Installation Instructions
Squeeze Disher Sweep Removal and Installation
For item numbers: 47390, 47370, 47391, 47371, 47392, 47372, 47393, 47373, 47395, 47374, 47394, 47396, 47375, 47397, 47376, 47398,
47377, 47399, 47400, 47378, 47401, 47402, 47379, 47403, 47404.
Instructions for removal and installation of a squeeze disher sweep.
Sweep ASSembly RemovAl
Figure 1. Normal Ready Position
1. Thoroughly clean the disher.
2. Squeeze and hold the handle (A) in the fully compressed position. See Figure 2.
Figure 2. Handle in the Fully Compressed or In Position.
3. Continue to hold the handle (A) down in the fully compressed position. Push the hook end of the sweep (B) through the hole (C) to the inside of the bowl. See Figure 3.
Figure 3. Handle, Sweep Hook and Outside Bowl Hole.
Item No. 2350181-1 en Rev 06/12

4. Continue to hold the handle (A) in the fully compressed position. Slide the sweep assembly (D) out of the pivot hole (E) until is clear of the rack (F). See Figure 4.
Figure 4. Sweep Assembly, Handle, Pivot Hole and Rack.
5. Slowly release the handle (A) allowing it to return to the normal ready position. Gently slide the sweep assembly (D) through hole (G). It may be necessary to turn or
maneuver the sweep assembly (D) in order to get it through hole (G). See Figure 5.
Figure 5. Handle, Sweep Assembly and Inside Bowl Hole.
6. Completely remove the sweep assembly (D) from the hole (G). See Figure 6.
Figure 6. Sweep Assembly and Inside Hole.
Sweep ASSembly InStAllAtIon
7. Place the sweep assembly (D) into the hole (G) as shown. See Figure 6.
8. Slide the sweep assembly (D) through the hole (G). It may be necessary to
turn or maneuver the sweep assembly (D) in order to get through hole (G). See
Figure 5.
9. Slowly push down and hold the handle (A) and hold in the fully compressed
position. Align the last gear on the sweep assembly (D) with the last hole on
rack (F). Slide the sweep assembly (D) into the pivot hole (E). See Figure 4.
10. Hold the handle (A) down. Push the hook end of the sweep assembly (D)
into the hole (C). See Figure 3.
11. Slowly release the handle (A) to return to the normal ready position. See
Figure 2.
12. Clean your disher and it is ready for use.
The Vollrath Company, L.L.C.
1236 North 18th Street
Sheboygan, WI 53081-3201
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© 2012 The Vollrath Company, L.L.C.