Install problems on PC with older version of VMB
If you had a problem ins talling the sof tware (the symptoms
could be any of the following):
– a new desktop icon for VMB was not created on your
desktop, or
– when you run VMB from the desktop shortcut you do not
get a new software splash screen displayed which says
“Vodafone Mobile Broadband with QuickStart”, or
– when you inser t the device you do not see it appear as a CD
ROM device on your computer, or
– when running VMB you receive a “Device Not Detected”
The cause of the problem could be an issue with an
incomplete un-install of an earlier version of the Vodafone
Mobile Broadband soft ware already installed for an older
device. This problem may appear on all PCs with Windows
operating systems. It should not occur on Apple devices.
Vodafone have developed a clean-up tool to remove the old
version of the sof tware correctly, it is available from
Download the clean-up tool and unzip the fi les. After
removing the current VMB soft ware (remove using Windows),
run the clean-up tool (VmbCleanup.exe) and select all
options – Settings, Data and Device Registration. Re-boot
your PC and then insert your new USB Stick, and the correct
VMB software should install automatically.
Hints and tips
Note: The correct
software has the
“Vodafone Mobile
Broadband with
QuickStart” splashscreen, and you
should be able
to access all the
functions referenced
in this QSG by clicking
on the Vodafone
Mobile Broadband
desktop icon.