Vodafone H20 Operation Manual

User Manual Vodafone H20
Designed for
Vodafone Zuhause!
Your telephone functions on a GSM network (GSM 900 MHz and DCS 1800 MHz). We remind you that this telephone is approved in accordance with European standards. You should carefully read this manual so that you can use your telephone efficiently and under the best conditions.
Make sure that your SIM card is compatible with your telephone. If you insert an incompatible SIM card, a message will be displayed when you switch your telephone on. Ask your operator for information.
SIM card compatibility
Your telephone is compatible only with SIM 3V cards.
The IMEI number identifies your mobile phone. Please write down this number and keep it in a safe, separate location. Should your mobile phone be stolen, you may be requested this number. Enter the following character string on your mobile phone to display the IMEI number on screen: *#06#.
Text Input is a registered trademark of © Tegic Communications
The CE marking certifies that the product meets the essential requirements of Directive 1999/5/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council pertaining to microwave radio equipment and telecommunication terminal equipment, for the safety and health of users, for electromagnetic interference. Furthermore, it efficiently uses the frequency spectrum attributed to ground and spatial communication to prevent damaging interference.
The declaration of compliance may be looked up on the www.sagem-communications.com site, section "support" or can be obtained from the following address:
Sagem Communications SAS - Customer relations department
4 rue du petit albi - 95800 Cergy Saint-Christophe -France
Table of contents
Precautions and Safety Information 6
SAR 6 Notes to reduce impact by radio wave fields 7 Safety guideline 7 Environment 10
The telephone’s menus 11 Glossary 13
Summary of functions 14
Contents of pack 15 Presentation of telephone 16
Function buttons 17 Alphanumeric keyboard 17
Welcome screen 18 Activation 20
Information on the SIM card 20 Installing the SIM card and the battery 21 Charging the battery 23 Switching on/off, and activation 24 PIN code 24 Changing the PIN code 25 Adjusting the date and time 25 Searching for the network 26 Switching the telephone off 26 Tips on efficient operation 27 Access to menus 27 Making a call 27 Call reception 28 Adjusting the volume 28 Hands-free mode 29 End of communication 29
Address book 30
Displaying the address book 30 Memorising a number 30 Deleting a number 31 Call groups 31 Search for a correspondent 32 Speed dial 33
Table of contents
Service Dialling Numbers (SDN) 33 Fixed Dialling Numbers ( FDN ) 34 Configure the address book 34 To view the state of the memory 35
Messages 36
Receiving a message 36 To write a message with Easy Message T9® 36 Read a message and reply to it 39 Message Folders 39 Voice messages 40 Broadcast messages 41 SMS settings 41 State of the SMS memory 42
History 43
List of recent calls 43 Call duration counters 43
Ring tones 44
Choose the volume and type of ring tones 44
Display 45
Display on the idle screen 45 The backlighting 45 Modifying the contrast 46
Settings 47
Call settings 47 Time/Date settings 50 Network settings 50 Security settings 51 Language 51 Resetting the telephone 52
Applications 53
Calculator 53 Games 53
Organiser 55
Calendar 55 Alarms 55
Maintenance and battery 57
Maintenance 57 Battery 57
Technical characteristics 58 Troubleshooting 59 Customer support 64 Warranty 65
Table of contents
Precautions and Safety Information
Your mobile unit emits and receives radio signals. It is designed, so limits for radio signal emission are not exceeded, as stipulated by international regulations. These regulations were developed by the independent scientific organization ICNIRP that include safety items that ensure the safety of all people independent of age and health. The regulations use a measurement called SAR (specific absorption rate). The SAR limit is set at 2 W/kg. The highest SAR-value for this unit during test close to the ear emitted 1,35 W/kg (*). Since mobile units offer a variety of functions, they may be used in different positions, i.e. at the body (check description further down in this manual (**)).
(*) The tests were conducted according to international test
(**) Information about operation is listed in section "Distance
when using", page 9.
Precautions and Safety Information
Since SAR is measured during highest emission power of the unit, the actual value is usually below the value listed above. This is caused by automatic power change of the unit, ensuring, that only the required minimum power is used to reach the network. Newest scientific studies of the World Health Organization (WHO) there are currently no special safety measures for use of mobile unit required. If, however, you have any concerns about radio wave emissions, you can reduce them by limiting the call length, or by using headsets or hands-free equipment. This way the phone must not be held directly to the body. More information at http://www.who.int/emf.
Notes to reduce impact by radio wave fields
If you would like to minimize impact caused by radio wave fields, the World Health Organization (WHO) has the following tips: Safety precaution: According to current scientific knowledge, no precautions must be taken while using mobile phones. If, however, you have any concerns about radio wave emissions, you can reduce them by limiting the call length, or by using headsets or hands-free equipment. This way the phone must not be held directly to the body. More information is available on the WHO website http:// www.who.int/peh-emf Juni 2000.
Safety guideline
Never try to disassemble your phone. You are solely responsible for use and possible resulting damages of your phone. Switch off your phone in locations, where use of mobile phones is not permitted. Refer to the safety precautions when using your mobile phone to protect yourself and surroundings. Do not use the phone in wet conditions (bath, pool area,...) Protect it from moisture and liquids.
Precautions and Safety Information
Do not expose the phone to extreme conditions (below -10°C and above + 55°C) Physiochemical reactions during charging do increase the temperature of the battery. The battery is automatically protected from overheating. Do not leave the phone within reach of small children (danger of suffocation).
Electrical safety
Only use chargers from Vodafone or SAGEM. Use of other chargers may be dangerous. The input voltage must be within the data listed on the charger.
In-flight Safety
You must turn off the phone in airplanes, if asked by flight attendants or indicated by signs. Mobile phones may endanger flight traffic. Use of mobile phones and ignoring safety regulations in airplanes may be prosecuted.
Explosive Material
Please look for signs at fuel stations, asking you to turn off your mobile phone. As well in chemical plants, fuel storage and other locations with explosion danger you need to check for mobile phone regulations.
Potentially explosive area
Switch off your phone when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death.
Electromagnetic Material
To reduce risk of demagnetization, we recommend not to store electro-magnetic material (e.g. bank or credit cards) for longer periods.
Precautions and Safety Information
Electronic equipment in medial applications
Your telephone transmits radio signals, that may disturb electronic equipment or implants, such as hearing devices, pace-makers, insulin pumps, etc. You should keep a minimum distance between the mobile phone and the implant of at least 15cm. Please contact your doctor or the manufacturer of the unit if you have any further questions.
Always turn your mobile phone off, if signs or staff in hospitals indicate to do so.
Driving Safety
Only use your mobile phone while driving, if you use a hands free device, which you can use without being distracted from traffic. If you do need to make a call anyhow, stop the vehicle and make the call while stationary. In many countries a hands­free device is mandatory to make calls in a car. Please check local legislation and the vehicle documentation on use of mobile phones while driving. Ensure, that no body part is located close to the aerial for longer periods, if there is a metal screen (car roof).
Distance when using
This phone model was tested and conforms to the electromagnetic emissions and fields using the following application notes:
- at the ear: During making or receiving a call, hold the phone
to the ear just like a regular phone.
- use while on body: During operation with added equipment
not containing metal, place the phone at least 1.5 cm away from your body. When using other equipment, regulations for electromagnetic compatibility and fields may not be met. If you do not use hands free equipment or do not hold it to your ear, you must place the phone at least 1.5 cm away from your body.
- Data operation: During data operation, place the phone
during the entire duration at least 1.5 cm away from your body.
Precautions and Safety Information
Additional equipment
You should use additional equipment by SAGEM to ensure optimal operation of the phone and the equipment.
Please refer to your local waste management rules and regulations for easiest recycling of your packaging material.
batteries and battery packs
Batteries and battery packs must be disposed off within legislative requirements.
The x-ed trash can indicates, that this is an electrical or electronic product (including additional equipment). To make recycling and reuse of electrical and electronic equipment easier and to protect the environment, the European guideline on used electrical and electronic equipment stipulates to conform to the local waste separation legislation.
Precautions and Safety Information
The telephone’s menus
To reach the list of menus, use the upper and lower
navigation buttons.
Use the upper and lower navigation buttons to move within
the menus.
Use the button to validate an entry or go into a menu
(or a sub-menu).
Exit a menu or return to the level of the previous menu using
the button .
Your telephone’s directory structure is as follows:
View Create contact Speed dials Groups Service dialling Fixed dialling
Options Memory status
New message Inbox Drafts Sent items Voice mail
Cell broadcasts Message settings Memory status
Call records
The telephone’s menus
Incoming Outgoing
Missed Call duration
Ring volume Ring tone Message tone
Keypad volume Call volume
Standby screen Light Contrast
Call settings Time and date Network settings Locks Language
Restore defaults
Calculator Box game
Calendar Alarms
The telephone’s menus
Outgoing call: A call initiated with your telephone.
Incoming call: A call received with your telephone.
SIM card: The card supporting your subscription and your
entitlement to access services. The detachable part is the "micro-SIM".
PIN: The personal code related to your SIM card.
PIN2: The second personal code related to your SIM card for
accessing certain functions.
Terminal code: The terminal code is a confidential code
designed to protect the terminal in case it is stolen.
SMS (Short Message Service) : Dispatch and reception of text
Summary of functions
Call: Enter your number, then press on .
Reply: Press on .
Call release: Press on .
Switch off: Press on (long press) .
Hands-free: In conversation, to activate or deactivate the
hands-free mode, press on Options/Speakerphone .
In this mode, do not hold the telephone to your ear.
Silent mode: To activate or deactivate silent mode, make a long
press on .
To lock the keyboard from the idle screen: Make a long press
on .
To unlock the keyboard from the idle screen: Press on
then on .
Call back last number: From the idle screen, press on .
The History screen appears. The last number entered appears. Press on . The number is automatically dialled.
Call a number memorised in the address book:
From the address book: enter the first letter of the name (pressing the corresponding button, example: press button 2 three times in quick succession for the letter C), move down the list to find the person you want to call, then press on to call them.
To call a speed-dial number:
See paragraph "To call a speed-dial number", page 33.
Summary of functions
Contents of pack
When you open the box, check that all the items are present:
1 - The telephone 2 - The mains charger 3 - Ni-MH battery 4 - The user manual
Content of pack
Presentation of telephone
Colour screen
Validate/return function buttons
Call acceptance
Button address-book access
Access to a voicemail (long press)
Call release Switch telephone off/on (long press)
Recent calls
Direct SMS access
Alphanumeric keyboard
M1: rapid access button
M2 : rapid access
Presentation of telephone
Function buttons
Switch off/switch on - Call refusal - Call accepted.
Making a call - Receiving a call.
Idle: direct access to calendar. Short press : return to previous menu - Deleting a
Long press : delete entire entry.
Idle: access to the Calculator function -
Upper and lower navigation buttons
- Enter and navigate within the menus.
- - Adjust the sound level during conversation
(lower button: quieter, upper button: louder).
Alphanumeric keyboard
It has 12 keys: 0 to 9, and .
To obtain a letter (for example, to enter a name in the address book or write a message in ABC mode), press the corresponding button (example: to obtain the letter C, press button 2 three times in quick succession).
Presentation of telephone
Welcome screen
According to the events that are taking place, the welcome screen shows the following:
Battery charge indicator (blue = charged, white = discharged).
Network signal level indicator (maximum level: 5 elements; no network coverage if there are no elements).
Impossible to make outgoing calls: no network coverage.
Call in progress.
The letter R means that the network does not correspond to the subscription.
Silent mode activated.
Alarm mode activated.
Caller-identity hiding activated during communication.
Messages being received and unread messages present.
Flashing: message memory full.
Voice messages present.
Alarm active
Call transfer activated
Keypad locked
Welcome screen
Buttons and under the screen are assigned, as necessary, to the actions which are described at the bottom of the screen near the buttons.
For example:
Validate: pressing button validates the current
function. Return: pressing button returns to the previous
Use to quickly access the SMS menu. Use to quickly access the list of contacts in your address book.
Welcome screen
Information on the SIM card
SIM card
This card must be handled and stored with care to avoid excessive twisting or scratching, which would damage it. In case you lose your SIM card, inform your operator or service provider immediately.
Do not let young children have access to your SIM card.
So that you can use your telephone, you have a smart card called a "SIM card". It contains all information necessary to the network, as well as other information specific to you and which you can modify:
- Confidential codes (PIN code: Personal Identification
- Address book,
- Text messages,
- Functioning of particular services.
Installing the SIM card and the battery
- Turn the telephone and remove the rear cover (mark 1). Lift
the bottom of the cover from the notch (2) then lift off the top.
- Remove the battery block
- Remove the SIM card holder by pushing it to the left and lifting
it (a). Slide the card into the cover, with the copper elements facing the telephone and the bevelled corner at the top right (b). Close the cover by pushing it to the right (c).
- Place the battery block (mark 3) in its location, then insert the
small connector (mark 4) in its housing, taking care to respect the direction of the wires (mark 5).
Black wire
Red wire
Insertion direction
- Place the rear cover (mark 3), first hooking the top, then
pressing the bottom down until it closes fully.
If the phone is already on, first turn it off by pressing and holding the button before any SIM card handling.
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