Type: DLP L ED
Resolut ion Typ e: 4K (3 840x 2160)
Resolut ion: 3840 x 21 60
Brightn ess (Lu mens ): 2,900 ANS I
Displ ay Size ( in.): 40 - 300 in. / 1 .0 - 7.6 m
Throw Distan ce: 3.28- 10.4 3 ft
Throw R atio: 1.2-1 .44
Keyston e: Ver tica l (+/- 40 °)
Len s: 1.2x optical z oom
Light Sou rce (wa tt): RGBB LE D
Light Sou rce Life, No rmal (hours ): 30000
Color Dep th: 1.07 Bill ion Col ors
Dynamic C ontrast R atio : 3,000 ,000 :1
Aspec t Ra tio: 16:9
Len s Shift: V (+6 0%, -60%) H (+2 6%, -26 %)
Video Signal:
Frequenc y Ho rizontal: 30K~9 7KHz
Frequenc y Vert ical: 24~85 Hz
PC Reso lution (max ): 38 40 x 2160
PC Reso lution (min ): 640 x 480
Mac® Reso lution (m ax): 3840 x 21 60
Mac® Reso lution (m in): 640 x 480
USB 2 .0 Ty pe A (1), US B 3.0 Type A(1 ), Card R eade r(Micro S D), Etherne t LA N (RJ45 )(2), 3.5mm 12V
Trigger(2) , SPDIF Aud io Out( 1), 3.5mm A udio Out( 1), 3.5mm A udio In(1), Contro l (R S232)(1 ), H DMI 2.0
In(4), VG A In (1), M icro USB( 1), 3D VESA(1), IR in(1)
Internal Speakers: 20W ( x2)
Vol tage: AC 10 0-240V (u niversal), 50-60Hz
Stand -by: <0.5W
Operating Conditions:
Temp erature: 32-10 4º F (0 - 4 0º C )
Additional Hardware:
Kensing ton Loc k Slot: 1
Weight (imperial):
Net ( lbs) : 16.9
Gro ss ( lbs): 24 .3
Weight (metric):
Net ( kg): 7.7
Gro ss ( kg ): 11.0
Dimensions (imperial) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (in. ): 22.2 x 20 .3 x 12 .6
Phy sical (in.) : 16.4 x 18.2 x 6.3
Dimensions (metric) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (mm) : 563.0 x 516.0 x 3 21.0
Phy sical (mm): 416.0 x 4 63.0 x 161. 0
Regulat ions: FCC , cTUVu s, ROHS
PACKAGE CONTEN TS: X100- 4K p rojec tor, power c able, rem ote con trol, Q uick Start Guid e
War rant y: T hree -year lim ited wa rran ty on par ts and labor, 1-ye ar limi ted warrant y on the ligh t so urce,
1st y ear free Express Exchange ® se rv ice. (One year Exp ress Exch ange Service re quire s product
reg istration ).
Recycle/D isposal: Pl ease disp ose of in acc ordan ce w ith loc al, state or fed eral laws .
UPC: 7669 0700232 4
HB10B , PGD-350, PJ-S CW-1 001W, PJ- WMK-0 06, PJ-W MK-007, VC1 0, VCB10
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