Components and Accessories
Transcendent Series
2 Megapixel H.265 Specialized
Facial Recognition Camera
with 2 White Light LEDs
s tart guide
Cam era
IN ca bles
Qui ck
Dri ll te mplat e Scr ewdri ver
* 1. It is recommended to install the
security cap for outdoor installation.
* 2. If the PoE switch is used to
power the camera, the DC12V/AC24
power supply is not required.
1 Etherne t Con nect or *
2 M IC A udio In put
3 H P Aud io Outpu t
4 C VBS Video O utput
5 Alarm Inp ut/ Outp ut
6 R S48 5
7 Power Connector *
8 Mic ro SD Car d Slot
Alarm Connection
A lar m I nput: Joi n the grounding ends of the sensor a nd th e cam era a nd th en co nne ct th e
4 tap ping sc rews
1 mac hine sc rew
Pla stic
p lug × 4
9 Zoo m +
10 Zo om -
11 DC IN & CVB S Inter face
12 Re set
Secur i ty c
DC12 V/AC2 4V
R S4 85T +
R S4 85T-
signal cabl e of th e sen sor t o the a lar m inp ut po rt of t he camera.
A lar m Output: Loos en th e screws in the alarm output port. T hen i nse rt th e signal wires
of the alarm ou tpu t dev ice s int o the p ort o f COM a nd OP EN separately. Fin all y tig hte n
the screws. S ome o f the e xte rna l ala rm ou tpu t dev ices need the power supply.
• 1/2.8” 2.0 Megapixel Progressive Scan CMOS image sensor
• Up to 30fps live view @ 2 MegaPixel (1920×1080)
• 7 ~ 22 mm, with recommended face capture b/w 15-50 feet
• 2 White Light LEDs with 65’ Range
• 120dB Super Wide Dynamic Range (WDR)
• True Mechanical Day/Night function by ICR
• XD-DNR (2D-DNR & 3D-DNR) Noise Reduction
• Pupil distance of facial images over 20 pixels can be detected
• Face snapshots enabled by precision detection, tracing, caputre, scoring
• Supports panorama capture and self-defined info overlay (device, ID, time, etc.)
• H.265/H.264/MJPEG Triple Streaming
• Secondary Video Output (CVBS)
• Remote Viewing via CMS, Internet Explorer, and iOS & Android Apps
• ONVIF Compliant
Micro SD Card support up to 128GB
• IP67 Weather Resistance
• Optional Junction Box Mount Available (VT-TJB03)
• 12VDC & PoE (Power over Ethernet) Operation
Weather Resistant Network Coupler
1. Loosen the nut from the Weather Resistant Network Coupler,
2. Run ethernet cable through coupler, then attach a RJ-45 connector.
3. Tighten the nut and coupler for a weather resistant seal.
Requirements of Camera Installation and Surrounding Areas
The camera should be installed in front of the passage to take snapshots of full frontal faces.
2. Installation height ranges from 6.5 to 11.5 feet (2m - 3.5m), adjustable accodring to the
focal-length of different lenses and object differences.
3. The depression angle (*) of the camera shall be less than or equal to 15°
4. The object distance (D) depends on the focal-length of the lens mounted in the camera.
2.6 m
Cam era’s
Depres sion Angle
Sur veill ance
Widt h
2.4 m
2.4 m
Foc al-le ngth
7-2 2mm (W)
7-2 2mm (T)
Opt imal Ob ject
Dis tance
3.6 m 2.1 m
6.0 m
Ins talla tion
Hei ght
5. To ensure accuracy, captured faces can only deviate <30° left / right or 20° up / down.
6. Make sure the detected face is clear and has adequate, even light. Otherwise, enable white
light mode to compensate (especially when there is too much darkness on the detected face).
7. The following crowded scenes are not applicable: airports, railway stations, town squares,
intersections). Backlit scenes are also unapplicable.
Installing the Camera
Before beginning installation, make sure that the wall or ceiling is
strong enough to withstand 3 times the weight of the camera. The
mounting steps are as follows:
1. Attach the drill template to
the place where you want to
install the camera, then drill
screw holes and 1 cable
hole (if you want to route the
cables through the mounting
base) according to the drill
2. Route the cables and connect the power & video cables, use the
rubber plug to fill the gap of the mounting base
3. Secure the mounting base to the ceiling or
wall with screws.
Adjust the bracket. Before adjustment, preview
the camera image on a monitor
(see step 5). Loosen the fixed
screws to adjust the view
angle of the camera. After,
tighten the fixed screws.
Open the cover of the camera as shown in the
Fix ed Sc rews
figure below, then insert a micro SD card. Then
press the T/W button to obtain an optimum
image. View on a monitor and adjust as
Cov er
Ins ert a mic ro
SD ca rd
Zoo m+
6. Install the cover evenly back on the camera and fix it firmly
with screws.
Zoo m-
Mou nti ng Ba se
Pan 360 °
Til t 90°
Rot ate
360 °
Mon ito r
Network Connection
Access the network through the IP Tool
Swit ch
C ompu ter
Abo ut
192 . 16 8 . 22 6 . 201
255 . 255 . 2 55 . 0
192 . 16 8 . 22 6 . 1
Modi fy
Netw ork C abl e Netw ork C abl e
R out er
① Make sure that the camera and the PC are well connected via LAN.
② Find th e IP- Tool f rom the CD and t hen instal l it in the comp uter. After that,
run the I P-Tool as s hown below.
Dev ice N etwo rk Se arch
Imm ediat e Refr esh
Devi ce Name De vice Typ e IP Addr ess Http P ort Data P ort
Total De vice: 3
Prod uct Mod el
unkn own
192. 168.2 26.2 01
unkn own
192. 168.1 .2
unkn own
192. 168.1 .3
Loca l IP Addre ss:19 2.16 8.1. 4
Subn et
Subn et Mask :255. 255 .255 .0 Gate way: 19 2.16 8.1. 1 DNS:21 0.21 .196 .6
Modi fy Netw ork Par amet er
255. 255.
Mac Add ress
255. 255.
IP Addr ess
Subn et Mask
255. 255.
Gate way
Tip: E nter th e admin istra tor pas sword, and
then m odify t he netw ork par amete rs.
Restore IPC Default Configuration
CE :98 : 23 :75 :3 5 :22
③ Modif y the I P addres s. Th e default IP address o f thi s camera is
192.1 68. 226.201. C lick the inf ormation o f the camera l isted in the a bove table
to show t he ne twork info rmation on t he right side . M o dify the IP address an d
gatew ay of t he camera an d make sure it s network ad dress is in th e same local
netwo rk se gment as the c omputer’s. Pl ease modif y the IP add res s of your
devic e acc ording to the itua tion
Mod ify Networ k Par ame ter
Mac Addres s
IP Add res s
Sub net Mask
Gat ewa y
CE :9 8 :23 :75 : 35 :2 2
192 .1 68 . 1 . 201
255 . 25 5 . 255 . 0
192 .1 68 . 1 . 1
For example, the IP address of your computer is So the IP address
of the camera shall be changed to 192.168.1.X and the gateway shall be changed to
192.1 68. 1.1. After modification, please enter the pass word of the administrator
and click “Modify” button to mod ify the sett ing s.
The d efault pas sword of the a dministr ator is “1234 56”.
④ Double-click the camera listed in the IP-Tool or manually enter the IP address
in the address bar of th e web browse r to co nnect I P-C AM. Then follow
direc tio ns to downlo ad and insta ll the plugi n.
⑤ Enter t he us ername and p assword in t he login int erface.
The d efault use rname is admi n; the defau lt pa sswor d is 12 3456 .
Face Detection Settings
① Detec tio n Settings
1. Click Con fig→Event→Fa ce Detectio n→Det ection Conf ig to go to the fa ce
detec tio n settings i nterface .
2. En
able th e fac e detectio n function .
Save Sou rce Inform ation: if c hecke d, the whole pi cture will b e sav ed to a
local PC o r a n S D c ard when dete cting a face.
Save Fac e I nfo rmation: if che cked, the capture d face will be s ave d to a local
PC or an SD c ard w hen detect ing a face.
Note: To save images to a local PC , please e nable the local face information
storage first (Config→System→Loc al Config). To save images to an SD card,
pleas e ins tall an SD car d first and th en check “Trig
ger Sna p” in t his interf ace.
3. Set alarm holding time and alarm trigge r op tions (inc luding “Trigger Alarm
Out”, “ Trigger Sna p”, “Tri gger SD Reco rding”, et c.).
② Area Se tti ngs
1. Click Con fig→E vent→Face Det ection→Are a to go to the are a settings
inter fac e.
2. Click “D raw Area” and then drag the bo rder line of t he rectang le to modify
its siz e. Cl ick “Stop Dr aw” to finis h drawing. Then s et the maxim um value
and the m ini mum value of t he detecte d face.
Det ectio n Confi g
Dra w Are a Cle ar
Are a
Sch edule
Max . detec tion fa ce
Min . detec tion fa ce
The se two fa ce cont ours
wil l chang e as the se t minim um
and m aximu m value .
Sav e
③ Sched ule Settin gs
1. Click Con fig→Event→Fa ce Detec
tion→Sc hed ule to go to the s chedule
setti ngs i nterface . Click “Era se” and drag t he mouse to ca ncel the sch edule on
the tim eli ne. Click “A dd” and drag t he mouse to ad d the schedu le on the
timel ine . Click “Man ual Input” f or a specifi c day to enter s pecific st art and
end tim e. You can also set t he alarm tim e for a specia l day.
Note: Re member cli cking “Sav e” to save all s ettings fo r eac h tab.
④ Detect F ace s in the Live View Int erf ace
In the li ve vi ew interfa ce, the face i ndicator w ill flash on ly when the fa ce
detection is enabled and faces are detect ed. These detecte d faces will be tr aced
in the de tec ted area aut omatical ly.
⑤ White Li ght M ode Settin g
In low il lum ination co ndition, w hite light m ode is neces sary to enab le (go to
Confi g→Ima ge→Display S ettings→Ca mera Param eters tab) . Manual or Auto
is opti ona l.
⑥ Deacti vat e Face Detec tion
Click Config→Even t→Face Detect ion t o go to the d ete ction conf ig interfa ce
and the n unc heck “Enab le