Walchem WDS600, WDS410, WDS900, WDS100 Instruction Manual

Disinfection Sensors


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Non-Membrane Disinfection Sensors
Instruction Manual
TEL: 508-429-1110 WEB: www.walchem.com

© 2019 WALCHEM, Iwaki America Inc. (hereinafter “Walchem”) Five Boynton Road, Holliston, MA 01746 USA (508) 429-1110 All Rights Reserved Printed in USA

Proprietary Material
The information and descriptions contained herein are the property of WALCHEM. Such information and descriptions may not be copied or reproduced by any means, or disseminated or distributed without the express prior written permission of WALCHEM, Five Boynton Road, Holliston, MA 01746.
Statement of Limited Warranty
WALCHEM warrants equipment of its manufacture, and bearing its identification to be free from defects in workmanship and material for a period of 24 months for electronics and 12 months for mechanical parts and electrodes from date of delivery from the factory or authorized distributor under normal use and service and otherwise when such equipment is used in accordance with instructions furnished by WALCHEM and for the purposes disclosed in writing at the time of purchase, if any. WALCHEM’s liability under this warranty shall be limited to replacement or repair, F.O.B. Holliston, MA U.S.A. of any defective equipment or part which, having been returned to WALCHEM, transportation charges prepaid, has been inspected and determined by WALCHEM to be defective. Replacement elastomeric parts and glass components are expendable and are not covered by any warranty.
P/N 180560.G June 2019
Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................... 1
Sensor 1 Flow Cell 1
2.0 Installation ......................................................... 2
Assembling the Sensor 2 Flow Cell Placement 4 Installing Sensor into Flow Cell 4 Sensor Parts 5 Typical Installation 5 Optional Flow Switch Installation 7 Wiring Instructions 7
3.0 Operation ......................................................... 14
Conditioning 14 Calibration 14
4.0 Troubleshooting ............................................. 16
The disinfectant reading is much lower than the manual analysis 16 The disinfectant reading is much higher than the manual analysis 16 Sensor Error 17 Disinfectant Reading is Unstable 17 Calibration Failure 18
5.0 Maintenance .................................................... 19
Cleaning the Electrodes 19 Sensor Storage 19
6.0 Specifications ................................................. 21
7.0 Sensor Part Numbers ..................................... 22

1.0 Introduction

The Walchem non-membrane chlorine and chlorine dioxide sensors consist of an amperometric sensor assembly, cable and a flow cell. Assembly of these parts is required, so please read these instructions carefully. The sensor is capable of measuring the disinfectant in drinking water or drinking water quality water.
The sensor assembly includes the sensor body, a 50-ml bottle of electrolyte fill solution, and special abrasive emery paper. Make sure that all parts are included.
The sensors are open (not-membrane covered) amperometric 3-electrode types. The measuring and counter electrode are in direct contact with the measuring water. The reference electrode is separated from the measuring water by a housing which contains an electrolyte. Together with the electrolyte, an electrical signal is generated at the measuring electrode which is proportional to the concentration of the disinfectant, and amplified by the electronics of the sensor. The measuring signal is temperature compensated.
Flow Cell
The flow cell consists of a translucent flow cell body, mounting nut and o­ring, washer set and o-ring. Make sure that all parts are included.
The flow cell is required. The sensor will not read accurately if it is not installed in the flow cell, with a steady flow rate between 20 and 100 liters per hour, at an operating pressure of 8 atmospheres or less.

2.0 Installation

Assembling the Sensor
CAUTION: Wear gloves and safety glasses during assembly of the sensor since the electrolyte is a diluted acid. It is recommended to perform this operation over a sink with running water available. Please heed the warnings on the electrolyte bottle. Do not swallow the electrolyte. Avoid contact of the electrolyte with skin and eyes. Otherwise wash with a lot of water. In case of eye inflammation, contact a doctor.
After using, re-cap any remaining electrolyte and store the bottle upside-down until the next use.
Never shake the electrolyte bottle, as this will introduce air bubbles that will negatively impact performance!
Do not touch or otherwise contaminate the electrodes!
For PEEK sensors, never remove the reservoir cartridge attached to the reference electrode!
Sensors without optional cleaning attachment
1. Holding the sensor at the housing as shown, unscrew the dark grey
protective cap. The cap contains liquid. Save the protective cap in case the electrode will need to be stored for more than a month of downtime.
2. Unscrew the housing until there is a gap, then fill it to the top with
the electrolyte until it overflows. Never shake the electrolyte bottle, it must stay free of bubbles!
3. SLOWLY screw on the housing until it is hand tight. Be prepared
for some electrolyte solution to squeeze out.
4. Rinse your hands, the sensor, and all surfaces contaminated with
electrolyte solution with running water. Check the sensor for leaks.
5. Push the cable onto the end of the sensor, aligning the pins with the
holes. Turn the connector until hand tight to seal the cable connection.
Sensors with optional cleaning attachment
The cleaning attachment consists of a cleaning chamber and two bags of glass balls. When using the cleaning attachment, the minimum sample flow rate is 45 l/hour! The cleaning attachment is only effective in removing thin deposits.
1. Complete the steps above for sensors without cleaning attachment.
2. Remove the o-ring holder from the acrylic flow cell and slide it up
onto the sensor to sit below the o-ring.
3. Place three of the glass balls into the cleaning chamber and screw
it onto the electrolyte housing.
Flow Cell Placement
Instructions for mounting the sensor into the process can vary greatly with the circumstances that are encountered in your application. Here are some general guidelines to assist you. Refer also to the typical installation drawings.
The flow cell should be placed on the discharge side of a circulation pump or downhill from a gravity feed. Flow into the cell must come from the bottom side that has the 8 mm OD tubing x ¼” straight thread fitting installed.
The outlet of the flow cell must be plumbed to open atmosphere unless the system pressure is at or below 8 atmospheres. If the flow through the line cannot be stopped to allow for cleaning and calibration of the sensor, then it should be placed in a by-pass line with isolation valves to allow for sensor removal. Install the sensor vertically, with the measuring surface pointing down, at least 5 degrees above horizontal. (Refer to Installation drawing)
Flow rate regulation must be done upstream from the sensor, because any flow restriction downstream can increase the pressure above the rated value. The acrylic flow cell has a flow regulator knob on the lower left hand side.
The sensor should be installed in an area where there is good solution movement and where it will respond rapidly to chemical additions. The placement of the sensor relative to the placement of chemical replenishment, along with the quality of the mixing, and the replenishment chemical flow rate are critical to accurate process control.
To avoid biological growth on the electrodes, which can block measurement, never leave the sensor in water without oxidant for longer than 24 hours, unless using the optional cleaning attachment.
Installing Sensor into Flow Cell
1. For sensors without the cleaning attachment, unscrew the 1 ¼” fitting
from the acrylic flow cell. Insert the sensor as shown below. Push the 1 ¼” fitting over the sensor and fasten it tightly. Make sure that the sensor is tightly fastened in place, otherwise it may be pushed out of the flow cell when it is under pressure, or leaks can occur.
2. For sensors with the cleaning attachment, unscrew the 1 ¼” fitting from
the acrylic flow cell. Insert the sensor with mounted cleaning attachment and o-ring holder into the flow cell by turning it CLOCKWISE until the o-ring holder is snug (turning CCW can loosen the electrolyte housing
and/or cleaning attachment). Make sure that the large black o-ring is
O ring
shaft with
retaining ring
slide ring
Screw fitting 1¼” Retaining ring
Slide ring
O-ring holder
O-ring 20 x 2.6 (Viton)
Acrylic flow cell
O-ring 25 x 2.5 (silicon)
located between the o-ring holder and the flow cell, as shown below. Push the 1 ¼” fitting over the sensor and fasten it tightly. Make sure that the sensor is tightly fastened in place, otherwise it may be pushed out of the flow cell when it is under pressure, or leaks can occur.
3. To supply a sample, first open the water outlet valve. Then open slowly
the measuring water supply valve. The minimum flow rate is 45 liters/hour when using the cleaning attachment, 20 liters/hour without. The acrylic flow cell has a flow regulator knob on the lower left hand side. Avoid installations that allow air bubbles to enter the measuring water.
Sensor Parts
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