VMware vRealize Operations Administrator’s Guide

VMware vRealize Operations for
Horizon Administration
VMware vRealize Operations for Horizon 6.3
VMware vRealize Operations for Horizon Administration
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VMware vRealize Operations for Horizon Administration 5
Monitoring Your Horizon Environment 7
Using the Horizon Dashboards 7
Introducing the Horizon Dashboards 8
Horizon Overview Dashboard 9
Horizon Help Desk Dashboard 9
Horizon Infrastructure Dashboard 10
Horizon User Sessions Dashboard 11
Horizon VDI Pools Dashboard 11
Horizon RDS Pools Dashboard 12
Horizon Applications Dashboard 13
Horizon Desktop Usage Dashboard 13
Retrieve In Guest Process Data for Desktop Sessions 14
Horizon User Session Details Dashboard 14
Retrieve In-Guest Process Data for Session Objects 14
Horizon RDS Host Details Dashboard 15
Retrieve In-Guest Process Data for Host Objects 15
Horizon Adapter Self Health Dashboard 16
Horizon End User Experience Dashboard 17
Using the Horizon Reports 18
Introducing the Horizon Reports 18
Maintaining vRealize Operations for Horizon 21
Pair the Broker Agent with a Horizon Adapter Instance 21
Modify the Broker Agent Service Logging Level 22
Reissue Horizon Desktop Authentication Tokens 22
Change the Desktop Pools to Monitor 22
Change Horizon Events Database Credential Seings 23
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Troubleshooting a vRealize Operations for Horizon Installation 25
Create a vRealize Operations Manager Support Bundle 25
Download vRealize Operations for Horizon Broker Agent Log Files 26
Download vRealize Operations for Horizon Desktop Agent Log Files 26
View the Collection State and Status of a Horizon Adapter Object 27
Horizon Collector and Horizon Adapter Log Files 28
Modify the Logging Level for Horizon Adapter Log Files 28
Remove Adapter Instance 29
Cleanup Objects 29
Firewall Rules 30
Licensing 30
VMware vRealize Operations for Horizon Administration
Communication Issues Between Horizon Adapter and Agents 30
Post Upgrade Congurations 31
Agents-Related Issues 31
Missing Metrics 31
Missing Logon Duration 32
Index 33
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VMware vRealize Operations for Horizon Administration

VMware vRealize Operations for Horizon Administration provides information about how to use VMware vRealize™ Operations Manager™ to monitor a VMware Horizon™ with View™ environment.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for users who monitor the performance of objects in Horizon environments in VMware vRealize Operations Manager and administrators who are responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting a vRealize Operations for Horizon conguration.
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VMware vRealize Operations for Horizon Administration
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Monitoring Your Horizon
Environment 1
When you install the vRealize Operations for Horizon solution, precongured Horizon dashboards and predened Horizon report templates appear in the vRealize Operations Manager user interface. You can use
these Horizon-specic dashboards and reports along with the standard vRealize Operations Manager object monitoring features to monitor your Horizon environment.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Using the Horizon Dashboards,” on page 7
“Using the Horizon Reports,” on page 18

Using the Horizon Dashboards

The Horizon dashboards are in the Horizon group in the Dashboard List menu in the vRealize Operations Manager user interface.
Most Horizon dashboards contain at least one master (or providing) widget and several receiving widgets. Master widgets provide data to receiving widgets, and receiving widgets update the data they display depending on the information they receive from master widgets.
The widgets on the Horizon dashboards are created from standard vRealize Operations Manager widgets. If your user account has the necessary access rights, you can modify the Horizon dashboards and widgets or create your own Horizon dashboards.
For information about creating and modifying dashboards and customizing widgets, see the vRealize Operations Manager Customization and Administration Guide.
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VMware vRealize Operations for Horizon Administration

Introducing the Horizon Dashboards

You can use the precongured Horizon dashboards to monitor the performance of your Horizon environment.
Table 11. Horizon Dashboard Summary
Horizon Dashboard What It Shows When To Use It
“Horizon Overview Dashboard,” on page 9
“Horizon Help Desk Dashboard,” on page 9
“Horizon Infrastructure Dashboard,” on page 10
“Horizon User Sessions Dashboard,” on page 11
“Horizon VDI Pools Dashboard,” on page 11
“Horizon RDS Pools Dashboard,” on page 12
“Horizon Applications Dashboard,” on page 13
“Horizon Desktop Usage Dashboard,” on page 13
“Horizon User Session Details Dashboard,” on page 14
Status of your end-to-end Horizon environment, including the top Horizon­related alerts.
Detailed information about all connected sessions running in your vRealize Operations for Horizon environment.
Information about the health, workload, and connectivity of infrastructure hosts, remote desktops, datastores, and RDS hosts in your Horizon environment.
Metrics and performance information for all types of sessions, including VDI desktop sessions, RDS desktop sessions, and application sessions.
Metrics and performance information for VDI pools.
Metrics and performance information for RDS pools.
N This dashboard is specic to Horizon
6.0.3, 6.1, 6.2, 7, and 7.0.1 environments.
Status and performance information for application pools and their associated farms, RDS hosts, application sessions, applications, and Horizon clients.
N This dashboard is specic to Horizon with Horizon 6.0.x, 6.1, 6.2, 7, and 7.0.1 environments.
Usage data for all of the desktop pools in your Horizon environment, including VDI desktop pools.
Detailed information about all types of sessions running in your Horizon environment, including VDI desktop sessions, RDS desktop sessions, and application sessions.
Assess Horizon pod usage, client
performance, and the overall user experience
View the top Horizon-related
View detailed information about
all connected sessions running in your vRealize Operations for Horizon environment
View all existing alerts of the
Understand the relationships
between objects in your Horizon infrastructure
Assess the underlying vSphere
and Horizon infrastructure
Identify and troubleshoot poorly
performing remote sessions
Troubleshoot poorly performing
desktop virtual machines and sessions
Identify the RDS hosts that are
using the most resources
Troubleshoot poorly performing
RDS desktop and application sessions
Understand the relationships
between objects in your application infrastructure
Troubleshoot remote
View active and disconnected
sessions and identify session trends for selected desktop pools
View top alerts for selected
desktop pools
Collect in-guest process data
from desktop sessions
Troubleshoot poorly performing
Identify when session problems
Collect in-guest process data
from desktop sessions
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Chapter 1 Monitoring Your Horizon Environment
Table 11. Horizon Dashboard Summary (Continued)
Horizon Dashboard What It Shows When To Use It
“Horizon RDS Host Details Dashboard,” on page 15
“Horizon Adapter Self Health Dashboard,” on page 16
“Horizon End User Experience Dashboard,” on page 17
Detailed information about the RDS hosts in your Horizon environment.
Health information for your Horizon adapters and the broker agents connected to those adapters. This dashboard also contains license compliance information.
Health information for your resources.
View desktop and application
sessions currently running on selected RDS hosts
Identify when RDS host
problems occurred
Collect and view in-guest
process data from RDS hosts
Troubleshoot Horizon adapter
Monitor license use
Troubleshoot problems related
to vCenter resources adapter.

Horizon Overview Dashboard

The Horizon Overview dashboard shows the overall status of your Horizon environment. Use the Horizon Overview dashboard to visualize the end-to-end environment, its underlying environment, and alerts.
The Horizon Top Alerts widget shows the alerts of the greatest signicance for Horizon objects. When you select a pod in the Horizon Pods widget, the Pod Indicator Metrics, Pod Session Metrics, and Pod Capacity Metrics widgets show data for the pod that you selected.
Tips for Using the Horizon Overview Dashboard
Click an alert in the Horizon Top Alerts widget to open the alert details.
Use the Horizon Pods widget to determine the total number of sessions, including the number of
connected and disconnected sessions, for a selected pod. Use the Pod Session Metrics widget to view desktop, application, PCoIP, RDP, and Blast metrics.
The vCenter Server Instance widget shows the vCenter that the View pod is associated with. It includes
vCenter name, vCenter CPU capacity usage, vCenter usable memory, vCenter disk capacity remaining, and collecting status.
The Capacity remaining widget shows the capacity related information of the selected vCenter in
vCenter Server Instance widget. It shows the graph of used capacity and remaining capacity.
The Reclaimable Capacity widget shows the reclaimable capacity of the selected vCenter in the vCenter
Server Instance widget. It shows the reclaimable CPU, memory, and disk. It also shows the percentage of VMs in dierent status.

Horizon Help Desk Dashboard

Use the Horizon Help Desk dashboard to view detailed information about all connected sessions running in your Horizon environment. The Connected Sessions widget lists all the connected VDI desktop sessions, RDS desktop sessions, and application sessions in your environment. It is the master widget for the dashboard.
Tips for Using the Horizon Help Desk Dashboard
Use the All Environment Alerts widget to view all existing alerts of the system. Click each alert to get
detailed information.
Use the Selected User Session Alerts widget to view alerts of the selected session. Click each alert to get
detailed information.
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VMware vRealize Operations for Horizon Administration
Use the Selected Session Related Objects widget to look at the related object of the selected session.
Use the Session Related Metrics widget to view metrics of the selected object in the Selected Session
Related Objects widget (Health, Workload, Logon Time, Round-Trip Latency, TX Bandwidth, RX Bandwidth, TX Packet Loss, and the RX Packet Loss for the session object).
Use the Session Logon Breakdown widget to view important login metrics, prole load time, shell load
time, and Interactive session time.
Run actions in the Session Processes widget to obtain information about in-guest desktop processes and
their resource use, including CPU, memory, and I/O use. The Get Desktop Processes and Get Desktop Services actions can help you determine which desktop processes and applications are using the most resources. The Get Desktop/Client Traceroute action provides information about network distance and quality between the desktop and client.
Use the Virtual Desktop widget to show the related virtual machine of the selected session.
Use the VM Metrics widget to show metrics of the related virtual machine, VM Health, VM Workload,
CPU, CPU Ready, CPU Contention, Co-stop, vCPU Count, recommended vCPU , Memory, Disk Latency, Disk IOPs, Memory Swap .
Use the Horizon with View Client widget to show the client info of selected session.

Horizon Infrastructure Dashboard

Use the Horizon Infrastructure dashboard to quickly assess the underlying vSphere and Horizon infrastructure that supports your Horizon environment.
Horizon Infrastructure Hosts, Horizon VDI Desktop VMs, View Datastores, and View RDS Hosts are Heat Map widgets. These widgets show information about the health, workload, and connectivity of infrastructure hosts, remote desktops, and datastores, RDS (Microsoft Remote Desktop Services) hosts in your Horizon environment.
You can select an object in any widget and click the Dashboard Navigation buon on the widget toolbar to navigate to vSphere dashboards. You can double-click an object to navigate to the object Summary tab in vRealize Operations Manager.
N RDS hosts are specic to Horizon with View 6.0.x and Horizon 6.1, 7, and 7.0.1 environments.
Tips for Using the Horizon Infrastructure Dashboard
The colored rectangles in each widget represent particular objects. For example, in the Horizon VDI
Desktop VMs widget, each rectangle represents a particular virtual machine. You can point to a rectangle to view basic information about its associated object.
The size of the rectangle indicates the value of one metric, the color of the rectangle indicates the value
of another metric, and the widget conguration determines which metric values the widget shows. For example, if you select Sized by Workload - Colored by Health from the  drop-down menu, rectangles are sized according to the value of the workload aribute and are colored according to the value of the health aribute. Red indicates a low value and green indicates the high end of the value range.
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Chapter 1 Monitoring Your Horizon Environment

Horizon User Sessions Dashboard

The Horizon User Sessions dashboard provides a quick view of all types of sessions running in your Horizon environment. The widgets on the dashboard are organized into three columns: the left column contains widgets for VDI desktop sessions, the middle column contains widgets for RDS desktop sessions, and the right column contains widgets for application sessions. Each column contains a Heat Map widget and four Top-N Analysis widgets.
You can click the Dashboard Navigation buon on any widget toolbar to navigate to the Horizon Remote Session Details dashboard and see detailed information about a particular session.
N RDS desktop sessions and application sessions are specic to Horizon 6 and later environments.
Tips for Using the Horizon User Sessions Dashboard
The colored rectangles in the VDI Desktop Sessions, RDS Desktop Sessions, and Application Sessions
widgets represent particular objects. For example, in the VDI Desktop Sessions widget, each rectangle represents a particular VDI desktop. You can point to a rectangle to view basic information about its associated object.
The size of the rectangle indicates the value of one metric, the color of the rectangle indicates the value
of another metric, and the widget conguration determines which metric values the widget shows. For example, if you select Sized by Workload - Colored by Health from the  drop-down menu, rectangles are sized according to the value of the workload metric and are colored according to the value of the health metric. Red indicates a low value and green indicates the high end of the value range.
Use the Top-N Analysis widgets to view the sessions of each type that have the highest latency,
transmission bandwidth, transmission packet loss, and logon times. Viewing the extreme performers in any category can help you to assess the overall performance of your environment.

Horizon VDI Pools Dashboard

Use the Horizon VDI Pools dashboard to view the performance of VDI desktop pools and sessions in your Horizon environment. A VDI desktop pool can be a linked-clone or instant clone desktop pool, automated desktop pool, or manual desktop pool.
The widgets below the VDI Desktop Pools and VDI Desktop Pool Indicator Metrics widgets are organized into two columns: the left column contains widgets for VDI desktop pool virtual machines and the right column contains widgets for VDI desktop pool sessions. Each column contains a Heat Map widget and four Top-N Analysis widgets.
The VDI Desktop Pools widget is the master widget for the Heat Map widgets on the dashboard. For example, when you select a desktop pool in the VDI Desktop Pools widget, the VDI Desktop Pool VMs widget shows the desktop virtual machines in that desktop pool and the VDI Desktop Pool Sessions widget shows the desktop sessions that are currently logged on for that desktop pool.
You can click the Dashboard Navigation buon on a widget toolbar to navigate to other dashboards. In some widgets, including VDI Desktop Pools and VDI Desktop Pool VMs, you can use Dashboard Navigation buon to launch Horizon Administrator.
Tips for Using the Horizon VDI Pools Dashboard
Use the graphs in the VDI Desktop Pool Indicator Metrics widget to see the values of selected metrics
over time and obtain a quick view of the trends in KPIs.
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