Type: DLP L amp
Resolut ion Type: WXG A (1280 x800)
Resolut ion: 1280 x 800
Brightn ess (Lu mens): 3,300 ANSI
Displ ay Size (in .): 80 – 115 in. / 2.0 3 – 2 .92 m (with use of i ncluded m ount)
Throw Dist ance : 1.43 – 1.97 ft / 0.44 – 0 .60 m
Throw Ratio: 0.23
Keyston e: Ver tica l (± 30º) / Horizo ntal (± 3 0º)
Len s: Manua l op tical focus
Light Sou rce ( watt): 240
Light Sou rce L ife, Norm al (hou rs): 3000
Light Sou rce L ife, Dyna mic EcoMode (h ours):
Color Depth: 30 bi ts, 1.07B Color (10+10+ 10)
Dynamic Contrast Rat io: 10,00 0:1
Aspec t Ra tio: 16:1 0
Video Signal:
Frequenc y Ho rizontal: 15-10 0kHz
Frequenc y Vertical: 24-12 0Hz
PC Reso lution (max): 1920x 1080
PC Reso lution (min): 640 x 480
USB 2 .0 Ty pe A(1), USB Typ e A (5V 2A) (1 ), M ini USB Type B(2), Au dio Outpu t (M ini Jac k)(1), Et hern et
LAN ( RJ45)(1), 3.5 mm Au dio In(1), Control (RS232)( 1), HDMI 1.4( 1), HDM I 1.4/M HL 2.0(1) , VG A Out(1 ),
Compo site RCA Video In(1) , S-Vid eo In(1), RCA Audi o In (L/R)( 1), RGB Input (2)
Interna l Sp eakers: 10W ( x2)
Vol tage: AC 10 0-240V (universa l), 50-60 Hz
Consu mption (m ax): 410W
Stand -by: <0.5W
Phy sical Con trols:
Power, My B utton, COMP1., COMP2. , HD MI, A uto Sync, Source, 4
direc tion butt ons, En ter, Menu, Las er, Exit , Mo use Lef t, Mous e
Right, Pg Up , Pg Dn, M ouse , Patter n, B lank , Ke ypad Lock , Volume
Mute, HELP, Pres enta tion Timer, Volume, Ma gnify, E co M ode,
Aud io M ode, Co lor Mode
On Screen Di splay:
Displ ay, I mage, Power Mana gement, Basic, Adva nced, Sys tem,
Infor mati on (See user gui de for full OSD fu nc tionali ty)
Operating Conditions:
Temp erature : 32-10 4º F (0 - 40º C )
Humid ity (non-cond ensi ng): 0-90%
Weight (imperial):
Net ( lbs): 13.38
Gro ss ( lbs): 18 .71
Weight (metric):
Net ( kg): 6.08
Gro ss ( kg): 8.5
Dimensions (imperial) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (i n.): 23.23 x 19.69 x 10 .83
Phy sical (in .): 17.09 x 15.28 x 6.02
Dimensions (metric) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (m m): 590 x 500 x 275
Phy sical (mm ): 434 x 388 x 15 3
AV Con trol: A MX Certifie d, ATE N Cert ified, Crest ron C erti fied, Extro n Cer tifi ed, PJ L ink Cer tifi ed
Regulat ions: F CC (inc luding IC ES003), c TUVus, NOM, TU V-Rheinla nd S Mark
PACKAGE CONT ENTS: PS7 50W Projector, PJ-W MK-303, Laser Cu rt ain Module, 2 IR Pens , Pow er Ca ble,
VGA Cab le, R emote Con trol wi th AAA Ba tter ies, Quick Sta rt G uide, Vie wSonic Wizard CD (with User
Guide )
War rant y: T hree-ye ar limite d warra nty on par ts and labor, 1-y ear lim ited warr anty on lam p, 1st year
fre e Ex press Exchan ge® serv ice. (One ye ar Expres s Exc hange Service r equires prod uc t reg istrati on).
Recycle /Dis posal: Pleas e di spose o f in ac cordanc e wi th loca l, st ate or fe deral l aws.
UPC: 766907889 413
PGD-350 , PJ-IWB ADP-007 , PJ-W MK-30 1, PJ- WMK-303 , PJ-WMK-304, PRJ-EE-0 9-03, PRJ -EEE W-09-01 , PR JEEEW- 09-0 2, PRJ- EW-09-0 2, R LC-107, SW-110, S W-111, VC10
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