Model No. VS14782
This display is designed for both you and the planet!
The display you have just purchased carries the TCO Certified
label. This ensures that your display is designed, manufactured
and tested according to some of the strictest quality and
environmental requirements in the world. This makes for a high
performance product, designed with the user in focus that also
minimizes the impact on the climate and our natural
TCO Certified is a third party verified program, where every product model is tested by an
accredited impartial test laboratory. TCO Certified represents one of the toughest certifications
for displays worldwide.
Some of the Usability features of the TCO Certified for displays:
• Good visual ergonomics and image quality is tested to ensure top performance and reduce
sight and strain problems. Important parameters are luminance, contrast, resolution, black
level, gamma curve, color and luminance uniformity, color rendition and image stability.
• Product have been tested according to rigorous safety standards at an impartial laboratory.
• Electric and magnetic fields emissions as low as normal household background levels.
• Low acoustic noise emissions.
Some of the Environmental features of the TCO Certified for displays:
• The brand owner demonstrates corporate social responsibility and has a certified
environmental management system (EMAS or ISO 14001).
• Very low energy consumption both in on- and standby mode minimize climate impact.
• Restrictions on chlorinated and brominated flame retardants, plasticizers, plastics and heavy
metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead (RoHS compliance).
• Both product and product packaging is prepared for recycling.
• The brand owner offers take-back options.
The requirements can be downloaded from our web site. The requirements included in this
label have been developed by TCO Development in co-operation with scientists, experts, users
as well as manufacturers all over the world. Since the end of the 1980s TCO has been involved
in influencing the development of IT equipment in a more user-friendly direction.
Our labeling system started with displays in 1992 and is now requested by users and
ITmanufacturers all over the world. About 50% of all displays worldwide are TCO certified.
For displays with glossy bezels the user should consider the placement of the display as
the bezel may cause disturbing reflections from surrounding light and bright surfaces.
For more information, please visit
渆朞 洛懺 .........................................................................................................1
渗殚穢 橎洊 滆獮 .............................................................................................2
RoHS 洇穯昷 昦檾...........................................................................................3
洆沗劒 洛懺 .....................................................................................................4
洢禎 姷嵣 ........................................................................................................4
磲沫 喺殯恂 ....................................................................................................5
欎愯 浶獞 ........................................................................................................5
捦幾 昪獞 ........................................................................................................6
懃兾決殯 昪獞 ( 昦痣 斲穳 ) ............................................................................7
痆決愓 微姢 昪洛穞匶 .....................................................................................8
OSD 愕洊毖憊矂沦匎微姢 ..........................................................................8
筚彺 決惾滆 浶洛穞匶 .....................................................................................9
彚汾 彚坺 洢檺 ..............................................................................................11
斲檗 ..............................................................................................................16
怾洢 空冶 ......................................................................................................17
処儣 滆毖 ......................................................................................................18
LCD 娚枪稒崎決 熳暒 ...................................................................................19
洢穢 懺溣 ......................................................................................................20
⽎ 㧻䂮⓪ FCC ′㩫 㩲 15 ⯒ 㭖㑮䞿┞┺ . 㧧☯㠦⓪ ┺㦢 ⚦ Ṗ㰖 㫆Ị㧊 㩗㣿♿┞┺
. (1) ⽎ 㧻䂮⓪ 㥶䟊 Ṛ㎃㦚 㧒㦒䋺㰖 㞠㦒Ⳇ , (2) ⽎ 㧻䂮⓪ 㤦䂮 㞠⓪ 㧧☯㦚 㧒㦒䌂 㑮
㧞⓪ Ṛ㎃㦚 䙂䞾䞮㡂 㑮㔶♲ 㠊⟶䞲 Ṛ㎃☚ 㑮㣿䟊㟒 䞿┞┺ .
⽎ 㧻䂮⓪ FCC ′㩫 㩲 15 㠦 ➆⧒ 䎢㓺䔎 ♮㠞㦒Ⳇ B ❪㰖䎎 㧻䂮㠦 ╖䞲 㩲䞲㌂
䟃㦚 㭖㑮䞲┺⓪ 䕦㩫㦚 㞮㔋┞┺. 㧊⩂䞲 㩲䞲㌂䟃㦖 㭒Ệ 㰖㡃㠦 ㍺䂮 㔲 㥶䟊 Ṛ㎃
㠦 ╖䞲 㩗㩞䞲 ⽊䢎⯒ 㩲Ὃ䞮₆ 㥚䟊 Ⱎ⩾♲ ộ㧛┞┺ . ⽎ 㧻䂮⓪ ⶊ㍶ 㭒䕢㑮 㠦⍞㰖
⯒㌳㎇, ㌂㣿 㿲䞶 㑮 㧞㦒Ⳇ , 㰖䂾㠦 ➆⧒ ㍺䂮䞮ἶ ㌂㣿䞮㰖 㞠㦚 ἓ㤆 ⶊ㍶ 䐋
㔶㠦 㥶䟊䞲 Ṛ㎃㦚 㧒㦒䌂 㑮 㧞㔋┞┺ . ⁎⩂⋮ 䔏㩫 ㍺䂮 㔲 Ṛ㎃㧊 ㌳䞮㰖 㞠㦚 ộ
㧊⧒⓪ ⽊㧻㦖 㠜㔋┞┺ . ⽎ 㧻䂮Ṗ ⧒❪㡺⋮ 䎪⩞゚㩚 㑮㔶㠦 㥶䟊䞲 Ṛ㎃㦚 㥶䞮⓪
ἓ㤆 ( 㧻䂮⯒Ω┺Ṗ┺㔲䅲⽊Ⳋ㞢㑮㧞㦢) ┺㦢 㭧㠦㍲ 䞮⋮ 㧊㌗㦮 ⻫㦒⪲ Ṛ㎃
㦚 㩲Ệ䟊 ⽊㕃㔲㡺 .
•R㑮㔶 㞞䎢⋮㦮 䟻㦚 ∎Ệ⋮ ┺⯎ Ὁ㠦 ㍺䂮䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
• 㧻䂮㢖 㑮㔶₆ ㌂㧊㦮 Ṛỿ㦚 ⦚㤆㕃㔲㡺 .
• 㑮㔶₆Ṗ 㡆ἆ♮㠊 㧞⓪ 䣢⪲Ṗ 㞚┢ ┺⯎ 䣢⪲㦮 䆮㎒䔎㠦 㧻䂮⯒ 㡆ἆ䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
• 䕦ⰺ㩦㧊⋮ 㑯⩾♲ ⧒❪㡺 /TV ₆㑶㧦㠦Ợ ☚㤖㦚 㣪㼃䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
: 㭖㑮㦮 㺛㧚㧊 㧞⓪ ╏㌂㧦㠦 㦮䟊 ⳛ㔲㩗㦒⪲ 䠞Ṗ♮㰖 㞠㦖 ⼖ἓ㧊⋮ Ṳ㫆⓪
㌂㣿㧦Ṗ ₆₆⯒ ㌂㣿䞶 㑮 㧞⓪ ῢ䞲㦚 ⶊ䣾⪲ 䞶 㑮 㧞㦢㦚 㭒㦮䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
⽎ B ❪㰖䎎 㧻䂮⓪ 䃦⋮┺ ICES-003 㦚 㭖㑮䞿┞┺ .
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
㧊 㧻䂮⓪ EMC 㰖䂾 (EMC Directive) 2004/108/EC 㢖 㩖㩚㞫 㰖䂾 (Low
Voltage Directive) 2006/95/EC ⯒ 㭖㑮䞿┞┺ .
㤆䁷㠦 ⽊㧊⓪ ₆䢎⓪ 㩚₆.㩚㧦㧻゚ 䘦₆ⶒ 㻮Ⰲ㰖䂾
㠦 ➆⯛┞┺
㧊 ₆䢎⯒ Ṗ㰖⓪ 㩲䛞㦖 㰖㧦䂮┾㼊㦮 䘦₆ⶒ⪲ 䘦₆䟊㍲⓪ 㞞♮Ⳇ , 㰖
㡃 ⻫㠦 ➆⧒ ㍲ 㡂⩂㦮 ῃṖ ⡦⓪ 㰖㡃㠦㍲ 㧊㣿䞶 㑮 㧞⓪ 䣢㑮㑮㰧㔲㓺
䎲㦚 㧊㣿䟊㍲ 䘦₆䟊㟒䞿 ┞┺ .
㧊 ₆₆⓪ Ṗ㩫㣿 (B ) 㦒⪲ 㩚㧦䕢㩗䞿❇⪳㦚 䞲 ₆₆⪲㍲ 㭒⪲ Ṗ㩫㠦㍲ ㌂㣿䞮⓪
ộ㦚 ⳿㩗㦒⪲ 䞮Ⳇ , ⳾✶ 㰖㡃㠦㍲ ㌂㣿䞶 㑮 㧞㔋┞┺ .
(WEEE) 2002/96/EC
1. 㧊 㰖㔲㌂䟃㦚 㧓㦒㕃㔲㡺 .
2. 㧊 㰖㔲㌂䟃㦚 ⽊ὖ䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
3. ⳾✶ ἓἶ㠦 㥶㦮䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
4. ⳾✶ 㰖㔲㌂䟃㦚 ➆⯊㕃㔲㡺 .
5. ⶒ ⁒㻮㠦㍲ 㧊 㧻䂮⯒ ㌂㣿䞮㰖 Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺 . ἓἶ : 䢪㨂 ⡦⓪ 㩚₆㩗㧎 㑒䋂㦮 㥚䠮
㎇㦚 㭚㧊⩺Ⳋ
6. Ⱎ⯎ 㻲㦒⪲Ⱒ ┼㦒㕃㔲㡺 .
7. 䐋䛣ῂ⯒ Ⱏ㰖 Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺 . 㩲㫆㠛㼊㦮 㰖㔲╖⪲ ㍺䂮䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
8. ⋲₆ , 㡊㫆㩞㧻䂮, 㓺䏶ぢ ⡦⓪ 㡊㦚 ㌳䞮⓪ ₆䌖 ┺⯎ 㧻䂮 ( 㟆䝚 䙂䞾 ) ❇
㡊㤦 ⁒㻮㠦 ㍺䂮䞮㰖 Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺 .
9. 㥶⁏䡫 ⡦⓪ 㩧㰖䡫 䝢⩂⁎㦮 㞞㩚 ⳿㩗㠦 㠊⋮㰖 㞠☚⪳ 䞮㕃㔲㡺 . 㥶⁏䡫 䝢⩂
⁎㠦⓪ 䞲㴓㧊 ▪ ⍩㦖 ⚦ Ṳ㦮 ⋶㧊 㧞㔋┞┺ . 㩧㰖䡫 䝢⩂⁎㠦⓪ ⚦ Ṳ㦮 ⋶ 㣎㠦
㩧㰖㣿 Ṗ┻㧊 㧞㔋┞┺
䞲 ộ㧛┞┺. 㩲Ὃ♲ 䝢⩂⁎Ṗ ㌂㣿㧦㦮 䆮㎒䔎㠦 ⰴ㰖 㞠⓪ ἓ㤆 㩚₆ ₆㑶㧦㠦Ợ
䆮㎒䔎 ᾦ㼊㠦 ὖ䟊 ⶎ㦮䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
, 㧊 ₆ῂ⯒ ゚ ⡦⓪ 㔋₆㠦 ⏎㿲䞮㰖 Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺 .
. ⍩㦖 ⋶ ⡦⓪ ㎎ ⻞㱎 㩧㰖㣿 Ṗ┻㦖 ㌂㣿㧦㦮 㞞㩚㦚 㥚
10. 䝢⩂⁎ , ㏢䅩 㧻䂮㠦㍲ 㩚㍶㧊 ⋮㡺⓪ 㧊 䧞Ệ⋮ 㫆㧊㰖 㞠☚⪳ ⽊䢎䞮㕃
㔲㡺 . 㩚㤦 䆮㎒䔎Ṗ 㓓Ợ 㧊㣿䞶 㑮 㧞☚⪳ 㧻䂮 ⁒㠦 㧞⓪㰖 䢫㧎䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
11. 㩲㫆㠛㼊Ṗ 㰖㩫䞲 㹿ⶒ / ㏣䛞Ⱒ ㌂㣿䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
12. 㩲㫆㠛㼊Ṗ 㰖㩫䞮Ệ⋮ 㧻䂮㢖 䞾℮ 䕦ⰺ䞲 䃊䔎 , 㓺䌶✲ , ㌒ṗ╖ ,
ぢ⧮䌍 ⡦⓪ 䎢㧊なⰢ㦚 ㌂㣿䞮㕃㔲㡺 . 䃊䔎⯒ ㌂㣿䞶 ἓ㤆 䃊䔎Ṗ
⛺㰧㠊㪎 ㌗䟊⯒ 㧛㰖 㞠☚⪳ 䃊䔎 / 㧻䂮⯒ 䞾℮ 㧊☯䞶 ➢⓪ 㫆㕂䞮
13. 㧻₆Ṛ ㌂㣿䞮㰖 㞠㦚 ➢⓪ 㧻䂮㦮 䝢⩂⁎⯒ ㆧ㞚 ⚦㕃㔲㡺 .
14. ⳾✶ 㑮Ⰲ⓪ 㥶㧦ỿ 㑮Ⰲ₆㌂㠦Ợ ⰷ₆㕃㔲㡺 . 㩚㤦 䆪✲ ⡦⓪ 䝢⩂⁎Ṗ ㏦㌗♮㠞
Ệ⋮ , 㧻䂮 㞞㦒⪲ 㞷㼊⯒ 㘵Ệ⋮ ⶒ㼊⯒ ⟾㠊⥾⪎Ệ⋮ , 㧻䂮Ṗ ゚⋮ ⶒ㠦 㩬㠞Ệ
, 㩫㌗㩗㦒⪲ 㧧☯䞮㰖 㞠Ệ⋮ , ⟾㠊⥾Ⰶ ἓ㤆 㑮ⰂṖ 䞚㣪䞿┞┺ .
⽎ 㩲䛞㦖 㩚₆ 㩚㧦 ₆₆ ⌊ 䔏㩫 㥶䟊ⶒ㰞㦮 ㌂㣿㠦 ╖䞲 㩲䞲㠦 ὖ䞲 㥶⩓ 㦮䣢㢖
㧊㌂䣢㦮 2002/95/EC 㰖䂾 (RoHS 㰖䂾 ) 㠦 ➆⧒ ㍺Ἒ 㩲㫆♮㠞ἶ , 㞚⧮㢖 ṯ㧊 㥶⩓
₆㑶㩗䞿㥚㤦䣢 (TAC) Ṗ 䢫㩫䞲 㾲╖ ⏣☚ Ṩ㦚 㭖㑮䞿┞┺ .
喯 (Pb)
朞汆 (Hg)
獺姢悺 (Cd)
6 儆畲嵲 (Cr
磺庲挒嵲筚捊碞埖 (PBB)
磺庲挒嵲筚娚碞埖櫖癒幺 (PBDE)
0.1% < 0.1%
0.1% < 0.1%
0.01% < 0.01%
0.1% < 0.1%
0.1% < 0.1%
0.1% < 0.1%
㥚㠦㍲ Ⱖ䞲 㩲䛞㦮 㧒 ῂ㎇ 㣪㏢⓪ 㞚⧮㦮 ⌊㣿ὒ ṯ㧊 RoHS 㰖䂾㦮 ㏣ ⶎ㍲㠦 ➆
⧒ Ⳋ㩲♿┞┺ .
Ⳋ㩲♲ ῂ㎇ 㣪㏢㦮 㡞⓪ ┺㦢ὒ ṯ㔋┞┺ .
1. ⧾䝚╏ 5 mg 㦚 㽞ὒ䞮㰖 㞠⓪ ㏢䡫 䡫ὧ ⧾䝚㠦 䞾㥶♲ 㑮㦖 RoHS 㰖䂾 ㏣ ⶎ
㍲㠦 ⳛ㔲♮㰖 㞠㦖 ₆䌖 ⧾䝚㠦 䞾㥶♲ 㑮㦖
2. ⁏㍶ὖ 㥶Ⰲ , 㩚㧦䛞 , 䡫ὧ䓲ぢ 㩚㧦㎎⧒⹏ 䛞 ( 㡞 : 㞫㩚㧦 㧻䂮 ) 㠦 䞾㥶♲
3. ἶ㡾 ➲⋿ ( 㯟 㭧⨟㦒⪲ 85% 㧊㌗㦮 ⋿㦚 䞾㥶䞲 ⋿ 䞿⁞ ) 㠦 䞾㥶♲ ⋿
4. ṫ㻶㠦 㭧⨟㦒⪲ 㾲╖ 0.35%, 㞢⬾⹎ⓚ㠦 㭧⨟㦒⪲ 㾲╖ 0.4%, ῂⰂ䞿⁞㠦 㭧⨟㦒⪲
㾲╖ 4% 䞾㥶♲ 䞿⁞ 㤦㏢⪲㍲ ⋿
Copyright © ViewSonic® Corporation, 2012. ⳾✶ ῢⰂ⓪ 㩖㧧ῢ㧦㦮 ㏢㥶㧛┞┺ .
Microsoft,Windows,Windows NT,
VESA 㦮❇⪳㌗䚲㧛┞┺.
ViewSonic Corporation
㭒 : ViewSonic Corporation 㦖 㡂₆㠦 䙂䞾♲ ₆㑶㩗 㡺⮮⋮ 䘎㰧㌗㦮 㡺⮮ ⡦⓪ ⧓㠦 ╖
䟊 㺛㧚㦚 㰖㰖 㞠㔋┞┺
㡆㩗 ㏦䟊㠦 ╖䟊 㺛㧚㧊 㠜㔋┞┺
㩲䛞㦮 ⊠㧚㠜⓪ Ṳ㍶㦚 㥚䟊 ViewSonic Corporation 㦖㌂㩚䐋⽊㠜㧊㩲䛞㌂㟧㦚⼖ἓ
䞶㑮 㧞⓪ ῢⰂ⯒ ⽊㥶䞮ἶ 㧞㔋┞┺
ViewSonic Corporation
㦮㦮 㑮┾㦚 䐋䟊 ⽋㌂
㢖 Power Macintosh ⓪ Apple lnc 㦮 ❇⪳ ㌗䚲㧛┞┺ .
Windows ⪲ἶ⓪⹎ῃ⁎㣎ῃṖ㠦㍲ Microsoft
㎎ ⰞⰂ㦮 ㌞ ⪲ἶ , OnView, ViewMatch, ViewMeter ⓪ Vi ewSonic
⓪ Video Electronics Standards Association 㦮 ❇⪳ ㌗䚲㧛┞┺ . DPMS 㢖 DDC ⓪
⓪ U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) 㦮 ❇⪳ ㌗䚲㧛┞┺ .
㦖 ENERGY STA R ®㦮䡧⩻㠛㼊⪲㍲㠦⍞㰖䣾㥾㎇㦚㥚䟊ENERGY
㦮 㰖䂾㦚 ➆⯊ἶ 㧞㔋┞┺ .
; ⽎ ㍺ⳛ㍲ ⡦⓪ ⽎ 㩲䛞㦮 ㎇⓻㧊⋮ ㌂㣿㠦㍲ 㟒₆♲ 㤆㩗 , 䞚
. ⽎ ㍺ⳛ㍲㦮 ⌊㣿㦖 ㌂㩚 䐋⽊㠜㧊 ⼖ἓ♶ 㑮 㧞㔋┞
㦮 ㌂㩚 ㍲Ⳋ 䠞Ṗ 㠜㧊⓪ 㠊⟺ 㣿☚⪲☚ ⽎ ㍺ⳛ㍲㦮 㧒㦚 㧚
, ⽋㩲 , ⺆䙂䞶㑮 㠜㔋┞┺ .
䟻䤚 䞚㣪䞲 ἓ㤆⯒ 㥚䟊㍲ ⡦⓪ ☚㤖㧊 ♮⓪ 㿪Ṗ 㩲䛞 㩫⽊⯒ ₆ 㥚䟊㍲ 㧎䎆⎍㦚 㧊㣿
䞮㡂 㠦㍲ 㩲䛞 ❇⪳㦚 䞮㕃㔲㡺 . ⡦䞲 , ViewSonic Wizard CD-ROM
㠦㍲ ViewSonic 㠦 㤆䘎 ⡦⓪ 䕿㓺⪲ ⽊⌒ 㑮 㧞⓪ ❇⪳ 㟧㔳㦚 㧎㐚䞶 㑮☚ 㧞㔋┞┺ .
洢禎 律獳 :
微塾 憎笾 :
怾昢 憎笾 :
洢禎 憎笾 :
割沋 喦滢 :
ViewSonic 㦖 䢮ἓ㦚 㭧㔲䞮Ⳇ 䢮ἓ ⽊䢎⯒ ἶ⩺䞲 㧧㠛ὒ ㌳䢲㦚 㥚䟊 㩚⎦䞿┞┺ .
Smarter, Greener Computing( 㓺Ⱎ䎆 , ⁎Ⰲ⍞ 䅊䜾䕛 ) 㠦 㺎㡂䟊㭒㎪㍲ Ṧ㌂䞿┞┺ . 㧦
㎎䞲 ⌊㣿㦖 ViewSonic 㥏㌂㧊䔎⯒ 㺎㫆䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
⹎ῃὒ 䃦⋮┺ :
㥶⩓ :
╖Ⱒ :
ViewSonic Widescreen LCD Display
VG2439m-LED/VG2439m-TAA-1_UG_KRN Rev. 1A 03-13-12
㭧㣪 ㌂䟃
LCD ❪㓺䝢⩞㧊⯒ ῂ㧛䟊 㭒㎪㍲ Ṧ㌂䞿┞┺ .
! ⋮㭧㠦 㤊䞶 ἓ㤆⯒ ╖゚䞮㡂 㩲䛞 ㌗㧦㢖 ⳾✶ 䙂㧻 ⌊㣿ⶒ✺㦚 ⽊ὖ䞮
㕃㔲㡺 .
: "Windows" ⓪ Microsoft Vista Windows 7 ⯒ 㦮⹎䞿┞┺ .
㭧㣪 ㌂䟃 : ⳾✶ 䙂㧻 ⌊㣿ⶒ㦚 ⽊ὖ䞮㕃㔲㡺 .
•LCD ❪㓺䝢⩞㧊
• 㩚㤦 䆪✲
• 㡺❪㡺䅖㧊な ( 㓺䎢⩞㡺 ⹎┞ 㨃 )
• D-Sub 䅖㧊な ( 㧒 ῃṖ㠦㍲Ⱒ ㌂㣿 Ṗ⓻ )
• Viewsonic Ⱎ⻫㌂ CD-ROM ( 㧒 ῃṖ㠦㍲Ⱒ ㌂㣿 Ṗ⓻ )
• ザ⯎ 㔲㧧 Ṗ㧊✲
: CD 㩲䌍㠦⓪ ザ⯎ 㔲㧧 㞞⌊㍲Ṗ ✺㠊 㧞㦒Ⳇ , CD 㠦⓪ ㌂㣿㧦 㞞⌊㍲ PDF 䕢㧒
INF/ICM ❪㓺䝢⩞㧊 㾲㩗䢪 䕢㧒㧊 䙂䞾♮㠊 㧞㔋┞┺ . 㩲Ὃ♲ INF 䕢㧒㦖
Windows 㤊㡗㼊㩲㢖 䢎䢮♮Ⳇ , ICM(lmage Color Matching) 䕢㧒㦖 㩫ᾦ䞲 䢪Ⳋ ㌟㌗㦚
㩲Ὃ䞿┞┺ . ViewSonic ㌂⓪ 㧊 ⚦ 䕢㧒㦚 ⳾⚦ ㍺䂮䞶 ộ㦚 ῢ㧻䞿┞┺ .
•LCD ❪㓺䝢⩞㧊㠦㍲ 46 cm 㧊㌗ ⟾㠊㪎
䢪Ⳋ㦚 Ⱒ㰖㰖 Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺 . 䞒㦮 ₆⯚㧊 ⶑ
㦒Ⳋ 㧮 㰖㤢㰖㰖 㞠㔋┞┺
✍Ⳋ ◄Ṳ⯒ 㩲Ệ䞮㰖 Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺 . LCD ❪
㓺䝢⩞㧊㠦⓪ ἶ㞫㧊 䦦⯊⓪ 䛞㧊 ✺㠊
㑮 ☚ 㧞㔋┞┺
❪㓺䝢⩞㧊⯒ 㰗㌂ὧ㍶㧊⋮ ┺⯎ 㡊
㤦㠦 ⏎㿲䞮㰖 Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺
LCD ❪㓺䝢⩞㧊⯒ 㰗㌂ὧ㍶㧊 ゚㿪⓪
Ὁ㦚 䞒䞮㡂 ⏩㦒㕃㔲㡺
䞮㡂 ┺⬾㕃㔲㡺
. 㧊 䛞㦚 Ⱒ㰖Ⳋ 㭧㌗㦚 㧛㦚
. ケ ㌂⯒ 㭚㧊⩺
❪㓺䝢⩞㧊⓪ 䐋䛣㧊 㧮 ♮⓪ 㧻㏢㠦
❪㓺䝢⩞㧊 㥚㠦 㢂⩺⏩㰖 Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺 .
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Ṗ 㠜⓪㰖 䢫㧎䞮㕃㔲㡺
❪㓺䝢⩞㧊 , ゚❪㡺 䅖㧊な ⡦⓪ 㩚
㤦 䆪✲ 㥚㠦 ⶊỆ㤊 ⶒỊ㦚 㢂⩺⏩㰖 Ⱎ㕃
㡆₆ , 㧊㌗䞲 㧷㦢 ⡦⓪ ⌚㌞Ṗ ㌳䞮Ⳋ
LCD ❪㓺䝢⩞㧊 㓺㥚䂮⯒ ⊚ἶ ╖Ⰲ
LCD ❪㓺䝢⩞㧊⯒ Ἒ㏣ ㌂㣿䞮⓪ ộ㦖
䕾⍦㦚 ⶎ㰖⯊Ệ⋮ ⯊㰖 Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺 .
䢪Ⳋ㧊 㡗ῂ㩗㦒⪲ ㏦㌗♶ 㑮 㧞㔋┞┺ .
. 㡊 㿲㦚 䟊䞮⓪ ⶒ㼊⯒
ViewSonic 㠦 㡆⧓䞮㕃㔲㡺 . 㧊ἓ