Display Value Function
D001 1-512 DMX Address for unit
ID01 1-70 ID for easy DMX setting - see instructions
R255 0-255 Red Stand Alone Brightness
G255 0-255 Green Stand Alone Brightness
B255 0-255 Blue Stand Alone Brightness
FF99 00-99 Strobe from slow to fast
R2001 0-255 Manual Level of Warm White
1JP0 0-9 Program 1: 1 led jumps to next 1, after all 14 colour changes
2JP0 0-9 Program 2: 2 leds jumps to next 2, after all 14 colour changes
3JP0 0-9 Program 3: 3 leds jump to next 3, after all 14 colour changes
4JP0 0-9 Program 4: Build Led by Led & when complete change colour and rebuild
5JP0 0-9 Program 5: Bounce Led at each end to centre and back then change colour
6JP0 0-9 Program 6: Bounce as Program 5 and also build
7JP0 0-9 Program 7: Build 1 Led at a time thru colours till white and then build to 14 all white
8JP0 0-9 Program 8: All 14 Leds on with single Led chasing
9JP0 0-9 Program 9: As Program 8 but 1 led chasing, then 2 then 3 led chasing
1dE0 0-9 Red Led Pulsing Effect
2dE0 0-9 Green Led Pulsing Effect
3dE0 0-9 Blue Led Pulsing Effect
4dE0 0-9 Pink Led Pulsing Effect
5dE0 0-9 Yellow Led Pulsing Effect
6dE0 0-9 Chasing each colour pulsing effect
Sud0 0-9 Sound Activated from slow to fast
CH02 2/3/5/8/42/44 DMX Channel Mode setting
0 Temperature of unit display in Centigrade
LED Display Functions
LED Display Stand Alone Functions
The above menu options are for allowing stand alone use without a controller. For DMX use, please see
DMX Mode profiles below.