Type: DLP L amp
Resolut ion Type: WXG A (1280 x800)
Resolut ion: 1280 x 800
Brightn ess (Lu mens): 5,200 ANSI
Displ ay Size (in .): 20.7 - 351.7 i n. / 0.53 - 8 .9m
Throw Dist ance : 3.3 - 55.8 ft / 1 - 17m
Throw Ratio: 1.32 - 2.24:1
Keyston e: Ver tica l (± 30º) / Horizo ntal (± 2 5º)
Len s: 1.7x Manu al opti cal zoo m / man ual optic al focu s
Light Sou rce ( watt): 370
Light Sou rce L ife, Norm al (hou rs): 1500
Light Sou rce L ife, Dyna mic EcoMode (h ours):
Color Depth: 30 bi ts, 1.07B Color (10+10+ 10)
Dynamic Contrast Rat io: 8,000 :1
Aspec t Ra tio: 16:1 0
Len s Shift: Ver tica l (-12.7% /+23.7%) / Horizon tal (+/- 10.9 %)
Video Signal:
Frequenc y Ho rizontal: 15-10 0kHz
Frequenc y Vertical: 24-12 0Hz
PC Reso lution (max): Up to 1920x108 0
Mac® Re solution (max ): Up to 1920x108 0
USB 2 .0 Ty pe A(1), USB 2.0 Type B (1), Et hern et LAN (RJ45)(1) , 3.5mm 1 2V Tr igger(1), 3.5mm Au dio
Out(1 ), 3.5mm Audio In(3) , Control (RS2 32)( 1), H DMI 1.4(1), HDMI MHL (1), DVI-D( 1), VGA In( 2), VGA
Out(1 ), Compos ite RCA V ideo In(1 ), S-Vi deo In (1), RC A Audio I n (L /R)(1), RCA Audi o Out(1), 3D VESA( 1),
Wired Remote I n(1), W ired Remote Ou t(1), 5-B NC(1)
Interna l Sp eakers: 7W (x 2)
Vol tage: 100~2 40VAC (Auto S witching) , 50-60Hz ( universal )
Consu mption (m ax): 480W
Stand -by: <0.5W
Phy sical Con trols:
Power, H/ V le ns shif t, focu s, zoom , ke ystone/ar row keys,
left/bl ank, rig ht/pane l key loc k, m enu/exit, mod e/ent er, s ource
On Screen Di splay: Displ ay, I mage, Vid eo, A udio, Basic, Adva nced
Operating Conditions:
Temp erature : 41-10 4º F (5 - 40º C )
Humid ity (non-cond ensi ng): 10-85 %
Additional Hardware:
Kensing ton Loc k Slot: 1
Weight (imperial):
Net ( lbs): 18.26
Gro ss ( lbs): 27 .31
Weight (metric):
Net ( kg): 8.29
Gro ss ( kg): 12.4
Dimensions (imperial) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (i n.): 22.7 x 11.5 x 17.2
Phy sical (in .): 17.5 x 5.8 x 12 .8
Dimensions (metric) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (m m): 576 x 291 x 436
Phy sical (mm ): 445 x 147.8 x 325. 5
AV Con trol: A MX Certifie d, Cres tron Ce rtif ied
Regulat ions: U L, cUL, F CC, CE, EMC, CB, R OHS, RE ACH, SV CH, WEEE, E rP, M exico N OM/ENERGY, PSB,
PACKAGE CONT ENTS: Pro952 0WL pro ject or, powe r cable , VGA c able, las er re mote cont rol wit h
batte ries, Qui ck Star t Guid e, Vi ewSo nic Wiz ard C D (with U ser Guide )
War rant y: T hree-ye ar limite d warra nty on par ts and labor, 1-y ear lim ited warr anty on lam p, 1st year
fre e Ex press Exchan ge® serv ice. (One ye ar Expres s Exc hange Service r equires prod uc t reg istrati on).
Recycle /Dis posal: Pleas e di spose o f in ac cordanc e wi th loca l, st ate or fe deral l aws.
UPC: 766907848 014
HB10B , PJ-W MK-00 6, PRJ- EE-09-03, PRJ-EEEW-0 9-01, P RJ-EEEW-0 9-02 , PRJ-E W-09-01, PRJ-EW-09 -02,
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