VMware vRealize Automation - 7.3 User’s Manual

Managing vRealize Automation
15 March 2018 vRealize Automation 7.3
Managing vRealize Automation
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Managing vRealize Automation 5
Updated Information 6
Maintaining and Customizing vRealize Automation Components and Options 7
Broadcast a Message on the Message Board Portlet 7
Starting Up and Shutting Down vRealize Automation 9
Start Up vRealize Automation 9
Restart vRealize Automation 10
Shut Down vRealize Automation 11
Updating vRealize Automation Certificates 12
Extracting Certificates and Private Keys 13
Replace Certificates in the vRealize Automation Appliance 14
Replace the Infrastructure as a Service Certificate 16
Replace the IaaS Manager Service Certificate 18
Update Embedded vRealize Orchestrator to Trust vRealize Automation Certificates 19
Update External vRealize Orchestrator to Trust vRealize Automation Certificates 21
Updating the vRealize Automation Appliance Management Site Certificate 22
Replace a Management Agent Certificate 26
Change the Polling Method for Certificates 29
Managing the vRealize Automation Postgres Appliance Database 29
Three Node Appliance Database Automatic Failover Scenarios 31
Configure the Appliance Database 33
Scenario: Perform Manual vRealize Automation Appliance Database Failover 35
Scenario: Perform a Maintenance Database Failover 36
Manually Recover Appliance Database from Catastrophic Failure 37
Backup and Recovery for vRealize Automation Installations 39
The Customer Experience Improvement Program 39
Join or Leave the Customer Experience Improvement Program for vRealize Automation 40
Configure Data Collection Time 40
Adjusting System Settings 41
Modify the All Services Icon in the Service Catalog 41
Customize Data Rollover Settings 42
Adjusting Settings in the Manager Service Configuration File 44
Monitoring vRealize Automation 49
Monitoring Workflows and Viewing Logs 49
Monitoring Event Logs and Services 50
Using vRealize Automation Audit Logging 51
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Managing vRealize Automation
Viewing Host Information for Clusters in Distributed Deployments 52
Monitoring vRealize Automation Health 55
Run System Tests For vRealize Automation 55
Run Tenant Tests For vRealize Automation 57
Run Tests For vRealize Orchestrator 58
View the vRealize Automation Health Service Test Suite Results 59
Troubleshooting the Health Service 60
Monitoring and Managing Resources 61
Choosing a Resource Monitoring Scenario 61
Resource Usage Terminology 65
Connecting to a Cloud Machine 65
Reducing Reservation Usage by Attrition 68
Decommissioning a Storage Path 68
Data Collection 69
Understanding vSwap Allocation Checking for vCenter Server Endpoints 72
Removing Datacenter Locations 73
Monitoring Containers 74
Bulk Import, Update, or Migrate Virtual Machines 74
Import a Virtual Machine to a vRealize Automation Environment 74
Update a Virtual Machine in a vRealize Automation Environment 78
Migrate a Virtual Machine to a Different vRealize Automation Environment 81
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Managing vRealize Automation 1

Managing vRealize Automation provides information about maintaining VMware vRealize ™ Automation,

including how to start and stop a deployment, as well as manage certificates and the appliance database.
In addition, it contains information on backing up and restoring vRealize Automation.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for anyone who wants to manage a vRealize Automation deployment. The
information is written for experienced Windows or Linux system administrators who are familiar with
virtual machine technology and datacenter operations.
VMware Technical Publications Glossary
VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For
definitions of terms as they are used in VMware technical documentation, go to
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Updated Information 2

The following table lists the changes to Managing vRealize Automation for this product release.
Revision Description
15 MAR 2018
Updated Replace the vRealize Automation Appliance Management Site Certificate to clarify prerequisites.
Updated Managing the vRealize Automation Postgres Appliance Database
Added Three Node Appliance Database Automatic Failover Scenarios
Updated Update Embedded vRealize Orchestrator to Trust vRealize Automation Certificates
Added Using vRealize Automation Audit Logging and Configure vRealize Automation for Log Insight Audit
18 JAN 2018
Updated Start Up vRealize Automation.
Updated Restart vRealize Automation.
4 DEC 2017 Updated Bulk Import, Update, or Migrate Virtual Machines
20 SEP 2017 Updated the following topics, which have since moved to the suite documentation.
Backing Up vRealize Automation
Backing Up the vRealize Automation Appliance
Backing Up IaaS Components
12 SEP 2017 Updated Scenario: Perform Manual vRealize Automation Appliance Database Failover.
30 AUG 2017
Added topics for re-registering vRealize Orchestrator for vRealize Automation certificates: Update Embedded
vRealize Orchestrator to Trust vRealize Automation Certificates and Update External vRealize Orchestrator to
Trust vRealize Automation Certificates.
Updated Manually Recover Appliance Database from Catastrophic Failure.
Updated Replace Certificates in the vRealize Automation Appliance.
Updated Start Up vRealize Automation.
EN-002419-01 Added Manually Recover Appliance Database from Catastrophic Failure.
EN-002419-00 Initial document release.
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Maintaining and Customizing vRealize Automation
Components and Options 3
You can manage provisioned machines and other aspects of your vRealize Automation deployment.
This chapter includes the following topics:

Broadcast a Message on the Message Board Portlet

Starting Up and Shutting Down vRealize Automation
Updating vRealize Automation Certificates
Managing the vRealize Automation Postgres Appliance Database
Backup and Recovery for vRealize Automation Installations
The Customer Experience Improvement Program
Adjusting System Settings
Monitoring vRealize Automation
Monitoring vRealize Automation Health
Monitoring and Managing Resources
Monitoring Containers
Bulk Import, Update, or Migrate Virtual Machines
Broadcast a Message on the Message Board Portlet
As the tenant administrator, you use the message board portlet to broadcast a message to all the users
who have the portlet on their Home tab.
Any new users that you add to vRealize Automation has the portlet on their Home tab by default. Existing
users must add the portlet to receive your messages.
You use the message board portlet to broadcast a text message or a Web page. Depending on the Web
page, your users can navigate through the Web site in the message board.
The message board has the following limitations.
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Managing vRealize Automation
Table 31. Message Board Portlet Limitations
Option Limitations
URL message limitations
Custom message limitations
You can only publish content that is hosted on an https site.
You cannot use self-signed certificates. The option to accept
the certificate does not appear in the message board.
The message board URL is embedded in an iframe. Some
Web sites do not work in iframe and an error appears. One
cause of the failure is the X-Frame-Options DENY or
SAMEORIGIN in the header on the target Web site. If your
target Web site is one that you control, you can set the X-
Frame-Options header to X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM
Some Web sites have a redirect to a top-level page that
might refresh entire vRealize Automation page. This type of
Web site does not work in the message board. The refresh
is suppressed and a Loading... message appears on the
message board.
If you display an internal HTML page, the page cannot have
the vRealize Automation host as the URL.
To maintain security, the Custom Message does not support
HTML code. For example, you cannot use <href> to link to a
Web site. You must use the URL message option.
Log in to the vRealize Automation console as a tenant administrator.
1 Select the Home tab.
Click the Edit icon ( ) in the upper right corner.
3 Select Add Portlets.
4 Locate Message Board and click Add.
5 Click Close.
The portlet is added to the top of the Home tab. If you are a user and a message is broadcast, you
see the message until the tenant administrator changes it or removes it. If you are the tenant
administrator, you configure the message.
6 To configure the message as a tenant administrator, click Add New Message.
7 Configure one of the following options.
Option Description
URL Enter the page URL.
Custom Message Enter the plain text message.
8 Click Publish.
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Managing vRealize Automation
The message is broadcast to any tenant users who added the message board portlet to their Home tab.
To change or remove the message, you must be logged in as the tenant administrator. To change the
message, repeat the same steps. To remove the message, remove the URL or text and publish the blank

Starting Up and Shutting Down vRealize Automation

A system administrator performs a controlled shutdown or startup of vRealize Automation to preserve
system and data integrity.
You can also use a controlled shutdown and startup to resolve performance or product behavior issues
that can result from an incorrect initial startup. Use the restart procedure when only some components of
your deployment fail.

Start Up vRealize Automation

When you start vRealize Automation from the beginning, such as after a power outage, a controlled
shutdown or after recovery, you must start its components in a specified order.
Verify that the load balancers that your deployment uses are running.
1 Start the MS SQL database machine. If you are using a legacy PostgreSQL standalone database,
start that machine as well.
2 (Optional) If you are running a deployment that uses load balancers with health checks, disable the
health check before you start the vRealize Automation appliance. Only ping health check should be
3 In vSphere, start the master vRealize Automation appliance.
4 Wait until the licensing service is running and REGISTERED in the master appliance management
5 Start the remaining vRealize Automation appliances at the same time.
6 Wait for the appliances to start, and verify that services are running and listed as REGISTERED in the
appliance management interface.
It might take 15 or more minutes for appliances to start.
7 Start the primary Web node and wait for the startup to finish.
8 (Optional) If you are running a distributed deployment, start all secondary Web nodes and wait 5
9 Start the primary Manager Service machine and wait for 2 to 5 minutes, depending on your site
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Managing vRealize Automation
10 (Optional) If you are running a distributed deployment, start secondary Manager Service machines
and wait 2 to 5 minutes.
On secondary machines, do not start or run the Windows service unless you are configured for
automatic Manager Service failover.
11 Start the Distributed Execution Manager Orchestrator and Workers and all vRealize Automation proxy
You can start these components in any order and you do not need to wait for one startup to finish
before you start another.
12 If you disabled health checks for your load balancers, reenable them.
13 Verify that the startup succeeded.
a Open a Web browser to the vRealize Automation appliance management interface URL.
b Click the Services tab.
c Click the Refresh tab to monitor the progress of service startup.
When all services are listed as registered, the system is ready to use.

Restart vRealize Automation

When you restart more than one vRealize Automation component, you must restart the components in a
specified order.
You might need to restart some components in your deployment to resolve anomalous product behavior.
If you are using vCenter Server to manage your virtual machines, use the Guest OS restart command
to restart vRealize Automation.
If you cannot restart a component or service, follow the instructions in Shut Down vRealize Automation
and Start Up vRealize Automation.
Verify that load balancers that your deployment uses are running.
Ensure that your vRealize Automation appliance database is operating in asynchronous mode. If it is
operating in synchronous mode, use the Virtual Appliance Management Interface to change it to
asynchronous mode. See Managing the vRealize Automation Postgres Appliance Database for more
If applicable, be sure to return the appliance database to synchronous mode after you complete the
1 In vSphere, start the master vRealize Automation appliance.
2 Wait until the licensing service is running and REGISTERED in the master appliance management
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Managing vRealize Automation
3 Start the remaining vRealize Automation appliances at the same time.
4 Wait for the appliances to start, and verify that services are running and listed as REGISTERED in the
appliance management interface.
It might take 15 or more minutes for appliances to start.
5 Restart the primary Web node and wait for startup to finish.
6 If you are running a distributed deployment, restart secondary Web nodes and wait for startup to
7 Restart Manager Service nodes and wait for startup to finish.
If running automatic Manager Service failover, and you want to keep the active and passive nodes the
same, restart in the following order:
a Stop the passive Manager Service nodes without restarting them.
b Completely restart the active Manager Service node.
c Start the passive Manager Service nodes.
8 Restart the Distributed Execution Manager Orchestrator and Workers and all vRealize Automation
agents, and wait for startup to finish for all components.
You can restart these components in any order.
9 Verify that the service you restarted is registered.
a Open a Web browser to the vRealize Automation appliance management interface URL.
b Click the Services tab.
c Click the Refresh tab to monitor the progress of service startup.
When all services are listed as registered, the system is ready to use.

Shut Down vRealize Automation

To preserve data integrity, you must shut down vRealize Automation in a specified order.
If you are using vCenter Server to manage your virtual machines, use the guest shutdown command to
shut down vRealize Automation.
1 Shut down the Distributed Execution Manager Orchestrator and Workers and all vRealize Automation
agents in any order and wait for all components to finish shutting down.
2 Shut down virtual machines that are running the Manager Service and wait for the shutdown to finish.
3 (Optional) For distributed deployments, shut down all secondary Web nodes and wait for the
shutdown to finish.
4 Shut down the primary Web node, and wait for the shutdown to finish.
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Managing vRealize Automation
5 (Optional) For distributed deployments, shut down all secondary vRealize Automation appliance
instances and wait for the shutdown to finish.
6 Shut down the primary vRealize Automation appliance and wait for the shutdown to finish.
If applicable, the primary vRealize Automation appliance is the one that contains the master, or
writeable, appliance database. Make a note of the name of the primary vRealize Automation
appliance. You use this information when you restart vRealize Automation.
7 Shut down the MSSQL virtual machines in any order and wait for the shutdown to finish.
8 If you are using a legacy standalone PostgreSQL database, also shut down that machine.
You shut down your vRealize Automation deployment.
Updating vRealize Automation Certificates
A system administrator can update or replace certificates for vRealize Automation components.
vRealize Automation contains three main components that use SSL certificates in order to facilitate
secure communication with each other. These components are as follows:
vRealize Automation appliance
IaaS website component
IaaS manager service component
In addition, your deployment can have certificates for the vRealize Automation appliance management
site. Also, each IaaS machine runs a Management Agent that uses a certificate.
With one exception, changes to later components in this list do not affect earlier ones. The exception is
that an updated certificate for IaaS components must be registered with vRealize Automation appliance.
Typically, self-signed certificates are generated and applied to these components during product
installation. You might need to replace a certificate to switch from self-signed certificates to certificates
provided by a certificate authority or when a certificate expires. When you replace a certificate for a
vRealize Automation component, trust relationships for other vRealize Automation components are
updated automatically.
For instance, in a distributed system with multiple instances of a vRealize Automation appliance, if you
update a certificate for one vRealize Automation appliance all other related certificates are updated
Note vRealize Automation supports SHA2 certificates. The self-signed certificates generated by the
system use SHA-256 With RSA Encryption. You may need to update to SHA2 certificates due to
operating system or browser requirements.
The vRealize Automation virtual appliance management console provides three options for updating or
replacing certificates for existing deployments:
Generate certificate - Use this option to have the system generate a self-signed certificate.
Import certificate - Use this option if you have a certificate that you want to use.
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Managing vRealize Automation
Provide certificate thumbprint - Use this option if you want to provide a certificate thumb print to
use a certificate that is already deployed in the certificate store on the IaaS servers. Using this option
will not transmit the certificate from the virtual appliance to the IaaS servers. It enables users to
deploy existing certificates on IaaS servers without uploading them in the vRealize Automation
management console.
Also, you can select the Keep Existing option to keep your existing certificate.
Note In a clustered deployment, you must initiate certificate changes from the virtual appliance
management interface on the master node.
Certificates for the vRealize Automation appliance management site do not have registration
Note If your certificate uses a passphrase for encryption and you fail to enter it when replacing your
certificate on the virtual appliance, the certificate replacement fails and the message Unable to load
private key appears.
The vRealize Orchestrator component that is associated with your vRealize Automation deployment has
its own certificates, and it must also trust the vRealize Automation certificates. By default, the
vRealize Orchestrator component is embedded in vRealize Automation, but you can elect to use an
external vRealize Orchestrator. In either case, see the vRealize Orchestrator documentation for
information about updating vRealize Orchestrator certificates. If you update or replace the
vRealize Automation certificates, you must update vRealize Orchestrator to trust the new certificates.
Note If you use a multi-node vRealize Orchestrator deployment that is behind a load balancer, all
vRealize Orchestrator nodes must use the same certificate.
For important information about troubleshooting, supportability, and trust requirements for certificates, see
the VMware knowledge base article at http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2106583.
Extracting Certificates and Private Keys
Certificates that you use with the virtual appliances must be in the PEM file format.
The examples in the following table use Gnu openssl commands to extract the certificate information you
need to configure the virtual appliances.
Table 32. Sample Certificate Values and Commands (openssl)
Certificate Authority Provides Command Virtual Appliance Entries
RSA Private Key openssl pkcs12 -in path _to_.pfx
certificate_file -nocerts -out key.pem
PEM File openssl pkcs12 -in path _to_.pfx
certificate_file -clcerts -nokeys -out
(Optional) Pass Phrase n/a Pass Phrase
RSA Private Key
Certificate Chain
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Managing vRealize Automation
Replace Certificates in the vRealize Automation Appliance
The system administrator can update or replace a self-signed certificate with a trusted one from a
certificate authority. You can use Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificates, wildcard certificates, or any
other method of multi-use certification appropriate for your environment as long as you satisfy the trust
When you update or replace the vRealize Automation appliance certificate, trust with other related
components is re-initiated automatically. See Updating vRealize Automation Certificates for more
information about updating certificates.
1 Open a Web browser to the vRealize Automation appliance management interface URL.
2 Log in with user name root and the password you specified when deploying the vRealize Automation
3 Select vRA Settings > Host Settings.
4 Select the certificate type from the Certificate Action menu.
If you are using a PEM-encoded certificate, for example for a distributed environment, select Import.
Certificates that you import must be trusted and must also be applicable to all instances of
vRealize Automation appliance and any load balancer through the use of Subject Alternative Name
(SAN) certificates.
If you want to generate a CSR request for a new certificate that you can submit to a certificate
authority, select Generate Signing Request. A CSR helps your CA create a certificate with the
correct values for you to import.
Note If you use certificate chains, specify the certificates in the following order:
a Client/server certificate signed by the intermediate CA certificate
b One or more intermediate certificates
c A root CA certificate
Option Action
Keep Existing Leave the current SSL configuration. Select this option to cancel your changes.
Generate Certificate a The value displayed in the Common Name text box is the Host Name as it
appears on the upper part of the page. If any additional instances of the
vRealize Automation appliance available, their FQDNs are included in the
SAN attribute of the certificate.
b Enter your organization name, such as your company name, in the
Organization text box.
c Enter your organizational unit, such as your department name or location, in
the Organizational Unit text box.
d Enter a two-letter ISO 3166 country code, such as US, in the Country text
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Managing vRealize Automation
Option Action
Generate Signing Request a Select Generate Signing Request.
b Review the entries in the Organization, Organization Unit, Country Code,
and Common Name text boxes. These entries are populated from the
existing certificate. You can edit these entries if needed.
c Click Generate CSR to generate a certificate signing request, and then click
the Download the generated CSR here link to open a dialog that enables
you to save the CSR to a location where you can send it to a certificate
d When you receive the prepared certificate, click Import and follow
instructions for importing a certificate into vRealize Automation.
Import a Copy the certificate values from BEGIN PRIVATE KEY to END PRIVATE KEY,
including the header and footer, and paste them in the RSA Private Key text
b Copy the certificate values from BEGIN CERTIFICATE to END
CERTIFICATE, including the header and footer, and paste them in the
Certificate Chain text box. For multiple certificate values, include a BEGIN
CERTIFICATE header and END CERTIFICATE footer for each certificate.
Note In the case of chained certificates, additional attributes may be
c (Optional) If your certificate uses a pass phrase to encrypt the certificate key,
copy the pass phrase and paste it in the Passphrase text box.
5 Click Save Settings.
After a few minutes, the certificate details for all applicable instances of the vRealize Automation
appliance appear on the page.
6 If required by your network or load balancer, copy the imported or newly created certificate to the
virtual appliance load balancer.
You might need to enable root SSH access in order to export the certificate.
a If not already logged in, log in to the vRealize Automation appliance Management Console as
b Click the Admin tab.
c Click the Admin sub menu.
d Select the SSH service enabled check box.
Deselect the check box to disable SSH when finished.
e Select the Administrator SSH login check box.
Deselect the check box to disable SSH when finished.
f Click Save Settings.
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Managing vRealize Automation
7 Confirm that you can log in to vRealize Automation console.
a Open a browser and navigate to https://vcac-hostname.domain.name/vcac/.
If you are using a load balancer, the host name must be the fully qualified domain name of the
load balancer.
b If prompted, continue past the certificate warnings.
c Log in with administrator@vsphere.local and the password you specified when configuring
Directories Management.
The console opens to the Tenants page on the Administration tab. A single tenant named
vsphere.local appears in the list.
8 If you are using a load balancer, configure and enable any applicable health checks.
The certificate is updated.
Replace the Infrastructure as a Service Certificate
The system administrator can replace an expired certificate or a self-signed certificate with one from a
certificate authority to ensure security in a distributed deployment environment.
You can use a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificate on multiple machines. Certificates used for the
IaaS components (Website and Manager Service) must be issued with SAN values including FQDNs of
all Windows hosts on which the corresponding component is installed and with the Load Balancer FQDN
for the same component.
There are three options for replacing a certificate:
Generate certificate - Use this option to have the system generate a self-signed certificate.
Import certificate - Use this option if you have a certificate that you want to use.
Provide certificate thumbprint - If you accept a certificate that is signed by a CA but that certificate is
not trusted by your system, you must determine whether to accept the certificate thumbprint. The
thumbprint is used to quickly determine if a presented certificate is the same as another certificate,
such as the certificate that was accepted previously.
Also, you can use Keep Existing to keep your existing certificate.
1 Open a Web browser to the vRealize Automation appliance management interface URL.
2 Log in with user name root and the password you specified when deploying the vRealize Automation
3 Select vRA Settings > Certificates.
4 Click IaaS Web on the Component Type menu.
5 Go to the IaaS Web Certificate pane.
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Managing vRealize Automation
6 Select the certificate replacement option from the Certificate Action menu.
If you are using a PEM-encoded certificate, for example for a distributed environment, select Import.
Certificates that you import must be trusted and must also be applicable to all instances of
vRealize Automation appliance and any load balancer through the use of Subject Alternative Name
(SAN) certificates.
Note If you use certificate chains, specify the certificates in the following order:
a Client/server certificate signed by the intermediate CA certificate
b One or more intermediate certificates
c A root CA certificate
Option Description
Keep Existing Leave the current SSL configuration. Choose this option to cancel your changes.
Generate Certificate a The value displayed in the Common Name text box is the Host Name as it
appears on the upper part of the page. If any additional instances of the
vRealize Automation appliance available, their FQDNs are included in the
SAN attribute of the certificate.
b Enter your organization name, such as your company name, in the
Organization text box.
c Enter your organizational unit, such as your department name or location, in
the Organizational Unit text box.
d Enter a two-letter ISO 3166 country code, such as US, in the Country text
Import a Copy the certificate values from BEGIN PRIVATE KEY to END PRIVATE KEY,
including the header and footer, and paste them in the RSA Private Key text
b Copy the certificate values from BEGIN CERTIFICATE to END
CERTIFICATE, including the header and footer, and paste them in the
Certificate Chain text box. For multiple certificate values, include a BEGIN
CERTIFICATE header and END CERTIFICATE footer for each certificate.
Note In the case of chained certificates, additional attributes may be
c (Optional) If your certificate uses a pass phrase to encrypt the certificate key,
copy the pass phrase and paste it in the Passphrase text box.
Provide Certificate Thumbprint Use this option if you want to provide a certificate thumbprint to use a certificate
that is already deployed in the certificate store on the IaaS servers. Using this
option will not transmit the certificate from the virtual appliance to the IaaS
servers. It enables users to deploy existing certificates on IaaS servers without
uploading them in the management interface.
7 Click Save Settings.
After a few minutes, the certificate details appear on the page.
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Managing vRealize Automation
Replace the IaaS Manager Service Certificate
A system administrator can replace an expired certificate or a self-signed certificate with one from a
certificate authority to ensure security in a distributed deployment environment.
You can use a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificate on multiple machines. Certificates used for the
IaaS components (Website and Manager Service) must be issued with SAN values including FQDNs of
all Windows hosts on which the corresponding component is installed and with the Load Balancer FQDN
for the same component.
The IaaS Manager Service and the IaaS Web Service share a single certificate.
1 Open a Web browser to the vRealize Automation appliance management interface URL.
2 Log in with user name root and the password you specified when deploying the vRealize Automation
3 Select vRA Settings > Certificates.
4 Click Manager Service from the Certificate Type menu.
5 Select the certificate type from the Certificate Action menu.
If you are using a PEM-encoded certificate, for example for a distributed environment, select Import.
Certificates that you import must be trusted and must also be applicable to all instances of
vRealize Automation appliance and any load balancer through the use of Subject Alternative Name
(SAN) certificates.
Note If you use certificate chains, specify the certificates in the following order:
a Client/server certificate signed by the intermediate CA certificate
b One or more intermediate certificates
c A root CA certificate
Option Description
Keep Existing Leave the current SSL configuration. Choose this option to cancel your changes.
Generate Certificate a The value displayed in the Common Name text box is the Host Name as it
appears on the upper part of the page. If any additional instances of the
vRealize Automation appliance available, their FQDNs are included in the
SAN attribute of the certificate.
b Enter your organization name, such as your company name, in the
Organization text box.
c Enter your organizational unit, such as your department name or location, in
the Organizational Unit text box.
d Enter a two-letter ISO 3166 country code, such as US, in the Country text
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Managing vRealize Automation
Option Description
Import a Copy the certificate values from BEGIN PRIVATE KEY to END PRIVATE KEY,
including the header and footer, and paste them in the RSA Private Key text
b Copy the certificate values from BEGIN CERTIFICATE to END
CERTIFICATE, including the header and footer, and paste them in the
Certificate Chain text box. For multiple certificate values, include a BEGIN
CERTIFICATE header and END CERTIFICATE footer for each certificate.
Note In the case of chained certificates, additional attributes may be
c (Optional) If your certificate uses a pass phrase to encrypt the certificate key,
copy the pass phrase and paste it in the Passphrase text box.
Provide Certificate Thumbprint Use this option if you want to provide a certificate thumbprint to use a certificate
that is already deployed in the certificate store on the IaaS servers. Using this
option will not transmit the certificate from the virtual appliance to the IaaS
servers. It enables users to deploy existing certificates on IaaS servers without
uploading them in the management interface.
6 Click Save Settings.
After a few minutes, the certificate details appear on the page.
7 If required by your network or load balancer, copy the imported or newly created certificate to the load
8 Open a browser and navigate to https://managerServiceAdddress/vmpsProvision/ from a
server that this running a DEM worker or agent.
If you are using a load balancer, the host name must be the fully qualified domain name of the load
9 If prompted, continue past the certificate warnings.
10 Validate that the new certificate is provided and is trusted.
11 If you are using a load balancer, configure and enable any applicable health checks.
Update Embedded vRealize Orchestrator to Trust vRealize Automation Certificates
If you update or change vRealize Automation appliance or IaaS certificates, you must update
vRealize Orchestrator to trust the new or updated certificates.
This procedure applies to all vRealize Automation deployments that use an embedded
vRealize Orchestrator instance. If you use an external vRealize Orchestrator instance, see Update
External vRealize Orchestrator to Trust vRealize Automation Certificates.
Note This procedure resets tenant and group authentication back to the default settings. If you have
customized your authentication configuration, note your changes so that you can re-configure
authentication after completing the procedure.
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Managing vRealize Automation
See the vRealize Orchestrator documentation for information about updating and replacing
vRealize Orchestrator certificates.
If you replace or update vRealize Automation certificates without completing this procedure, the
vRealize Orchestrator Control Center may be inaccessible, and errors may appear in the vco-server and
vco-configurator log files.
Problems with updating certificates can also occur if vRealize Orchestrator is configured to authenticate
against a different tenant and group than vRealize Automation. See
1 Stop the vRealize Orchestrator server and Control Center services.
service vco-server stop
service vco-configuration stop
2 Reset the vRealize Orchestrator authentication provider by running the following command.
/var/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh reset-authentication
ls -l /etc/vco/app-server/
mv /etc/vco/app-server/vco-registration-id /etc/vco/app-server/vco-registration-id.old
vcac-vami vco-service-reconfigure
3 Check the trusted certificate for the vRealize Orchestrator trust store using the command line
interface utility located at /var/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin with the following
/var/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh list-trust
Check for the certificate with the following alias: vco.cafe.component-registry.ssl.certificate. This
should be the vRealize Automation certificate that the vRealize Orchestrator instance uses as an
authentication provider.
This certificate must match the newly configured vRealize Automation certificate. If it does not
match, it can be changed as follows
1 Copy your vRealize Automation signed appliance certificate PEM file to the /tmp folder on
the appliance.
2 Run the following command adding the appropriate certificate path:
./vro-configure.sh trust --registry-certificate path-to-the-certificate-file-in-PEM-format
See the following example command:
/var/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh trust --registry-
certificate /tmp/certs/vra.pem
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Managing vRealize Automation
4 You may need to run the following commands to trust the certificate:
/var/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh trust --uri https://vra.domain.com
/var/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh trust --registry-certificate --uri
5 Ensure that the vRealize Automation certificate is now injected into the vRealize Orchestrator trust
store using the following command:
/var/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh list-trust
6 Start the vRealize Orchestrator server and control center services.
service vco-server start
service vco-configurator start
Update External vRealize Orchestrator to Trust vRealize Automation Certificates
If you update or change vRealize Automation appliance or IaaS certificates, you must update
vRealize Orchestrator to trust the new or updated certificates.
This procedure applies to vRealize Automation deployments that use an external vRealize Orchestrator
Note This procedure resets tenant and group authentication back to the default settings. If you have
customized your authentication configuration, note your changes so that you can re-configure
authentication after completing the procedure.
See the vRealize Orchestrator documentation for information about updating and replacing
vRealize Orchestrator certificates.
If you replace or update vRealize Automation certificates without completing this procedure, the
vRealize Orchestrator Control Center may be inaccessible, and errors may appear in the vco-server and
vco-configurator log files.
Problems with updating certificates can also occur if vRealize Orchestrator is configured to authenticate
against a different tenant and group than vRealize Automation. See
1 Stop the vRealize Orchestrator server and Control Center services.
service vco-configuration stop
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Managing vRealize Automation
2 Reset the vRealize Orchestrator authentication provider.
/var/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/vro-configure.sh reset-authentication
3 Start the vRealize Orchestrator Control Center service.
service vco-configurator start
4 Log in to the Control Center using virtual appliance management interface root credentials.
5 Unregister and re-register the authentication provider.
Updating the vRealize Automation Appliance Management Site
The system administrator can replace the SSL certificate of the management site service when it expires
or to replace a self-signed certificate with one issued by a certificate authority. You secure the
management site service on port 5480.
The vRealize Automation appliance uses lighttpd to run its own management site. When you replace a
management site certificate, you must also configure all Management Agents to recognize the new
If you are running a distributed deployment, you can update management agents automatically or
manually. If you are running a minimal deployment, you must update the management agent manually.
See Manually Update Management Agent Certificate Recognition for more information.
1 Find the Management Agent Identifier
You use the Management Agent identifier when you create and register a new management site
server certificate.
2 Replace the vRealize Automation Appliance Management Site Certificate
If the SSL certificate of the management site service expires, or you started with a self-signed
certificate and site policies require a different one, you can replace the certificate.
3 Update Management Agent Certificate Recognition
After replacing a vRealize Automation appliance management site certificate, you must update all
management agents to recognize the new certificate and to reestablish trusted communications
between the virtual appliance management site and management agents on IaaS hosts.
Find the Management Agent Identifier
You use the Management Agent identifier when you create and register a new management site server
1 Open the Management Agent configuration file located at <vra-installation-dir>\Management
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Managing vRealize Automation
2 Record the value from the id attribute of the agentConfiguration element.
<agentConfiguration id="0E22046B-9D71-4A2B-BB5D-70817F901B27">
Replace the vRealize Automation Appliance Management Site Certificate
If the SSL certificate of the management site service expires, or you started with a self-signed certificate
and site policies require a different one, you can replace the certificate.
You are allowed to reuse the certificate used by the vRealize Automation service on port 443, or use a
different one. If you are requesting a new CA-issued certificate to update an existing certificate, a best
practice is to reuse the Common Name from the existing certificate.
Note The vRealize Automation appliance uses lighttpd to run its own management site. You secure the
management site service on port 5480.
The certificate must be in PEM format.
The certificate must include both of the following, in order, together in one file:
a RSA private key
b Certificate chain
The private key cannot be encrypted.
The default location and file name is /opt/vmware/etc/lighttpd/server.pem.
See Extracting Certificates and Private Keys for more information about exporting a certificate and private
key from a Java keystore to a PEM file.
1 Log in by using the appliance console or SSH.
2 Back up your current certificate file.
cp /opt/vmware/etc/lighttpd/server.pem /opt/vmware/etc/lighttpd/server.pem-bak
3 Copy the new certificate to your appliance by replacing the content of the
file /opt/vmware/etc/lighttpd/server.pem with the new certificate information.
4 Run the following command to restart the lighttpd server.
service vami-lighttp restart
5 Run the following command to restart the haproxy service.
service haproxy restart
6 Log in to the management console and validate that the certificate is replaced. You might need to
restart your browser.
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Managing vRealize Automation
What to do next
Update all management agents to recognize the new certificate.
For distributed deployments, you can update management agents manually or automatically. For minimal
installations, you must update agents manually.
For information about automatic update, see Automatically Update Management Agents in a
Distributed Environment to Recognize a vRealize Automation Appliance Management Site Certificate.
For information about manual update, see Manually Update Management Agent Certificate
Update Management Agent Certificate Recognition
After replacing a vRealize Automation appliance management site certificate, you must update all
management agents to recognize the new certificate and to reestablish trusted communications between
the virtual appliance management site and management agents on IaaS hosts.
Each IaaS host runs a management agent and each management agent must be updated. Minimal
deployments must be updated manually, while distributed deployments can be updated manually or by
using an automated process.
Manually Update Management Agent Certificate Recognition
After replacing a vRealize Automation appliance management site certificate, you must update
Management Agents manually to recognize the new certificate to reestablish trusted
communications between the virtual appliance management site and Management Agents on IaaS
Automatically Update Management Agents in a Distributed Environment to Recognize a vRealize
Automation Appliance Management Site Certificate
After the management site certificate is updated in a high-availability deployment, the management
agent configuration must also be updated to recognize the new certificate and reestablish trusted
Manually Update Management Agent Certificate Recognition
After replacing a vRealize Automation appliance management site certificate, you must update
Management Agents manually to recognize the new certificate to reestablish trusted communications
between the virtual appliance management site and Management Agents on IaaS hosts.
Perform these steps for each Management Agent in your deployment after you replace a certificate for
the vRealize Automation appliance management site.
For distributed deployments, you can update Management Agents manually or automatically. For
information about automatic update, see Automatically Update Management Agents in a Distributed
Environment to Recognize a vRealize Automation Appliance Management Site Certificate.
Obtain the SHA1 thumbprints of the new vRealize Automation appliance management site certificate.
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Managing vRealize Automation
1 Stop the VMware vCloud Automation Center Management Agent service.
2 Navigate to the Management Agent configuration file located at
Agent\VMware.IaaS.Management.Agent.exe.Config, typically C:\Program Files
(x86)\VMware\vCAC\Management Agent\VMware.IaaS.Management.Agent.exe.Config.
3 Open the file for editing and locate the endpoint configuration setting for the old management site
certificate. which you can identify by the endpoint address.
For example:
<agentConfiguration id="C816CFBC-4830-4FD2-8951-C17429CEA291" pollingInterval="00:03:00">
<endpoint address="https://vra-va.local:5480"
thumbprint="D1542471C30A9CE694A512C5F0F19E45E6FA32E6" />
4 Change the thumbprint to the SHA1 thumbprint of the new certificate.
For example:
<agentConfiguration id="C816CFBC-4830-4FD2-8951-C17429CEA291" pollingInterval="00:03:00">
<endpoint address="https://vra-va.local:5480"
thumbprint="8598B073359BAE7597F04D988AD2F083259F1201" />
5 Start the VMware vCloud Automation Center Management Agent service.
6 Login to the virtual appliance management site and go to vRA Settings > Cluster.
7 Check the Distributed Deployment Information table to verify that the IaaS server has contacted the
virtual appliance recently, which confirms that the update is successful.
Automatically Update Management Agents in a Distributed Environment to Recognize a vRealize Automation Appliance Management Site Certificate
After the management site certificate is updated in a high-availability deployment, the management agent
configuration must also be updated to recognize the new certificate and reestablish trusted
You can update vRealize Automation appliance management site certificate information for distributed
systems manually or automatically. For information about manually updating management agents, see
Manually Update Management Agent Certificate Recognition.
Use this procedure to update the certificate information automatically.
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Managing vRealize Automation
1 When Management Agents are running, replace the certificate on a single vRealize Automation
appliance management site in your deployment.
2 Wait fifteen minutes for the management agent to synchronize with the new vRealize Automation
appliance management site certificate.
3 Replace certificates on other vRealize Automation appliance management sites in your deployment.
Management agents are automatically updated with the new certificate information.
Replace a Management Agent Certificate
The system administrator can replace the Management Agent certificate when it expires or replace a self-
signed certificate with one issued by a certificate authority.
Each IaaS host runs its own Management Agent. Repeat this procedure on each IaaS node whose
Management Agent you want to update.
Copy the Management Agent identifier in the Node ID column before you remove the record. You use
this identifier when you create the new Management Agent certificate and when you register it.
When you request a new certificate, ensure that the Common Name (CN) attribute in the certificate
subject field for the new certificate is typed in the following format:
VMware Management Agent 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Use the string VMware Management Agent, followed by a single space and the GUID for the
Management Agent in the numerical format shown.
1 Stop the Management Agent service from your Windows Services snap-in.
a From your Windows machine, click Start.
b In the Windows Start Search box, enter services.msc and press Enter.
c Right-click VMware vCloud Automation Center Management Agent service and click Stop to
stop the service.
2 Remove the current certificate from the machine. For information about managing certificates on
Windows Server 2008 R2, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article at
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc772354.aspx or the Microsoft wiki article at
a Open the Microsoft Management Console by entering the command mmc.exe.
b Press Ctrl + M to add a new snap-in to the console or select the option from the File drop-down
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