
of 10 feet.
4. Mount the electrode in the side branch of a tee in a horizontal run of pipe. This will minimize
entrapment of steam around the electrode and will allow any solids to pass through.
5. There MUST be a flow restriction after the electrode and/or control valve in order to provide
back pressure. This flow restriction will be either a flow control valve or an orifice union. The
amount of the flow restriction will affect the blowdown rate as well, and should be sized
6. Install the motorized ball valve or solenoid valve per the manufacturer’s instructions.
7. For best results, align the hole in the conductivity electrode such that the direction of water flow
is through the hole.
Guide to Sizing Blowdown Valves and Orifice Plates
1. Determine the Rate of Steam Production in Pounds per Hour:
Either read off the boiler name plate (water-tube boilers) or Calculate from horsepower rating (fire-tube
HP x 34.5 = lbs/hr. Example: 100 HP = 3450 lbs/hr.
2. Determine the Concentration Ratio (BASED ON FEEDWATER)
A water treatment chemical specialist should determine the desired number of cycles of concentration.
This is the ratio of TDS in the boiler water to TDS in the feedwater. Note that feedwater means the water
that is fed to the boiler from the deaerator and includes makeup water plus condensate return.
Example: 10 cycles of concentration has been recommended
3. Determine the Required Blowdown Rate in Pounds Per Hour
Blowdown Rate = Steam Production / (Concentration Ratio –1)
Example: 3450/(10-1) = 383.33 lbs./hr
4. Determine if Continuous or Intermittent Sampling is Required
Use intermittent sampling when the boiler operation or loading is intermittent, or on boilers where the
required blowdown rate is less than 25% of the smallest available flow control valve or less than the flow
through the smallest orifice. See the graphs on the next page.
Use continuous sampling when the boiler is operating 24 hours per day and the required blowdown rate is
more than 25% of the smallest applicable flow control valve or orifice. See the graphs on the next page.
Use of a flow control valve will give you the best control of the process, since the flow rate can be easily
adjusted. The dial on the valve also gives you a visual indication if the flow rate has been changed. If the
valve clogs, it can be opened to clear the obstruction, and closed to the previous position.
If an orifice plate is used, you must install a valve downstream from the orifice in order to fine tune the
flow rate and provide additional back pressure in many applications.
Example: An 80 psi boiler has a Required Blowdown Rate of 383.33 lbs./hr. The maximum flow rate of
the smallest flow control valve is 3250 lbs./hr. 3250 x 0.25= 812.5 which is too high for continuous
sampling. Using an orifice, the flow rate through the smallest diameter plate is 1275 lbs./hr. This is too
high for continuous sampling.
5. Determine the Orifice or Flow Control Valve Size for this Blowdown Rate
Use the following graphs to select a flow control device:
Flow Rate in Lbs/hr for Various Orifices
Pressure PSI
1/8 inch dia
3/16 inch dia
1/4 inch dia
5/16 inch dia
Flow Control Valve
Maximum Flow Rates in Lbs/hr
Sensor Installation
All sensors for the WebMasterONE series are provided with signal conditioning electronics, and
conductivity sensors may be located up to 250 feet (75 meters) from the controller, and pH/ORP
sensors may be located up to 1000 feet (303 meters) from the controller. It is highly recommended
that the sensors be installed within 20 feet of the controller in order to make periodic calibration
more convenient.
Sensors should be located such that they respond rapidly to a well-mixed sample of the process
water and the treatment chemicals. If they are too close to the chemical injection point, they will
see spikes in concentration and cycle on and off too frequently. If they are too far away from the
chemical injection point, they will respond too slowly to the concentration changes, and you will
overshoot the set point.
If the sensor cables need to be extended, then 24 AWG shielded low capacitance (15 pF/ft) twisted
pair cable such as Walchem P/N 102535 (Belden 9680) or equivalent should be used. Pay attention
to the integrity of the cable shield. Always route sensor cables (or any other low voltage wiring) in
conduit that is separated from any AC voltage wiring by at least 6 inches.
pH and ORP electrodes must be installed such that the measuring surfaces will always remain wet.
A U-trap provided in the manifold design should achieve this, even if the sample flow stops. These
electrodes also must be installed with the measuring surfaces pointing down; that is 5 degrees
above the horizontal, at a minimum.
If the sensors are to be submersed in the process, mount them firmly to the tank, and protect the
cable with plastic pipe, sealed at the top with a cable gland, to prevent premature failure. Place the
sensors in an area of good solution movement.
ISO 3864, No. B.3.6 Caution, risk of electric shock
Caution, High temperature, risk of
ISO 3864, No. B.3.1 Caution
Figure 1a: Typical Installation, Cooling Tower
Figure 1b Typical Installation, Boiler
Intermittent Sam
Figure 1c: Typical Installation, Boiler
Continuous Sam
3.5 Electrical Installation
The WebMasterONE series controllers require the following voltages:
100 –120/200-240 VAC± 10%, 50/60 Hz, 12 amperes maximum
The controller must be connected to its own 15 ampere breaker, close by, to act as an alternate
power shutdown.
Your controller is supplied either factory prewired or ready to be hardwired. Depending upon your
choice of options, you may be required to hardwire some or all of the input/output devices. Please
refer to Figures 4 through 8 for wiring diagrams.
The output loads may be connected to pigtail
(125V prewired) connections or terminal block
(hardwired) connections. The total output current
must not exceed 11 amps. The output relays are
connected in two relay banks each fused at 6.3 amps.
See figure on the right. Assess the steady state amps
of all loads before connecting to controller. Depending
upon your model code, some relays may be dry contact
and not fused.
CAUTION! There are live circuits inside the controller even when the power switch on the front
panel is in the OFF position! The front panel must never be opened before power to the controller
If your controller is prewired, it is supplied with a 10 foot, 14 AWG power cord with USA style
plug and 8 inch, 18 AWG USA style receptacle cords for the powered relay outputs. A tool (#1
Phillips driver) is required to open the front panel.
CAUTION! The electrical installation of the controller must be done by trained personnel only
and conform to all applicable National, State and Local codes!
Sensor Inputs
(up to 4)
C Power
Note: Many of the inputs and outputs listed are optional
and may not be present in your controller.
The (-) signal wire is the actual 4-20mA
signal and is also the GND return wire
to complete the circuit.
'Input -' is internally connected to GND
via 25 ohm resistor.
This transmitter gets its power from its own
dedicated power supply.
* Connecting a powered transmitter to the
'Input +' terminal of the WebMaster will
permanently damage the input!
The analog inputs share their negative terminals.
They are all isolated from earth ground but not isolated from each other.
One non-isolated device may be connected without pr ob le ms.
If more than one non-isolated transmit ter is connected, the
F. Non-Isolated Four-Wire Externally-Powered Transmitter
GND +24
Input 1 Input 1 +
Input 2 -
must be installed with an isolator.
Input 2 +
Input 3 Input 3 +
Input 4 Input 4 +
The WebMaster GND must always be at the bottom of the loop.
Maximum total loop resistance 1000 ohms.