Thank you for purchasing the VTech® Tote & Go Laptop™
learning toy. Tote & Go Laptop™ is a powerful high-tech learning
device with a compact design for children aged 3 & up who have
begun preschool, and enjoy playing and learning no matter where
they go!
There are 30 learning activities presented in an engaging game-
like environment. Tote & Go Laptop™ gives kids a competitive
edge in school and builds computer literacy - while providing hours
of rewarding fun!
We at VTech
are committed to providing the best possible
products to entertain and educate your child. Should you have
any questions or concerns, please call our Consumer Services
Department at 1-800-521-2010 in the U.S. or 1-800-267-7377 in

Tote & Go Laptop™ is designed with 30 fun-filled activities and features a
special Magic Wireless Mouse.
The Learning Progress System re-asks questions that were answered
incorrectly to help develop children’s memory and ensure their learning
progresses. The product is hosted by Crumb, the playful puppy who interacts
with your child in many of the games. We know your child will enjoy Tote &
Go Laptop™.