3401 Hillview Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94304
2 VMware, Inc.
About vRealize Operations Manager Reference for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts5
Metric Denitions in vRealize Operations Manager7
Metrics for vCenter Server Components 8
Calculated Metrics 76
Self-Monitoring Metrics for vRealize Operations Manager 82
Metrics for vRealize Automation 107
Metrics for vSAN 107
Metrics for the Operating Systems and Remote Service Monitoring Plug-ins in
End Point Operations Management 114
Property Denitions in vRealize Operations Manager131
Properties for vCenter Server Components 131
Self-Monitoring Properties for vRealize Operations Manager 144
Properties for vSAN 146
Alert Denitions in vRealize Operations Manager149
Cluster Compute Resource Alert Denitions 150
Host System Alert Denitions 154
vRealize Automation Alert Denitions 168
vSAN Alerts Denitions 169
Alerts in the vSphere Web Client 176
vSphere Distributed Port Group 176
Virtual Machine Alert Denitions 177
vSphere Distributed Switch Alert Denitions 185
vCenter Server Alert Denitions 186
Datastore Alert Denitions 187
Data Center Alert Denitions 192
Custom Data Center Alert Denitions 193
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vRealize Operations Definitions for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
4 VMware, Inc.
About vRealize Operations Manager Reference
for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
The vRealize Operations Manager Reference for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts provides information about the
metric, properties, and alert denitions provided with vRealize Operations Manager.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for anyone who wants to install and congure vRealize Operations Manager by
using a virtual appliance deployment. The information is wrien for experienced virtual machine
administrators who are familiar with enterprise management applications and datacenter operations.
VMware Technical Publications Glossary
VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For denitions
of terms as they are used in VMware technical documentation, go to
VMware, Inc.
vRealize Operations Definitions for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
6 VMware, Inc.
Metric Definitions in
vRealize Operations Manager1
Metric denitions provide an overview of how the metric value is calculated or derived. If you understand
the metric, you can beer tune vRealize Operations Manager to display results that help you to manage
your environment.
vRealize Operations Manager collects data from objects in your environment. Each piece of data collected is
called a metric observation or value. vRealize Operations Manager uses the VMware vCenter® adapter to
collect raw metrics. vRealize Operations Manager uses the vRealize Operations Manager adapter to collect
self-monitoring metrics. In addition to the metrics it collects, vRealize Operations Manager calculates
capacity metrics, badge metrics, and metrics to monitor the health of your system.
All metric denitions are provided. The metrics reported on your system depend on the objects in your
environment. You can use metrics to help troubleshoot problems. See the vRealize Operations Manager UserGuide.
Changes in Metric Availability
The CPU Demand of Recommended (%) metric is no longer available in vRealize Operations Manager
version 6.x. To approximate the metric, create a super metric using the following calculations, and add it to
your Views and Reports as needed.
For more information about super metrics, see the vRealize Operations Manager Information Center.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Metrics for vCenter Server Components,” on page 8
“Calculated Metrics,” on page 76
“Self-Monitoring Metrics for vRealize Operations Manager,” on page 82
“Metrics for vRealize Automation,” on page 107
“Metrics for vSAN,” on page 107
“Metrics for the Operating Systems and Remote Service Monitoring Plug-ins in End Point Operations
Management,” on page 114
VMware, Inc.
vRealize Operations Definitions for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
Metrics for vCenter Server Components
vRealize Operations Manager connects to VMware vCenter Server® instances through the vCenter adapter
to collect metrics for vCenter Server components and uses formulas to derive statistics from those metrics.
You can use metrics to troubleshoot problems in your environment.
vCenter Server components are listed in the describe.xmlle for the vCenter adapter. The following
example shows sensor metrics for the host system in the describe.xmlle.
Each ResourceAttribute element includes the name of a metric that appears in the UI and is documented as
a Metric Key.
Table 1‑1. Sensor Metrics for Host System Cooling
Metric KeyMetric NameDescription
Sensor|fan|currentValueSpeedFan speed.
Sensor|fan|healthStateHealth StateFan health state.
Sensor|temperature|currentValueTemperatureHost system temperature.
Sensor|temperature|healthStateHealth StateHost system health state.
vSphere Metrics
vRealize Operations Manager collects CPU use, disk, memory, network, and summary metrics for objects in
the vSphere world.
Capacity metrics can be calculated for vSphere world objects. See “Capacity and Project-Based Metrics,” on
page 77.
CPU Usage Metrics
CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.
8 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 1‑2. CPU Usage Metrics
Metric NameDescription
CPU|Capacity usageCPU usages as a percent during the interval.
Key: cpu|capacity_usagepct_average
CPU|CPU contention(%)This metric shows the percentage of time the VMs in the ESXi hosts are
unable to run because they are contending for access to the physical CPUs.
The number shown is the average number for all VMs. The number will be
lower than the highest number experienced by the VM that is most impacted
by CPU contention.
Use this metric to verify if the host can serve all its VMs eciently. Low
contention means that the VM can access everything it demands to run
smoothly. It means that the infrastructure is providing good service to the
application team.
When using this metric, ensure that the number is within your expectation.
Look at both the relative number and the absolute number. Relative means a
drastic change in value, meaning that the ESXi is unable to serve the VMs.
Absolute means that the real value itself is high. Investigate why the number
is high. One factor that impacts this metric is CPU Power Management. If
CPU Power Management clocks down the CPU speed from 3 GHz to 2 GHz,
the reduction in speed is accounted for because it shows that the VM is not
running at full speed.
This metric is calculated in the following way: cpu|capacity_contention / (200
* summary|number_running_vcpus)
Key: cpu|capacity_contentionPct
CPU|Demand (%)This metric shows the amount of CPU resources a virtual machine would use
if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit. This metric represents the
average active CPU load for the past ve minutes.
Keep this number below 100% if you set the power management to
This metric is calculated in the following way: ( cpu.demandmhz /
Key: cpu|demandPct
CPU|Demand (MHz)This metric shows the amount of CPU resources a virtual machine would use
if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit.
Key: cpu|demandmhz
CPU|DemandCPU demand in megaher.
Key: cpu|demand_average
CPU|IO waitIO wait (ms).
Key: cpu|iowait
CPU|number of CPU SocketsNumber of CPU sockets.
Key: cpu|numpackages
CPU|Overall CPU ContentionOverall CPU contention in milliseconds.
Key: cpu|capacity_contention
CPU|Provisioned Capacity (MHz)capacity in MHz of the physical CPU cores.
Key: cpu|capacity_provisioned
CPU|Provisioned vCPU(s)Number of provisioned CPU cores.
Key: cpu|corecount_provisioned
CPU|Reserved Capacity (MHz)Total CPU capacity reserved by virtual machines.
Key: cpu|reservedCapacity_average
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vRealize Operations Definitions for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
Table 1‑2. CPU Usage Metrics (Continued)
Metric NameDescription
CPU|Usage (MHz)CPU usages, as measured in megaher, during the interval.
Key: cpu|usagemhz_average
CPU|WaitTotal CPU time spent in wait state. The wait total includes time spent in the
CPU Idle, CPU Swap Wait, and CPU I/O Wait states.
CPU|Workload (%)Percent of workload
Key: cpu|workload
Memory Metrics
Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation.
VM - Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the
CPU usage, not the guest operating system view.
Host - Sum of the actively used CPU of all powered on virtual machines
on a host. The maximum possible value is the frequency of the two
processors multiplied by the number of processors. For example, if you
have a host with four 2 GHz CPUs running a virtual machine that is
using 4000 MHz, the host is using two CPUs completely: 400 / (4 2000) =
Table 1‑3. Memory Metrics
Metric NameDescription
mem|Contention (%)This metric shows the percentage of time VMs are waiting to access swapped
Use this metric to monitor ESXi memory swapping. A high value indicates
that the ESXi is running low on memory, and a large amount of memory is
being swapped.
Key: mem|host_contentionPct
mem|Machine Demand (KB)Host memory demand in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_demand
mem|Provisioned MemoryProvisioned host memory in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_provisioned
mem|Reserved Capacity (KB)Total amount of memory reservation used by powered-on virtual machines
and vSphere services on the host.
Key: mem|reservedCapacity_average
mem|Usable Memory (KB)Usable host memory in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_usable
mem|Host Usage (KB)Host memory use in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_usage
mem|Usage/Usable (%)Memory usage as percentage of total congured or available memory.
Key: mem|host_usagePct
mem|Workload (%)Percent of workload.
Key: mem|workload
Network Metrics
Network metrics provide information about network performance.
10 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 1‑4. Network Metrics
Metric NameDescription
net|Packets Dropped (%)This metric shoes the percentage of received and transmied packets
dropped in the collection interval.
Use this metric to monitor the reliability and performance of the ESXi
network. A high value indicates that the network is not reliable and
performance decreases.
Key: net|droppedPct
net|Usage Rate (KB per second)Sum of the data transmied and received for all of the NIC instances of the
host or virtual machine.
Key: net|usage_average
net|Workload (%)Percent of workload.
Key: net|workload
Disk Metrics
Disk metrics provide information about disk use.
Table 1‑5. Disk Metrics
Metric NameDescription
disk|Commands per secondAverage number of commands issued per second during the collection
Key: disk|commandsAveraged_average
disk|Usage Rate (KB per second)Average of the sum of the data read and wrien for all of the disk instances
of the host or virtual machine.
Key: disk|usage_average
disk|Workload (%)Percent of workload.
Key: disk|workload
Summary Metrics
Summary metrics provide information about overall performance.
Table 1‑6. Summary Metrics
Metric NameDescription
summary|Number of Running HostsNumber of running hosts.
Key: summary|number_running_hosts
summary|Number of Running VMsThis metric shows the number of running VMs at a given point in time.
The data is sampled every ve minutes.
A large number of running VMs might be a reason for CPU or memory
spikes because more resources are used in the host. The number of
running VMs gives you a good indicator of how many requests the ESXi
host must juggle. Powered o VMs are not included because they do not
impact ESXi performance. A change in the number of running VMs can
contribute to performance problems. A high number of running VMs in
a host also means a higher concentration risk, because all the VMs will
fail if the ESXi crashes.
Use this metric to look for a correlation between spikes in the running
VMs and spikes in other metrics such as CPU contention, or memory
Key: summary|number_running_vms
summary|Total Number of ClustersTotal number of clusters.
Key: summary|total_number_clusters
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vRealize Operations Definitions for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
Table 1‑6. Summary Metrics (Continued)
Metric NameDescription
summary|Total Number of DatastoresTotal number of datastores.
summary|Total Number of HostsTotal number of hosts.
summary|Total Number of VMsTotal number of virtual machines.
summary|Total Number of DatacentersTotal number of data centers.
summary|Number VCPUs on Powered on
summary|Average Running VM Count per
Running Host
vCenter Server Metrics
vRealize Operations Manager collects CPU use, disk, memory, network, and summary metrics for vCenter
Server system objects.
Key: summary|total_number_datastores
Key: summary|total_number_hosts
Key: summary|total_number_vms
Key: summary|total_number_datacenters
Number of virtual CPUs on powered-on virtual machines.
Key: summary|number_running_vcpus
Average running virtual machine count per running host.
Key: summary|avg_vm_density
vCenter Server metrics include capacity and badge metrics. See denitions in:
“Capacity and Project-Based Metrics,” on page 77
“Badge Metrics,” on page 80
CPU Usage Metrics
CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.
Datastore metrics provide information about the datastore.
Table 1‑8. Datastore Metrics
Metric KeyMetric NameDescription
datastore|maxObserved_ReadMax Observed Read RateMax observed rate of reading data from the
datastore|maxObserved_WriteMax Observed Write RateMax observed rate of writing data from the
datastore|maxObserved_OIOMax Observed Number of
datastore|demand_oioOutstanding IO requestsOIO for datastore.
datastore|read_averageRead RateAmount of data read in the performance interval.
datastore|write_averageWrite RateAmount of data wrien to disk in the performance
Max Observed Reads per
Max Observed Writes per
Outstanding IO Operations
Reads per secondAverage number of read commands issued per
Writes per secondAverage number of write commands issued per
Max observed average number of read commands
issued per second during the collection interval.
Max observed average number of write commands
issued per second during the collection interval.
Maximum observed number of outstanding IO
second during the collection interval.
second during the collection interval.
Disk Metrics
Disk metrics provide information about disk use.
Table 1‑9. Disk Metrics
Metric KeyMetric NameDescription
disk|commandsAveraged_averageCommands per secondAverage number of commands issued per second
during the collection cycle.
disk|totalLatency_averageDisk Command Latency
disk|usage_averageUsage Rate (KBps)Average of the sum of the data read and wrien for
disk|sum_queued_oioTotal queued outstanding
disk|max_observedMax Observed OIOMax observed IO for a disk.
VMware, Inc. 13
Average amount of time taken for a command from
the perspective of the guest operating system. This
metric is the sum of the Kernel Device Command
Latency and Physical Device Command Latency
all of the disk instances of the host or virtual
Sum of queued operations and outstanding
vRealize Operations Definitions for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
Diskspace Metrics
Disk space metrics provide information about disk space use.
Table 1‑10. Diskspace Metrics
Metric KeyMetric NameDescription
diskspace|total_usageTotal disk space used (KB)Total disk space used on all datastores visible to
diskspace|total_capacityTotal disk space (KB)Total disk space on all datastores visible to this
diskspace|total_provisionedTotal provisioned disk space
Memory Metrics
Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation.
* CPU|CPU Contention (%)CPU contention as a percentage of 20-second collection
Key: cpu|capacity_contentionPct
CPU|Capacity ProvisionedProvisioned CPU capacity in megahertrz.
Key: cpu|capacity_provisioned
CPU|Demand (MHz)CPU demand in megaher.
Key: cpu|demandmhz
CPU|Host demand for aggregationHost demand for aggregation.
Key: cpu|host_demand_for_aggregation
CPU|Demand (ms)The total CPU time that the VM could use if there was
no contention.
Key: cpu|demand_average
CPU|Demand (%)CPU demand as a percentage of the provisioned
Key: cpu|demandPct
CPU|Dynamic EntitlementCPU Dynamic Entitlement.
Key: cpu|dynamic_entitlement
* CPU|Usage (%)This metric indicates the percentage of CPU that was
used out of all the CPU that was allocated to the VM.
CPU usage can indicate if the VM is undersized.
Key: cpu|usage_average
CPU|Usage (MHz)CPU use in megaher.
Key: cpu|usagemhz_average
CPU|System (ms)CPU time spent on system processes.
Key: cpu|system_summation
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vRealize Operations Definitions for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
CPU|Wait (ms)Total time that a virtual CPU can not be run. It could
CPU|Ready (ms)CPU time spent in the ready state.
* CPU|Ready (%)This metric indicates the percentage of time in which
CPU|Used (ms)CPU time that is used.
CPU|Extra (ms)Extra CPU time in milliseconds.
CPU|Guaranteed (ms)CPU time that is guaranteed for the virtual machine.
CPU|Swap Wait (ms)Swap wait time in milliseconds.
CPU|Co-stop (ms)Time the VM is ready to run, but is unable to due to
CPU|Co-stop (%)Percentage of time the VM is ready to run, but is
CPU|Idle (ms)CPU time that is idle.
CPU|LatencyPercentage of time the VM is unable to run because it
CPU|Max LimitedTime the VM is ready to run, but is not run due to
CPU|OverlapTime the VM was interrupted to perform system
CPU|RunTime the VM is scheduled to run.
CPU|Entitlement LatestEntitlement Latest.
be idle (halted) or waiting for an external event such as
Key: cpu|wait_summation
Key: cpu|ready_summation
the VM was waiting in line to use the CPU on the host.
A large ready time for a VM indicates that the VM
needed CPU resources but the infrastructure was busy
serving other VMs. This might indicate that the host is
trying to serve too many VMs.
Whenever the CPU ready is larger than 10%, you
should check if the host is overloaded, or if the VM
really needs all the resources that were allocated to it.
Key: cpu|readyPct
Key: cpu|used_summation
Key: cpu|extra_summation
Key: cpu|guaranteed_latest
Key: cpu|swapwait_summation
co-scheduling constraints.
Key: cpu|costop_summation
unable to due to co-scheduling constraints.
Key: cpu|costopPct
Key: cpu|idle_summation
is contending for access to the physical CPUs.
Key: cpu|latency_average
maxing out its CPU limit seing.
Key: cpu|maxlimited_summation
services on behalf of that VM or other VMs.
Key: cpu|overlap_summation
Key: cpu|run_summation
Key: cpu|entitlement_latest
CPU Utilization for Resources Metrics for Virtual Machines
CPU utilization for resources metrics provide information about resource CPU use.
18 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
rescpu|CPU Active (%) (interval)The average active time (actav) or peak active time (actpk) for the CPU
during various intervals.
rescpu|CPU Running (%) (interval)The average runtime (runav) or peak active time (runpk) for the CPU
during various intervals.
rescpu|CPU Throled (%) (interval)Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were refused, average
over various intervals.
rescpu|Group CPU Sample CountThe sample CPU count.
Key: rescpu|sampleCount_latest
rscpu|Group CPU Sample Period (ms)The sample period.
Key: rscpu|samplePeriod_latest
Memory Metrics for Virtual Machines
Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation.
Mem|Host Active (KB)Host active memory use in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_active
Mem|Usage (KB)Memory use in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_usage
Mem|Contention (KB)Memory contention in kilobytes.
Key: mem|host_contention
Mem|Contention (%)Percent memory contention.
Key: mem|host_contentionPct
Mem|Guest Congured Memory (KB)Guest operating system congured memory in kilobytes.
Disk|Disk Read LatencyThe average amount of time taken for a read from the
during the collection interval.
Key: disk|commandsAveraged_average
Key: disk|usage_average
disk|workload. storage|usage_average is an average
over all storage devices. This means that disk|
usage_capacity is not specic to the selected VM or the
host of the VM.
Key: disk|usage_capacity
Key: disk|diskoio
Key: disk|diskqueued
Key: disk|diskdemand
Key: disk |sum_queued_oio
Key: disk|max_observed
Key: disk|read_average
Key: disk|write_average
dened interval.
Key: disk|numberRead_summation
dened interval.
Key: disk|numberWrite_summation
Key: disk|busResets_summation
performance interval.
Key: disk|commands_summation
performance interval.
Key: disk|commandsAborted_summation
Key: disk|maxTotalLatency_latest
Key: disk|scsiReservationConicts_summation
perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel
Read Latency and Physical Device Read Latency.
Key: disk|totalReadLatency_average
24 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Disk|Disk Write LatencyThe average amount of time taken for a write from the
perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel
Write Latency and Physical Device Write Latency.
Key: disk|totalWriteLatency_average
Disk|Disk Command Latency (ms)The average amount of time taken for a command from
the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel
Command Latency and Physical Device Command
Key: disk|totalLatency_average
Virtual Disk Metrics for Virtual Machines
Virtual disk metrics provide information about virtual disk use.
VirtualDisk|UsageAverage CPU usage as a percentage.
Key: virtualDisk|usage
VirtualDisk|Total LatencyTotal latency.
Key: virtualDisk|totalLatency
VirtualDisk|Commands Per SecondAverage number of commands per second.
Key: virtualDisk|commandsAveraged_average
VirtualDisk|Read RequestsAverage number of read commands issued per second
to the virtual disk during the collection interval.
Key: virtualDisk|numberReadAveraged_average
VirtualDisk|Write RequestsAverage number of write commands issued per second
to the virtual disk during the collection interval.
Key: virtualDisk|numberWriteAveraged_average
VirtualDisk|Read Rate (KBps)Rate of reading data from the virtual disk in kilobytes
per second.
Key: virtualDisk|read_average
VirtualDisk|Read Latency (ms)Average amount of time for a read operation from the
virtual disk. Total latency = kernel latency + device
Key: virtualDisk|totalReadLatency_average
VirtualDisk|Write Latency (ms)Average amount of time for a write operation to the
virtual disk. Total latency = kernel latency + device
Key: virtualDisk|totalWriteLatency_average
VirtualDisk|Write Rate (KBps)Rate of writing data from the virtual disk in kilobytes
per second.
Key: virtualDisk|write_average
VirtualDisk|Bus ResetsThe number of bus resets in the performance interval.
Key: virtualDisk|busResets_summation
VirtualDisk|Commands AbortedThe number of disk commands aborted in the
performance interval.
Key: virtualDisk|commandsAborted_summation
VirtualDisk|Read LoadStorage DRS virtual disk metric read load.
Key: virtualDisk|readLoadMetric_latest
VirtualDisk|Outstanding Read RequestsAverage number of outstanding read requests to the
virtual disk.
Key: virtualDisk|readOIO_latest
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vRealize Operations Definitions for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
VirtualDisk|Write LoadStorage DRS virtual disk write load.
VirtualDisk|Outstanding Write RequestsAverage number of outstanding write requests to the
VirtualDisk|Number of Small SeeksSmall Seeks.
VirtualDisk|Number of Medium SeeksMedium Seeks.
VirtualDisk|Number of Large SeeksLarge Seeks.
VirtualDisk|Read Latency (microseconds)Read Latency in microseconds.
VirtualDisk|Write Latency (microseconds)Write Latency in microseconds.
Guest le system metrics provide information about guest le system capacity and free space.
Guest le system|Guest File System Capacity (MB)Total capacity on guest le system in megabytes.
Key: guestlesystem|capacity
Guest le system|Guest File System Free (MB)Total free space on guest le system in megabytes.
Key: guestlesystem|freespace
Guest le system|Guest File System Usage (%)Percent guest le system.
Key: guestlesystem|percentage
Guest le system|Guest File System UsageTotal usage of guest le system.
Key: guestlesystem|usage
* Guest le system|Total Guest File System Free (GB)This metric displays the amount of free disk space from all le
systems aached to this VM.
Use this metric to see if there are spikes in the free space or if
there is an organic growth for this VM.
Key: guestlesystem|freespace_total
* Guest le system|Total Guest File System Capacity
This metric displays the amount of disk space allocated for the
Correlate other metrics with this metric to indicate if changes
occur in the disk space allocation for the VM.
Key: guestlesystem|capacity_total
26 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
* Guest le system|Total Guest File System Usage (%)This metric displays the amount of displa space being used out
of the total allocated disk space.
Use his metric to track if the overall usage is stable, or if it
reaches the limits. You should avoid having VMs with a disk
space usage of >95% since this could impact your system.
Key: guestlesystem|percentage_total
Guest le system|Total Guest File System UsageTotal usage of guest le system.
Key: guestlesystem|usage_total
Network Metrics for Virtual Machines
Network metrics provide information about network performance.
Net|Demand (%)Percent demand.
Key: net|demand
Net|Usage Rate (KBps)The sum of the data transmied and received for all the NIC
instances of the host or virtual machine.
Key: net|usage_average
Net|Packets Received per secondNumber of packets received in the performance interval.
Key: net|packetsRxPerSec
Net|Packets Transmied per secondNumber of packets transmied in the performance interval.
Key: net|packetsTxPerSec
* Net|Data Transmit Rate (KBps)This metric shows the rate of data being sent by the VM per
Key: net|transmied_average
* Net|Data Receive Rate (KBps)This metric shows the rate of data received by the VM per
Key: net|received_average
Net|Packets per secondNumber of packets transmied and received per second.
Key: net|PacketsPerSec
Net|I/O Usage CapacityIO use capacity.
Key: net|usage_capacity
Net|Max Observed Throughput (KBps)Maximum observed throughput in kilobytes per second.
Key: net|maxObserved_KBps
Net|Max Observed Transmied ThroughputMax observed transmied rate of network throughput.
Key: net|maxObserved_Tx_KBps
Net|Max Observed Received ThroughputMax observed received rate of network throughput.
Key: net|maxObserved_Rx_KBps
Net|Packets ReceivedNumber of packets received in the performance interval.
Key: net|packetsRx_summation
Net|Packets TransmiedNumber of packets transmied in the performance interval.
Key: net|packetsTx_summation
* Net|Received Packets DroppedThis metric shows the number of received packets dropped in
the collection interval.
Key: net|droppedRx_summation
* Net|Transmied Packets DroppedThis metric shows the number of transmied packets
dropped in the collection interval
Key: net|dropppedTx_summation
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vRealize Operations Definitions for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
Net|Packets Dropped (%)Percentage of packets dropped.
Net|Packets DroppedNumber of packets dropped in the performance interval.
Net|Broadcast Packets TransmiedNumber of broadcast packets transmied during the
Net|Broadcast Packets ReceivedNumber of broadcast packets received during the sampling
Net|Bytes Rx (KBps)Average amount of data received per second.
Net|Bytes Tx (KBps)Average amount of data transmied per second.
Net|Multicast Packets ReceivedNumber of multicast packets received.
Net|Multicast Packets TransmiedNumber of multicast packets transmied.
Net|VM to Host Data Transmit RateAverage amount of data transmied per second between VM
Net|VM to Host Data Receive RateAverage amount of data received per second between VM
Net|VM to Host Usage RateThe sum of the data transmied and received for all the NIC
Net|VM to Host Max Observed Transmied ThroughputMax observed transmied rate of network throughput
Net|VM to Host Max Observed Received ThroughputMax observed received rate of network throughput between
Net|VM to Host Max Observed ThroughputMax observed rate of network throughput between VM and