Vitek VT-1257(VT) User Manual

VT-1257 VT
VT-1257.indd 1 07.11.2017 18:06:52
VT-1257.indd 2 07.11.2017 18:06:52
The iron is intended for ironing clothes and bed­ding and for vertical steaming of fabrics.
1. Water spray
2. Water inlet lid
3. Continuous steam supply knob
4. Burst of steam button
5. Water spray button
6. Auto switch off indicator
7. Handle
8. Power cord protection
9. Base
10. On/off indicator of the heating element
11. Temperature control knob
12. Self-clean button
13. Water tank
14. Maximum water level mark
15. Soleplate
For additional protection it is reasonable to install a residual current device (RCD) with nominal operation current not exceeding 30 mA. To install RCD, contact a specialist.
Before using the electrical unit, read this instruc­tion manual carefully and keep it for future ref­erence. Use the unit for intended purposes only, as spec­ified in this manual. Mishandling of the unit may lead to its breakage and cause harm to the user or damage to property.
Before switching the unit on, make sure that
your home mains voltage corresponds to the unit operating voltage.
The power cord is equipped with a euro plug;
plug it into the socket with reliable ground­ing contact.
To avoid fire, do not use adapters for plug-
ging the unit in.
To avoid mains overloading, do not switch on
several electrical appliances with high power consumption at a time.
Do not use the iron outdoors and in places
with high humidity.
Place the iron on a flat stable surface or use a
stable ironing board.
Attention! The surfaces of the iron get hot
during operation. Avoid contact of open skin
areas with the iron’s hot surfaces or outgoing steam to avoid burns.
Do not fill the water tank with scented liquids,
vinegar, starch solution, descaling reagents, chemicals etc.
Do not switch the unit on in places where
aerosols are sprayed or highly flammable liq­uids are used.
Make sure that the power cord is not on the
ironing board and it doesn’t touch hot sur­faces and sharp edges.
Never leave the unit connected to the mains
unattended. During breaks in operation, put the iron on the base (in vertical position).
Before plugging/unplugging the iron, set the
temperature control knob to the minimum position and switch the continuous steam supply off.
Always unplug the iron if you are not using it.
Always take the power plug out of the mains
socket before filling the water tank with water.
The water inlet lid should be closed during
To unplug the iron always hold the power plug,
never pull the power cord.
To avoid electric shock, do not immerse the
iron, the power cord and the plug into water or any other liquids.
Before taking the iron away, let it cool down
completely and pour out the remaining water.
Pour out water from the water tank only after
unplugging the iron.
Never leave the plugged in iron unattended.
Clean the unit regularly.
Do not touch the unit body and the power
plug with wet hands.
Do not allow children to touch the unit body
and the power cord during the unit operation.
Do not leave children unattended to prevent
using the unit as a toy.
For children safety reasons do not leave poly-
ethylene bags, used as packaging, unattended.
Attention! Do not allow children to play with polyethylene bags or packaging film. Danger of
Do not use the unit if the power cord or the
plug is damaged, if the unit works improperly or after it was dropped or in case of leakage.
This unit is not intended for usage by children
under 8 years of age. Place the unit out of reach of children under 8 years of age during the operation and cooling down.
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This unit is not intended for usage by people
(including children over 8) with physical, neural and mental disorders or with insufficient expe­rience or knowledge. Such persons may use the unit only if they are under supervision of a person who is responsible for their safety and if they are given all the necessary and under­standable instructions concerning the safe usage of the unit and information about dan­ger that can be caused by its improper usage.
There may be water residue in the tank, this
is normal, as the iron has undergone factory quality control.
Do not attempt to repair the unit. Do not disas-
semble the unit by yourself, if any malfunction is detected or after it was dropped, unplug the unit and apply to any authorized service center from the contact address list given in the warranty certificate and on the website
Transport the unit in the original package only.
Keep the unit out of reach of children and dis-
abled persons.
After unit transportation or storage at low temperature keep it for at least three hours at room temperature before switching on.
Unpack the iron; remove the protection from
the iron soleplate (15), if any.
Check the unit for damages; do not use the
iron in case of damages.
Before switching the iron on, make sure that
your home mains voltage corresponds to the iron operating voltage.
There may be water residue in the tank,
this is normal, as the iron has undergone factory quality control.
Note: When the iron is switched on for the first time, the heating element of the iron burns, therefore occurrence of foreign smell and a small amount of smoke is possible, it is normal.
This iron has a built-in anti-scale system. Use tap water only to fill the tank (13). Using distilled
and/or demineralized water decreases the anti­scale system efficiency.
Note: Do not fill the water tank (13) with scented liquids, vinegar, starch solution, descaling reagents, chemical agents etc.
Before filling the iron with water, make sure that it is unplugged.
Set the temperature control knob (11) to the
«MIN» position and the continuous steam supply knob (3) to the utmost left position ­the steam supply is off.
Open the water inlet lid (2).
Pour water into the water tank (13) and then
close the lid (2) tightly.
Do not exceed the «MAX» mark (14).
If you need to refill water during ironing,
switch the iron off and unplug it.
After you finish ironing, switch the iron
off, wait until it cools down completely, then open the water inlet lid (2), turn over the iron and drain the remaining water.
Before operation, test the heated iron on a piece of cloth to be sure that the iron soleplate (15) and the water tank (13) are clean.
Always check the recommended ironing tem-
perature indicated on the tag before ironing.
If there is no tag with recommended ironing
temperature, but you know the type of fab­ric, use the following table to determine the proper temperature.
Icons Fabric type (temperature)
do not iron
synthetics, nylon, acrylic, polyester
(low temperature)
silk/wool (medium temperature)
cotton/linen (high temperature)
This table is only valid for smooth materials.
Fabrics of other types (crimped, raised, etc.) are best ironed at low temperature.
First sort items by ironing temperature: syn-
thetics to synthetics, wool to wool, cotton to cotton etc.
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The iron heats up faster than it cools down.
For this reason, it is recommended to iron the items which require low temperature first (for instance, synthetic fabrics). After that, start ironing at higher temperature (silk/wool). Cotton and linen items should be ironed last.
If an item is made of mixed fabrics, the iron
should be set to the lowest temperature (for instance, if an item is 60% polyester and 40% cotton, it should be ironed at temperature used for polyester ironing «•»).
If you cannot define the fabric structure, find
a spot that is inconspicuous when the item is being worn and select the ironing temperature experimentally (always start with the lowest temperature and raise it gradually until you get the desired result).
Corduroy and other fabrics that become
glossy quickly should be ironed strictly in one direction (in the direction of the pile) with slight pressure.
To avoid appearance of glossy spots on
synthetic and silk fabrics, iron them back­side.
Place the iron on its base (9).
Insert the power plug into the mains socket.
Turn the temperature control knob (11) to set
the required ironing temperature: «•», «••» or «•••» (depending on the type of fabric), the
indicator (10) will light up.
When the soleplate temperature (15) reaches
the set value, the indicator (10) will go out, you can start ironing.
If you are ironing at high temperature but you
need to switch to lower temperature, wait until the soleplate temperature decreases and the indicator (10) lights up, and only then you may start ironing. While steam ironing it is neces­sary to set the ironing temperature «•••», the steam ironing sector is marked with cor­responding symbols on the temperature con­trol knob (11).
You can dampen the fabric by pressing the
water spray button (5) several times.
Make sure that there is enough water in the
water tank (13).
Place the iron on its base (9).
Insert the power plug into the mains socket.
Set the continuous steam supply knob (3)
to the utmost left position – the steam sup­ply is off.
Turn the temperature control knob (11) to set
the required ironing temperature: «•», «••» or «•••» (depending on the type of fabric), the indicator (10) will light up.
When the soleplate temperature (15) reaches
the set value, the indicator (10) will go out, you can start ironing.
After you finish ironing, set the temperature
control knob (11) to the «MIN» position.
Pull the plug out of the socket and let the iron
cool down completely.
While steam ironing it is necessary to set the iron­ing temperature «•••», the steam ironing sec­tor is marked with corresponding symbols on the temperature control knob (11). The iron is provided with an anti-drip valve that stops water supply if the soleplate temperature is too low, this prevents dripping from the soleplate (15) open­ings. During heating and cooling of the iron sole­plate, you will hear characteristic clicks of the anti-drip valve opening/closing, which indicates its normal operation.
Place the iron on its base (9).
Set the continuous steam supply knob (3) to the
utmost left position – the steam supply is off.
Insert the power plug into the mains socket.
Make sure that there is enough water in the
water tank (13).
Turn the temperature control knob (11) to set
the required ironing temperature «•••», the indicator (10) will light up.
When the soleplate temperature (15) reaches
the set value, the indicator (10) will go out, you can start ironing.
Turn the continuous steam supply knob (3)
to set the steam generation rate, steam will start going out from the soleplate (15) open­ings. For easy use the continuous steam sup­ply knob (3) has three fixed positions of steam intensity.
After you finish ironing, set the temperature
control knob (11) to the «MIN» position and the continuous steam supply knob (3) to the utmost left position – the steam supply is off.
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Pull the plug out of the socket and let the iron
cool down completely.
If the steam is not constantly supplied during operation, check whether the temperature con­trol knob (11) is set properly and there is water in the water tank (13).
The burst of steam function is useful for ironing folds and can only be used at high ironing tem­peratures (when the iron temperature control knob (11) is set to «•••» position).
When pressing the burst of steam button (4)
steam will go out of the iron soleplate more
intensively. Note: To avoid water leakage from steam open­ings, press the burst of steam button (4) with a 4-5 sec. interval.
Vertical steam function can be used only at high ironing temperatures (that is when the tempera­ture control knob (11) is set to «•••»). Hold the iron vertically at the distance of 10-30 cm from the clothes and press the burst of steam but­ton (4) with 4–5 second intervals, steam will be released from the soleplate (15) intensively.
Important information
Vertical steaming is not recommended for syn­thetic fabrics.
To avoid fabric melting, do not touch it with
the iron soleplate while steaming.
Never steam clothes on a person as the steam
temperature is very high, use a clothes hanger
or a coat rack.
After you finish ironing, switch the unit off, wait
until it cools down completely, then open the
water inlet lid (2), turn over the iron and pour
out the remaining water.
If the iron remains still for about 30 seconds in horizontal position or for about 8 minutes in ver­tical position, the heating element is switched off automatically, and the indicator (6) will be flash­ing. To switch the iron on again just start ironing. Note: After the iron is switched on the pre­set soleplate temperature will be restored after some time depending on the temperature control knob (11) position.
To prolong lifetime of the iron we recommend cleaning the steam chamber regularly.
Set the continuous steam supply knob (3)
to the utmost left position – the steam sup­ply is off.
Fill the water tank (13) until it is filled half way.
Place the iron on its base (9).
Insert the power plug into the mains socket.
Turn the control knob (11) to set the maximal
soleplate temperature «•••», the indicator (10) will light up.
When the soleplate (15) reaches the desired
temperature value, the indicator (10) will go out, you can start cleaning the steam chamber.
Switch the iron off by setting the tempera-
ture control knob (11) to the «MIN» posi­tion. Remove the power plug from the mains socket.
Hold the iron above the sink horizontally, press
and hold down the self-clean button (12).
Boiling water and steam with scale will be
released from the iron soleplate (15) open­ings.
Slightly sway the iron back and forth, until all
the water leaves the water tank (13).
Place the iron on its base (9) and let it cool
down completely.
When the soleplate (15) cools down com-
pletely, wipe it with a dry cloth.
Before you take the iron away for storage,
make sure that there is no water in the water tank (13) and that the iron soleplate (15) is completely dry.
Before cleaning the iron, make sure that it is
unplugged and has cooled down completely.
Wipe the iron body with a slightly damp cloth
and then wipe it dry.
Scale on the iron soleplate can be removed
with a cloth soaked in vinegar-water solution.
After removing scale, polish the soleplate sur-
face with a dry cloth.
Do not use abrasives to clean the iron sole-
plate and body.
Avoid contact of the iron soleplate with sharp
metal objects.
Set the temperature control knob (11) to the
«MIN» position and the continuous steam
VT-1257.indd 6 07.11.2017 18:06:52
supply knob (3) to the utmost left position –
the steam supply is off. Remove the power
plug from the mains socket.
Open the water inlet lid (2), turn over the iron
and drain any remaining water from the water
tank (13).
Close the lid (2).
Put the iron vertically and let it cool down
Store the iron vertically in a dry cool place out
of reach of children.
Power supply: 230 V ~ 50/60 Hz Power consumption: 2400 W
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the unit’s design and specifications without prior notice.
Unit operating life is 3 years
For environment protection do not throw out the unit and the batteries with usual household waste after its service life expiration; apply to the spe­cialized center for further recycling. The waste generated during the disposal of the unit is subject to mandatory collection and con­sequent disposal in the prescribed manner. For further information about recycling of this product apply to a local municipal administration, a disposal service or to the shop where you pur­chased this product.
Details regarding guarantee conditions can be obtained from the dealer from whom the appli­ance was purchased. The bill of sale or receipt must be produced when making any claim under the terms of this guarantee.
This product conforms to the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU and to the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
VT-1257.indd 7 07.11.2017 18:06:53
Утюг предназначен для глажения одежды, постельного белья и вертикального отпари­вания тканей.
1. Разбрызгиватель воды
2. Крышка заливочного отверстия
3. Регулятор постоянной подачи пара
4. Кнопка дополнительной подачи пара
5. Кнопка разбрызгивателя воды
6. Индикатор автоматического отключения
7. Ручка
8. Защита сетевого шнура
9. Основание утюга
10. Индикатор включения/выключения
нагревательного элемента
11. Регулятор температуры
12. Кнопка самоочистки
13. Резервуар для воды
14. Указатель максимального уровня воды
15. Подошва утюга
Для дополнительной защиты целесообразно установить в цепи питания устройство защит­ного отключения (УЗО) с номинальным током срабатывания, не превышающим 30 мА, для установки УЗО обратитесь к специалисту.
Перед началом эксплуатации электропри­бора внимательно прочитайте настоящее руководство по эксплуатации и сохраните его для использования в качестве справоч­ного материала. Используйте устройство только по его пря­мому назначению, как изложено в данном руководстве. Неправильное обращение с устройством может привести к его поломке, причинению вреда пользователю или его имуществу.
Перед включением убедитесь, что напря-
жение в электрической сети соответ-
ствует рабочему напряжению утюга.
Сетевой шнур снабжён «евровилкой»;
включайте её в розетку, имеющую надёж-
ный контакт заземления.
Во избежание риска возникновения
пожара не используйте переходники при
подключении прибора к электрической
Во избежание перегрузки электриче-
ской сети не включайте одновременно несколько устройств с большой потре­бляемой мощностью.
Не пользуйтесь утюгом вне помещений, а
также в помещениях с повышенной влаж­ностью.
Ставьте утюг на ровную, устойчивую
поверхность или пользуйтесь устойчивой гладильной доской.
Внимание! Поверхности утюга нагрева-
ются во время работы. Избегайте кон­такта открытых участков кожи с горячими поверхностями утюга или выходящим паром, чтобы избежать ожогов.
Запрещается заливать в резервуар для
воды ароматизирующие жидкости, уксус, раствор крахмала, реагенты для удаления накипи, химические вещества и т.п.
Не включайте устройство в местах, где
распыляются аэрозоли или используются легковоспламеняющиеся жидкости.
Следите, чтобы сетевой шнур не нахо-
дился на гладильной доске и не касался горячих поверхностей и острых кромок.
Не оставляйте включённое в сеть устрой-
ство без присмотра. Во время перерывов в работе устанавливайте утюг на основа­ние (в вертикальное положение).
Перед отключением/подключением утюга
к электрической сети установите регуля­тор температуры в минимальное положе­ние и отключите постоянную подачу пара.
Обязательно отключайте утюг от элек-
трической сети, если вы им не пользу­етесь.
При наполнении резервуара водой обяза-
тельно вынимайте вилку сетевого шнура из электрической розетки.
Крышка заливочного отверстия должна
быть закрыта во время глажения.
При отключении утюга от электрической
сети всегда держитесь за сетевую вилку, никогда не тяните за сетевой шнур.
Чтобы избежать поражения электриче-
ским током, не погружайте утюг, сетевой шнур и вилку сетевого шнура в воду или в любые другие жидкости.
Прежде чем убрать утюг, дайте ему полно-
стью остыть и слейте остатки воды.
Сливайте воду из резервуара только
после отключения утюга от сети.
VT-1257.indd 8 07.11.2017 18:06:53
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