VOLTCRAFT LCR-9063 User guide [ml]

VOLTCRAFT LCR-9063 User guide


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© Copyright 2009 by Voltcraft®.










Best.-Nr. / Item No. /

N° de commande / Bestnr.: 12 26 12


GB Digital L-C-R-Measuring Device LCR-9063

Regulation use of the measuring device comprises:

Measurement of unipolar or bipolar capacitors (C) of approx. 10 pF to 200 µF = 0.2 mF max.

Measurement of resistances (R) up to 20 M Ω max.

Measurement of inductance (L) up to 20 H max.

Measurements in damp rooms or outside, or under adverse environmental conditions are not permissible. Adverse environmental conditions are:

-damp or excessive humidity,

-dust or combustible gases, vapors or solvents,

-strong vibrations,

-strong magnetic fields, such as in the vicinity of machines or loudspeakers,

-static electricity (fields and discharges).

-Uses other than specified are not permissible.

Important! Please read carefully!

Please read these operating instructions carefully. In case of damage, ignoring the operating instructions revokes any possible claims under the guarantee and we can thus assume no liability for consequent damage.

Table of Contents


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

2. Notes on Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

3. Description of Operating Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

4. Using the Measuring Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

5. Making Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

6. Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

7. Technical Data and Measurement Tolerances . . . . . . . . . .13

1. Introduction

The L-C-R measuring device enables you to make detailed measurements of no-load components, such as resistances in the range 0 to 20 M Ω , capacitors in the range from a few pF up to

200 µF, and inductors in the range from a few µH up to 20 H. Relatively low current consumption allows achievement of high efficiency. The 13 mm high 3 1/2 liquid crystal display (LCD) makes the device very easy to read. The internally generated measurement frequency is approx. 250 Hz.

The measuring device can be used universally both in the hobby and industrial (restricted) sectors, or in schools, etc..

2. Notes on Safety

The measuring device is EMV safety-tested (domestic use) and meets EG Guideline 89/336/EWG.

The device has been manufactured and tested to DIN 57 411

Part 1/VDE 0411 Part 1, protective regulations for measuring devices and leaves the factory in a technically safe condition.

To maintain this condition and ensure safe operation, the



user must take account of the safety instructions and warnings contained in these operating instructions.

Measuring devices should be kept away from children!

In the workplace, the accident prevention measures of the Association of Employer’s Liability Insurance for electrical plant and operating material must be observed.

In schools, training centers, hobby and self-help workshops, working with measuring equipment and accessories must be responsibly supervised by trained personnel.

When opening panels or removing parts (except if this is manually possible), live components may be exposed. Connecting points may also be live. Ahead of any adjustment, maintenance, repair or exchange of parts or subassemblies during which the unit must be opened, connecting points must be disconnected from all voltage sources and measurement circuits. If adjustment, maintenance or repair must then proceed with the unit open, only trained engineers, familiar with the risks and relevant regulations (VDE 0100, VDE 0683, VDE 0701) are authorized to complete the work.

Capacitors in the unit may still be on-load, even when the unit has been disconnected from all power sources and measuring circuits.

Please take special care when handling voltages in excess of 25 V AC or 35 V DC voltage. Even at these voltages, contact with electric cables can give a potentially lethal electrical shock.

Always remove the measurement probes before modifying the measurement range.

Ahead of measuring, check your measuring device and measuring leads for damage.

Ahead of measuring, the capacitors being measured must be fully discharged.

Measurements of components or circuit components, etc., under loads are not permitted! Also, there is a potentially lethal hazard if voltages greater than 25 VACrms or 35 VDC are touched!

Do not use the measuring device in rooms or in adverse environmental conditions in which combustible gases, vapors or dust are present or may be present.

For your own safety, ensure that neither the measuring device nor measuring leads become damp or wet.

When measuring, only use the measuring leads supplied with the measuring device. Only these leads are permitted.

To avoid electric shocks, check that there is no contact (not even indirectly) with measurement probes and the terminals/conductor rails (measurement points) during the measurements.

If there are reasons for supposing that risk-free operation is no longer possible, the unit must be deactivated and safetied against accidental operation. Risk-free operation can no longer be supposed, when the equipment

-is visibly damaged,

-no longer functions

-has been stored long-term under adverse conditions

-has been exposed to stress during transport.



Never turn the equipment on immediately after transferring it from a cold environment to a warm environment. Condensation can cause irreparable damage to your equipment.

Allow your device to acclimatize to the temperature of the room before you switch it on.

3. Description of the Operating Elements

See fold-out for figure

1.3 1/2 digit LCD display, max. display value: 1999.

2.On/Off switch „0 - 1“.

3.Measurement range switch.

4.Slide switch „R - L/C“ for switching between resistance measurement „R“, inductance measurement „L“ and capacitance measurement „C“.

5.Input sockets „+“ and „−“ for connecting measuring leads.


Please note the max. input parameters.

6.Battery compartment with cover (attached by screws).

4. Use of the Multimeter

4.1 Fitting/Replacing the Battery

Your measuring device will only function correctly when fitted with a 9-V block battery. If the LED „LOBAT“ lights up (battery voltage is less than 7.7 V), you must change the battery as follows:

Disconnect your measuring device from the measuring circuit, remove the measuring leads from the measuring device, switch off and use a suitable screwdriver to remove the screw attaching the battery compartment cover. Carefully remove the cover. Disconnect the used battery from the connecting terminal and replace it with a new one of the same type (alkaline). After changing the battery, relocate the connected battery in the battery compartment and carefully reclose the housing as described previously but in reverse order. When closing the battery compartment, check that the cables from the connecting terminals are not jammed.


Never operate the measuring device when open. Potentially lethal hazard!

Remove used batteries from the measuring device, since even batteries protected against leakage can corrode and release chemicals liable to damage health or damage the battery compartment.

4.2 Connecting the Measuring Leads

Never use other measuring leads than the ones supplied. Before connection, check the condition of the connectors or crocodile clips and that the insulation is not damaged.




Avoid damage by never exceeding the max. input parameters.

4.3 Setting Up

When starting to measure, set the measuring device switch „0 - 1“ to „1“ and, after finishing your measurements to „0“ (this saves wear on the battery). Measurement functions are color-coded: the yellow range is for resistance measurement „R“, the blue range for capacitance measurement „C“ and the violet range for inductance measurement „L“.

For switching between resistance measurement „R“ and capacitance „C“ or inductance measurement „L“, the slide switch must be correctly set to „R - L/C“.

5. Making Measurements

5.1 Capacitance Measurements (C)

Measure capacitance as follows:

1.Connect the measuring leads supplied to the measuring device: the red measuring lead to the „+“ socket (red) and the black measuring lead to the „−“ socket (black) and switch the measuring device switch „0 - 1“ to „1“.

2.Always discharge capacitors before connecting them to the measuring device.


Connection of capacitors can produce high-energy discharges.

Take care! Potentially lethal hazard! Do not touch the connecting points of capacitors with voltages greater than 35 VDC or

25 VAC. Take precautions in rooms in which dust, combustible gases, vapors or fluids are or may be present. ==> Danger of explosion!

Do not measure capacitors which are built into circuits or circuit components.

3.Set the measurement function switch to the measurement range desired.

4.Set the slide switch „R - L/C“ to „L/C“.

5.Connect the discharged capacitor to be measured to the crocodile clips of the measuring leads.

With unipolar capacitors (poled) check that polarity is correct. Do not extend the measuring leads supplied using other extension leads as the lead capacitance thus arising cannot be compensated when automatically setting to zero. This can result in measurement errors.


a)With capacitors either unlabeled are having labels no longer readable, start the measurement using the lowest possible measurement range and continue to adjust the measurement range switch until a sufficiently satisfactory display (resolution) is obtained. Always remove the crocodile clips from the measurement object before changing measurement ranges.

b)It is normal if a continuously changing value is displayed in the smallest measurement range (2 nF) before the measurement is started. This is due to so-called stray capacitance in the measuring leads, or the sensitive measurement input. At very low capacitance values (e.g. 8.2 pF) the value displayed

(ahead of the measurement) must be deducted during the measurement.



c)For a shorted capacitor, a value of „1“ (for range overshoot) is displayed instead of a measurement value. For a capacitor having a high leak current, either „1“ for overflow is displayed, or a value much higher than the rated value. The value for a broken capacitor is displayed as „0....“ (or a very few pF) in all ranges, except in the smallest range.

d)Especially with electrolytic capacitors a relatively great tolerance range is sometimes specified. This results in greater values being measured with such types of capacitor than the rated values. When displayed values are much lower than rated values, the reason may be that the capacitor measured is faulty.

On completing measurements, switch the measuring device off so as to save the battery.

5.2 Measurement of Inductance (coils) = (L)

You can use the measuring device LCR-9063 to test coils up to

20 H (= Henry = As/V) as follows:

1.Connect the measuring leads supplied to the measuring device: the red measuring lead to the „+“ socket (red) and the black measuring lead to the „−“ socket (black) and switch the measuring device switch „0 - 1“ to „1“.

2.Set the measurement function switch to a range in the yellow sector („R“) and set the slide switch „R - L/C“ to „R“. With open measuring cables and/or broken coils/windings, a „1“ (for overflow) is displayed. Next, connect the measurement probes to the no-load measurement object (transformer coil, loudspeaker coil, relay coil, ignition coil, choke, etc.).

To obtain the highest possible resolution (and thus the smallest possible error of measurement), the measurement range must be adjusted to the expected inductance. If, for example, a component label rating indicates a value of 6 mH (choke), the range „20 mH“ should be set.


a)With coils/inductance either unlabeled are having labels no longer readable, start the measurement using the lowest possible measurement range and continue to adjust the measurement range switch until a sufficiently satisfactory display

(resolution) is obtained. Always remove the crocodile clips from the measurement object before changing measurement ranges.

b)It is normal if a continuously changing value is displayed in the smallest measurement range (2 mH) before measurement is started. This is due to so-called stray capacitance in the measuring leads, or the sensitive measurement input. At very low „L“ values (e.g. 15 µH) the value displayed (ahead of the measurement) must be deducted during the measurement.

c)For a broken coil, „1“ (for range overshoot) is displayed instead of a measurement value.

d)It is not possible to measure the quality factor „Q“ of a coil/inductance using this measuring device.

e)When measuring the inductance of resistances, misleading values can be displayed.

After finishing with the measuring device, turn it off to save the battery.



5.3 Measurement of Resistances (R)


Make absolutely sure that all circuits and circuit components, as well as other measurement objects, are no-load.

Connect the measuring leads supplied to the measuring device: the red measuring lead to the „+“ socket (red) and the black measuring lead to the „−“ socket (black)). Set the measurement function switch to a range in the yellow sector („R“) and set the slide switch „R - L/C“ to „R“. With open measuring leads or highvalue/broken resistances „1“ (for overflow) is displayed. Next, connect the measurement probes to the measurement object. To maintain the highest possible resolution (and thus the smallest possible error of measurement), the measurement range must be adjusted to the expected resistance. If, for example, the color code rating indicates a value of 120 Ω , the range „200 Ω „ should be set.


When you are measuring resistance, check that the measurement points you touch with the measuring probes when measuring are free of dirt, oil, soldering material, or similar, which are likely to result in errors in measurement values.

With resistances greater than approx. 2 MΩ it may occur that the display needs a few moments to stabilize itself. If „1“ is displayed, you have exceeded the measurement range or the measurement section has been interrupted.

6. Maintenance

Changing the battery is described in Section 4.1. For cleaning the device or the display window, use only a clean, dry, antistatic lintfree cleaning rag.


Never use cleaning agents containing carbon, petrol, alcohol or similar since these will attack the surface finish of the measuring device. Also, the vapors are a health and explosion hazard

7. Technical Data and Measurement Tolerances

7.1 Technical Data

Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 3-1/2-digit LCD up to 1999, with automatic polarity indicator (with electrolytic capacitors)

Max. measurement rate . . .: 2.5 measurements per second

Overflow display . . . . . . . . .: „1“ when range is exceeded

Environmental conditions

during the measurement . .: 0 °C to +50 °C, 0-80 % rel. humidity, non-condensing

in-store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 20 °C to +60 °C, 0-80 % rel. humidity, after removal of the battery from the measuring device

Temperature coefficient . . .: 0.5 ppm/°C in the range below

+18 °C and above +28 °C

Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 9-V-block battery, alkaline, Code: NEDA 1604 or JIS 006P or IEC 6F22



Current consumption . . . . .: approx. 5 mA for „R“ measurements

approx. 9 mA for „C“ and „L“ measurements

Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 185g (including 9 V battery)

Overall dimensions

(L X W X H) . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 120 x 72 x 37 mm (not incl. measuring leads)

7.2 Measurement Tolerances

The measurement tolerances apply at a temperature of +23 °C ±5 °K, at rel. humidity < 80 %, non-condensing.

Specification of accuracy in ± (% of read-off + number of digits = dgt(s)















2 nF


1 pF


20 nF


10 pF


200 nF


100 pF





1 nF





10 nF





100 nF






Test voltage: approx. 0.7 Vpeak-peak max. Test frequency: in all range approx. 250 Hz Setting to zero: automatic

Stray capacitance with open measuring leads in the 2 nF range: 30 pF



















2 m H



1 µ H


20 m H



10 µ H


200 m H



100 µ H






1 m H






10 m H






Leakage inductance with shorted measuring leads



in the 2 mH range: 30 µH




Test frequency: in all ranges approx. 250 Hz


















k Ω






k Ω






k Ω








1 k Ω





10 k Ω








In the range from approx. 2 Mohms to 20 Mohms, keep the measuring cables as „short“ as possible to avoid instability via external disturbance

Voltage at the open measuring lines:

- In the range from


Ω to 2 MΩ : 350 mV

- In the range from



: 180 mV

7.3 Max. Input Parameters

a)when measuring capacitance


2 nF in the

2 nF range


20 nF in the

20 nF range

max. 200 nF in the

200 nF range



µF in the


µF range



µF in the


µF range

max. 200

µF in the


µF range




There is no protection against irreparable damage by capacitors under load. Please therefore strictly observe safety regulations.

b)when measuring inductance


2 mH in the

2 mH range


20 mH in the

20 mH range

max. 200 mH in the 200 mH range



H in the


H range



H in the


H range

c)when measuring resistance

Max. 200


Ω in the


Ω range



K Ω in the


KΩ range



K Ω in the


KΩ range

max. 200

K Ω in the


KΩ range



Ω in the

2 MΩ range



Ω in the

20 MΩ range


There is no protection against too high an input voltage. Make sure that you only measure no-load elements and sections.

F L-C-R-mètre numérique LCR9063

Utilisation conforme de l’appareil de mesure :

Mesure de condensateurs (C)(polarisés ou pas) de 10 pF environ à 200 µF = 0,2 mF

Mesure de résistances jusqu’à 20 MΩ

Mesure d’inductances (L) jusqu’à 20 H

Il ne faut jamais utiliser l’appareil ni dans des locaux humides, ni en plein air, ni dans des circonstances défavorables. Par circonstances défavorables, on entend :

-la présence d’humidité ou d’humidité atmosphérique

-la présence de poussières ou de substances explosives, de solvants

-la présence de vibrations

-la présence de champs magnétiques, comme par exemple

àproximité de machines ou de haut-parleurs,

-la présence d’électricité statique (champs et décharges)

Toute autre utilisation est interdite.

Important ! À lire impérativement !

Lisez attentivement cette notice. Vous ne pouvez plus bénéficier de la garantie si vous endommagez l’appareil faute d’avoir lu et respecté les instructions de cette notice. Les dommages qui en résulteraient n’engagent en aucune manière notre responsabilité.



Table des matières

page 1. Présentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

2. Consignes de sécurité . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

3. Description des organes de commande . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

4. Utilisation de l’appareil de mesure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

5. Comment effectuer les mesures ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 6. Entretien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 7. Caractéristiques techniques et tolérances . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

1. Présentation

Cet appareil qui est à la fois un capacimètre, un inductancemètre et un ohmmètre, vous permet de faire toutes sortes de mesures sur des composants hors tension : sur des résistances de 0 à 20 MΩ , des condensateurs depuis quelques pF jusqu’à 200 µF et enfin des bobines de quelques µH à 20 H. La consommation relativement faible de l’appareil lui confère une grande efficacité. Le résultat des mesures est indiqué clairement sur l’afficheur à cristaux liquides par trois chiffres et demi de 13 mm de hauteur. La fréquence de mesure de 250 Hz environ est produite par un générateur interne.

L’appareil de mesure numérique est d’usage universel, aussi bien pour le bricolage que pour des applications industrielles (sous certaines conditions) ou scolaires.

2. Consignes de sécurité

L’appareil de mesure est conforme aux normes de compatibilité électromagnétique et aux normes de sécurité pour les applications domestiques (recommandations européennes 89/336/EWG).

L’appareil de mesure, construit en conformité avec la norme de protection de l’appareillage électronique DIN57411 1ère partie VDE0411 1ère partie, a quitté nos ateliers en parfait

état de fonctionnement. Pour ne pas compromettre cet état et garantir la sécurité de l’utilisateur, celui-ci doit respecter impérativement les consignes de sécurité et tenir compte des mises en garde, telles qu’elles figurent dans cette notice.

Tenir hors de portée des enfants !

Dans le cadre d’activités à caractère commercial, l’usage de l’appareil de mesure ne peut se faire qu’en conformité avec la réglementation professionnelle en vigueur pour l’outillage et les installations électriques des corps de métiers concernés.

Dans les écoles, les centres de formation, les ateliers de bricolage, l’utilisation des appareils de mesure et de leurs accessoires doit être supervisée par du personnel qualifié.

Par l’ouverture de certaines parties ou leur suppression, sauf lorsque cette manipulation est possible à main nue sans outil, l’accès peut être donné à des parties soumises à des différences de potentiels dangereuses. Il peut également régner une tension sur certaines bornes de connexion. Avant toute intervention nécessitant l’ouverture de l’appareil, toute réparation ou remplacement de pièces isolées ou d’ensembles, il faut impérativement débrancher l’appareil des circuits électriques. Si, pour l’entretien ou la réparation de l’appareil, il est nécessaire de le faire fonctionner sous tension, cette intervention ne doit être effectuée que par du PERSONNEL QUALIFIÉ, informé des risques encourus et respectueux des règles de sécurité (VDE-0100, VDE-0683, VDE-0701).

Il est possible que les condensateurs de l’appareil restent chargés même une fois que l’appareil a été déconnecté des sources de tension et des circuits de mesure.



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