16-CH Embedded Plug & Play NVR
8x PoE Ports • 2x HDD • Auto Setup • Fisheye Dewarp • Mobile EZConnect •
Auto Adaptive Stream • HDMI/VGA Monitor Display
VIVOTEK ND8422P is a Linux embedded 16-CH standalone NVR with 8-port
802.3af Compliant PoE, allowing connection with PoE cameras for a max.
120 W power supply. ND8422P also features "One But ton Setup" with its plug&-play and auto-setup functionality, making this advanced unit surprisingly
simple to install, and suitable for any small-scale video surveillance
Supporting HDMI and VGA local video output, users can control the GUI
OSD interface via mouse & keyboard, eliminating the need for a separate
PC to search video or to playback from the NVR. The new local display
design - Auto Adaptive Stream will dynamically modify Stream 2 resolution
of a camera to best fit the display resolution according to the layout type,
resulting in an efficient display, while maintaining superb image quality.
Meanwhile, ND8422P supports software fisheye camera de-warping
function, providing right angle of video view and detailed information for
usage. What’s more, ND8422P, featuring various I/O ports, such as eSATA
port, alarm input/output, RS232, and RS485 provides users great flexibility
of applications.
With VAST CMS, users can set up IP surveillance system with ease. For remote
and mobile access, VIVOTEK also provides EZConnet and iViewer app, for
both iOS and Android handheld devices, enabling users to monitor live video
anytime, anywhere.
PoE Plug-n-Play
Local Display
Mobile APP
Web Client
Key Features
• Plug & Play One Button Auto Setup
• EZConnect by Scanning QR Code for 24/7 Mobile Viewing
• Intuitive, Elegant Interaction UI
• 8x 802.3af Compliant PoE Ports
• VIVOTEK Camera Configuration and VAST CMS Integrated
• Live and Playback Fisheye Dewarp
• Embedded Linux OS
• e-SATA for Extension Storage
• Story Board Event Search
• ONVIF Open Platform
• Fanless Design
• Up to 5MP Camera Liveview & Playback
Department Store
IP Camera x 16
ND8422P Application Scenario
Commercial Building

Hardware Information
Model ND8422 P
OS Embedded Linux
CPU ARM Proces sor
Flash 256 MB
Watchdog Hardwa re + Soft ware
Power Restoration System Restar t Au tomatic ally aft er Power Recov ery
HDD Devices Interna l x2
HDD Max. Cap acity 6 TB x2
Disk Management Crea te, Format and Rem ove Disk
Video Outp ut HDMI x1, VGA x1
Resolution 1920x1080, 1280x720
Graphic s Decoder Hardwa re decodin g
Decordi ng Capacit y H.264:
Camera Position Change the vie wcell posit ion on the Live View scr eens
External Interface
USB Interf ace Front: 2 (USB 2.0)
Alarm In 8
Alarm Out 4
Audio 3.5 Phone Jack Audio Out put x1
Exter nal HDD eSATA Port x1
RS232 1 Port (Reserve d)
RS4 85 1 Port (Reser ved)
Netwo rk Interf ace 10/100/1000Mbps Ether net (RJ-45) x1
2560x1920 @ 30 fps (1-CH)
1920x1080 @ 120 fps (4-CH)
1280x720 @ 240 fps (8-CH)
720x480 @ 480 fps (16-CH)
Back: 1 (USB 2.0)
3.5 Phone Jack Audio Inp ut (Reserv ed) x1
*It is highly reco mmended to use sta ndard Cat . 5e & Cat. 6
cables whi ch are complia nt with the 3P/ETL stan dard.
Software Information
Maximum Cha nnel 16
Record Thro ughput (MB) 96 Mbps
Netwo rk Through put (MB) 48 Mbps
Audio Forma t G.711, G.726
Video Form at MJPEG, H.264
Video Resolution VGA, 1MP, 2MP, 3MP & 5MP Camer a
Recordin g Time (sec.) Pre-Re cord: 5 (Max. 10)
Recordin g Stream Single
Recordin g Mode Continuo us, Schedul e, Manual, Even t,
Recording Setting Recycle (uni t: Day)
Recording Path Local Pat h
Record Vide o Format 3GP
LiveView (Loc al Display)
Stream Application Auto Adapti ve Stream
LiveView Di splay 16 Channel
Monitor Enhancement OSD Display (NV R), OSD Display (Cam era), Camer a Informat ion,
PTZ Contr ol Panel Control
PTZ Oper ation Direct ion Contro l, Home, Iris, Pres et, Patrol (Gro up), PiP Control
Playback (L ocal Displ ay)
Playback Display 1 Chan nel
Playback Control Regular (P lay, Pause, Stop), Rewind, Ne xt / Previou s Frame,
Video Sea rch B y calenda r, date/time, and alar m
Thumbna il Explore r (Story board) Listing the thum bnail of recor ded video (Ma x. 2 CH)
Monitor Enhancement OSD Display (Cam era), Event Not ifica tion, Aspe ct Ratio, PiP
Snapshot JPEG
Video Clip Exp ort E XE
LiveView (Remote)
Stream Application Stream Sel ection
Audio Capability One Way
LiveView Di splay 16 Channel
Monitor Enhancement OSD Display (NV R), Drag & Drop, Image Free ze, Audio Contr ol,
PTZ Contr ol Panel Control
PTZ Oper ation Direct ion Contro l, Home, Zoom, Foc us, Iris, Preset , Patrol
Snapshot JPEG
Playback (Remote)
Playback Display 4 Chan nel
Playback Control Regular (P lay, Pause, Stop), Next Fram e, Speed Cont rol,
Post-Recor d: 20 (Max. 300)
Activi ty Adapt ive Stream ing
Multi Layo ut display:
1x1, 1x3 (Corridor Vi ew), 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 1+5, 1+3, 1+12, 1+1+3
(1P), 1+3+3 (1P)
Remote I/O Control , Event Notif icatio n, Aspect Rat io
Fisheye Dew arp: 1O,1P,1R,1O3R
Multi Layo ut Display: 1x1
Speed Cont rol, Calen dar, Event, Timeli ne, Timelin e Scale,
Thumbnail (Stor yboard)
Control, Fis heye Dewa rp (1O,1P,1R,1O3R)
Multi Layo ut display: 1x1, 2 x2, 3x3, 4x4, 1+3, 1+5, 1+12
Remote I/O Control , Event Notif icatio n, Bookmar k, Fisheye
Dewar p (1O, 1P, 1R)
(Group), PiP Contro l
Multi Layo ut Display: 1x1, 2x2, 1+3
Calend ar, Timeline, Time line Scal e, Bookma rk
PoE 8x 802.3af Compliant PoE Po rts (Total Ma x. 80W)
Power Input DC 56V 2.5A
Power Consumption Max. 120 W
LED Indicator
LED Indica tor Po wer, Status, Recor d, HDD1, HDD2, eSATA , Ethernet ,
Form Factor Desktop
Opateration Buttons Power (Fron t) / Reset (Back)
Dimensions 360 (W) x 311 (D) x 44 (H) mm
Weight 2.7 kg (without HDD)
Operating Temperature 0°C ~ 40°C (32°F ~ 104°F)
Humidity 0 ~ 95%
Safety Certifications CE, LVD, FCC, VCCI, C-Tick
Warranty 24 months
Client PC Requirements
Operat ing System Microsof t Window s OS: XP/Vista/7/8/2008/2012
CPU Intel Celer on or above
Memory 2 GB or above
Ethenet 10/10 0M bps
Display Resolution 1024x768 pixels or above
Web Browser Interne t Explore r 10 (32 b it) or above
Soft ware AP Installat ion Wizard 2, ST7501, VAST
Mobile/Tablet App E ZConnec t (iOS/Androi d), iViewe r (iOS/Android)
CD User's Manual, Quick Inst allatio n Guide (QIG),
Others Power Ad apter, Power Cord , Quick Install ation Guide ,
Monitor Enhancement OSD Display (NV R), Drag & Drop, Audio Con trol, PiP Contr ol,
Snapshot JPEG
Video Clip Exp ort E XE
Alarm Management
Schedul e Type Continuous, Sch edule, Manu al
Event Motion Det ection, PI R Detecti on, Tampering Dete ction, Di gital
Action Record, Email (Text), Ema il (Snapshot), F TP, Buzzer, PTZ Control
Recordin g Time (sec.) Pre-Re cord: 5 (Max. 10), Post-Record: 20 (Max. 300)
Manual US B Dongle (FAT Format)
User Management User Accoun t: 16
Log Sy stem, Record ing, User, Error
Date &Tim e Time Zone, Man ual, Automat ic Sync NTP, Daylight Sav ing Time
Firmware Manual update
Restore Defa ult Supported
Backup/Restore (Configuration) Supported
Language Czech, English , French, German , Italian, Ja panese, Kore an,
Camera Intergration
Insert Ca mera Manual, Search
Video (Me dia) Sett ing Compr ession, Resol ution, FPS , Video Quali ty
Image Set ting I mage Display, Imag e Adjustment
PTZ Contr ol Panel Control
PTZ Oper ation Direct ion Contro l, Home, Preset , Patrol (Group)
Motion Detection Supported
Device Intergration
UPS A PC Model Comp atible
Please con nect an exte rnal net work swit ch for furthe r on-line
camera s. (Suppor t all VIVOTEK Po E Switch)
Port 1 ~ Por t 8
Installa tion Wizar d 2
16 x H.D.D. Screws, 4 x H.D.D. Brackets, 1 x USB Mouse, 2 x
SATA C ab le s
Fisheye Dew arp (1O, 1P, 1R)
Input (Came ra), Digita l Output (Cam era), Conne ction Abn ormal,
Storage Ab normal, Sto rage Full, Came ra Netwo rk Loss, DI, DO
(Go to Preset), NVR DO, Cam era DO
User Account Tim e Limit: 10 mins
User Level: Admini strator / Regula r User
User Feature De finiti on: By Camera
Portug uese, Russian , Spanish, Simpli fied Chine se, Traditional
360 mm 44 mm
311 mm
6F, No.192, Lien- Cheng Rd., Chu ng-Ho,
New Taipei City, 235, Taiwan, R.O.C.
T: +886-2-82455282 F: +886-2-82455532
E: sales@vivotek.com
All specif icati ons are subje ct to change without no tice. Copy right © VIV OTEK INC. All rights re serve d.
2050 Ringwood Avenue,
San Jose, C A 95131
T: 408-773-8686 F: 408-773-8298
E: salesusa@vivotek.com
Randst ad 22-133, 1316BW Almere,
The Netherlands
T: +31(0 )36 -5298 - 434
E: saleseurope@vivotek.com
Ver. 7
602, Best sky Tower, Plot No. F-5,
Netaji Sub hash Place , Pitam Pur a, Delhi-110 034
T: +91-11-45137465
E: salesind ia@v ivotek .com