VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications - 6.3 Installation Manual

VMware vRealize Operations for
Published Applications Installation and
vRealize Operations for Published Applications 6.3
This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. To check for more recent editions of this document, see http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs.
VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration
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VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and
Administration 7
Introducing vRealize Operations for Published Applications 9
vRealize Operations for Published Applications Architecture 10
vRealize Operations for Published Applications Desktop Agent 10
vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent 11
vRealize Operations for Published Applications Adapter 11
System Requirements for vRealize Operations for Published Applications 13
Product Compatibility for vRealize Operations for Published Applications 13
Software Requirements for vRealize Operations for Published Applications 13
Installing and Configuring vRealize Operations for Published Applications 15
Install and Configure vRealize Operations for Published Applications 15
Enable PowerShell Remoting on the Server 29
Enable HTTP Protocol for PowerShell Remoting 31
Enable HTTPS Protocol for PowerShell Remoting 33
Acquire SSL Certificate 33
Create Self-Signed SSL Certificate Using the IIS Manager 34
Create Self-Signed SSL Certificate Using Makecert.exe 34
Create Self-Signed SSL Certificate Using OpenSSL 34
Import SSL Certificate on Remote Machine 35
Configure Configure WinRM HTTPS Listener 35
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Configure Firewall 37
Update the etc/host file for DNS Resolution 39
Install the Certificate on the Client 41
Test Connection from Client Machine 43
Flow of Commands for SSL cert Using makecert 45
Monitoring Your Citrix XenDesktop and Citrix XenApp Environments 47
Using the XD-XA Dashboards 47
VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration
Using the XD-XA Reports 53
Managing RMI Communication in
vRealize Operations for Published Applications 57
RMI Services 57
Default Ports for RMI Services 58
Changing the Default RMI Service Ports 58
Changing the Default TLS Configuration in
vRealize Operations for Published Applications 61
Default TLS Protocols and Ciphers for vRealize Operations for Published Applications 61
TLS Configuration Properties 62
Change the Default TLS Configuration for Servers 62
Change the Default TLS for Agents 62
Managing Authentication in vRealize Operations for Published Applications 65
Understanding Authentication for Each Component 65
Certificate and Trust Store Files 67
vRealize Operations for Published Applications Adapter Certificate and Trust Store Files 67
Broker Agent Certificate and Trust Store Files 68
Replacing the Default Certificates 69
Replace the Default Certificate for the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Adapter 69
Replace the Default Certificate for the Broker Agent 71
Certificate Pairing 73
SSL/TLS and Authentication-Related Log Messages 75
Upgrade vRealize Operations for Published Applications 77
Upgrade Broker Agent 78
Upgrade Desktop Agent 79
Create a vRealize Operations Manager Support Bundle 81
Download vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent Log
Files 83
Download vRealize Operations for Published Applications Desktop Agent Log
Files 85
View Collector and vRealize Operations for Published Applications Adapter
Log Files 87
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Modify the Logging Level for vRealize Operations for Published Applications
Adapter Log Files 89
Index 91
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VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration
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VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation
and Administration 1

VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration provides information about how to monitor the performance of your Citrix XenDesktop/Citrix XenApp 7.6, 7.7, and 7.8 environments in VMware vRealize™ Operations Manager™.

Intended Audience
This information is intended for users who monitor the performance of a Citrix XenDesktop/Citrix XenApp
7.6, 7.7, and 7.8 environments in VMware vRealize Operations Manager and administrators who are responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting a Citrix XenDesktop/Citrix XenApp 7.6, 7.7, and 7.8 environments.
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Introducing vRealize Operations for Published
Applications 2
vRealize Operations for Published Applications collects performance data from monitored software and hardware objects in your XenDesktop/XenApp 7.6/7.7/7.8, and vCenter environments and provides predictive analysis and real-time information about problems in your XD-XA infrastructure.
vRealize Operations for Published Applications presents data through alerts, on configurable dashboards, and on predefined pages in vRealize Operations Manager.
IT administrators can use vRealize Operations for Published Applications to quickly obtain an overview of how the XenDesktop and XenApp environments are behaving and view important metrics associated with that environment. Help desk specialists can view objects related to end user sessions, perform basic troubleshooting, and resolve user problems.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“vRealize Operations for Published Applications Architecture,” on page 10
“vRealize Operations for Published Applications Desktop Agent,” on page 10
“vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent,” on page 11
“vRealize Operations for Published Applications Adapter,” on page 11
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XD/XA Controller Server
vRealize Operations Manager
vCenter adapter
Published Apps
vRealize Operations Manager User Interface
Published Apps
Resources, metrics, relationships, KPIs, alerts, views and reports
XA metrics: CPU, memory,disk, ICA, session information, published app information, topology and Health monitoring
XA Powershell script/ Monitor Service API/WMI
vCenter Server
vSphere metrics:
ESXi, VM, datastore, datacenter
XD/XA Desktop
OS Machine
VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration

vRealize Operations for Published Applications Architecture

The vRealize Operations for Published Applications components include the XD-XA adapter, broker agent, and desktop agents.
VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Architecture

vRealize Operations for Published Applications Desktop Agent

The vRealize Operations for Published Applications desktop agent runs as a service on the XenDesktop Delivery Controller on each XenDesktop Session host server, License server, RDS host, Store Front server, and on all the VDI machines.
The desktop agent monitors Citrix ICA sessions and HDX sessions and applications launched in the Citrix ICA and HDX sessions by using standard functions and APIs of Windows OS. The desktop agent periodically collects the Citrix ICA sessions' data on properties and performance, and sends the data to the adapter using a secure connection.
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Chapter 2 Introducing vRealize Operations for Published Applications
The desktop agent service is configured to restart automatically by default. You can change the default configuration by accessing services.msc, right-click Desktop Agent Service, and select Properties > Recovery.

vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent

The vRealize Operations for Published Applications broker agent runs on an active delivery controller, and collects and sends information to the XD-XA adapter.
When you configure a broker agent, you pair the broker agent with a XD-XA adapter instance.

vRealize Operations for Published Applications Adapter

The vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter collects Citrix XenDesktop inventory information from the broker agent and collects metrics and performance data from desktop agents. The vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter sends that information to vRealize Operations Manager. The information is displayed in pre-configured XenDesktop dashboards in the vRealize Operations Manager user interface.
The vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter runs on a cluster node or remote collector node in vRealize Operations Manager. You can create a single vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance to monitor multiple XenDesktop 7.6/7.7/7.8 sites. During broker agent configuration, you pair the broker agent with a vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance.
If you are monitoring multiple XenDesktop sites, you can pair the broker agent installed in each site with the same vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance as long as the total number of objects that the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance handles does not exceed 10,000. You can create more vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instances on different remote nodes to support large scale environments.
IMPORTANT Creating more than one vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance for each cluster node or remote collector is not supported. Also, creating more than one vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance for each site is not supported. vRealize Operations for Published Applications 7.6/7.7/7.8 adapter cannot monitor the XenApp 6.5 environments.
If your vRealize Operations for Published Applications environment resembles one of the following configurations, VMware recommends that you create the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance on a remote collector node.
XenDesktop deployments with multiple sites
Remote datacenters
To improve scalability, create the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance on a remote collector node to offload processing from the vRealize Operations Manager cluster data nodes.
To minimize network traffic across WAN or other slow connections, install a remote collector node with a separate vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance in remote datacenters. Pair each vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance with the broker agent that is located in the same remote datacenter.
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System Requirements for vRealize Operations for Published
Applications 3
vRealize Operations for Published Applications has specific system requirements. Verify that your environment meets these system requirements before you install vRealize Operations for Published Applications.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Product Compatibility for vRealize Operations for Published Applications,” on page 13
“Software Requirements for vRealize Operations for Published Applications,” on page 13

Product Compatibility for vRealize Operations for Published Applications

vRealize Operations for Published Applications is compatible with the following products.
vCenter Server 5.5 and 6.0
vRealize Operations Manager 6.1 and 6.2.1
Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp 7.6/7.7/7.8 running on Windows Server 2008R2 (SP1) and Windows Server
NOTE Refer to vRealize Operations for Published Application 6.1 for support of Citrix XenApp 6.5.

Software Requirements for vRealize Operations for Published Applications

Each component of vRealize Operations for Published Applications has requirements for the software on the system where it is installed.
vRealize Operations for Published Applications Desktop Agent Software Requirements
You install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications desktop agent on Citrix Delivery Controllers, Session RDS servers, Store Front server, License server, and the VDI machines.
vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent Software Requirements
You install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications broker agent on an active delivery controller.
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VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration
The vRealize Operations for Published Applications broker agent has the following software requirements. Verify that you enable PS remoting on the deliver controller by using Microsoft PowerShell before you install the broker agent.
Windows Server 2008R2 SP1 or Windows Server 2012
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5.1
vRealize Operations for Published Applications Adapter Software Requirements
You install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter on a vRealize Operations Manager server that is running.
The vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter has the following software requirements.
VMware vRealize Operations Manager 6.1 and 6.2.1
Setting Remote Signed Execution Policy
To set the remote signed execution policy, perform the following steps:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Enable-PSRemoting Restart WinRM service net stop winrm net start winrm Restart Broker-Agent service
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Installing and Configuring vRealize Operations for Published
Applications 4
Installing vRealize Operations for Published Applications involves downloading the installation files from the VMware product download page and installing and configuring software components on machines in your vRealize Operations for Published Applications environment.

Install and Configure vRealize Operations for Published Applications

You install and configure vRealize Operations for Published Applications software components on machines in your Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp 7.6/7.7/7.8 and vRealize Operations Manager environments.
Verify that your environment meets product compatibility, hardware, and software requirements. See
Chapter 3, “System Requirements for vRealize Operations for Published Applications,” on page 13.
Verify that vRealize Operations Manager is deployed and running. If you need to upgrade
vRealize Operations Manager, perform the upgrade before you install vRealize Operations for Published Applications.
Download the vRealize Operations for Published Applications installation files from the product
download page. See “Downloading the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation
Files,” on page 17.
Verify that you have a license key for the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution.
Verify that you have a license key for vRealize Operations Manager.
The time on all the servers must be synced to a NTP server.
NOTE Upgrading from vRealize Operations for Published Applications 6.1 to vRealize Operations for Published Applications 6.3 is not supported.
NOTE For vRealize Operations for Published Applications 6.1 and vRealize Operations for Published Applications 6.3 to co-exist, they must be installed on different collector nodes.
1 Downloading the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation Files on page 17
Registered VMware users can download the vRealize Operations for Published Applications installation files from the product download page.
2 Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Solution on page 17
You install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution from a PAK file in vRealize Operations Manager.
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VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration
3 Open the Ports Used by vRealize Operations for Published Applications on page 18
After you install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter, you disable the firewall service, open the default ports, and restart the firewall.
4 Adding a vRealize Operations for Published Applications License Key on page 18
After you install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution, you must add a vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key in the vRealize Operations Manager user interface. vRealize Operations for Published Applications is not functional until it is licensed.
5 Associate XD-XA Objects with Your vRealize Operations for Published Applications License Key on
page 19
You must associate XD-XA objects with your vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key by editing license groups in vRealize Operations Manager.
6 Create an Instance of the vRealize Operations for Published Applications 6.3 Adapter on page 20
After you install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution, you must create an instance of the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter in vRealize Operations Manager.
7 Enabling Firewall Rules for XenDesktop Delivery Controllers and PVS Server on page 21
Before you install the broker agent and desktop agent, you must enable specific firewall rules for the XenDesktop Delivery Controller and PVS server.
8 Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent on page 22
You install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications broker agent on an Active XenDesktop Delivery Controller.
9 Configure the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent on page 23
After you install the broker agent, you use the Broker Agent Configuration wizard to configure the broker agent on the Citrix XenDesktop Delivery Controller where you installed the broker agent. You can also use the Broker Agent Configuration wizard to make changes to your broker agent configuration.
10 Configure Broker Agent to use Non-Admin User for Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller on page 24
You can configure broker agent to use non-admin user for Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller.
11 Install a vRealize Operations for Published Applications Desktop Agent on page 25
You install desktop agents on all Delivery Controllers, Store Front server, RDS host, License server, and VDI machines.
12 Push the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Desktop Agent Pair Token Using a Group
Policy on page 26
To use vRealize Operations for Published Applications to monitor a XenDesktop Site, you must create a Group Policy (GPO) to contain the vRealize Operations for Published Applications group policies. You then apply the GPO to the remote desktops that you want to monitor.
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Chapter 4 Installing and Configuring vRealize Operations for Published Applications

Downloading the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation Files

Registered VMware users can download the vRealize Operations for Published Applications installation files from the product download page.
Table 41. vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation Files
File Name Component Where to Install
Adapter vRealize Operations Manager server
Broker agent installer for 64-bit Windows OS
Desktop agent installer for 64-bit Windows OS
Desktop agent installer for 32-bit Windows OS
On XenDesktop Controller
On XenDesktop Controllers and Session Host servers, RDS server, Store Front server, Licence server, and VDI machines
On Session Host servers and VDI machines

Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Solution

You install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution from a PAK file in vRealize Operations Manager.
1 Copy the VMware-vrops-v4paadapter-6.3-buildnumber.pak file to a temporary folder.
2 Log in to the vRealize Operations Manager user interface with administrator privileges.
3 In the left pane of vRealize Operations Manager, click the Administration icon and click Solutions.
4 Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution.
a On the Solutions tab, click the plus sign.
b Browse to locate the temporary folder and select the PAK file.
c Click Upload.
The upload might take several minutes.
d Read and accept the EULA and click Next.
Installation details appear in the window during the upload process.
e When the installation is complete, click Finish.
After the installation is finished, vRealize Operations for Published Applications is listed as a solution.
NOTE Upgrading from vRealize Operations for Published Applications 6.1 to vRealize Operations for Published Applications 6.2 is not supported.
What to do next
Provide licensing information for the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution. See “Adding
a vRealize Operations for Published Applications License Key,” on page 18.
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VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration

Open the Ports Used by vRealize Operations for Published Applications

After you install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter, you disable the firewall service, open the default ports, and restart the firewall.
Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter.
Verify that you have root privileges.
1 Log in to vRealize Operations Manager collector server.
2 Access the command prompt and run the service vmware-vcops-firewall stop to disable the
vRealize Operations Manager firewall service.
3 Open the default ports by editing the configuration file.
Option Action
4 Run the vmware-vcops-firewall start command to start the service.
Access the vmware-vcops-firewall.conf file in the/opt/vmware/etc/vmware-vcops-firewall.conf directory.
b In a text editor, modify the properties for the RMI service ports that
you want to change, for example TCPPORTS="$TCPPORTS 3095:3098" .
a Access Windows Firewall and select Windows Firewall > Advanced
Settings > Inbound Rules > New Rule > Port and click Next.
b Select Specific local ports and type the ports that you are using, for
The default ports are 3095-3098. If you changed the default ports, specify the ports that you are using.
If the service vmware-vcops-firewall start command does not enable the ports, start the collector server.
What to do next
Add a vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key. See “Adding a vRealize Operations for
Published Applications License Key,” on page 18

Adding a vRealize Operations for Published Applications License Key

After you install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution, you must add a vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key in the vRealize Operations Manager user interface. vRealize Operations for Published Applications is not functional until it is licensed.
NOTE You must also add a license key for vRealize Operations Manager.
You can have an evaluation license key or a product license key for vRealize Operations for Published Applications. The evaluation license key (eval/EVAL) provides 60 days of unlimited product use. A product license key is encoded with an expiration date and a license count.
To add your vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key, select Administration > Licensing in the vRealize Operations Manager user interface and add your license key to VMware Published Apps Solution on the License Keys tab.
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Chapter 4 Installing and Configuring vRealize Operations for Published Applications
For detailed information about adding license keys, see the vRealize Operations Manager Customization and Administration Guide.
If your vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key expires, the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter stops populating vRealize Operations Manager with data. If you have a valid license key but you exceed the license count, vRealize Operations Manager generates alerts on certain dashboards. The vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter does not restrict data when the license count is exceeded.

Associate XD-XA Objects with Your vRealize Operations for Published Applications License Key

You must associate XD-XA objects with your vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key by editing license groups in vRealize Operations Manager.
A license group is a way to gather certain objects, called license group members, under a particular license key. By default, the vRealize Operations Manager and vRealize Operations for Published Applications license groups both include all host, virtual machine, and datastore objects. Because these objects are members of both license groups, they are covered by both your vRealize Operations Manager license and your vRealize Operations for Published Applications license.
Each license group includes membership criteria that you can use to filter the objects that are members of the license group. By editing the membership criteria for the vRealize Operations Manager and vRealize Operations for Published Applications license groups, you can specify that certain objects are covered only under your vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key.
Add your vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key. See “Adding a vRealize Operations
for Published Applications License Key,” on page 18.
1 Log in to the vRealize Operations Manager user interface.
2 In the left pane, select Administration > Licensing.
3 Click the License Groups tab.
License groups appear in the top pane. The license group for vRealize Operations for Published Applications is called VMware VRealize Operations for Published Apps 6.3 Licensing. The license group for vRealize Operations Manager is called Product Licensing.
4 Edit the membership criteria for the VMware Published Application Licensing group.
a Select VMware vRealize Operations for Published Apps 6.3 Licensing and click Edit on the
b Select the vRealize Operations for Published Applications license key under VMware vRealize
Operations for Published Applications and click Next.
c In the first Select the Object Type that matches all of the following criteria drop-down menu,
select XSite, define the criteria Relationship, Descendant of, is, and type XEnvironment in the Object name text box.
d In the second Select the Object Type that matches all of the following criteria drop-down menu,
select Host System, define the criteria Relationship, Descendant of, is, and type XEnvironment in the Object name text box.
e In the third Select the Object Type that matches all of the following criteria drop-down menu,
select Virtual Machine, define the criteria Relationship, Descendant of, is, and type XEnvironment in the Object name text box.
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VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration
f In the fourth Select the Object Type that matches all of the following criteria drop-down menu,
select Datastore, define the criteria Relationship, Descendant of, is, and type XEnvironment in the Object name text box.
g Click Next and then click Finish to save your configuration.
5 Edit the membership criteria for the Product Licensing group.
You must edit the membership criteria for the Product Licensing group to exclude the objects that you included in the VMware Published Application Licensing group.
a Select Product Licensing and click Edit on the toolbar.
b Select the vRealize Operations Manager license key under vRealize Operations Manager and click
c In the first Select the Object Type that matches all of the following criteria drop-down menu,
select Host System, define the criteria Relationship, Descendant of, is not, and type Xenvironment in the Object name text box.
d In the second Select the Object Type that matches all of the following criteria drop-down menu,
select Virtual Machine, define the criteria Relationship, Descendant of, is not, and type
Xenvironment in the Object name text box.
e In the third Select the Object Type that matches all of the following criteria drop-down menu,
select Datastore, define the criteria Relationship, Descendant of, is not, and type Xenvironment in the Object name text box.
f In the fourth Select the Object Type that matches all of the following criteria drop-down menu,
select Datastore, define the criteria Relationship, Descendant of, is not, and type Xenvironment in the Object name text box.
g Click Next and then click Finish to save your configuration.

Create an Instance of the vRealize Operations for Published Applications 6.3 Adapter

After you install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution, you must create an instance of the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter in vRealize Operations Manager.
You can create a single vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance to monitor multiple XenDesktop sites. If you need to create multiple vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instances, you must create each adapter instance on a unique cluster node or remote collector.
When you restart a vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance, it takes several minutes before the vRealize Operations for Published Applications desktop agent and broker agent send information to the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter.
Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution and add your license key.
1 Log in to the vRealize Operations Manager user interface with administrator privileges.
2 Click the Administration icon and click Solutions.
3 Select VMware vRealize Operations for Published Apps XD-XA and click the Configure (gear) icon
on the toolbar.
4 Select vRealize Operations for Published Apps XD-XA in the adapter table.
5 Click the Add (plus sign) icon on the lower pane toolbar to add an adapter instance.
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Chapter 4 Installing and Configuring vRealize Operations for Published Applications
6 In Adapter Settings, type a name and description for the adapter instance.
7 In Basic Settings, configure an adapter ID and credential for the adapter instance.
a Type an identifier for the adapter instance in the Adapter ID text box.
The identifier must be unique across all vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instances in the cluster.
b Configure the credential to use when the broker agent pairs with the
vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance.
Option Action
Use an existing credential
Add a new credential
Select the credential from the Credential drop-down menu. When you create a vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance for the first time, the Credential drop-down menu is empty.
1 Click the Add New (plus sign) icon .
2 Type a name for the credential in the Credential name text box.
3 Type a server key for the adapter instance in the Server Key text
box. The server key is required to enable pairing between the broker agent and the adapter. You must provide the server key when you configure the broker agent.
4 Click OK to save the new credential.
5 Select the new credential from the Credential drop-down menu.
c Click Test Connection to test the connection with the credential that you selected.
8 In Advanced Settings, select a collector to manage the adapter processes from the Collector/Groups
drop-down menu.
To run the adapter instance on a remote collector, select the remote collector. If you do not have a remote collector, select Default collector group.
9 Click Save Settings to save the adapter instance.
The adapter instance is added to the list.
What to do next
Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications broker agent. See “Install the vRealize Operations
for Published Applications Broker Agent,” on page 22.

Enabling Firewall Rules for XenDesktop Delivery Controllers and PVS Server

Before you install the broker agent and desktop agent, you must enable specific firewall rules for the XenDesktop Delivery Controller and PVS server.
The broker agent cannot communicate with the XenDesktop Delivery Controller and PVS server if the firewall is enabled on these servers.
Enable the following rules in XenDesktop Delivery Controller servers and PVS server.
Enable Ping in the firewall for all servers using the File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In)
Enable Remote WMI in the firewall for all servers using the Windows Management Instrumentation
(WMI-In) rule.
Enable the following rule in XenDesktop Delivery Controller Server.
Enable Remote Powershell by running the Enable-PSRemoting command in PowerShell command
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If the PVS Server in Citrix XenDesktop environment is not in same domain as Delivery Controller, you can add a new field manually in broker agent configuration file: <pvs_server_credentials> </pvs_server_credentials>
Broker Agent configuration file can be found at following location: C:\ProgramData\VMware\vRealize
Operations for Published Apps\Broker Agent\conf\v4pa-brokeragent.config.

Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent

You install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications broker agent on an Active XenDesktop Delivery Controller.
You only install one broker agent for each XenDesktop Site.
A check box in the Broker Agent Setup wizard controls whether the Broker Agent Configuration wizard opens immediately after you install the broker agent. This check box is selected by default.
Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications solution, add your license key, and create an
instance of the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter.
Verify that you downloaded the broker agent installation file.
Verify that you configured the XenDesktop Controller, Store Front, and PVS server for remote WMI by
granting DCOM remote access/activation permissions to the servers. The user name must include the user name that you indicated for the servers.
XenDesktop Delivery controller's SSL certificate should be added as a trusted certificate if HTTPS (SSL)
is enabled for OData (Monitoring Service).
If OData (Citrix Monitoring Service) is configured on listen on SSL, the Broker Agent will create
connections to XenDesktop Delivery Controller using HTTPS.
So a valid certificate should be installed on Delivery Controller and this certificate should be added as a trusted certificate in Delivery Controller.
If the certificate is issued by a Certificate Authority, this CA should be a trusted publisher in Delivery Controller.
1 Log in to the machine where you plan to install the broker agent using a domain account that is part of
the local administrators group.
2 Install the broker agent.
Option Action
Command line
EXE file
a Access the command prompt.
Install the broker agent for your environment using the /s, v, or /qn options.
Run the VMware-v4pabrokeragent-x86_64-6.3­buildnumber.exe command.
a Copy the file for your environment to a temporary folder, and double-
click the EXE file to start the installation procedure.
Double-click the VMware-v4pabrokeragent-x86_64-6.3- buildnumber.exe file.
b Follow the steps in the installer.
The broker agent is installed and saved to the Program Files folder.
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Chapter 4 Installing and Configuring vRealize Operations for Published Applications
What to do next
Configure the broker agent. See “Configure the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker
Agent,” on page 23.

Configure the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent

After you install the broker agent, you use the Broker Agent Configuration wizard to configure the broker agent on the Citrix XenDesktop Delivery Controller where you installed the broker agent. You can also use the Broker Agent Configuration wizard to make changes to your broker agent configuration.
A check box in the Broker Agent Setup wizard controls whether the Broker Agent Configuration wizard opens immediately after you install the broker agent. This check box is selected by default.
During broker agent configuration, you pair the broker agent with a vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance. Pairing the broker agent with a vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance is a necessary authentication step that enables the broker agent and desktop agents to communicate with the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter. The broker agent and desktop agents cannot communicate with the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter until the pairing process is complete.
If you are monitoring multiple XenDesktop Sites, you can pair the broker agent installed in each Site with the same vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance as long as the total number of desktops that the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance handles does not exceed 10,000.
Each time you restart the broker agent service, a new log file is created.
If a log file was created for the day and the broker agent is restarted on that day, a new log file is created. The name of the new log file is v4pa_brokeragent_svc_<date>_00.log, and the log rotation follows this series.
Install the vRealize Operations for Published Applications broker agent. See “Install the vRealize
Operations for Published Applications Broker Agent,” on page 22.
Verify that you have the server key for the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter.
You specified the server key when you created a credential for the adapter instance.
Verify that you have the IP address or FQDN of the machine where you installed the
vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter.
1 If the Broker Agent Configuration wizard is not already open, start it by selecting Start > VMware >
vRealize Operations for Published Apps Broker Agent Settings.
2 In the Adapter IP/FQDN Address text box, type the IP address of the vRealize Operations Manager
node or remote collector where the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter instance is running.
3 In the Port text box, type the port used to connect to the vRealize Operations for Published Applications
By default, the broker agent uses port 3095 to communicate with the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter. You can modify the default port number, depending on your network configuration.
4 Type and confirm the pairing key for the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter.
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VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration
5 Click Pair to pair the broker agent with the vRealize Operations for Published Applications adapter,
and click Test to test the connection.
The status of the pairing process appears in the Text area.
6 After the pairing process succeeds, click Next.
7 On the Copy Information page, click Copy to copy the certificate string to the clipboard and click Next.
Save this text to copy to the GPO Template.
8 Provide the requested information on the Citrix Delivery Controller Information window.
a Type the XenDesktop environment domain name, domain administrator, and credentials.
b Click Test to validate the connection to the XenDesktop Controller server.
c Click Next.
9 (Optional) Edit the interval values on the Intervals and Timeouts page, and click Next.
10 (Optional) Configure the logging level and log rotation on the Configure the logging parameters page,
and click Next.
11 When the Service Configuration window appears, select Start/Restart, and then click Next.
12 Review the configurations and click Finish to apply the configurations.
The vRealize Operations for Published Applications broker agent is configured and available.
NOTE To configure the Broker-Agent to use a Read-Only/Custom Administrator account for XenDesktop Delivery Controller, go to “Configure Broker Agent to use Non-Admin User for Citrix Desktop Delivery
Controller,” on page 24.
What to do next
Verify the status of the vRealize Operations for Published Applications broker agent in the Windows Services Management Console.
Review the logs by browsing to the C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware vRealize Operations for Published
Apps\Broker Agent\logs directory.

Configure Broker Agent to use Non-Admin User for Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller

You can configure broker agent to use non-admin user for Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller.
If you want to configure broker agent to use Read-Only/Custom administrator for connecting to Citrix delivery controller, follow these steps:
Ensure that the Read-Only/Custom Administrator has read access to Site and Monitoring Databases.
Ensure that Read-Only/Custom Administrator has read/execute/remote access over WinRM,
RemotePowershell and WMI (Root\CIMV2).
1 You can achieve this by adding the user to local "Administrators" group of the delivery controller
24 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Installing and Configuring vRealize Operations for Published Applications
2 Follow these steps if you don't want the user to have Administrator access on delivery controller.
a Login to delivery controller as full administrator.
b Run command winrm configSDDL default from command prompt. Add Read/Execute permissions
for Read-Only/Custom Administrator.
c Run Set-PSSessionConfiguration -name Microsoft.PowerShell -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI from
powershell prompt. Add Read/Execute permissions for Read-Only/Custom Administrator.
d Go to Computer Management > Services and Applications > WMI Control.
e Right click and select Properties.
f Go to Security tab.
g Click CIMV2 > Security.
Add Execute Methods and Remote Enable permissions for Read-Only/Custom Administrator.
h Restart the WinRM Service.
i Download and install the "subinacl" tool from
j Add Execute Methods and Remote Enable permissions for Read-Only/Custom Administrator.
k From Command Prompt, navigate to subinacl installation directory. By default, it gets installed in
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools".
l Run subinacl.exe /service CitrixBrokerService /grant=DOMAIN\USER_NAME=S.

Install a vRealize Operations for Published Applications Desktop Agent

You install desktop agents on all Delivery Controllers, Store Front server, RDS host, License server, and VDI machines.
Verify that you downloaded the desktop agent installation file.
1 Log in to the machine where you plan to install the desktop agent, using a domain account that is part
of the local administrators group.
2 Install the desktop agent.
Option Action
Command line
EXE file
a Access the command prompt.
b Run the Desktop agent:
For 64-bit: Run the VMware-v4padesktopagent-x86_64-6.3­buildnumber.exe command using the /s /v/qn options.
For 32-bit: Run the VMware-v4padesktopagent-6.3­buildnumber.exe command using the /s /v/qn options.
Copy the VMware-v4padesktopagent-x86_64-6.3-
buildnumber.exe (64-bit) or VMware-v4padesktopagent-6.3- buildnumber.exe (32-bit) file to a temporary folder.
Double-click the VMware-v4padesktopagent-x86_64-6.3-
buildnumber.exe or the VMware-v4padesktopagent-x86_64-6.3- buildnumber.exe (64-bit) or VMware-v4padesktopagent-6.3- buildnumber.exe (32-bit)file.
c Follow the steps to complete the installer.
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VMware vRealize Operations for Published Applications Installation and Administration
The desktop agent is installed in Program Files folder.

Push the vRealize Operations for Published Applications Desktop Agent Pair Token Using a Group Policy

To use vRealize Operations for Published Applications to monitor a XenDesktop Site, you must create a Group Policy (GPO) to contain the vRealize Operations for Published Applications group policies. You then apply the GPO to the remote desktops that you want to monitor.
You use the Microsoft Group Policy Editor to create the GPO. After you create the GPO, you must apply it to a base image or to an Organizational Unit (OU) on your Active Directory server, depending on your configuration.
vRealize Operations for Published Applications group-policy settings are provided in the
v4pa_desktopagent.admx file that is installed in the %programfiles%\VMware\vRealize Operations for Published Apps\Broker Agent\extras\GroupPolicyFiles directory.
The language-specific resources, for example .adml files, are installed in the %programfiles
%\VMware\vRealize Operations for Published Apps\Broker Agent\extras\GroupPolicyFilese\language
If there is an Authentication Failure for a desktop agent you must update the GPO policy for desktop agent authentication. When you update the GPO policy for desktop agent authentication, and there are other policies that require updating, all pending policies are updated, not just the GPO policy for desktop agent authentication.
1 Create an organizational unit (OU) in the domain controller machine.
2 If the XD-XA server was already added to the computer account, move the XD-XA server to the OU.
a Access Active Directory Users Computers, and select Computer, right-click your XD-XA server,
and in the context menu select Move....
b In the Move object into container window, select the OU you created.
The XD-XA server is now moved to the OU.
3 Create a Group Policy object using the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC).
4 Copy the certificate string and the RMI URL from the broker agent configuration utility.
5 Copy the v4pa_desktopagent.admx file to PolicyDefinitions folder, which is in the
c:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions directory.
The v4pa_desktopagent.admx file is in the "%ProgramFiles%\VMware\vRealize Operations for
Published Apps\Broker Agent\extras\GroupPolicyFiles directory.
6 Copy the v4pa_desktopagent.adml file to en-us folder, which is in the
c:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-us directory.
The v4pa_desktopagent.adml file is in the "%ProgramFiles%\VMware\vRealize Operations for
Published Apps\Broker Agent\extras\GroupPolicyFiles\en_us directory.
7 Set the Group Policy.
a On the controller machine, click Start and type the gpmc.msc command in the search box.
b Right-click the GPO that you created and select Edit.
c Select Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > VMware Published
Apps Agent Configuration > vRealize Operations, and double-click the item in the right pane.
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Chapter 4 Installing and Configuring vRealize Operations for Published Applications
d Select Enable and copy the RMI URL and certificate string in the policy template.
You might receive a warning that you exceeded the maximum number of characters per line.
e (Optional) Break the line by pressing Enter, and click Apply, and then click OK.
8 Verify on the XD-XA server machine that the RMI URL and certificate string in the
HKLM\Software\Policies\VMware, Inc.\vRealize operations for published Apps\Desktop Agent
directory. RMI URL is of the format rmi://<vrops_ip>:3095.
What to do next
Install desktop agent on the VDI and RDSH hosts you want to monitor. If you already installed a desktop agent and planned to push through GPO at later stage, there might be exceptions in the desktop agent log files. After the pair token is pushed using the GPO, you should restart the desktop agent service.
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