Type: DLP L amp
Resolut ion Typ e: HD (1 920x 1080)
Resolut ion: 1920 x 10 80
Brightn ess (Lu mens ): 3,500 ANS I
Displ ay Size ( in.): 30 - 300 in. / 0 .76 - 7.62 m
Throw Distan ce: 2.4 - 32. 0 ft / 0. 7 - 9.8 m
Throw R atio: 1.13- 1.47
Keyston e: Ver tica l (+/- 40 °)
Light Sou rce (wa tt): 203
Light Sou rce Life, No rmal (hours ): 5000
Light Sou rce Life, Dynami c EcoMode (h ours):
Color Dep th: 1.07B Color (R/G /B 10bit)
Aspec t Ra tio: 16:9
Video Signal:
Frequenc y Ho rizontal: 15K-1 02KH z
Frequenc y Vert ical: 23-12 0Hz
PC Reso lution (max ): 19 20 x 1080
PC Reso lution (min ): 640 x 480
Mac® Reso lution (m ax): 1920 x 10 80
Mac® Reso lution (m in): 640 x 480
USB 2 .0 Ty pe A (1), 3. 5mm Audio Out(1), 3. 5mm Audio In( 1), Contr ol (RS2 32)( 1), HDM I 1.4 In(1), HDMI
1.4 ( with HDCP 1 .4)( 1), VGA I n(1) , VGA Out (1)
Internal Speakers: 10W ( x1)
Vol tage: 100-2 40 VAC
Consu mption (typic al): 300W
Stand -by: <0.5W
On Scre en Disp lay:
Displ ay, I mage, Power Mana gement, Bas ic, Adv anced, System,
Infor mati on (See u ser guide f or full OSD function alit y)
Operating Conditions:
Temp erature: 32-10 4º F (0 - 4 0º C )
Humid ity (non-c ondensi ng): 0-90%
Additional Hardware:
Kensing ton Loc k Slot: 1
Weight (imperial):
Net ( lbs) : 5.8
Gro ss ( lbs): 8. 3
Weight (metric):
Net ( kg): 2.6
Gro ss ( kg ): 3.8
Dimensions (imperial) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (in. ): 16.3 x 6. 6 x 11. 7
Phy sical (in.) : 12.3 x 8.7 x 4.3
Dimensions (metric) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (mm) : 415.0 x 168.0 x 2 97.0
Phy sical (mm): 312.0 x 2 22.0 x 108. 0
Regulat ions: FCC , cTUVu s, ROHS
PACKAGE CONTEN TS: PX703 HD projec tor, power c able, V GA c able, r emote c ontrol, Quick Star t Gu ide
War rant y: T hree -year lim ited wa rran ty on par ts and labor, 1-ye ar limi ted warrant y on lamp, 1st year
fre e Ex press Exchange ® serv ice. (O ne year Exp ress Exch ange Service require s product r egistra tion).
Recycle/D isposal: Pl ease disp ose of in acc ordan ce w ith loc al, state or fed eral laws .
UPC: 7669 0700177 8
HB10B , IFP2710 , PGD- 350, PJ- CASE-008, PJ-SCW-10 01W, PJ-W MK-006, PJ-WMK-007, VC 10, VCB10
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