NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before you start installation and assembly.
• Do not begin the installation until you have read and understood the instructions
and warnings contained in this installation sheet. If you have any question
regarding any of the instructions or warnings, please contact your local distributor.
• This mounting bracket was designed to be installed and utilised ONLY as
specified in this manual. Improper installation of this product may cause damage
or serious injury.
Component Checklist
IMPORTANT: Ens ure t ha t you h ave r ec eiv ed al l pa rts a cco rd ing t o the c om pon ent c he ckl ist p ri or to i nst al lat ion .
If an y pa rts a re mi ss ing o r fau lt y, tel eph one y ou r loc al di st rib uto r fo r a rep lac em ent .
• This product should only be installed by someone with good mechanical ability
who has basic building experience and fully understands this manual.
• Make sure that the supporting surface will safely support the combined weight of
the equipment and all attached hardware and components.
• If mounting to wood wall studs, make sure that mounting screws are anchored
into the center of the studs. The use of a stud finder is highly recommended.
• Always use an assistant or mechanical lifting equipment to safely lift and position
the equipment.
• Tighten screws firmly, but do not over tighten. Over tightening can cause damage
to the items, This greatly reduces their holding power.
• This product is intended for indoor use only. Using this product outdoors could
lead to product failure and personal injury.
Package M
M4x14 ( x4 )
Package W
wall mount (x1)
ST5.5 x5 0 (x2)
M5x14 ( x4 )
D5 wash er ( x4)
concr et e ancho r (x2)
Allen key (x1)