This manual is the property of the owner of this particular Tube-Ice®
Model #____________________ Serial #____________________.
It is to be left on the premises with this machine at all times. After start-up,
it should be stored in a safe place where it can be readily available when
needed for future reference in maintaining troubleshooting or servicing.
Failure to comply with this notice will result in unnecessary inconvenience
and possible additional expenses.
This manual is intended as an informational tool for the installation,
operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and servicing of this equipment.
If an existing situation calls for additional information not found herein, we
suggest that you contact your distributor first. If further assistance or
information is needed, please feel free to contact the factory at 502-6353000 or FAX at 502-635-3024 or 502-634-0479.
IMPORTANT: The Warranty Registration/Start-Up Report found in the
front of this manual is to be completed and returned to the factory promptly
after the official start-up.
Please return to: Vogt Tube-Ice LLC
1000 W. Ormsby, Suite 19
Louisville, KY 40210
Att. Tube-Ice Service Department
Vogt® Tube-Ice® Machine
Machine Model No. ________________________________ Serial No. ____________________________________________
Installed at: ____________________________________________________________( )_______________________________________
Company Name Phone
Address City State Zip
Installed by: ___________________________________________________________( )________________________/____/________
Company Name Phone Date
Address City State Zip
Describe any damage to machine/repairs made: _____________________________________________________________________________
Start up by: ___________________________________________________________( )________________________/____/_________
Company Name Phone Date
Name of person starting up machine: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Service Manual on hand
Machine room suitable 50°F minimum, 110°F maximum
Proper power supply, actual voltage _______________, _________________, _________________ (machine not running)
Compressor crankcase heater on 12 hour minimum
Necessary hand valves opened as required
Solenoid valve stems in auto position
System leak checked/tight
Auxiliary equipment overloads wired into control circuit
Compressor oil level _______ (1/4 glass min.)
All water distributors in place (visually inspected)
Water supply and drain lines installed and connected properly
Compressor, pump, cutter and other motor direction of rotation correct
Make-up water float valve adjusted properly
Hour meter in control panel connected
Machine charged with refrigerant lbs.______________ Actual voltage ____________ , _______________, ________________(machine running)
Ambient temp. _____ °F Fan cycles On _____ Off _____ Tower water in _____°F out ______ °F
Comp motor RLA _____________, _____________, _____________, Actual _____________, _____________, _____________,
Pump RLA _____________, _____________, _____________, Actual _____________, _____________, _____________
Cutter motor RLA _____________, _____________, _____________, Actual _____________, _____________, _____________
Suction pressure end of freezing _______, end of harvest _______ Discharge pressure end of freezing ___________, end of harvest __________
Evaporator/suction line frost _____________________________ Receiver liquid level operating ___________________
Freeze Time
Harvest Time
First Ice Out
All Ice Out
Avg. Hole
Ice Lb. Per
Ice Lb. Per
Note: Ice lb. per day can be found by:
(freeze time + harvest time)
ice lb. per harvest x 1440
The machine operated satisfactorily for ___ continuous hours. Date _______________________________________
Installer signature ____________________________________________ End user signature _________________________________
Please return to: Tube-Ice LLC, 1000 W. Ormsby, Suite #19, Louisville, KY 40210
Sales - (502) 635-3000
Service - (502) 635-3510
Parts - Your Local Distributor or the Tube-Ice parts Department
Call your local distributor first for all of your parts and service needs.
Since 1938, Manufacturers of Quality
Vogt Tube-Ice
1000 W. Ormsby, Suite 19
Louisville, Kentucky 40201
FAX #502-634-0479
Installation, Service Manual, and Parts Catalog #12A4171L20
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Model
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
Model P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15
Page No.
A Brief History Of Our Company .................................................................................................................................1-1
Important Safety Notice.................................................................................................................................................1-2
Safety Symbols and What They Mean ..........................................................................................................................1-2
Special Precautions To Be Observed When Charging Refrigeration Systems..............................................................1-3
Assembly Drawing Model P34AL-15 Tube-Ice
Assembly Drawing Model P34ALOF-15 Tube-Ice®Machine.......................................................................................1-7, 8, 9
Description of Machine .................................................................................................................................................2-1
Safety Tags and Labels..................................................................................................................................................2-1
Model designation for P-Series Ice Machine, Figure 2-1..............................................................................................2-2
Storage (prior to installation and start-up).....................................................................................................................2-2
Space Requirements.......................................................................................................................................................3-1
P34AL-15 Space Diagram, FIGURE 3-1......................................................................................................................3-2
P34ALOF-15 Space Diagram, FIGURE 3-2 .................................................................................................................3-3
Typical Foundation Layout, FIGURE 3-3..................................................................................................................... 3-4
Water Supply, Drain and Refrigeration Connections, TABLE 3-1 ...............................................................................3-7
Make-Up Water In.............................................................................................................. ...........................................3-7
Flushing Water In..........................................................................................................................................................3-7
Water Tank Drain..........................................................................................................................................................3-8
Water Tank Overflow.....................................................................................................................................................3-8
Thaw Gas Pressure Regulator........................................................................................................................................3-8
Wiring and Electrical Connections.................................................................................................................................3-12
Power Supply Connections, FIGURE 3-9 ......................................................................................................................3-12
Voltage Unbalance .........................................................................................................................................................3-13
Current Unbalance..........................................................................................................................................................3-13
Auxaliary Controls or Equipment...................................................................................................................................3-14
Interconnecting Piping for Vogt P34AL-15 and Dedicated High Side, FIGURE 3-11.................................................3-15
Interconnecting Piping for Vogt P34AL-15 and Central High Side, FIGURE 3-12......................................................3-16
Interconnecting Piping for Vogt P34ALOF-15 and Central High Side, FIGURE 3-13.................................................3-17
Interconnecting Piping for Vogt P34ALOF-15 and Central Screw Compressor, FIGURE 3-14...................................3-18
Interconnecting Piping for 2-Vogt P34AL-15 and Central High Side, FIGURE 3-15...................................................3-19
Interconnecting Piping for 3-Vogt P34AL-15 and Central High Side, FIGURE 3-16...................................................3-20
Interconnecting Piping for 2-Vogt P34ALOF-15 and Central High Side, FIGURE 3-17..............................................3-21
Interconnecting Piping for 3-Vogt P34ALOF-15 and Central High Side, FIGURE 3-18..............................................3-22
Installation Review: A Checklist...................................................................................................................................3-23
Principle of Operation....................................................................................................................................................4-1
Harvest Period ...............................................................................................................................................................4-2
Piping Schematic for P34AL-15, FIGURE 4-1.............................................................................................................4-3
Piping Schematic for P34ALOF-15, FIGURE 4-2........................................................................................................4-4
Refrigeration System Review........................................................................................................................................5-1
Ammonia Specification By Grade, TABLE 5-1............................................................................................................5-2
Special Precautions to be Observed when Charging Refrigeration Systems.................................................................5-2
Charging From Tank Truck (for dedicated high side only)...........................................................................................5-3
Charging From Cylinders (for dedicated high side only) ..............................................................................................5-3
Control Panel, FIGURE 5-1...........................................................................................................................................5-5
Thaw Gas Regulating and Suction Regulating Valve Adjustment................................................................................5-7
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
Page No.
Bin Level Control..........................................................................................................................................................6-1
Control Panel (Door Opened), FIGURE 6-1..................................................................................................................6-2
Description of Control Panel Parts (Inside), TABLE 6-1..............................................................................................6-2
Control Panel (Door Closed), FIGURE 6-2...................................................................................................................6-3
Description of Control Panel Parts (Outer Door), TABLE 6-2......................................................................................6-3
Electrical Schematic All Voltages 50-60 Hz. , FIGURE 6-3...................................................................... ...................6-4
Optional PLC Electrical Schematic All Voltages 50-60 Hz., FIGURE 6-4...................................................................6-5
Water Distributors .........................................................................................................................................................7-3
Water Distributors, TABLE 7-1 ....................................................................................................................................7-4
Average Hole Size in Tube-Ice
Water Tank....................................................................................................................................................................7-5
Water Cooled Condenser Cleaning (optional)...............................................................................................................7-5
List Of Symptoms..........................................................................................................................................................8-1
Freeze-Up Due To Extended Freezing Period...............................................................................................................8-4
Freeze-Up Due To Ice Failing To Discharge.................................................................................................................8-5
High Discharge Pressure................................................................................................................................................8-8
High Suction Pressure....................................................................................................................................................8-9
Compressor Running Unloaded During Freeze.............................................................................................................8-9
Machine Short Cycles....................................................................................................................................................8-11
High Compressor Discharge Temperature.....................................................................................................................8-11
Suction Line Frosting To Compressor...........................................................................................................................8-11
Cleaning the Ice Making Section................................................................................................................................... 9-1
P34AL-15 and P34ALOF-15 Float Height, FIGURE 9-1, TABLE 9-1........................................................................9-2
Hand Expansion Valve..................................................................................................................................................9-2
Miniature Rocker Switch Settings for Freeze Timer, TABLE 9-2................................................................................9-3
Entering and Displaying Setpoints ................................................................................................................................9-3
Control Circuit Protection..............................................................................................................................................9-5
Water Tank and Cutter Parts Weights, TABLE 9-3 ......................................................................................................9-9
Water Tank Removal.....................................................................................................................................................9-9
Cutter Assembly Removal and Installation ...................................................................................................................9-10
Bearing Bracket and Cutter Disc Removal ....................................................................................................................9-10
Cutter Shaft and Bearing Removal................................................................................................................................9-10
Cutter Shaft and Bearing Installation.............................................................................................................................9-11
Water Tank Installation.................................................................................................................................................9-12
Typical Water Tank Assembly, FIGURE 9-5B.............................................................................................................9-14
Cutter and Water Tank Part No., TABLE 9-2...............................................................................................................9-15
Cutter Ring Gear Replacement......................................................................................................................................9-16
Draining the Oil Trap ....................................................................................................................................................9-20
Removing Excess Water from Ammonia............................................................................................ ..........................9-21
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
Page No.
Circulating Water Pump Motor .....................................................................................................................................9-21
The Thaw Gas Solenoid Valve......................................................................................................................................9-22
Thaw Gas Solenoid Valve, FIGURE 9-7.......................................................................................................................9-22
The Liquid Feed Solenoid Valve...................................................................................................................................9-23
The Liquid Feed Solenoid Valve, FIGURE 9-8.............................................................................................................9-23
The Thaw Chamber Check Valve..................................................................................................................................9-24
The Thaw Chamber Check Valve, FIGURE 9-9...........................................................................................................9-24
Water Flush Solenoid Valve..........................................................................................................................................9-24
Compressor Cooling Solenoid Valve (dedicated high side only)..................................................................................9-24
Belt Tension...................................................................................................................................................................9-25
Belt Replacement...........................................................................................................................................................9-26
Crushed Ice Production .................................................................................................................................................10-2
Length of Ice .................................................................................................................................................................10-2
Reduced Voltage Cutter Motor Starter ......................................................................................................................... 10-13
P34AL-15 Make-up Water Usage, TABLE 11-3 ..........................................................................................................11-4
P34A Make-up Water Usage, TABLE 11-4..................................................................................................................11-4
P24A Normal Operating Vitals, TABLE 11-5...............................................................................................................11-5
P34A Normal Operating Vitals, TABLE 11-6...............................................................................................................11-5
Temperature - Pressure Chart for Common Refrigerants, TABLE 11-7.......................................................................11-7
Conversion Factors: English to Metric, TABLE 11-8...................................................................................................11-7
A Brief History Of Our Company. Henry Vogt Machine Co. was founded as a small machine
shop in Louisville, Kentucky in 1880. In 1938, Vogt built the first Tube-Ice® machine and
revolutionized the ice-making industry. Our first “sized-ice” machine quickly replaced the old canice plants, which required much hard labor and large amounts of floor space for freezing, cutting,
and crushing ice by hand.
Today, TUBE ICE®, LLC carries on the tradition as one of the world’s leading producers of icemaking equipment.
Vogt Energy-Saving Tube-Ice Machines Are Cost Effective. Today, Vogt Tube-Ice® machines
enjoy a well-earned reputation as the most energy efficient, dependable ice-making equipment in the
Using as little as one-half to one-third the energy required by competitors’ ice makers, Tube-Ice®
machines produce the same amount of ice--in restaurants, sports arenas, packing plants, and
wholesale operations around the globe--at great savings.
In addition, Tube-Ice® machines are renowned for their long life, giving many customers more than
35 years of dependable service. Ask someone who owns one.
Preview. All the skill in engineering and fabrication that we’ve learned in over a century of
experience is reflected in every Tube-Ice® machine. Since Vogt introduced Tube-Ice® machines in
1938, the process of making Tube-Ice® ice has been widely recognized as the most economical
means of production. The machine’s economic and reliable operation has been proven over and
over again, in a network of varied types of installations throughout the world.
Furnished with your machine is the Certificate Of Test--the report of operating data, which is a
record of the unit’s satisfactory operation at our factory test floor. It is evidence of our desire to
deliver to you “the finest ice-making unit ever made.”
This manual is designed to assist you in the installation, start-up, and maintenance of your unit.
Your Tube-Ice® machine will give you a lifetime of service provided you install, maintain, and
service it properly.
Please read your manual carefully before attempting installation, operation, or servicing of this
professionally designed piece of equipment. Also, make sure the Warranty Registration/Start-up
Report is completed and returned.
If you have additional questions, please call your distributor. Also, feel free to phone the factory
direct at (502) 635-3000.
1. Introduction
Henry Vogt Machine Co.
Important Safety Notice. This information is intended for use by individuals possessing adequate
backgrounds in electrical, refrigeration and mechanical experience. Any attempt to repair major
equipment may result in personal injury and/or property damage. The manufacturer or seller cannot
be responsible for the interpretation of this information, nor can it assume any liability in connection
with its use. It is important that personnel understand the properties of this refrigerant and that they
be thoroughly trained in safe practices for its use and handling. Refer to the enclosed “Anhydrous
Ammonia Safety” in Appendix A.
Safety Symbols & What They Mean. Prior to installation or operation of the Tube-Ice® machine,
please read this manual. Are you familiar with the installation, start-up, and operation of a TubeIce® machine? Before you operate, adjust or service this machine, you should read this manual,
understand the operation of this machine, and be aware of possible dangers.
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
These safety symbols will alert you
when special care is needed.
Please heed them.
Indicates an immediate hazard and that special precautions
are necessary to avoid severe personal injury or death.
Indicates a strong possibility of a hazard and that an
unsafe practice could result in severe personal injury.
Means hazards or unsafe practices could result
in personal injury or product or property damage.
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
Special Precautions To Be Observed When Charging Refrigeration Systems. Only technically
qualified persons, experienced and knowledgeable in the handling of anhydrous ammonia refrigerant
and operation of refrigeration systems, should perform the operations described in this manual. All
local, federal, and EPA regulations must be strictly adhered to when handling ammonia (R-717)
refrigerant. See “Material Safety Data Sheet”, MSDS Code No. 5B81-83.
If a refrigeration system is being charged from refrigerant cylinders, disconnect each cylinder when
empty or when the system is fully charged. A gage should be installed in the charging line to
indicate refrigerant cylinder pressure. The cylinder may be considered empty of liquid R-717
refrigerant when the gauge pressure is 25 pounds or less, and there is no frost on the cylinder. Close
the refrigerant charging valve and cylinder valve before disconnecting the cylinder. Loosen the
union in the refrigerant charging line--carefully to avoid unnecessary, excessive or illegal release of
refrigerant into the atmosphere.
Immediately close system charging valve at commencement of defrost or thawing cycle if
refrigerant cylinder is connected. Never leave a refrigerant cylinder connected to system
except during charging operation. Failure to observe either of these precautions can result in
transferring refrigerant from the system to the refrigerant cylinder, over-filling it, and
possibly causing the cylinder to rupture because of pressure from expansion of the liquid
refrigerant brought on by an increase in temperature.
Always store cylinders containing refrigerant in a cool place. They should never be exposed to
temperatures higher than 120°F and should be stored in a manner to prevent abnormal mechanical
Also, transferring refrigerant from a refrigeration system into a cylinder can be very dangerous and
is not recommended.
It is not recommended that refrigerant be transferred from a refrigeration system directly into
a cylinder. If such a transfer is made, the refrigerant cylinder must be an approved, CLEAN
cylinder--free of any contaminants or foreign materials--and must be weighed continuously to
assure contents do not exceed net weight specified by cylinder manufacturer or any applicable
code requirements.
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
P34AL-15 Front Side (Control Panel)
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
P34AL-15 Right Side
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
P34AL-15 Left Side
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
P34ALOF-15 Front Side (Control Panel)
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
P34ALOF-15 Right Side
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
P34ALOF-15 Left Side
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
P24AL & P34AL Service Manual
Only service personnel experienced in ammonia refrigeration and
Inspection. As soon as you receive your machine, inspect it for any damage. If damage is
suspected, note it on the shipper’s papers (i.e., the trucker’s Bill of Lading). Immediately make a
separate written request for inspection by the freight line’s agent. Any repair work or alteration to
the machine without the permission of the Tube-Ice LLC can void the machine’s warranty. You
should also notify your Vogt distributor or the factory.
Description Of Machine. A Vogt low side Tube-Ice® machine is a remote ice producing plant
requiring refrigerant suction connection, refrigerant liquid connection, thaw gas connection, makeup water supply, electrical connection, and the proper refrigerant charge.
The machine has been partially factory tested prior to shipment and will require adjustment to meet
the high side (condenser unit) operating conditions. See Start-up and Operation for the correct
setting of the controls.
After factory pressure testing of the machine, the machine is evacuated and charged with nitrogen
gas pressure for shipment. This prevents air or moisture from entering the system during transit.
There should be a positive pressure (20-25 psig) indicated on the control panel gages when the
machine is received. The machine has been cleaned with ice machine cleaner and flushed so that the
machine is ready for ice production.
Safety Tags and Labels. Be sure to read and adhere to all special tags and labels attached to valves
or applied to various areas of the machine. They provide important information necessary for safe
and efficient operation of your equipment.
The machine is available in four different tube sizes for producing ice 7/8” OD x 1” long, 1 1/8” OD
x 1” long, 1 3/8” OD x 1” long, or 1 5/8” OD x 1” long. The ice is cut to length by a rotating
breaker type cutter. Ice can be produced up to 1 1/2” long by modifying the spacers under the
adapter plates (see Chapter 10, “Ice Length” for modifying instructions). Crushed ice is also
2. Receipt Of Your Tube-Ice Machine
qualified to work on high amperage electrical equipment should
be allowed to install or service this Tube-Ice® machine.
Eye protection should be worn by all personnel
working on or around the Tube-Ice® machine.
It is very important that you are familiar with and adhere to
all local, state, and federal, etc. ordinances and laws regarding
the handling, storing, and use of anhydrous ammonia.
An approved ammonia mask should be readily available
for use in an emergency and all personnel should be aware
of its location and proper use.
available by modifying the cutter and making minor adjustments to the machine (see Chapter 10,
“Crushed Ice”).
Rated Capacity. The Tube-Ice
under the proper conditions as specified in this manual (see Section 11 for the operating
specifications). You should be prepared to handle the ice produced as it is discharged from the
machine and move it to your storage or bagging area promptly.
Storage (prior to installation or start-up). The machine must not be stored or installed in an area
that is subject to reach temperatures at or above 110°F (43.3°C).
Model Designation for P-Series Ice Machines
P24AL & P34AL Service Manual
machine is rated to produce a given amount of ice when operating
"AC" - Air Cooled
"WC" - Water Cooled
"HP" - High Pressure Water Cooled
"SW" - Sea Water
"NC" - No Condenser
Product Variation Codes (An alphanumeric designator assigned to specific variations.)
"000 or Blank" – Standard Product
If unsure of the product code shown on your machine please consult the factory.
P34AL-15 & P34ALOF-15 Service Manual
3. Installing Your Tube-Ice Machine
Your machine will be shipped to you as one package. You will need to arrange for the handling of
the package as soon as it arrives, see the machine specifications Section 11 for shipping and
operating weight. Before you remove the unit from the truck, be certain that any sign of damage,
however slight, is noted on the carrier’s papers.
Note: See “Lifting Procedure” drawing furnished with this manual, Fig 3-4.
Machine Room. The machine must be located inside a suitable building and must not be subjected
to ambient temperatures below 50°F (10°C) or above 110°F (43.3°C). Heat radiation from other
sources (sunlight, furnaces, condenser, etc.) and unusual air current may affect the operation of the
machine and should be avoided. The electrical components of the Tube-Ice® machine are rated
NEMA 1. Therefore, the machine should not be located in a hazardous area or sprayed with
water. The machine should be installed in an area where water will not stand, but will readily drain
away from the machine.
Space Requirements. Refer to the space diagrams, Figures 3-1 and 3-2, for recommended
minimum clearance around the machine for ease of servicing and observation. Pay particular
attention to the additional space required. If it ever becomes necessary to mechanically clean the
machine, extra space will be required for the cleaning tools.
Foundation. Refer to the space diagrams, Figure 3-3, for recommended minimum foundation
requirements. The figures show anchor bolt details and machine anchor hole details. Contact your
local distributor for seismic anchoring requirements in your area.
Lifting or moving heavy equipment should only be attempted by
competent rigging and hoisting contractors. Never allow personnel
near or under heavy equipment when it is being moved or lifted.
Failure to comply could result in personal injury or loss of life.
Lifting Procedures. Your Tube-Ice® machine is provided with lifting lugs for the purpose of
unloading and moving the machine to its operation location. Refer to the enclosed drawings for
instructions and illustrations of their use.