The information and descriptions contained herein are the property of WALCHEM. Such information and descriptions
may not be copied or reproduced by any means, or disseminated or distributed without the express prior written permission of WALCHEM, 5 Boynton Road, Holliston, MA 01746.
This document is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice.
Statement of Limited Warranty
WALCHEM warrants equipment of its manufacture, and bearing its identication to be free from defects in workmanship
and material for a period of 24 months for electronics and 12 months for mechanical parts and electrodes from date of
delivery from the factory or authorized distributor under normal use and service and otherwise when such equipment is
used in accordance with instructions furnished by WALCHEM and for the purposes disclosed in writing at the time of
purchase, if any. WALCHEM’s liability under this warranty shall be limited to replacement or repair, F.O.B. Holliston,
MA U.S.A. of any defective equipment or part which, having been returned to WALCHEM, transportation charges
prepaid, has been inspected and determined by WALCHEM to be defective. Replaceable elastomeric parts and glass
components are expendable and are not covered by any warranty.
2.4 Variables and their Limits .......................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Unpacking the unit ..................................................................................................................................................8
3.2 Mounting the electronic enclosure ..........................................................................................................................8
4.0 FUNCTION OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................................................31
4.1 Front Panel ...........................................................................................................................................................31
4.5 Shut Down ............................................................................................................................................................40
5.0 OPERATION using the touchscreen .................................................................................................................40
5.1 Alarms Menu ......................................................................................................................................................41
5.2 Inputs Menu .........................................................................................................................................................41
5.2.4 Temperature ..............................................................................................................................................47
5.2.9 Transmitter Input and AI Monitor Input ...................................................................................................... 49
5.2.10 DI State .....................................................................................................................................................50
5.2.11 Flow Meter, Contactor Type ......................................................................................................................50
5.2.12 Flow Meter, Paddlewheel Type .................................................................................................................51
5.2.15 Virtual Input – Raw Value .......................................................................................................................... 54
5.3 Outputs Menu .....................................................................................................................................................55
5.3.1 Relay, Any Control Mode ...........................................................................................................................55
5.3.2 Relay, On/Off Control Mode ......................................................................................................................56
5.3.3 Plating Control ...........................................................................................................................................56
5.3.9 Relay, Pulse Proportional Control Mode .................................................................................................... 59
5.3.10 Relay, PID Control Mode ............................................................................................................................ 59
5.3.11 Relay, Dual Set Point Mode ....................................................................................................................... 62
5.3.12 Relay, Timer Control Mode ......................................................................................................................... 62
5.3.13 Relay, Probe Wash Control Mode .............................................................................................................. 63
5.3.14 Relay, Spike Control Mode ......................................................................................................................... 64
5.3.15 Relay, or Analog Output, Lag Control Mode ............................................................................................... 66
5.3.16 Relay or Analog Output, Retransmit Mode ................................................................................................. 72
5.3.17 Analog Output, Proportional Control Mode ................................................................................................ 72
5.3.18 Analog Output, PID Control Mode .............................................................................................................. 73
5.3.19 Analog Output, Manual Mode .................................................................................................................... 76
5.3.20 Analog Output, Flow Proportional Mode .................................................................................................... 76
5.4.1 Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.5 HOA Menu ........................................................................................................................................................... 81
5.6 Graph Menu ........................................................................................................................................................ 81
6.0 OPERATION using Ethernet ............................................................................................................................... 82
6.1 Connecting to a LAN ............................................................................................................................................. 82
6.1.1 Using DHCP ............................................................................................................................................... 82
6.2 Connecting Directly to a Computer ....................................................................................................................... 82
6.3 Navigating the web pages ..................................................................................................................................... 83
8.1.7 Analog Inputs ...............................................................................................................................................86
8.1.8 Temperature Sensors .................................................................................................................................... 86
8.3 Procedure for Evaluation of Conductivity Electrode .............................................................................................. 91
8.4 Procedure for evaluation of the pH/ORP electrode .............................................................................................. 91
10.0 Service Policy ...................................................................................................................................................... 94
The Walchem W600 Series controllers offer a high level of exibility in controlling metal nishing applications.
Two sensor input slots are available to accommodate a variety of cards:
Single Copper or Nickel plus Single pH
Dual Analog (4-20 mA) Input
Single Analog Input + Single Sensor (Contacting Conductivity, pH, ORP, Disinfection or Generic linear voltage
between -2 and 2 VDC)
Sensor Input (Electrodeless Conductivity, Contacting Conductivity, pH, ORP, Disinfection or Generic linear
voltage between -2 and 2 VDC)
Six relay outputs may be set to a variety of control modes:
Plating Control
Plating Follow
Flow Timer
On/Off set point control
Time Proportional control
Pulse Proportional control (when purchased with Pulse solid state opto outputs)
PID control (when purchased with Pulse solid state opto outputs)
Lead/Lag control of up to 6 relays
Dual set point
Feed as a percent of elapsed time
Always on unless interlocked
Probe Wash timer
Spike to alternate set point on timed basis
Diagnostic Alarm triggered by:
High or Low sensor reading
No Flow
Relay output timeout
Sensor error
An option card with two isolated analog outputs may be installed to retransmit sensor input signals to a chart recorder,
datalogger, PLC or other device. They may also be connected to valves, actuators or metering pumps for linear proportional control or PID control.
An Ethernet option provides remote access to the controller’s programming via a PC connected directly, via a local
area network, or via Walchem’s VTouch account management server. It also allows emailing of datalog les (in CSV
format, compatible with spreadsheets like Excel) and alarms, to up to eight email addresses.
Our USB features provide the ability to upgrade the software in the controller to the latest version. The Cong le feature
allows you to save all the set points from a controller onto a USB ash disk, and then import them into another controller,
making the programming of multiple controllers fast and easy. The data logging feature allows you to save the sensor
readings and relay activation events to a USB ash disk.
2.1 Measurement Performance
Sensor Specs
Range0.10 to 99 g/l (varies with the chemical being measured)
0.10 to 5.50 g/l typical for electroless copper
Resolution0.01 g/l
Accuracy± 0.01 g/l
Range0.10 to 25 g/l (varies with the chemical being measured)
Temperature °CRange MultiplierTemperature °CRange Multiplier
Note: Conductivity ranges on page 2 apply at 25°C. At higher temperatures, the range is reduced per the range multiplier
2.2 Electrical: Input/Output
Input Power100 to 240 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, 7 A maximum
Fuse: 6.3 A
Copper/Nickel Sensor Signals (0, 1 or 2 depending on model code):
CopperWalchem 190787 immersible OR 190785, 190893, 191596 ow through
NickelWalchem 190784 ow through sensor
Sensor Input Signals (0, 1 or 2 depending on model code):
Contacting Conductivity0.01, 0.1, 1.0, or 10.0 cell constant OR
Electrodeless Conductivity(not available on the combination sensor/analog input card) OR
Amplied pH or ORPRequires a preamplied signal. Walchem WEL or WDS series recommended.
±5VDC power available for external preamps.
Each sensor input card contains a temperature input
Temperature100 or 1000 ohm RTD, 10K or 100K Thermistor (For Cu/Ni card, only
1000 ohm RTD)
Analog (4-20 mA) Sensor Input (0, 1,
2 or 4 depending on model code):
2-wire loop powered or self-powered transmitters supported
3 or 4 –wire transmitters supported
Each dual sensor input board has two channels
Channel 1, 130 ohm input resistance
Channel 2, 280 ohm input resistance
The combination input board has one channel, 280 ohm input resistance
Available Power:
One independent isolated 24 VDC ± 15% supply per channel
1.5 W maximum for each channel
2W (83 mA at 24 VDC) total power consumption for all channels (four
total channels possible if two dual boards are installed; 2W is equivalent to
2 Little Dipper sensors)
Digital Input Signals (6):
State-Type Digital Inputs
Electrical: Optically isolated and providing an electrically isolated 9V
power with a nominal 2.3mA current when the digital input switch is
Typical response time: < 2 seconds
Devices supported: Any isolated dry contact (i.e. relay, reed switch)
Types: Interlock
Low Speed Counter-Type Digital
Electrical: Optically isolated and providing an electrically isolated 9V
power with a nominal 2.3mA current when the digital input switch is
closed 0-10 Hz, 50 msec minimum width
Devices supported: Any device with isolated open drain, open collector,
transistor or reed switch
Types: Contacting Flowmeter
High Speed Counter-Type Digital
Electrical: Optically isolated and providing an electrically isolated 9V
power with a nominal 2.3mA current when the digital input switch is
closed, 0-500 Hz, 1.00 msec minimum width
Devices supported: Any device with isolated open drain, open collector,
transistor or reed switch
Types: Paddlewheel Flowmeter
Powered mechanical relays (0 or 6
depending on model code):
Dry contact mechanical relays (0, 2
or4 depending on model code):
Pulse Outputs (0, 2 or4 depending on
model code):
4 - 20 mA (0 or 2)
Pre-powered on circuit board switching line voltage
6 A (resistive), 1/8 HP (93 W)
All six relays are fused together as one group, total current for this group
must not exceed 6A
6 A (resistive), 1/8 HP (93 W)
Dry contact relays are not fuse protected
Opto-isolated, Solid State Relay
200mA, 40 VDC Max.
VLOWMAX = 0.05V @ 18 mA
Internally powered
Fully isolated
600 Ohm max resistive load
Resolution 0.0015% of span
Accuracy ± 0.5% of reading
10/100 802.3-2005
Auto MDIX support
Auto Negotiation
Note: For EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-3 the controller met performance criteria B.
*Class A equipment: Equipment suitable for use in establishments other than domestic, and those directly connected
to a low voltage (100-240 VAC) power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
2.3 Mechanical
Enclosure MaterialPolycarbonate
Enclosure RatingNEMA 4X (IP65)
Dimensions9.5” x 8” x 4” (241 mm x 203 mm x 102 mm)
Display320 x 240 pixel monochrome backlit display with touchscreen
Integral Time (PID Standard mode)0.001 seconds1000.000 seconds
Derivative Time (PID Standard mode)0 seconds1000.000 seconds
Proportional Gain (PID Parallel mode)0.0011000.000
Integral Gain (PID Parallel mode)0.001 /second1000.000 /second
Derivative Gain (PID Parallel mode)0 seconds1000.000 seconds
Input Minimum (PID modes)Low end of sensor range High end of sensor range
Input Maximum (PID modes)Low end of sensor range High end of sensor range
Target (Flow Prop mode) 0 ppm1,000,000 ppm
Pump Capacity (Flow Prop mode)0 gal/hour or l/hour 10,000 gal/hour or l/hour
Pump Setting (Flow Prop mode) 0%100%
Specic Gravity (Flow Prop mode) 0 g/ml9.999 g/ml
Conguration settingsLow LimitHigh Limit
Local Password00009999
VTouch update period 1 minute1440 minutes
VTouch reply timeout10 seconds60 seconds
Alarm Delay0:00 minutes59:59 minutes
SMTP Port065535
TCP Timeout1 second240 seconds
Auto Dim Time0 seconds23:59:59 HH:MM:SS
Graph settingsLow LimitHigh Limit
Low axis limitLow end of sensor rangeHigh end of sensor range
High axis limitLow end of sensor rangeHigh end of sensor range
0 mA21 mA
3.1 Unpacking the unit
Inspect the contents of the carton. Please notify the carrier immediately if there are any signs of damage to the controller or
its parts. Contact your distributor if any of the parts are missing. The carton should contain a W600 series controller and an
instruction manual. Any options or accessories will be incorporated as ordered.
3.2 Mounting the electronic enclosure
The controller is supplied with mounting holes on the enclosure. It should be wall mounted with the display at eye
level, on a vibration-free surface, utilizing all four mounting holes for maximum stability. Use M6 (1/4” diameter)
fasteners that are appropriate for the substrate material of the wall. The enclosure is NEMA 4X (IP65) rated. The
maximum operating ambient temperature is 131°F (55°C); this should be considered if installation is in a high temperature location. The enclosure requires the following clearances:
Top: 2” (50 mm)
Left: 8” (203 mm) (not applicable for prewired models)
Right: 4” (102 mm)
Bottom: 7” (178 mm)
3.3 Immersible Copper Sensor Installation
The immersible copper sensor is designed for direct in-tank monitoring of electroless copper and microetch solutions.
By monitoring the copper content directly in the solution, control lag and hydraulic problems are eliminated.
The sensor is constructed such that a constant path length exists between the ber optic light guides. The solution
between the light guides absorbs light at specic wavelengths in proportion to the copper concentration. The lamp and
electronics are located under the cover of the sensor. In order to avoid a shift in calibration due to condensation, the
sensor’s cover should NEVER be opened.
The immersible sensor is provided with a mounting plate and 20 feet of cable. Extension cable is available if the sensor cannot be mounted within 20 feet of the controller. The maximum cable length is 80 feet.
While the positioning of the sensor is not particularly sensitive to the tank layout, the following suggestions are given
to aid installation:
• Do not place the sensor beside heaters; if solution ow stops, the polypropylene guard may melt.
• Do not immerse the entire sensor, or the cable.
• Place the sensor where the loads of parts will not strike it.
• Place the sensor in an area of good solution movement, but not directly in the path of any air agitation.
• Mount the sensor securely to the rim of the tank using the holes provided. If the tank is rimless, use a block to
provide the support for the mounting plate.
• Attach the cable’s connector to the WCU controller. The connector is keyed, do not force! The sensor you
receive with the controller has already been calibrated.
3.4 Flow Through Copper Sensor/Sample Loop Installation
The copper ow through sensor is designed for out-of-tank monitoring of electroless copper and microetch solutions.
The sensor is designed with a glass tube that contains the copper solution that forms a xed path length between the
lamp and receptor module. The solution absorbs light at specic wavelengths in proportion to the copper concentra-
tion. In order to avoid a shift in calibration caused by condensation, the sensor cover should NEVER be removed!
The ow through sensor is provided with a mounting plate and 20 feet of cable. Extension cable is available if the
sensor cannot be placed within 20 feet of the controller. The maximum cable length is 80 feet.
The sample loop consists of a shut off valve, a cooling coil or plate, a sensor and a pump or any combination thereof.
The shut off valve is to quickly isolate the system if necessary. A cooling coil or plate is necessary to cool the copper solution down to a temperature acceptable to a sample pump. Cooling the solution is also recommended to help
reduce the amount of plate out which may form in the sample loop. The pump may be either a stand alone sample
pump (which typically have temperature restriction) or a high temperature pump (which is usually just a branch off
the recirculation pump).
3.5 Flow Through Nickel Sensor/Sample Loop Installation
The nickel ow through sensor is designed for out-of-tank monitoring of electroless nickel solutions.
The sensor is designed with a glass tube that contains the nickel solution that forms a xed path length between the
lamp and receptor module. The solution absorbs light at specic wavelengths in proportion to the nickel concentra-
tion. In order to avoid a shift in calibration caused by condensation, the sensor cover should NEVER be removed!
The ow through sensor is provided with a mounting plate and 20 feet of cable. Extension cable is available if the
sensor cannot be placed within 20 feet of the controller. The maximum cable length is 80 feet. Always route AC
voltage wiring in conduit that is separated a minimum of 6 inches from low voltage DC signal lines (such as the sensor
The sample loop consists of a shut off valve, a cooling coil or plate, a sensor, an optional pH adapter assembly, a pump,
or any combination thereof. The shut off valve is to quickly isolate the system if necessary. A cooling coil or plate is
necessary to cool the nickel solution down to a temperature acceptable to a sample pump and/or pH electrode (if applicable). Cooling the solution is also recommended to help reduce the amount of plate-out that may form in the sample
loop. The pH adapter assembly is used to mount an in-line pH electrode. It should be mounted such that the electrode is
always immersed in the ‘U’ trap. The pump may be either a stand-alone sample pump (which will typically have high
temperature restrictions), or a high temperature pump (which is usually a branch off of the recirculation pump).
The ow through sensor/sample loop must be installed according to the following guidelines:
• Mount the sensor on a vibration-free, vertical surface so that the sensor tubing inlet connection is at the bottom and the
outlet is at the top. The vertical orientation will prevent air bubbles from being trapped in the sensor.
• Install a shut-off valve at the beginning of the sample loop so that the system may be shut off quickly if necessary.
• If a sample pump is to be used, it must be installed last, after the cooling coil or cooling plate, the ow through sensor,
and the pH adapter assembly, if applicable.
• If a high temperature recirculation pump is to supply ow, adjust ow rate through the sample loop between 400 - 500
mL/min (approx. 0.11 - 0.13 gal/min). This ow rate will help ensure adequate cooling of the solution while maintain
ing a reasonable lagtime in longer runs of tubing. If this is not possible or is undesirable, see Application Notes below.
Other installation guidelines that may be helpful in the overall system:
• Mount the sensor as close to solution as possible. Keep tubing distances to the sensor inlet as short as possible to avoid
hydraulic lag time. Maximum recommended length of tubing from solution to sensor is 25 feet. If this is not possible,
see Application Notes below.
• The solution inlet should draw sample from an area of good solution movement in order to respond quickly to
chemical additions. However, the solution inlet should not draw too near to where the chemistry is added to avoid
articial ‘spikes’ in concentration.
• The solution discharge should be open to atmospheric pressure in order to ensure proper ow.
• The cable connector to the controller is keyed, do not force!
Application Notes
If the distance from the solution to the sensor is further than the recommended length of 25 feet, the maximum lagtime
must be calculated from the desired control band to determine a pump ow rate based on a given distance of standard,
uniform tubing. The maximum lagtime is the maximum allowable time for the solution to continuously get to the sensor
in order to achieve the desired control band.
To calculate maximum lagtime:
Max. Lagtime = Desired Control Band*
4 x Depletion Rate
where Control band = Maximum deviation of concentration
Depletion rate = Rate at which the bath will deplete per unit of time
The deadband should be adjusted so that it is 1/4 the desired control band.
For Example: The set point is 4.00 g/L.
If the desired control band is 0.20 g/L (± 0.10 g/L or 2.5%) and the bath is depleting at a rate of 1.25 g/L every
15 minutes (0.08333 g/L every minute),
then Max. Lagtime = 0.20 g/L = 0.60 minutes
4 x (0.08333 g/L /min)
So, 0.60 minutes is the maximum time it should take for the solution to reach the sensor.
To calculate pump ow rate:
Minimum Pump Flow Rate = Volume of System*
Maximum Lagtime
where Volume of system = π ( Tubing I.D.) 2 x Length of tubing
Maximum lagtime = Previously calculated time to get solution to sensor.
* Volume is based on length from solution to sensor, not the return.
For Example: If the system parameters are: Tubing is 3/8” O.D. ‘ 1/4” I.D.
Length is 30 feet (360 inches)
then the volume of the system = π ( 0.25 in )2 x (360 in)
= 17.7 in3
Note: 1 U.S. Gallon = 231 U.S cubic inches1 Liter = 61.03 U.S. cubic inches
Note: Volume of Cooling Coil: 0.018 Gallons
0.068 Liters
Volume of 3/8” O.D. x 1/4” I.D. (0.59 in3/ft): 0.00255 Gallons/linear ft
0.00965 Liters/linear ft
Volume of Cooling Plate: 0.023 Gallons
0.088 Liters
Volume of the system = 17.7 in3 = 0.0765 gallons
231 in3 / gallon
Maximum lagtime = 0.60 minutes (previously calculated)
So, the minimum pump ow rate = 0.0765 gallons = 0.127gal/min (483 mL/min)
0.60 minutes
Caution: The calculated pump ow rate is the minimum required to obtain the desired control band, however, if the
ow rate increases over the recommended rate of 500 mL/min (approx. 0.13 gal/min) the rate of cooling will decrease.
This may be compensated for by re-evaluating the system criteria: length / desired control band or to double up on the
cooling plate/coil.
Consult factory with any further installation questions.
3.6 Other Sensor Installation
Refer to the specic instructions supplied with the sensor being used, for detailed installation instructions.
General Guidelines
Locate the sensors where an active sample of water is available and where the sensors can easily be removed for
cleaning. Position the sensor such that air bubbles will not be trapped within the sensing area. Position the sensor
where sediment or oil will not accumulate within the sensing area.
In-Line Sensor Mounting
In-line mounted sensors must be situated so that the tee is always full and the sensors are never subjected to a
drop in water level resulting in dryness. Refer to Figure 3 for typical installation.
Tap off the discharge side of the recirculation pump to provide a minimum ow of 1 gallon per minute through
the ow switch manifold. The sample must ow into the bottom of the manifold in order to close the ow switch,
and return to a point of lower pressure in order to ensure ow. Install an isolation valve on both sides of the manifold to stop ow for sensor maintenance.
IMPORTANT: To avoid cracking the female pipe threads on the supplied plumbing parts, use no more than 3
wraps of Teon tape and thread in the pipe FINGER tight plus 1/2 turn! Do not use pipe dope to seal the threads
of the ow switch because the clear plastic will crack!
Submersion Sensor Mounting
If the sensors are to be submersed in the process, mount them rmly to the tank, and protect the cable with
plastic pipe, sealed at the top with a cable gland, to prevent premature failure. Place the sensors in an area of good
solution movement.
Sensors should be located such that they respond rapidly to a well-mixed sample of the process water and the
treatment chemicals. If they are too close to the chemical injection point, they will see spikes in concentration
and cycle on and off too frequently. If they are too far away from the chemical injection point, they will respond
too slowly to the concentration changes, and you will overshoot the set point.
The contacting conductivity sensor should be placed as close to the controller as possible, to a maximum
distance of 250 ft. (76 m). Less than 25 ft. (8 m) is recommended. The cable must be shielded from background
electrical noise. Always route low voltage (sensor) signals with at least a 6” (15 cm) separation from AC voltage wiring.
The electrodeless conductivity sensor should be placed as close to the controller as possible, to a maximum
distance of 120 ft. (37 m). Less than 20 ft. (6 m) is recommended. The cable must be shielded from background
electrical noise. Always route low voltage (sensor) signals with at least a 6” (15 cm) separation from AC voltage
wiring. These sensors are affected by the geometry and conductivity of their surroundings, so either maintain 6
inches (15 cm) of sample around the sensor or ensure that any nearby conductive or non-conductive items are
consistently positioned. Do not install the sensor in the path of any electrical current that may be owing in the
solution, as this will shift the conductivity reading.
The pH/ORP electrode should be placed as close to the controller as possible, to a maximum distance of 1000 feet
(305 m) from the controller. A junction box and shielded cable are available to extend the standard 20 foot (6 m)
length. pH and ORP electrodes must be installed such that the measuring surfaces will always remain wet. A U-trap
provided in the manifold design should achieve this, even if the sample ow stops. These electrodes also must be
installed with the measuring surfaces pointing down; that is 5 degrees above the horizontal, at a minimum.
The disinfection sensor should be placed as close to the controller as possible, to a maximum distance of 100
feet (30 m) from the controller. A junction box and shielded cable are available to extend the standard 20 foot (6
m) length. The sensor should be mounted such that the measuring surfaces will always stay wet. If the membrane
dries out, it will respond slowly to changing disinfectant values for 24 hours, and if dried out repeatedly, will fail
prematurely. The ow cell should be placed on the discharge side of a circulation pump or downhill from a gravity feed. Flow into the cell must come from the bottom side that has the ¾” x ¼” NPT reducing bushing installed.
The reducing bushing provides the ow velocity required for accurate readings and must not be removed! A “U”
trap should be installed so that if the ow stops, the sensor is still immersed in the water. The outlet of the ow
cell must be plumbed to open atmosphere unless the system pressure is at or below 1 atmosphere. If the ow
through the line cannot be stopped to allow for cleaning and calibration of the sensor, then it should be placed in
a by-pass line with isolation valves to allow for sensor removal. Install the sensor vertically, with the measuring
surface pointing down, at least 5 degrees above horizontal. Flow rate regulation must be done upstream from the
sensor, because any ow restriction downstream can increase the pressure above atmospheric and damage the
membrane cap!
IEC 417, No.5019Protective Conductor Terminal
IEC 417, No. 5007On (Supply)
IEC 417, No. 5008Off (Supply)
ISO 3864, No. B.3.6Caution, risk of electric shock
ISO 3864, No. B.3.1Caution
3.8 Electrical installation
The various standard wiring options are shown in gure 1, below. Your controller will arrive from the factory prewired or ready for hardwiring. Depending on your conguration of controller options, you may be required to hardwire some or all of the input/output devices. Refer to gures 6 through 17 for circuit board layout and wiring.
Note: when wiring the optional ow meter contactor input, the 4-20 mA outputs or a remote ow switch, it is advis-
able to use stranded, twisted, shielded pair wire between 22-26 AWG. Shield should be terminated at the controller at
the most convenient shield terminal.
1.There are live circuits inside the controller even when the power switch on the front panel is in the OFF position! The front panel must never be opened before power to the controller is REMOVED!
If your controller is prewired, it is supplied with an 8 foot, 18 AWG power cord with USA style plug. A tool
(#1 Phillips driver) is required to open the front panel.
2.When mounting the controller, make sure there is clear access to the disconnecting device!
3.The electrical installation of the controller must be done by trained personnel only and conform to all applicable National, State and Local codes!
4.Proper grounding of this product is required. Any attempt to bypass the grounding will compromise the safety
of persons and property.
5.Operating this product in a manner not specied by Walchem may impair the protection provided by the equip-