Visonic PowerMaster-360R Installer's Manual

Installer's Guide
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ....................................................... 3
1.1 System features ........................................... 3
2. Choosing the installation location ................... 6
3.1 LED indicators and connections ................ 7
3.2 Installing the PowerMaster-360R battery
and cables .......................................................... 9
3.4 PowerMaster-360R connections ............... 11
3.5 GSM connection and configuration .......... 12
3.6 SIM card insertion ...................................... 12
3.7 PowerMaster-360R Prerequisites.............. 12
3.8 Enrolling and deleting a Z-Wave device ... 12
3.9 Panel reset .................................................. 13
3.10 Factory default restore ............................ 13
4. Programming ................................................... 14
4.1 General guidance ....................................... 14
4.1.1 PowerMaster-360R panel indicators and
controls ....................................................... 14
LED indicators ............................................ 14
Control keys ................................................ 15
4.1.2 Feedback sounds ............................... 16
4.2 Entering installer mode and selecting a
menu option ..................................................... 16
4.2.1 Entering the installer mode when User
Permit is enabled ........................................ 16
4.2.2 Selecting options ................................ 17
4.2.3 Exiting the installer mode ................... 17
4.3 Setting installer codes ............................... 17
4.3.1 Identical installer and master installer
codes .......................................................... 18
4.4 Zones and devices ..................................... 18
4.4.1 General guidance & ZONES/DEVICES
menu options .............................................. 18
4.4.2 Adding new wireless devices ............. 19
Enrolling a Wired Input .................................... 20
4.4.3 Deleting a device ............................... 23
4.4.4 Modifying or reviewing a device ......... 24
4.4.5 Replacing a device ............................. 24
4.4.6 Configuring soak test mode ............... 25
4.4.7 Defining configuration defaults for device
settings ........................................................ 26
4.4.8 Updating devices after exiting installer
mode ........................................................... 26
4.5 Control panel .............................................. 27
4.5.1 General guidance – Control panel flow-
chart & menu options................................... 27
4.5.2 Configuring arming/disarming and
exit/entry procedures ................................... 28
4.5.3 Configuring zones ............................... 29
4.5.4 Configuring alarms and troubles ......... 30
4.5.5 Configuring siren functionality ............. 31
4.5.6 Configuring audible and visual user
interface ...................................................... 31
4.5.7 Configuring jamming and supervision
(missing device) .......................................... 33
4.5.8 Configuring miscellaneous features .... 34
4.6 Communication .......................................... 35
4.6.1 General guidance – Communication flow-
chart & menu options .................................... 35
4.6.2 Configuring GSM-GPRS (IP) - SMS
cellular connection ....................................... 36
4.6.3 Configuring event reporting to monitoring
stations ........................................................ 38
4.6.4 Configuring event reporting to private
users ........................................................... 42
4.6.5 Configuring motion cameras for visual
alarm verification ......................................... 42
4.6.6 Configuring upload / download remote
programming access permissions ............... 43
4.6.7 Broadband .......................................... 44
4.6.8 WiFi .................................................... 44
4.7 PGM Output................................................. 45
4.7.1 General Guidance .............................. 45
4.7.2 PGM Output Configuration ................. 45
4.7.3 Entering Daytime Limits ...................... 47
4.8 Custom names ............................................ 47
4.8.1 Custom zone names ........................... 47
4.9 Diagnostics ................................................. 49
4.9.1 General guidance – Diagnostic flow-chart
& menu options ........................................... 49
4.9.2 Testing wireless devices ..................... 49
4.9.3 Testing the GSM module ................... 51
4.9.4 Testing the SIM number ..................... 51
4.9.5 Testing the broadband/PowerLink
Module ....................................................... 52
4.9.6 Testing the WLAN Module ................. 53
4.10 User settings ............................................ 53
4.11 Factory default ......................................... 54
4.12 Serial number ........................................... 54
4.13 Partitioning ............................................... 54
4.13.1 General guidance – Partitioning menu
.................................................................... 54
4.13.2 Enabling and disabling partitions ...... 54
4.14 Operation mode ........................................ 55
4.14.1 General guidance – Operation mode
menu ........................................................... 55
4.14.2 Select setting ................................... 55
4.14.3 BS8243 Setup .................................. 55
4.14.4 DD243 Setup ................................... 56
4.14.5 CP01 Setup ...................................... 58
4.14.6 Other setup ...................................... 59
5. Periodic test ..................................................... 61
5.1 General guidance ....................................... 61
5.2 Conducting a periodic test ........................ 61
6. Maintenance ..................................................... 64
6.1 Handling system faults .............................. 64
6.2 Replacing the backup battery ................... 65
6.3 Replacing and relocating detectors .......... 65
6.4 Annual system check ................................ 66
7. Reading the event log ..................................... 67
360R ...................................................................... 67
360R ...................................................................... 67
APPENDIX A. LED icons and keys ..................... 68
APPENDIX B. User mobile application with
PowerMaster-360R .............................................. 70
B1. Security Only Via PowerManage .............. 70
B2. Security and Smart Home using 3rd Party
application ........................................................ 70
APPENDIX C. Specifications............................... 71
C1. Functional .................................................. 71
C2. Wireless ...................................................... 71
C3. Electrical .................................................... 72
C4. Communication ......................................... 72
C5. Physical Properties ................................... 72
C6. Peripherals and Accessory Devices ........ 73
APPENDIX D. Working with Partitions ............... 74
D1. User Interface and Operation ................... 74
D2. Common Areas .......................................... 74
APPENDIX E. Detector Deployment & Transmitter
Assignments ........................................................ 75
E1. Detector Deployment Plan ........................ 75
E2. Keyfob Transmitter List ............................. 75
E3. Emergency Transmitter List ...................... 76
E4. Non-Alarm Transmitter List ....................... 76
APPENDIX F. Event Codes .................................. 77
F1. Contact ID Event Codes ............................. 77
F2. SIA Event Codes ......................................... 77
F3. Understanding the Scancom Reporting
Protocol Data Format ....................................... 78
F4. SIA over IP - Offset for Device User .......... 78
APPENDIX G. Sabbath mode ............................... 79
G1. General guidance ....................................... 79
G2. Connection ................................................. 79
G3. Arming the system by sabbath clock ....... 79
APPENDIX H. Glossary ........................................ 80
APPENDIX I. Compliance with standards ............ 82
PowerMaster-360R Quick user guide ................... 84
1. Introduction
D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 3
1. Introduction
PowerMaster-360R is a regulated intrusion panel that combines Wi-Fi and Z-Wave radios for Smart Home automation applications. The PowerMaster-360R is a professional intrusion panel with battery backup for up to 12 hours. It also provides communication backup through a cellular 2G or 3G network. This backup provides protection even in the case of infrastructure failure. Property owners receive notifications of events by either email, SMS or both. It is based on the PowerG RF security technology with IP communication that is optimized for intrusion applications from an installation, security, robustness, and range perspective.
The PowerMaster-360R security system is fully controllable from a computer, and accessible to home and property owners through their mobile devices. Installers program and configure the system remotely through the computer and mobile application’s keypad (see APPENDIX A and B).
This manual refers to PowerMaster-360R. The most updated manuals can be downloaded from the Visonic Web site at The PowerMaster-360R control panel is supplied with 2 instruction manuals:
Installer's Guide (this manual) – for use by the system installer during system installation and configurationUser’s Guide –for use by the system installer during system installation and configuration, and for the master user of
the system, once installation is completed. Hand over this manual to the master user of the system.
1.1 System features
The following table lists the PowerMaster-360R features with a description of each feature and how to use it.
1. Introduction
4 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
How to configure and use
Visual alarm verification
When used with Next CAM PG2 PIR­camera detector, or TOWER CAM PG2, and GPRS or Ethernet communication, the PowerMaster-360R is able to provide the Monitoring Station with clips captured in alarm situations. The system sends the clips to the Monitoring Station automatically for burglary alarms and, depending on setup, also for fire and personal emergency alarms.
1. Setup GPRS communication: see GSM Module Installation (section 3.4).
2. Configure camera settings: refer to the Next CAM PG2 Installation Instructions.
3. Enable fire and personal alarm verification: see section 4.6.5 Configuring
Motion Cameras for Video Alarm Verification.
On demand clips from cameras
The PowerMaster-360R can provide images from the Next CAM PG2 or TOWER CAM PG2 by demand from a remote PowerManage server. Pictures are taken based on a command from the monitoring station via the VisonicGo application. To protect customers' privacy, the system can be customized to enable the On Demand View only during specific system modes (i.e. Disarm, Home & Away) and also to a specific time window following an alarm event.
1. Setup the On demand feature: see section 4.6.5 Configuring Motion Cameras for Video Alarm Verification.
2. To request and view images: refer to the PowerManage User's Guide, Chapter 5 Viewing and Handling Events.
Easy enrollment
PowerG devices are enrolled from the control panel’s Virtual or Touch Keypad. Pre-enrollment can also be performed by entering the PowerG device ID number and then activating the device in the vicinity of the panel.
To enroll or pre-enroll devices: see section 4.4.2 Adding New Wireless Devices.
Device configuration
Device parameters and related system behavior can be configured from the control panel or from a remote location. Each PowerG device has its own settings which can be configured through the control panel by entering the DEVICE SETTINGS menu.
Note: The minimum configuration of the system includes one detector.
To configure devices from the control panel: see Chapter 4 Programming and
also the individual device's Installation Instructions.
To configure devices from a remote location: refer to the PowerManage User's
Guide Chapter 3 Working with Panels and to the Remote Programmer PC software User's Guide, Chapters 6 and 7.
Diagnostics of the control panel and peripherals
You can test the function of all wireless sensors deployed throughout the protected area, to collect information about the received signal strength from each transmitter and to review accumulated data after the test.
To perform diagnostics and to obtain signal strength indication: see section
4.9 Diagnostics.
Conducting periodic tests
The system should be tested at least once a week and after an alarm. The periodic test can be conducted locally or from a remote location (with the assistance from a non-technical person in the house).
To conduct a walk test locally: see Chapter 5 Periodic Test.
To conduct a walk test from remote location: refer to the Remote Programmer
PC software User's Guide, Chapter 6 Data Details Tables.
1. Introduction
D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 5
The partitioning feature, when enabled, divides your alarm system into distinct areas each of which operates as an individual alarm system. Partitioning can be used in installations where shared security systems are more practical, such as a home office or warehouse building.
1. Enable partitioning: see section 4.12 Partitioning.
2. Setup partition association for each device: see section 4.4.2 Adding New
Wireless Devices.
To understand more about partitioning: see APPENDIX E. Working with Partitions and APPENDIX B. in the User's Guide.
Device configuration templates
The default parameters with which a new device is enrolled into the system can be set before you enroll devices. This default template saves time on device configuration.
1. Define enrollment defaults for devices: see section 4.4.7 Defining
Configuration Defaults for Device Settings.
2. Enroll or pre-enroll devices: see section 4.4.2 Adding New Wireless Devices.
SirenNet - distributed siren using Smoke detectors
All PowerG smoke detectors are able to function as sirens, alerting on any of 4 types of alarm in the system: fire, gas, burglary and flood.
Enable and configure SirenNet for each smoke detector: refer to the SMD-426
PG2 / SMD-427 PG2 Installation Instructions.
Reporting to private users and/or monitoring station by SMS and IP communication
The PowerMaster-360R system can be programmed to send notifications of alarm and other events to 4 SMS cellular phone numbers and to report these events to the Monitoring Station by SMS or IP communication. Users can also receive notifications on the Visonic-Go application.
To configure notifications to Private phones: refer to the PowerMaster-360R
User's Guide, Chapter 4, section B.12 Programming Email, MMS and SMS Reporting.
To configure reporting to the Monitoring Station: see section 4.6.3 Configuring
Events Reporting to Monitoring Stations.
Quick installation with link quality indication
With PowerG devices, there is no need to consult the control panel when mounting a wireless device, because PowerG devices include a built-in link quality indicator. Choosing the mounting location is a quick and easy process.
To choose the ideal location to mount a wireless device, see Chapter 2 Choosing the Installation Location.
Device locator
Helps you to easily identify the actual device displayed on the LCD display.
To read more on the Device Locator: refer to the PowerMaster-360R User's Guide, Chapter 2, Operating the PowerMaster-360R System.
To use the device locator when bypassing a zone or when clearing a bypassed zone: refer to the PowerMaster-
360R User's Guide, Chapter 4, section B.1 Setting the Zone Bypass Scheme.
To use the device locator when conducting the periodic test: see
Chapter 5 Periodic Test or refer to the PowerMaster-360R G2 User's Guide, Chapter 7 Testing the System.
Guard key-safe
PowerMaster is able to control a safe that holds site keys that are accessible only to the site's guard or Monitoring Station's guard in the event of an alarm. Operates with the magnetic contact device with auxiliary input only (MC-302E PG2)
1. Configure the safe's zone type to Guard Zone: see section 4.4.2 Adding New Wireless Devices.
2. Setup guard code: see section 4.3
Setting Installer Codes.
Arming key
External system may control arming and disarming of the PowerMaster system.
Refer to the MC-302 PG2 / MC-302E PG2 / MC-302V PG2 Installation Instructions.
6 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
2. Choosing the installation location
To ensure the best mounting location for the PowerMaster-360 control panel, the following points should be observed when selecting a location: Place approximately in the center of the installation site between all the transmitters, preferably in a hidden
Place in close proximity to an AC source. Place where there is good cellular coverage, if a cellular module is used. Place in close proximity to a home router wired Ethernet (LAN) connections. Place far from sources of wireless interference, such as the following:
o Computers or other electronic devices, power conductors, cordless phones, light dimmers, etc. o Large metal objects (such as metal doors or refrigerators)
Note: A distance of at least 1 meter (3 ft.) is recommended.
When mounting wireless devices, ensure that the following conditions are in place:
Ensure the signal reception level for each device is either Strong or Good, but not Poor. Install wireless magnetic contacts in a vertical position and as high up the door or window as possible. Install wireless PIR detectors upright at the height specified in the relevant installation manual. Locate repeaters high on the wall mid-distance between the transmitters and the control panel.
3. Installation
D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 7
3. Installation
3.1 LED indicators and connections
A. Power indicator
B. Status indicator
C. Trouble condition
(TRBL) indicator
D. Service server
E. Smart Home
Service Indicator
F. WiFi indicator
G. Micro USB
H. 5V DC power
I. LAN connection
Figure 3.1 a – LED indicators and connections
External view of cable outputs
Internal cable connections
3. Installation
8 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
J. Restore to factory
default settings. Press for 30 seconds to restore system parameters to preset factory defaults.
K. Opening for reset
L. Tamper switch
M. Power cable
N. LAN cable
O. Rechargeable
P. SIM card holder
Q. Battery plug socket
R. GSM module
S. Electronic unit
T. Enroll LED
U. (+) button Add Z-
Wave devices
(-) button Delete Z-
Wave devices
Figure 3.1 b – Internal panel view
3. Installation
D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 9
3.2 Installing the PowerMaster-360R battery and cables
1) To open the panel, use a coin or 3 mm flathead screwdriver to rotate the lock by 90 degrees counter clockwise to the unlocked position.
2) Use minimal force to pull the panel from the base.
3) Use the screws and anchors provided to fasten the
base to the wall.
Warning: The tamper screw is mandatory; use the remaining screws to secure the base.
4) To install the battery in the panel, complete the following steps:
a) To prevent mechanical damage, insert the battery carefully into the slot in the direction of the arrow,
see figure (a) for details.
b) Press downwards and place under the clip, see figure (b) for details.
c) Run the wire along the channel and connect the battery cable plug into the battery socket, see figure
(c) for details.
3. Installation
10 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
5) Connect the AC/DC adapter cable to the panel.
6) Connect the IP LAN cable to the panel.
7) Optional: To connect an external GSM antenna,
complete the following steps:
a) Push out the removable insert for the external
antenna, see figure (a) for details.
b) Connect the external antenna to the RF
switching connector, see figure (b) for details.
8) Push out the appropriate knockout for the cables that are connected to the panel.
9) To place the panel on the base, align the two tabs of the base with the slots on the panel.
10) Close and hold the panel to the base.
11) Rotate the lock by 90 degrees clockwise to the
locked position.
3. Installation
D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 11
3.4 PowerMaster-360R connections
Figure 3.2 PowerMaster-360R connections
Note: If there is a GSM module in your control panel, first connect the SIM card before performing the following
procedure – see section 3.5 for details.
1. Rotate the lock anti-clockwise to the unlocked position with a coin or flathead screwdriver. Remove the panel from
the base to access the ports – see section 3.2 step 1 for details.
2. Connect the IP cable from the LAN connection to the local home-router connection – see section 3.2 step 6 for
3. Connect the AC/DC adapter cable into the main electrical socket.
4. Optional: To use the software configurator, connect the micro USB cable from the micro USB connection to the PC,
laptop, or tablet connection.
When the configurator setup is complete, disconnect the micro USB cable from the PowerMaster-360R.
5. Place the panel back on the base, align the two tabs on the base with the slots on the panel and return the screw to
the locked position.
Note: For details about installing and configuring the virtual keypad software, see APPENDIX A PC configurator and APPENDIX B VisonicPRO.
3. Installation
12 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
3.5 GSM connection and configuration
The GSM modem auto detection feature enables automatic enrollment of the GSM modem into the control panel memory. GSM modem auto detection is activated after reset that is after power-up or after exiting the Installer Mode menu. This action causes the PowerMaster-360R to automatically scan the GSM COM ports for the presence of a GSM modem.
In the event that the GSM modem auto detection fails and the modem was previously enrolled in the control panel, the message Cel Remvd Cnfrm is displayed on the Configurator’s Virtual or Touch Keypad. This message disappears from the display after you press OK. The modem is then considered as not enrolled and no GSM trouble messages are displayed.
1) A message is displayed only when the alarm system is disarmed.
2) The GSM Alarm Transmission System is designed to comply with EN 50131-1 DP4.
3.6 SIM card insertion
The following procedure outlines how to insert SIM
card into the GSM module, see Figure 3.1 (P):
1. Slide the top cover.
2. Open the cover.
3. Align the SIM card in the cover (note cover
4. Slide the SIM card into the cover.
5. Rotate the cover to close.
6. Lock the cover to close.
CAUTION! Do not insert or remove the SIM card when
the control panel is powered by AC power or battery.
To configure the GSM modem, see section 4.6.2.
3.7 PowerMaster-360R Prerequisites
Connection to the PowerManage server requires the following ports to be open on the router to access the internet:
TCP ports : 8080, 5001 UDP port: 5001 FTP port: 21
Note: In a typical setup these ports on the router are open.
The Configurator supports Windows 7 PC Operating System.
3.8 Enrolling and deleting a Z-Wave device
Enrolling a Z-Wave device
To enroll a device, complete the following steps:
1. Press and hold the (+) button (U in Figure 3.1) for 2 seconds. The red LED (T in Figure 3.1) blinks slowly.
2. Press the Enroll button on the device.
3. If Enroll is successful, the green LED blinks quickly, a success beep is heard, and the LED turns off.
To cancel the enrollment, press and hold the (+) or (-) buttons for 2 seconds. The LED stops blinking.If enroll is not successful, the red LED lights constantly for 3 seconds and a failure beep is emitted.Long press on the (+) button, returns the panel to normal operation.
D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 13
Deleting a Z-Wave device
To delete an enrolled device, press and hold the (-) button (U in Figure 3.1) for 2 seconds. The red LED (T in Figure 3.1) blinks quickly, a success beep is emitted, and the LED turns off.
To cancel the deletion, press and hold the (+) or (-) buttons for 2 seconds. The LED stops blinking.If the deletion is not successful, the red LED lights for 3 seconds and a failure beep is emitted.To return the panel to normal operation, long press on the (-) button.
3.9 Panel reset
To reset the panel, use a blunt instrument to press the reset button (K in Figure 3.1), or, alternatively, exit the Installer Mode. The Orange LED (T in Figure 3.1) lights constantly until panel initialization is complete. When the PowerLink is reset, the Orange LED (T) turns off.
3.10 Factory default restore
To restore system parameters to the factory default parameters, complete the following steps: Note: The panel must be disarmed before performing the reset.
1. Press the Back to Factory button (J in Figure 3.1) for 30 seconds.
Note: During Back to Factory, the red LED (T in Figure 3.1) blinks.
2. If Back to Factory is successful the green LED blinks 3 time, a success beep sounds, and the panel immediately initiates software reset.
Note: If the Back to Factory procedure fails, the red LED lights constantly for 3 seconds and a failure beep sounds.
4. Programming
14 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
4. Programming
4.1 General guidance
This chapter explains the installer programming configuration options of your PowerMaster-360R system and how to customize its operation to your particular needs and end user requirements. Software configuration of the alarm system is performed using the Virtual or Touch Keypad, which contain the control
keys, numerical keypad and display. The panel includes an intrusion sounder with a Piezo sounder. The control panel includes a partition feature. Partitioning allows you to have up to three independently controllable
areas with different user codes assigned to each partition. You can arm or disarm a partition regardless of the status of the other partitions within the system.
You can use the Soak Test feature to test selected zones for a pre-defined period of time. If you activate a zone in Soak Test mode, it does not initiate an alarm, siren or strobe. The zone activation is recorded in the event log and is not reported to the Monitoring Station. The zone remains in Soak Test mode until the pre-defined period of time for the Soak Test elapses without any alarm activation. The zone then automatically removes itself from Soak Test mode and returns to normal operating mode.
Software Upgrade allows you to upgrade the software of the control panel from the remote PowerManage server. During a software upgrade, UPGRADING… appears on the PowerMaster-360R keypad.
Note: A software upgrade is delayed if the control panel is armed to AWAY or if an AC failure occurs. To continue with the upgrade either disarm the panel, restore the AC power or both.
Tech Tip :
For your convenience, program the PowerMaster-360R on a work bench before the installation. You can obtain operating power from the backup battery or from the AC/DC adapter.
The devices search for the control panel to which they are enrolled for a period of 24 hours only after you insert the battery.
Note: If you switch on the control panel a long time after inserting batteries into the accessories devices you must open and then close the cover of the PowerMaster-360R to activate the tamper switch. Alternatively, remove and reinsert the battery into the device.
4.1.1 PowerMaster-360R panel indicators and controls
LED indicators
Power (Green) indicates that your system is connected to the power outlet.
Arming Status (Flashing Red / Static Red) indicates HOME / AWAY.
4. Programming
D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 15
Trouble condition (TRBL) (Orange) lights when the system detects an abnormal condition caused by a fault, see Chapter 3 for details.
Service Server (Blue) lights when the system is connected to the security server.
Smart Home Service (Blue) lights when the system is connected to the smart home server.
WiFi (Green) indicates if the WiFi module is enabled or disabled. The light blinks fast when
activating or deactivating a WiFi access point and blinks slowly when the WiFi access point is active.
Control keys
When you program the panel you can use the keypad's buttons for navigation and configuration. The following table provides each key definition and its use:
Navigation and use
Move forward to the next menu option.
Move backward to the previous menu option.
Select a menu option or confirm a setting or action.
Fire alarm
Configure a fire alarm.
Volume Up
Increase volume.
Arm away
Arm building when empty.
Volume down
Decrease volume.
Arm home
Arm building when occupied.
Turn on or off chime.
Disarm system.
Event log
Review the event log.
Cancel entry delay
Cancel entry delay when system is armed to home or away.
Select a partition.
Emergency alarm
Configure an emergency alarm.
0 – 9
Enter numerical data, where applicable.
To review the options within the control panel menus and select an option, repeatedly press the Next
or Back
until the desired option displays (also designated as  in this guide), then press the OK to select
the desired option (also designated as in this guide). To return to the previous options, repeatedly press the Home
. To exit the programming menu, press Away .
4. Programming
16 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
4.1.2 Feedback sounds
The panel or PC provides the following audible indicators when configuring the panel:
Single beep indicates that a key is pressed.
Double beep indicates a return to the normal operating mode after a timeout.
Three beeps indicate an abnormal condition in the system due to a fault.
Success Tune (- - - –––), indicates the successful completion of an operation.
Failure Tune (–––––), indicates an incorrect option or the value that is not accepted.
4.2 Entering installer mode and selecting a menu option
All installer mode options are accessed from the installer mode menu option.
To enter and select an option from the Installer Mode menu, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Select Installer Mode Option
Enter Installer Code
[2] Select Installer Mode menu option
See  See
READY 00:00
Go to
of the
If the Installer Mode is not shown, refer to section 4.2.1
- Entering the Installer Mode menu
You can access the Installer Mode only when the system is disarmed. The process described refers to the case where a User permit is not required. If a User permit is required, select the User Settings option and ask the Master User to enter his code and then scroll to the User Settings menu and select the Installer Mode option (last option in the menu). Continue to Step 2.
If you have not already changed your Installer code number, use the default settings: 8888 for installer & 9999 for master installer. If you enter an invalid installer code 3 - 5 times, the keypad is automatically disabled for a pre-defined period of time and the message WRONG PASSWORD is displayed.
You have now entered the Installer Mode menu. Scroll and select the menu you require and see the relevant section in the guide, the section is indicated on the right side of each option.
4.2.1 Entering the installer mode when User Permit is enabled
In certain countries the regulations may require that the user grants permission to make changes to the panel configuration. To comply with these regulations, the Installer Mode option can be accesses only from the User Settings menu. The Master user must first enter the User Settings menu and scroll until the Installer Mode option is
shown and then the installer can continue as shown in the above table (see also [1] in Step 1 above). To configure the panel to comply with user permission requirements - see option #91 User Permit in section 4.5.8.
4. Programming
D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 17
4.2.2 Selecting options
– Selecting an option from a menu
Example: To Select an Option from the COMMUNICATION menu:
Enter the Installer Mode menu and select the 04.COMMUNICATION option (see section 4.2).
Select the sub-menu option you need, for example: 3: C.S. REPORTING.
Select the parameter you wish to configure for example: 11:RCVR 1 ACCOUNT
To continue, go to the section of the selected sub-menu option, for example section 4.6.3 for the
3:C.S.REPORTING menu. Then look for the sub-menu you wish to configure for example, 11:RCVR 1 ACCOUNT. After configuring the selected parameter the display returns to step 3.
To Change the Configuration of the Selected Option: When entering the selected option, the display shows the default (or the previously selected) setting marked with
To change the configuration, scroll the Options menu and select the setting you wish and press to confirm. When done, the display reverts to Step 3.
4.2.3 Exiting the installer mode
To exit the Installer Mode, proceed as follows:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Any screen
READY 12:00
– Exiting the Installer Mode
To exit INSTALLER MODE, move up the menu by pressing the button repeatedly until the display reads <OK> TO EXIT or press the button once which brings you immediately to the exit screen <OK> TO EXIT.
When the display reads <OK> TO EXIT, press .
The system exits the INSTALLER MODE menu and returns to the normal disarm state while showing the READY display.
4.3 Setting installer codes
The PowerMaster-360R system provides two installer permission levels with separate installer codes, as follows: Master Installer: The Master Installer is authorized to access all Installer Mode menu and sub-menu options. The
default code is: 9999 (*).
Installer: The Installer is authorized to access most but not all Installer Mode menu and sub-menu options. The
default code is 8888 (*). Guard Code: Enables an authorized guard to only Arm Away / Disarm the control panel. The default code is 0000 (*). The following actions require you to enter the Master Installer code:
Changing the Master Installer code. Defining specific communication parameters – see 3:C.S REPORTING in section 4.6.2 and 4.6.3. Resetting the PowerMaster-360R parameters to the default parameters – see 09:FACTORY DEFLT in section
Note: Not every system includes a Master Installer code feature. In such systems, the Installer can access all Installer Mode menu and sub-menu options identical to the Master Installer.
(*) You are expected to use the default codes only once for gaining initial access, and replace it with a secret
code known only to yourself.
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18 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
To change your Master Installer or Installer Codes proceed as follows:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Select 01:INSTALL CODES Option
Select Master Installer, Installer code or Guard code
[2] Enter NEW Master Installer,
Installer code or Guard code
– Setting Installer Codes
Enter the Installer Mode menu and select the 01:INSTALL CODES option (see section 4.2).
Select the NEW MASTER CODE, NEW INST. CODE or NEW GUARD CODE. Some panels may have only the Installer Code and New Guard Code option.
Enter the new 4-digit Code at the position of the blinking cursor and then press .
1. Code 0000 is not valid for Master Installer or installer.
2. Inserting 0000 for the Installer will delete the Installer Code.
3. Warning! Always use different codes for the Master Installer, for the Installer and for the Users.
If the Master Installer Code is identical to the Installer code, the panel will not be able to recognize the Master Installer. In such a case, you must change the Installer code to a different code. This will re­validate the Master Installer code.
4.3.1 Identical installer and master installer codes
In a 2-installer code system, the non-master installer may inadvertently change the Installer Code to that of the Master Installer Code. In this case, the panel will allow the change in order to prevent the non-master installer from realizing the discovery of the Master Installer's Code. The next time the Master Installer enters the Installer Mode, the Master Installer will be considered an Installer and not a Master Installer. In this case, the Master Installer should use one of the following solutions:
1. Access the panel using the Remote Programmer PC software application and change the Master Installer Code to a different code than the one programmed by the Installer.
2. Change the Installer Code to a temporary code exit the Installer Mode as follows:
a. Enter the Installer Mode again using the Master Installer code (the Master Installer Code will now
be accepted). b. Change the Master Installer code to a different code. c. Change the NON-Master Installer Code back again (that is, undo the change to the temporary
code) so that the NON-Master Installer can still enter the system.
4.4 Zones and devices
4.4.1 General guidance & ZONES/DEVICES menu options
From the ZONES/DEVICES menu you can add, configure, and delete devices. To select an option follow the instructions below. See section 4.2 for more information.
indicates scroll
and select
To enroll and configure the device's operation according to your preference and in the case of sensors to also define their zone name (location), zone type and chime operation.
To delete devices from the system and to reset their configuration.
To review and/or change the device's configuration.
To replace faulty devices with automatic configuration of the new device.
To enable the Soak Test for device zones.
To customize the defaults of the device's parameters according to your personal preferences for each new device enrolled in the system.
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4.4.2 Adding new wireless devices
Part A – Enrollment
To enroll and configure a device, follow the instructions in the following chart:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Select ADD NEW DEVICE Option
Enroll the device or Enter the device ID
Select a Zone number
Configure zone & device Parameters
Z01:Motion Sens
ID No. 120-1254
Continue to the 2nd diagram in Part B below
Press the enrollment button or enter the device ID. Refer to the detailed instructions below
Z10:Motion Sens
ID No. 120-1254
- Adding New Devices
Enter INSTALLER MODE, select 02:ZONES DEVICES (see section 4.2) . Select ADD NEW DEVICE.
Because of encryption, PowerG devices (including Keyfobs) cannot be used on more than one system at one time. Remember to verify panel and device compatibility.
See enrollment by button or device ID below. If enrollment is successful, the display reads DEVICE ENROLLED (or ID ACCEPTED) and then shows the device details - see [3]. However, if the enrollment fails, the display will advise you the reason for failure, for example: ALREADY ENROLLED or NO FREE LOCATION. If the enrolled device is adapted to operate as another device that the panel recognizes, the display then reads
The display shows the device details and the first available free Zone number for example: Z01:Motion Sensor > ID No. 120-1254 (or K01:Keyfob / S01:Siren etc. depending on the type of the enrolled device).
Detectors can be enrolled in any zone number. To change the zone number, click the button or type in the zone number, and then press to confirm.
Continue to Part B to configure the device – see diagram below
Checking panel to device compatibility
Each PowerG device bears a 7-character Customer ID printed on the device sticker in the format: FFF-M:DDD, (for example, 868-0:012) where FFF is the frequency band and M:DDD is the variant code.
For PowerG system devices compatibility, make sure the frequency band (FFF) and the variant code (M) of the devices match. The DDD can be ignored if the panel displays ANY for DDD.
Enrollment using device ID
The 7-digit Device ID can be used to register a device into the panel locally or from a remote location using the Remote Programmer PC software. The enrollment by device ID is a 2 stage procedure.
In the 1st stage you register the devices' ID numbers into the panel and complete the device configuration. This can be done from a remote location using the Remote Programmer PC software. Following the 1st stage, thePowerMaster­360R panel waits for the device to appear on the network in order to complete the enrollment.
In the 2nd stage, the enrollment is completed when the panel is in full working mode by inserting the battery into the device, or by pressing the tamper or enrollment button on the device. This procedure is very useful for adding devices to existing systems without the need to provide technicians with the Installer Code, or to allow access to the programming menus.
1. The system will display NOT NETWORKD until the 2nd stage of all registered devices is completed.
2. The Soak Test on pre-enrolled zones can be activated only when the zone is fully enrolled.
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20 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
Enrollment using the Enrollment button
The panel is set to the Enrollment mode (step #2 above) and the device is enrolled using the Enroll button (refer to the device information in the device Installation Instructions, then open the device and identify the Enroll button). For keyfobs and keypads, use the AUX '' button. For gas detectors, insert the battery.
Press the enroll button for 2-5 seconds until the LED lights steadily and then release the button. The LED will extinguish or may blink for a few more seconds until the enrollment is completed. If enrollment is successfully completed, the PowerMaster-360R sounds the Success Tune and the Virtual or Touch Keypad momentarily shows
DEVICE ENROLLED and then displays the device details.
Enrolling a Wired Input
To enroll a wired input to the detector, complete the following process:
- Adding a Wired Input
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Enter INSTALLER MODE, and select 02:ZONES DEVICES (see section 4.2) . Select ADD WIRED SENSOR. Select the required sensor group, for example Contact Sensors, Shock Sensors. Select the required device.
Select the required PIN number from the HW INPUT PIN #. The input is enrolled as a zone, for example:Z02: Wired Sensor with ID number 053-XXXX.
Scroll to select the required zone number, location, zone type, chime configuration, and device setting. The device settings for a wired input include the following Wiring Type options:
- EOL– end of line
- Normally open
- Normally closed
- Double EOL (not available for all devices – see device installation instructions)
Once a wired input is enrolled to a device, the menus Input #1 (for MC-302 E) and Aux Input (for SD-304) are not available for further configuration in the device’s Device Settings.
Deleting the device will automatically delete its wired input.
Enrolling a PGM Output
To enroll a PGM output to the detector, complete the following process:
- Adding a PGM Input
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Enter INSTALLER MODE, and select 02:ZONES DEVICES (see section 4.2) . Select ADD PGM OUTPUT. Select the required sensor group (Contact Sensors). Select the required device.
Select the required PIN number from the PGM OUTPUT PIN #.
Scroll to select the required location name.
Part B – Configuration
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Enter Location Menu
Select Location
(see list below)
Enter Zone Type
Select Zone Type
(see list below)
Dining room 
Custom 5
1:Exit/Entry1 
5. Interior
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
 Enter Chime Menu
Select Chime option
Enter Partitions Menu
Select Partition options
chime OFF 
Z10:P1 P2 P3
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D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 21
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Enter Device Settings Menu
Configure Device Parameters
Continue or End
Refer to device datasheet in the device Installation Instructions for specific configuration instructions.
To continue – See [11]
- Configuring New Devices
Location (name) setting:
To review or change the Location (name) setting, press the button, otherwise scroll to the next option.
To change the Location name, enter the menu and select the name from the Location List below. You can assign additional custom names using the 06.CUSTOM NAMES option in the Installer Mode menu. See section 4.8.
Note: As a shortcut, press the 2 digit serial No. of the Custom Location, which takes you directly to its menu.
Zone Type setting:
To review or change the Zone Type setting, press the button, otherwise scroll to the next option.
The zone type determines how the system handles signals sent from the device. Press and select a suitable zone type. The list of available Zone Types and the explanation for each zone type is provided below.
Note: As a shortcut, press the 2 digit serial No. of the Zone Type shown in the Location List below, which takes you directly to its menu.
Chime setting:
All zones are set to chime OFF by default. To configure the device to cause the panel to sound (when disarmed) a Chime melody when tripped, press the button, otherwise scroll to the next option.
Select between Chime OFF, melody-chime and zone name-chime. In melody chime the control panel sounds a chime melody when the sensor is tripped. In zone name-chime the control panel sounds the zone name when the sensor is tripped. The chime operates during the Disarm mode only.
Partitions setting:
Note: The PARTITIONS menu appears only if Partitions is enabled in the control panel (see section 4.13).
When entering the menu, the display shows the default Partition selection (marked with ).
Use the keypad keys , , to assign partitions to the device.
Device Configuration:
To review or change the Device Configuration (settings), press the button, otherwise scroll to the next option – see [11].
To configure the device parameters, refer to its corresponding device datasheet in the device Installation Instructions. The defaults of the device parameters can be also configured as explained in section 4.4.7.
After completing the configuration of the device, the wizard brings you to the Next Step menu with the following 3 options:
NEXT Device to enroll the next device. MODIFY Same Dev. reverts to Step 1 (LOCATION) to allow you to perform additional changes to the device,
if needed.
EXIT Enrollment exits the enrollment procedure and returns to Step 1 bringing you back to the ADD NEW DEVICES menu.
Location List
Location Name
Location Name No.
Location Name No.
Location Name
Dining Room
Utility Room*
Back door
Wired PSU*
Wired Siren*
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22 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
Location Name
Location Name No.
Location Name No.
Location Name
Bedroom 13
Front Door 21
Child room
Garage Door
Guest Room
All location names can be customized by 06:CUSTOM NAMES menu (see section 4.8)
Zone type list
Zone type
Exit/Entry 1
This Zone starts the exit time when the user arms the system or the entry time when the system is armed. To configure the Exit/Entry 1 time, see sections 4.5.1 & 4.5.2 - Installer Mode menu 03.CONTROL PANEL options 01 and 03. ()
Exit/Entry 2
Same as Exit / Entry 1 but with a different delay time. Used sometimes for entrances closer to the panel. For configuring the Exit and Entry 2 delays, see sections 4.5.1 & 4.5.2 – Installer Mode menu 03.CONTROL PANEL options 02 and 03. ()
Home Delay
Used for Door/Window Contacts and Motion sensors protecting entrance doors to interior living areas where you wish to move freely when the system is armed HOME. Functions as a Delayed zone when the system is armed HOME and as a Perimeter Follower zone when the system is armed AWAY.
Similar to Interior zone but temporarily ignored by the alarm system during entry/exit delay periods. Usually used for sensors protecting the route between the entrance door and the panel.
This zone type generates an alarm only when the system is armed AWAY but not when the system is armed HOME. Used for sensors, installed in interior areas of the premises, that must be protected when people are not present inside the premises.
This zone type behaves as an Interior zone when the system is armed HOME and as a Delayed zone when the system is armed AWAY.
This zone type generates an alarm when the system is armed both in AWAY and HOME modes. Used for all sensors protecting the perimeter of the premises.
Similar to Perimeter zone, but is temporarily ignored by the alarm system during entry/exit delay periods. Usually used for sensors protecting the route between the entrance door and the control panel.
24h silent
This zone type is active 24 hours, even when system is DISARMED. It is used to report alarm events from sensors or manually activated buttons to the Monitoring Station or private telephones (as programmed) without activating the sirens.
24h audible
Similar to 24hr silent zone, but also provides an audible siren alarm.
Note: This zone type is used only for burglary applications.
This zone type is active 24 hours, even when the system is DISARMED. It is used to report an emergency event and to initiate an Emergency call to the Monitoring Stations or private telephones (as programmed).
Arming Key
An Arming key zone is used to control the arming and disarming of the system.
Note: Operates with the magnetic contact device, magnetic contact device with auxiliary input and vanishing magnetic contact device.
This zone does not create an alarm and is often used for non-alarm applications. For example, a detector used only for sounding a chime.
A Fire zone is used for connecting the MC-302E (magnetic contact with hard-wired input) to a wired smoke detector.
Guard keybox
A Guard keybox zone is usually connected to a metal safe containing the physical keys needed to enter the building. Following an alarm, the safe becomes available to a trusted Guard who can open the Guard keybox, obtain the keys and enter the secured premises. The Guard keybox zone acts just like a 24H audible zone. The Guard keybox zone also provides automatic audible internal and external siren alarm that is immediately reported to the Monitoring Station (and does not depend on the Abort Time).
1. Opening/closing the Guard keybox causes the PowerMaster-360R to signal the
Monitoring Station.
2. Operates with the magnetic contact device with auxiliary input.
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D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide 23
Zone type
A zone for outdoor areas where an activated alarm does not indicate intrusion into the house. This zone type generates an alarm when the system is armed both in AWAY and HOME modes. Events are sent to private phones and not to the Monitoring Station.
This zone type behaves as an “Interior” zone when the system is armed ‘Home’ and as a “Delayed” zone when the system is armed ‘Away’.
This is a 24 hour zone operating all of the time even when the system is disarmed. The tamper zone reports tamper alarm events from an external wired device. The behavior is the same as opening the tamper switch of a detector.
Line Fail
This is a 24 hour zone that operates all of the time even when the system is disarmed. The line fail zone reports phone line failures from an external wired receiver that is connected to a phone line.
PSU Fail
This is a 24 hour zone that operates all of the time even when the system is disarmed. The PSU fail zone reports power supply failures from an external wired device.
This is a 24 hour zone that operates all of the time even when the system is disarmed. The panic zone reports panic events from any panic device to the monitoring station or private telephone numbers. A panic event generates an audible siren alarm.
Freezer Trbl
This zone type is active 24 hours, even when the system is disarmed. It is used to report freezer trouble. The freezer trouble zone reports a trouble from an external (3rd party) temperature device if it detects a change in temperature. Freezer trouble beeps can also be produced by the siren if enabled. This zone type is often used with refrigerators with an external output temperature detector. If the temperature inside the refrigerator is above a defined value the refrigerator can trigger the output connected to the freezer trouble zone type, and the PowerMaster panel will trigger a freezer trouble alert.
These Zone types are useful mainly when arming and disarming the system from inside the protected premises. If you arm and disarm the system from outside without tripping any sensor, such as using a keyfob, it is better to use the other Zone Types.
4.4.3 Deleting a device
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Select the respective device Group
Select exact device you wish to delete
To delete the device:
press the key
Z01:Motion Sens
ID No. 120-1254
<OFF> to delete
to step 2
– Deleting a Device
Enter the Installer Mode Menu, select the 02.ZONES/DEVICES option (see section 4.2) and then select the DELETE DEVICES option.
Select the respective group of the device you wish to delete. For example, MOTION SENSORS.
Scroll the Device Group, identify (by zone and/or ID number) the exact device you wish to replace, for example: Z01: Motion Sensor > ID No. 120-1254 and press the button.
[4] The display prompts you <OFF> to delete. To delete the device, press the (OFF) button.
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24 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
4.4.4 Modifying or reviewing a device
To Modify or Review the device parameters proceed as follows:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Select the respective device Group
Select exact device you wish to modify
Select the Parameter you wish to modify
[4] Modify the
Z10:Motion Camra
ID No. 140-1737
See [4] When done to step 2
– Modifying or Reviewing a Device
Enter the Installer Mode menu, select the 02:ZONES/DEVICES option (see section 4.2) and then select the MODIFY DEVICES option.
Select the respective group of the device you wish to review or modify. For example, MOTION SENSORS.
Scroll the Device Group, identify (by zone and/or ID number) of the exact device you wish to modify or review, for example: Z10:Motion Camra > ID No. 140-1737.
From here on the process is same as the configuration process that follows the enrollment of that device. To continue, refer to Section 4.4.2 Adding a New Wireless Device Part B. When done, the display will show the next device of the same type (i.e. Motion camera).
4.4.5 Replacing a device
Use this option to replace a faulty device that is enrolled in the system with another device of the same type number (i.e. same first 3 digit of the ID number – see section 4.4.2.A) while keeping the same configuration of the original device. There is no need to delete the faulty device or to reconfigure the new device. Once enrolled, the new device will be configured automatically to the same configuration of the faulty (replaced) device.
To Replace, a device proceed as follows:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Select the respective device Group
Select exact device you wish to replace
Enroll the new device
 
ID No. 300-0307
See [4].
– Replacing a Device
Enter the Installer Mode menu, select the 02:ZONES/DEVICES option (see section 4.2) and then select the REPLACE DEVICES option.
Select the respective group of the device you wish to replace. For example, KEYFOBS.
Scroll the Device Group, identify (by zone and/or ID number) the exact device you wish to replace, for example: K03: Keyfob > ID No. 300-0307.
If you try enrolling a new device of a different type than the replaced device, the PowerMaster-360R will reject the new device and the Virtual or Touch Keypad display will read WRONG DEV.TYPE. When done, the Virtual or Touch Keypad display shows the device details of the new device.
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4.4.6 Configuring soak test mode
This option enables you to enter device zones into Soak Test mode. To Enable the Soak Test proceed as follows:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Select ADD TO SOAK TEST Option
Select the respective device Group
Select device zone number
Select to enable or disable the Soak Test
[4] [5]
Z09:Motion Sens
ID No. 120-2468
Disable test  Enable test
See [5] to
Step 3
– Enabling Soak Test mode
Enter the Installer Mode menu, select the 02.ZONES/DEVICES option (see section 4.2) and then select the ADD TO SOAK TEST option.
Select the respective Group of the device you wish to add the Soak Test. For example, MOTION SENSORS.
Scroll to select the specific device zone number.
Select between Disable test (default) or Enable test.
If set to Enable Test you must set the duration of the Soak Test before the Soak Test will start (see section
4.5.8). You can stop the test for the relevant zone by changing the setting to Disable test at any time during the testing period. All Soak test zones will be reset to start a new test upon occurrence of one of the following:
1) Power up of the system; 2) Setup of Factory Default; 3) Change in system Soak Time.
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26 D-307083 PowerMaster-360R Installer's Guide
4.4.7 Defining configuration defaults for device settings
PowerMaster-360R enables you to define the default parameters used during enrollment and to change them whenever you wish so that new devices enrolled into the system will be configured automatically with these default parameters without the need to modify the configuration of each new enrolled device. You can use a certain set of defaults for certain group of devices and then change the defaults for another group.
IMPORTANT: Devices that were already enrolled in the PowerMaster-360R system before the defaults have been changed will not be affected by the new default settings. To Define the Default parameters of a device Group proceed as follows:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Select the respective device Group
Select the Default Parameter
Select the new Default Setting
[4] [5]
Alarm LED Event Counter Disarm Activity
Low  High
See [5] to
Step 3
– Changing Defaults
Enter the Installer Mode menu, select the 02.ZONES/DEVICES option (see section 4.2) and then select the DEFINE DEFAULTS option.
Select the respective Group of the device you wish to define its defaults. For example, MOTION SENSORS.
Scroll the parameter list of the Device Group and select the Default Parameter you wish to change, for example: Event Counter. The list combines the parameters of all devices in the group, for example, the parameters of all types of Motion sensors.
In the example, the existing default setting of the Event Counter for enrolled motion sensors was Low Sensitivity (marked with ) . To change it to High, scroll the menu until the display shows High and press the button. The new default for the Event Counter parameter setting of Motion Sensors enrolled from now on will be High.
The new default does not affect motions sensors that were already enrolled before the change was made but only new motion sensors that will be enrolled in the PowerMaster-360R after the change is performed.
4.4.8 Updating devices after exiting installer mode
When exiting the Installer mode, the PowerMaster-360R panel communicates with all devices in the system and updates them with the changes that have been performed in their Device Settings configuration. During the updating period, the display indicates DEV UPDATING 018 where the number (for example, 018) is a countdown of the remaining number of devices yet to be updated.
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