Vodafone K3565-ZPnP Troubleshooting Manual

Vodafone K3565-Z PnP issue
troubleshooting guide
Vodafone K3565-Z PnP issue troubleshooting guide
Symptoms ....................................................................................................................................4
Resolution steps...........................................................................................................................4
1. Determine which version of Easy CD Creator is installed on your computer, and then
uninstall it.................................................................................................................................4
2. Make sure that AutoPlay is turned on.............................................................................5
3. Make sure that the CD-ROM is available only to users who are logged on locally
4. Make sure that the CD-ROM driver is current.................................................................6
5. Make sure that the CD drive is compatible with Windows XP........................................7
Vodafone Global Product Support Document Version: 1.0
© Vodafone Group 2009
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Vodafone K3565-Z PnP issue troubleshooting guide


This guide provides troubleshooting steps to solve plug and play (PnP) issues with the Voda fone K3565-Z device and VMC version 9.3.6. The customer has installed VMC successfully but the device was not detected by VMC. When the customer insert the Vodafone K3565-Z device, the AutoPlay feature or the AutoRun feature may not work or may not be available. However, the device may work correctly in every other way.
Vodafone Global Product Support Document Version: 1.0
© Vodafone Group 2009
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