Vivitek DDU6871, DX6831, DW6851 Remote Communication Manual

DDU6871/DW6851/DX6831 DLP Projector Remote Communication Manual
Table of Contents
The serial interface RS-232 command ............................................................................................................... 2
Communication parameter setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Operation commands ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Operation command syntax ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
List of operation commands ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Simulated IR remote controller commands .................................................................................................................................... 11
Control the projector through a network ........................................................................................................ 12
Cable connection ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Set up the projector for networking ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Control the projector through a network ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Control the projector through a web browser ......................................................................................................................... 14
Control projector with the PJLink prot ocol ............................................................................................................................ 17
Control projector with TCP/IP communication protocol ........................................................................................................ 17
About the VIVITEK support ............................................................................................................................ 18
DDU6871/DW6851/DX6831 DLP Projector Remote Communication Manual
The serial interface RS-232 command
This controller supports projectors with a RS-232 serial interface. There exist two types of serial commands:
Operation command: Available menu options are INPUT, PICTURE, LAMP, ALIGNMENT, CONTROL, SERVICE, and
Simulated IR remote controller commands: Controls projector with serial command analog IR remote controller and its
control keys.
Communication parameter setup
You can use the serial control command to input commands for projector control or retrieve its operational data through Windows client terminal software, e.g. Hyper Terminal, with ASCII characters.You need to set up the following communication parameters in advance:
Item Parameter:
Bit per Second 115200 (default), 57600, 38400, 19200, 14400, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200bps
Data Bit 8-bit
Parity None
Stop Bit 1
Flow Control None
Port 7000
The terminal software does not return every command input character The transmission performance varies with the matching length of RS-232 cable and transmission speed.
Please select proper transmission from the OSD menu.
Operation commands

Operation command syntax

An operation command is prefixed by character "op", followed by control commands and settings separated by space blank [SP], and ended by carriage return pair "CR" and "ASCII hex 0D".Syntax of serial control commands:
op[SP]<operation command>[SP]<Setting Value>[CR] op :
[SP] : [CR] : Setting value :
Types of setup strings Characters of settings Description Query current setup ? Question mark "?" indicates querying current setup Setup = <settings> Syntax of settings: Symbol "=" suffixed with setup
Increase setup order of adjustment items Decrease setup order of adjustment items Execute operation command None Certain operation commands execute after input
Control items Input command row Projector return message Query current brightness settings Set up brightness op bright = 127 [CR] OP BRIGHT = 127 Set up input signal source to HDMI
A constant indicating this is an operation command. Indicate one blank space. Indicate the command ending carriage return pair "CR" and "ASCII hex 0D". Settings of operation command
+ Some settings are changed in steps. Symbol "+"
indicates changing one step up
- Some settings are changed in steps. Symbol "-" indicates changing one step down
without further setting or regulators.
op bright ? [CR] OP BRIGHT = 101
op input.sel = 0 [CR] OP INPUT.SEL = 0
DDU6871/DW6851/DX6831 DLP Projector Remote Communication Manual
Reset camera to center position
When controlling the projector to execute multiple commands, make sure the return message of the last command is received before sending out the next one.

List of operation commands

OSD function Operation
Input Select input.sel ?
Test Pattern pattern ?
Color Space ?
Input Lock input.lock ?
Background no.signal ?
Settings/return values Note
0 = HDMI 1 = DVI 2 = VGA 3 = Component / BNC 4 = DisplayPort 5 = Digital
0 = Color Bar 1 = Cross Hatch 2 = Burst 3 = Red (TI) 4 = Green (TI) 5 = Blue (TI) 6 = WHITE (TI) 7 = BLACK (TI) 8 = HRamp (TI) 9 = Red (uncorrected) 10 = Green (uncorrected) 11 = Blue (uncorrected) 12 = White (uncorrected) 13 = Black (uncorrected) 14 = Off
0 = Auto 1 = YcbCr (Rec. 601) 2 = YPbPr (Rec. 709) 3 = RGB-PC (0-255) 4 = RGB-Video (16-235)
0 = Auto 1 = 48 Hz 2 = 50 Hz 3 = 60 Hz
0 = Logo 1 = Blue 2 = Black 3 = White
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode a. Standby mode b. When the blank function is
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not yet locked.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not yet locked.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode
DDU6871/DW6851/DX6831 DLP Projector Remote Communication Manual
OSD function Operation
Picture Mode pic.mode ?
Contrast contrast ?
Brightness bright ?
Saturation saturat ?
Hue tint ?
Gamma gamma ?
Color.Temp color.temp ?
Trim/Red Lift red.offset ?
Trim/Green Lift green.offset ?
Trim/Blue Lift blue.offset ?
Hue/Red Gain red.gain ?
Hue/Green Gain green.gain ?
Hue/Blue Gain blue.gain ?
Settings/return values Note
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
0 = High Bright 1 = Presentation 2 = Video
0 = Film 1 = Graphics 2 = Video 3 = Linear
0 = Native 1 = 5400K 2 = 6500K 3 = 9300K
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
c. Apply for YUV signal input d. Do not apply when the project is in
standby mode or the input signal is
not locked yet. a. Apply for YUV signal input b. Do not apply when the project is in
standby mode or the input signal is
not locked yet. Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
DDU6871/DW6851/DX6831 DLP Projector Remote Communication Manual
OSD function Operation
Sharp sharp ?
Noise Reduction nr ?
Aspect Ratio aspect ?
Overscan zoom ?
H Total ?
H Start h.pos ?
H Phase h.phase ?
V Start v.pos ?
Auto Sync auto.img (execute) Do not apply when the project is in
Color/Red Gain hsg.r.gain ?
Color/Green Gain hsg.g.gain ?
Settings/return values Note
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
0-15 (Noise Reduction)
0 = 5:4 1 = 4:3 2 = 16:10 3 = 16:9 4 = 1.88 5 = 2.35 6 = Letterbox 7 = Native 8 = Unscaled
0 = Off 1 = Crop 2 = Zoom
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
a. Do not apply when the project is in
standby mode or the input signal is
not locked yet. b. When the Zoom function is set to
Zoom in, the Unscaled function is
a. Do not apply when the project is in
standby mode or the input signal is
not locked yet. b. When the Aspect Ratio function is
set to Unscaled, the Zoom function
is disabled. a. Do not apply when the project is in
standby mode or the input signal is
not locked yet. b. Apply for VGA and Component
signal input. a. Do not apply when the project is in
standby mode or the input signal is
not locked yet. b. Apply for VGA and Component
signal input. a. Do not apply when the project is in
standby mode or the input signal is
not locked yet. b. Apply for VGA and Component
signal input. a. Do not apply when the project is in
standby mode or the input signal is
not locked yet. b. Apply for VGA and Component
signal input.
standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet. Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
DDU6871/DW6851/DX6831 DLP Projector Remote Communication Manual
OSD function Operation
Color/Blue Gain Hsg.b.gain ?
Color/Cyan Gain hsg.c.gain ?
Color/Magenta Gain hsg.m.gain ?
Color/Yellow Gain Hsg.y.gain ?
Saturation/Red hsg.r.sat ?
Saturation/Green hsg.g.sat ?
Saturation/Blue Hsg.b.sat ?
Saturation/Cyan hsg.c.sat ?
Saturation/Magenta hsg.m.sat ?
Saturation/Yellow Hsg.y.sat ?
Hue/Red hsg.r.hue ?
Hue/Green hsg.g.hue ?
Hue/Blue Hsg.b. hue ?
Hue/Cyan hsg.c. hue ?
Settings/return values Note
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
= +
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
Do not apply when the project is in standby mode or the input signal is not locked yet.
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