VMware vRealize Automation - 6.2 User’s Manual

IaaS Integration for Multi­Machine Services
vRealize Automation 6.2
IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services 5
Updated Information 6
Using the Goal Navigator 6
Introduction to Multi-Machine Services 8
Multi-Machine Service Concepts 8
Multi-Machine Service Life Cycle 9
Comparing Multi-Machine Services and vApps 10
Configuring IaaS for Multi-Machine Services Checklist 10
Configuring Network and Security Integration 12
Configuring vRealize Orchestrator Endpoints 13
Create a vRealize Orchestrator Endpoint 13
Create a vSphere Endpoint for Networking and Security Virtualization 15
Run the Enable Security Policy Support for Overlapping Subnets Workflow in
vRealize Orchestrator 16
Creating a Network Profile 17
Create an External Network Profile 18
Create a Private Network Profile 20
Create a NAT Network Profile 22
Create a Routed Network Profile 24
Configuring a Reservation for Network and Security Virtualization 26
Create a Reservation 27
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Optional Configurations for Multi-Machine Services 30
Cost Information for Multi-Machine Services 30
Cost Calculation for Multi-Machine Services 30
How Cost Is Displayed 31
Creating Multi-Machine Blueprints 33
Specifying Scripts for Multi-Machine Service Provisioning 33
Specifying Custom Properties for Multi-Machine Services 34
Blueprint Action Settings for Multi-Machine Services 35
Create a Multi-Machine Blueprint 36
Specify Blueprint Information for a Multi-Machine Blueprint 36
Specify Build Information for a Multi-Machine Blueprint 37
Specify Network Information for a Multi-Machine Blueprint 38
Specify Scripting Information for a Multi-Machine Blueprint 39
IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
Add Multi-Machine Blueprint Custom Properties 39
Specify Actions for Multi-Machine Blueprints 40
Publish a Blueprint 41
Configuring Multi-Machine Blueprints for Network and Security Virtualization 42
Adding Network Profiles to a Multi-Machine Blueprint 43
Add a Private Network Profile to a Multi-Machine Blueprint 43
Add a Routed Network Profile to a Multi-Machine Blueprint 44
Add a NAT Network Profile to a Multi-Machine Blueprint 45
Configure Network Adapters for Component Machines 47
Configure Load Balancers for Component Machines 48
Applying Security on a Component Machine 49
Specify Security Policy, Groups, and Tags for Component Machines 50
Configure Reservations for Routed Gateways 52
Enable App Isolation for Component Machines 52
Managing Multi-Machine Services 55
Editing Multi-Machine Blueprints 55
Monitoring Workflows and Viewing Logs 55
Troubleshooting a Partially Successful Multi-Machine Deployment Message 56
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services

IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services describes how to integrate multi-machine services in an
existing VMware vRealize Automation deployment.
This documentation is intended to be used with the following prerequisite guides:
IaaS Configuration for Virtual Platforms
IaaS Configuration for Cloud Platforms
IaaS Configuration for Physical Machines
After the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is set up for a relevant machine type, this documentation
guides you through the following processes:
Preparing for provisioning
Creating and configuring multi-machine blueprints
Configuring component machines for network and security virtualization
All of the IaaS configuration tasks that should be completed before machine provisioning are included in
this document and its prerequisite guides. For information about managing provisioned machines, see
Tenant Administration.
Note Not all features and capabilities of vRealize Automation are available in all editions. For a
comparison of feature sets in each edition, see https://www.vmware.com/products/vrealize-automation/.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for IaaS administrators, tenant administrators and business group managers,
and fabric administrators who want to integrate multi-machine services and network and security
virtualization into their vRealize Automation deployment. It is written for experienced Windows or Linux
system administrators who are familiar with virtualization technology and the basic concepts described in
Foundations and Concepts.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
VMware Technical Publications Glossary
VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For
definitions of terms as they are used in VMware technical documentation, go to

Updated Information

This IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services is updated with each release of the product or when
This table provides the update history of the IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services.
Revision Description
001642-03 Added Troubleshooting a Partially Successful Multi-Machine Deployment Message.
001642-02 Updated Enable App Isolation for Component Machines and Chapter 2 Configuring Network and Security Integration
to include information about load balancing and app isolation.
001642-00 Initial 6.2 release.
Updated Configure Routed Network Profile IP Ranges.
Removed an erroneous statement about archive periods from Chapter 4 Creating Multi-Machine Blueprints.
Updated Specifying Scripts for Multi-Machine Service Provisioning.

Using the Goal Navigator

The goal navigator guides you through high-level goals that you might want to accomplish in
vRealize Automation.
The goals you can achieve depend on your role. To complete each goal, you must complete a sequence
of steps that are presented on separate pages in the vRealize Automation console.
The goal navigator can answer the following questions:
Where do I start?
What are all the steps I need to complete to achieve a goal?
What are the prerequisites for completing a particular task?
Why do I need to do this step and how does this step help me achieve my goal?
The goal navigator is hidden by default. You can expand the goal navigator by clicking the icon on the left
side of the screen.
After you select a goal, you navigate between the pages needed to accomplish the goal by clicking each
step. The goal navigator does not validate that you completed a step, or force you to complete steps in a
particular order. The steps are listed in the recommended sequence. You can return to each goal as many
times as needed.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
For each step, the goal navigator provides a description of the task you need to perform on the
corresponding page. The goal navigator does not provide detailed information such as how to complete
the forms on a page. You can hide the page information or move it to a more convenient position on the
page. If you hide the page information, you can display it again by clicking the information icon on the
goal navigator panel.
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Introduction to Multi-Machine
Services 1
With the multi-machine services feature of vRealize Automation, users can provision multi-machine
services, and their component machines, in a virtual datacenter based on existing templates.
Multi-machine services are compound services composed of multiple machines that can be provisioned
and managed with vRealize Automation as a single entity.
For example, in a tiered application deployment, you might have multiple database servers, application
servers, and Web servers. In addition to creating blueprints for each of the server types, you can also
create a multi-machine blueprint that includes all of the machines needed for the entire application
deployment. Users can then provision the multi-machine service and perform actions, such as rebooting,
on all of the component machines with a single action.
This chapter includes the following topics:

Multi-Machine Service Concepts

Multi-Machine Service Life Cycle
Comparing Multi-Machine Services and vApps
Configuring IaaS for Multi-Machine Services Checklist
Multi-Machine Service Concepts
Multi-machine services are containers for their component machines. Component machines can be
virtual, physical, or cloud, or any combination of the three.
The following characteristics describe multi-machine services in vRealize Automation:
They are defined by a blueprint that references one or more component blueprints.
They can have a lease duration associated with them.
They are not counted as a machine in reports or licensing but their component machines are counted.
Requests can be made subject to approval.
Many machine operations, such as reboot, can be performed on the multi-machine service as a
whole. The requested action is performed on all of the components in the service.
Some blueprint types, such as vCloud Director blueprints, cannot be added as components of a multi-
machine blueprint.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
These concepts apply to multi-machine services in vRealize Automation.
Component Blueprint
A machine blueprint that is part of a multi-machine service. A component
blueprint is referenced by a multi-machine blueprint. You can also use it to
request standalone machines that are not part of a multi-machine service.
Component Machine
A machine that is managed as part of a multi-machine service. A multi-
machine service might include several component machines.
Multi-machine Blueprint
Multi-machine Service
A blueprint that defines a multi-machine service.
A compound service composed of multiple machines that
vRealize Automation can provision and manage as a single entity.
For more information about the core concepts, see Foundations and Concepts.

Multi-Machine Service Life Cycle

Multi-machine services follow the same general life cycle as individual machines, from requesting and
provisioning through managing and decommissioning.
A multi-machine blueprint contains references to blueprints for the component machines. For each
component blueprint, it specifies the minimum and maximum number of machines for the multi-machine
A multi-machine blueprint can specify scripts, or workflows, to run during the provisioning process or
when powering the multi-machine service on or off. Distributed Execution Manager worker services or
agents, not the component machines, run the scripts.
When users request a multi-machine service, they can specify the following settings:
How many component machines to provision, based on limits specified in the multi-machine blueprint
Specifications for the component machines, such as CPU, memory, and storage, based on the
individual component blueprints
General settings, such as lease duration and custom properties, to be applied to component
machines in the multi-machine service
Before provisioning the multi-machine service, vRealize Automation allocates resources for all of the
component machines. If the multi-machine service causes a reservation to become over-allocated, its
provisioning fails. After the resources are allocated, the component machines are provisioned and
powered on.
After the multi-machine service is provisioned, the machine owner can perform machine menu tasks on
the multi-machine service as a whole, such as powering the multi-machine service off and on, or
destroying the multi-machine service and its component machines.
If the multi-machine blueprint allows for a varying number of machines for any component type, the
machine owner can add or delete machines from the multi-machine service after it is provisioned.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
The machine owner can view the components that make up a multi-machine service and manage them
as a group or individually. Most machine operations are available for individual component machines,
except for changing the owner or lease.
These operations are inclusive to the multi-machine service and modify the group as a whole. Conversely,
some actions are inclusive to the individual components, such as suspending, redeploying, and
connecting using Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol or VMware Remote Console.

Comparing Multi-Machine Services and vApps

You can use vRealize Automation multi-machine services or vApps to group component machines.
Table 11. Comparison of Multi-Machine Service and vApp (vCloud) Features
vRealize Automation Multi-Machine Service vApp (vCloud)
Create a multi-machine blueprint that references individual
machine blueprints in vRealize Automation.
Provision machines of any type (virtual, physical, or cloud) as
part of a service.
Use vRealize Automation to manage component machines of a
multi-machine service.
Application-specific networks can be defined in a multi-machine
blueprint for vCloud Networking and Security and NSX.
Component machines can be added or removed after initial
vRealize Automation defines startup and shutdown order. The vApp template defines startup and shutdown order.
Use existing vApp templates created in vCloud Director or
vCloud Air.
Provision virtual machines from vCloud Director or vCloud Air.
Use vCloud Director or vCloud Air to manage vApp machines.
Application-specific networks are defined in a vApp.
Component machines cannot be added or removed after initial
For both, access to the component portal for Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol, Virtual Network
Computing, and SSH depends on the guest and console and the endpoint.
Configuring IaaS for Multi-Machine Services Checklist
IaaS administrators, tenant administrators or business group managers, and fabric administrators perform
required and optional configurations to implement multi-machine services in vRealize Automation.
For information about how to create the necessary network profiles, fabric groups, business groups,
reservation policies, and machine endpoints, see the following documents:
IaaS Configuration for Virtual Platforms
IaaS Configuration for Cloud Platforms
IaaS Configuration for Physical Machines
The following high-level checklist shows the tasks required to integrate multi-machine services into an
existing vRealize Automation deployment.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
Table 12. Configuring IaaS for multi-machine services checklist
Task Required Role
Configure vRealize Automation workflows to call vRealize Orchestrator workflows.
See Create a vRealize Orchestrator Endpoint.
Create a vSphere endpoint to allow vRealize Automation to interact with a
vCloud Networking and Security or NSX instance.
See Create a vSphere Endpoint for Networking and Security Virtualization.
Create network profiles.
To use the vCloud Networking and Security or NSX endpoint you must create a routed network
See Creating a Network Profile.
Create a reservation to assign networks and security groups.
See Create a Reservation.
Depending on your customization needs, you can configure scripts, custom properties, and
actions for the multi-machine service.
See Chapter 4 Creating Multi-Machine Blueprints.
Create multi-machine blueprints.
See Create a Multi-Machine Blueprint.
Configure multi-machine blueprints to provision to virtualized networks based on the
vCloud Networking and Security or NSX platform.
See Chapter 5 Configuring Multi-Machine Blueprints for Network and Security Virtualization.
Outside of vRealize Automation
IaaS administrator
Fabric administrator
IaaS administrator
Tenant administrator
Business group manager
Tenant administrator
Business group manager
Tenant administrator
Business group manager
Publish multi-machine blueprints.
See Publish a Blueprint.
Tenant administrator
Business group manager
Before users can request machines, a tenant administrator must configure the service catalog. See
Tenant Administration.
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Configuring Network and
Security Integration 2
vRealize Automation supports virtualized networks based on the vCloud Networking and Security and
NSX platforms. Network and security virtualization allows virtual machines to communicate with each
other over physical and virtual networks securely and efficiently.
To integrate network and security with vRealize Automation an IaaS administrator must install the
vCloud Networking and Security or NSX plug-ins in vRealize Orchestrator and create
vRealize Orchestrator and vSphere endpoints.
A fabric administrator can create network profiles that specify network settings in reservations and
blueprints. External network profiles define existing physical networks. NAT, routed, and private network
profiles are templates for configuring network interfaces when you provision virtual machines, and for
configuring NSX Edge devices created when you provision multi-machines.
Note When deploying a multi-machine that uses both an NSX Edge load balancer and app isolation, the
dynamically provisioned load balancer is not added to the security group with the other multi-machine
blueprint components. This prevents the load balancer from communicating with the machines for which it
is meant to handle connections. Because Edges are excluded from the NSX distributed firewall, they
cannot be added to security groups. To allow load balancing to function properly, use another security
group or security policy that allows the required traffic into the component VMs for load balancing.
A tenant administrator or business group manager can configure network adapters, load balancing, and
security for all components provisioned from a multi-machine blueprint that uses a routed network profile.
A tenant administrator or business group manager can use the templates to define multi-machine service
networks. In a multi-machine blueprint, you can configure network adapters and load balancing for all
components provisioned from that multi-machine blueprint.
In the multi-machine blueprint, you can select a transport zone that identifies the vSphere endpoint. A
transport zone specifies the hosts and clusters that can be associated with logical switches created within
the zone. A transport zone can span multiple vSphere clusters. The multi-machine blueprint and the
reservations used in the provisioning must have the same transport zone setting. Transport zones are
defined in the NSX and vCloud Networking and Security environments. See NSX Administration Guide.
Configuring vRealize Orchestrator Endpoints
If you are using vRealize Automation workflows to call vRealize Orchestrator workflows, you must
configure the vRealize Orchestrator instance or server as an endpoint.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
Create a vSphere Endpoint for Networking and Security Virtualization
An IaaS administrator creates an instance of a vSphere endpoint to allow vRealize Automation to
interact with a vCloud Networking and Security or NSX instance.
Run the Enable Security Policy Support for Overlapping Subnets Workflow in vRealize Orchestrator
Before you use the NSX security policy features from vRealize Automation, an administrator must
run the Enable security policy support for overlapping subnets workflow in vRealize Orchestrator.
Creating a Network Profile
A fabric administrator creates external network profiles and templates for network address
translation (NAT), routed, and private network profiles.
Configuring a Reservation for Network and Security Virtualization
An IaaS administrator can use a reservation to assign external networks and routed gateways to
network profiles for basic and multi-machine networks, specify the transport zone, and assign
security groups to multi-machine components.
Configuring vRealize Orchestrator Endpoints
If you are using vRealize Automation workflows to call vRealize Orchestrator workflows, you must
configure the vRealize Orchestrator instance or server as an endpoint.
You can associate a vRealize Orchestrator endpoint with a multi-machine blueprint to make sure that all
of the vRealize Orchestrator workflows for machines provisioned from that blueprint are run using that
vRealize Automation by default includes an embedded vRealize Orchestrator instance. It is
recommended that you use this as your vRealize Orchestrator endpoint for running vRealize Automation
workflows in a test environment or creating a proof of concept . For more information about managing the
embedded vRealize Orchestrator instance, see Advanced Service Design.
You can also install a plug-in on an external vRealize Orchestrator server.
It is recommended that you use this vRealize Orchestrator endpoint for running vRealize Automation
workflows in a production environment.
To install the plug-in, see the README available with the plug-in installer file from the VMware product
download site at http://vmware.com/web/vmware/downloads under the vCloud Networking and Security
or NSX links.

Create a vRealize Orchestrator Endpoint

vRealize Automation uses vRealize Orchestrator endpoints to run network and security-related workflows.
You can configure multiple endpoints to connect to different vRealize Orchestrator servers. Each endpoint
must have a priority.
When executing vRealize Orchestrator workflows, vRealize Automation tries the highest priority
vRealize Orchestrator endpoint first. If that endpoint is not reachable, then it proceeds to try the next
highest priority endpoint until a vRealize Orchestrator server is available to run the workflow.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
Log in to the vRealize Automation console as an IaaS administrator.
Verify that the NSX plug-in is installed in vRealize Orchestrator.
The installation instruction is available in a README file from the VMware product download site at
http://vmware.com/web/vmware/downloads under the VMware NSX or
VMware vCloud Networking and Security links.
1 Select Infrastructure > Endpoints > Endpoints.
2 Select New Endpoint > Orchestration > vCenter Orchestrator.
3 Enter a name and, optionally, a description.
4 Type a URL with the fully qualified name or IP address of the vRealize Orchestrator server and the
vRealize Orchestrator port number.
The format depends on the version of the vRealize Orchestrator server.
vRealize Orchestrator version URL format
5.1 https://hostname:port
5.5 https://hostname:port/vco
The transport protocol must be HTTPS. If no port is specified, the default port 8281 is used.
To use the default vRealize Orchestrator instance embedded in the vRealize Appliance, type
5 Specify the credentials to use to connect to this endpoint.
a Click the ellipsis next to the Credentials field.
b Select an existing credential from the list or click New Credentials to provide your
vRealize Orchestrator credentials.
The credentials you use should have Execute permissions for any vRealize Orchestrator
workflows to call from IaaS.
To use the default vRealize Orchestrator instance embedded in the vRealize Appliance, the user
name is administrator@vsphere.local and the password is the administrator password that
was specified when configuring SSO.
6 Specify the endpoint priority.
a Click New Property.
b Type VMware.VCenterOrchestrator.Priority in the Name text box.
The property name is case sensitive.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
c Type an integer greater than or equal to 1 in the Value text box.
Lower value means higher priority.
Click the Save icon ( ).
7 Click OK.
8 From the Endpoints column, point to the vRealize Orchestrator endpoint and click Data Collection
from the drop-down menu.
The data collection process takes 2-3 minutes to check whether the associated NSX plug-in is
installed on this endpoint.
9 Verify that you receive a status message that confirms the data collection process for the
vRealize Orchestrator endpoint is successful.
What to do next
Create a networking solution endpoint. See Create a vSphere Endpoint for Networking and Security

Create a vSphere Endpoint for Networking and Security Virtualization

An IaaS administrator creates an instance of a vSphere endpoint to allow vRealize Automation to interact
with a vCloud Networking and Security or NSX instance.
For a vSphere endpoint in vRealize Automation, all of the NSX related networking operations for that
endpoint must be completed on the same vRealize Orchestrator server.
You can optimize this solution for audit and troubleshooting by creating a service account on vSphere and
vCloud Networking and Security or NSX so that a clear audit trail can be traced back to
vRealize Automation.
Log in to the vRealize Automation console as an IaaS administrator.
Verify that a system administrator installed a vCloud Networking and Security or NSX instance, and
that it is accessible.
Verify that an IaaS administrator created a vSphere endpoint. The vSphere server targeted by the
endpoint must be configured to communicate with the vCloud Networking and Security or NSX
Verify that an IaaS administrator created credentials for the vCloud Networking and Security or NSX
management console to be used as the endpoint. These credentials can be the same ones used for
logging in to vSphere.
1 Select Infrastructure > Endpoints > Endpoints.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
2 Locate a vSphere endpoint and click Edit in the drop-down menu.
3 Select the Specify manager for network and security platform check box to implement networking
and security virtualization.
4 Type the URI for the management console of the vCloud Networking and Security or NSX instance in
the Address text box to register the instance to the vSphere endpoint.
The URL must be of the type: https://hostname or https://IP_address.
For example, https://vCNSa.
5 Click the Credentials text box and select the necessary credentials.
6 Click OK.
7 Select Infrastructure > Compute Resources > Compute Resources.
8 Point to the vSphere compute resource to configure data collection and click Data Collection from
the drop-down menu.
The data collection process synchronizes the vSphere and the vCloud Networking and Security or
NSX inventories to vRealize Automation. This process creates a vCloud Networking and Security or
NSX endpoint in vRealize Orchestrator that is used during data collection.
9 Verify that you receive a status message that confirms the data collection process for the
vRealize Orchestrator endpoint is successful.
What to do next
If you plan to use the NSX security policy features from vRealize Automation, you must run a workflow.

See Run the Enable Security Policy Support for Overlapping Subnets Workflow in vRealize Orchestrator.

Run the Enable Security Policy Support for Overlapping Subnets Workflow in vRealize Orchestrator
Before you use the NSX security policy features from vRealize Automation, an administrator must run the
Enable security policy support for overlapping subnets workflow in vRealize Orchestrator.
Security policy support for the overlapping subnets workflow is applicable to a VMware NSX 6.1 and later
endpoint. Run this workflow only once to enable this support.
Verify that a vSphere endpoint is registered with an NSX endpoint.
Log in to the vRealize Orchestrator Client as an Administrator.
1 Select the Workflow tab to navigate through the library to the NSX > NSX workflows for VCAC
2 Run the Enable security policy support for overlapping subnets workflow.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
3 Select the NSX endpoint as the input parameter for the workflow.
Use the IP address you specified when you created the vSphere endpoint to register an NSX
After you run this workflow, the Distributed Firewall rules defined in the security policy are applied only on
the vNICs of the security group members to which this security policy is applied.
What to do next
Apply the applicable security features for the multi-machine blueprint.
Creating a Network Profile
A fabric administrator creates external network profiles and templates for network address translation
(NAT), routed, and private network profiles.
Fabric administrators create network profiles to define existing, physical networks and networks for virtual
machines provisioned as part of multi-machine services. A network profile can define one of the types of
Table 21. Available Network Types for a Network Profile
Network Type Description
External networks Existing physical networks configured on the vSphere server. They are the external part of the NAT and routed
types of networks. An external network profile can define a range of static IP addresses available on the
external network. An external network profile with a static IP range is a prerequisite for NAT and routed
NAT virtual
Routed virtual
Private virtual
Created during provisioning. They are networks that use one set of IP addresses for external communication
and another set for internal communications. With one-to-one NAT networks, every virtual machine is assigned
an external IP address from the external network profile and an internal IP address from the NAT network
profile. With one-to-many NAT networks, all machines share a single IP address from the external network
profile for external communication. A NAT network profile defines local and external networks that use a
translation table for mutual communication.
Created during provisioning. They represent a routable IP space divided across subnets that are linked
together with a routing table. Every new routed network has the next available subnet assigned to it and an
entry in the routing table to connect it to other routed networks that use the same network profile. The virtual
machines that are provisioned with routed networks that have the same routed network profile can
communicate with each other and the external network. A routed network profile defines a routable space and
available subnets.
Created during provisioning. They are internal networks that have no connection to external, public networks.
The virtual machines in a private network communicate only with each other. You can communicate with a
virtual machine in a private network with the VMware Remote Console option in vRealize Automation. A private
network profile defines an internal network, ranges of static IP addresses, and a range of DHCP addresses.
In general, vRealize Automation uses vSphere DHCP to assign IP addresses to the machines it
provisions, regardless of which provisioning method is used. When provisioning virtual machines by
cloning or using kickstart/autoYaST provisioning, however, the requesting machine owner can assign
static IP addresses from a predetermined range.
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IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
Fabric administrators specify the ranges of IP addresses that can be used in network profiles. Each IP
address in the specified ranges allocated to a machine is reclaimed for reassignment when the machine
is destroyed and the ReclaimDestroyedStaticIPAddresses workflow runs.
A fabric administrator creates external network profiles and templates for NAT, private, and routed
network profiles on the Network Profiles page. A tenant administrator or business group manager creates
NAT, private, and routed network profiles in multi-machine blueprints for use in configuring network
adapters and load balancers for the multi-machine components.
Create an External Network Profile
A fabric administrator can create an external network profile to define external network properties and a
range of static IP addresses.
Log in to the vRealize Automation console as a fabric administrator.
1 Specify External Network Profile Information
The network profile information identifies the external network properties and specifies settings for
an existing network. An external network profile is a requirement of NAT and routed network profiles.
2 Configure External Network Profile IP Ranges
A fabric administrator can define zero (0) or more ranges of static IP addresses for use in
provisioning a network. An external network profile must have at least one static IP range for use
with routed and NAT network profiles.
Specify External Network Profile Information
The network profile information identifies the external network properties and specifies settings for an
existing network. An external network profile is a requirement of NAT and routed network profiles.
Verify that you have a gateway IP address.
Log in to the vRealize Automation console as a fabric administrator.
1 Select Infrastructure > Reservations > Network Profiles.
2 Select New Network Profile > External.
3 Enter a name and, optionally, a description.
4 Type a mask address in the Subnet mask text box.
For example,
5 Type an IP address in the Gateway text box.
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