We l iv e h ea lth y
“Vitesse France S.A.R.L” (Витессе, Франция)
91 Руе Де Фоборг Сант Хонор, Париж 75008, Франция
Сделано в Китае
You have made an excellent decision. Vitesse home range offers you an
exclusive, high quality range of appliances for your ultimate home luxury and
healthy living.
When using an electrical appliance, basic safety precautions should always
be observed, including the following.
1. Do read attentively this use of instructions.
2. Before use, check steam cooker's current correspond to your electric
installation. Put the steam cooker near your electric plug.
3. Do move children away from steam cooker.
4. Do turn off steam cooker before connecting electric plug.
5. Do only use earth plug. Put steam cooker on plane surface away from heat
6. Don't take lid off during cooking.
7. The reservoir warns up strongly during cooking. Don't touch the reservoir
before it cools down.
8. To avoid all risk of electric discharge, cook only food in removable container
delivered with household appliance.
9. Before first utilisation, check all pieces are in working order. If not, do contact
your supplier or maker.
10. To avoid all risk of electric discharge, don't put the electric wire, the plug or the
reservoir near water.
11. Use this household appliance only for cooking.
12. Do keep this use of instruction.
1. Do re fil l the re ser voir with necessa ry water qu ant ity, d on' t go up
maximum l eve l or go down m ini mum level in dic ated (refer to m arks
into the rese rvoir). Don' t u se neither wine , v ege tables, meat nor
other liqu id.
2. Do p ut food into t he steam bowl. Do add herbs or spices o nly at the
end of cooki ng.
3. Do put the li d on the bo wl and be careful the lid's h andles correspond
perfectl y to steam bo wl' s handles. Don 't refill exce ssi vel y the steam
bowl not to fi ll in t he op enings. Steam mus t flo w and l eak freely.
4. Put the stea m bow l on th e reservoir.
5. Do connect t he pl ug. C ontrol lamp is also l igh ted.
6. In theory, water in the reservoir mu st be su fficie nt for cookin g. It's
possible to add water in the reservoir to prolong steam pro ces s i f you
want a longe st co oki ng.
7. Disconne ct the ho usehold appli anc e in the en d of b oiling p oin t. Be
careful in taking the steam container the reserv oir off; t ake the lid off
with care ful nes s to avoid burning y our sel f: steam can provok e bu rns
8. To dish out the meal , tu rn t he l id a nd p ut it (it become the sup por t)
under the st eam c ont ainer.
Enjoy your m eal !
1. Disconnect the p lug b efo re cleaning.
2. D o let s team cooker cool do wn.
3. D o use s oapy water and a smoo th ra g to cl ean the steam bowl an d the
lid. Don't u se de ter gents. Don't put th e bow l in di shwasher.
4. B efo re cleaning the res erv oir, d o empty water insid e it. D o cle an the
interior w ith a d amp r ag and let dry the stea m coo ker. D o the same for
the exteri or of t he re servoir.
5. Do never put the reser voi r in wa ter and do never rins e it wi th wa ter.
Do read thes e imp ort ant recommendat ion s.
P/1 P/2
Examples :
Slices of ca rro t
Slices of le ek
Fish fille ts
Red berrie s and c urr ants
9 to 10 minute s
10 to 12 minut es
20 to 25 minut es
6 to 12 minute s
3 to 5 minutes
8 to 10 minute s