ViewSonic Pro9520WL Product Sheet

Key Features
5,200 Lumen Brightness | Vert ic al /H or iz ontal Lens Shift with Centered
Lens | Stackable Design | 360-degree Installation
| SuperColor: Amazing Color Accurac y
Bright and versatile for any professional installation, the ViewSonic Pro9520WL WXGA projector delivers everything you need for big screens in big venues. Delivering 5,200 lumens of advanced high
brightness, this projector is ideal for auditoriums, large boardrooms, houses of worship, and more. Thanks to SuperColor™ technology, content is brought to life with captivating color, crisp graphics,
and stunning videos no matter the environment. Designed for installers, this top-notch performer is also easy to deploy and manage with its wide 1.7x optical zoom adjustment, a centered lens design,
and a vertical/horizontal lens shift feature that provides extreme flexibility in even the most challenging installations. Thanks to the stackable design of these projectors, light output can be doubled by
simply placing one projector on top of the other - perfect for large venues with high ambient light.
M en u Co nt r ol s Zo o m Ri ng H or iz on ta l L en s Sh i ft L am p Ac ce s s E le va ti on Fe et Fo c us r in g
Ve r ti ca l L en s Sh if t I R Re mo te Se ns or Pr o je ct io n L en s V GA ( x2 ) M on it or O u t D VI -D
H DM I In H DM I/ MH L I n R S2 32 Po we r C ab le Lo ck A C In V id eo /S -V id e o In
W ir ed R em o te I n/ Ou t U SB S er v ic e Po r t M ic I n L AN U SB 2 .0 T yp e A 3 D VE SA
B NC I n P C Au di o I n I R In /O u t 1 2V D C Tr ig g er K en si ng to n L oc k Sl o t S ec ur it y B ar
A ud io O ut R CA A ud io Ou t R CA A ud io In
1280 x 800
5,200 ANSI
1.32 - 2.24:1
Contact Sales
call: 888.881.8781
Type: DLP L amp
Resolut ion Type: WXG A (1280 x800)
Resolut ion: 1280 x 800
Brightn ess (Lu mens): 5,200 ANSI
Displ ay Size (in .): 20.7 - 351.7 i n. / 0.53 - 8 .9m
Throw Dist ance : 3.3 - 55.8 ft / 1 - 17m
Throw Ratio: 1.32 - 2.24:1
Keyston e: Ver tica l (± 30º) / Horizo ntal (± 2 5º)
Len s: 1.7x Manu al opti cal zoo m / man ual optic al focu s
Light Sou rce ( watt): 370
Light Sou rce L ife, Norm al (hou rs): 1500
Light Sou rce L ife, Dyna mic Eco­Mode (h ours):
Color Depth: 30 bi ts, 1.07B Color (10+10+ 10)
Dynamic Contrast Rat io: 8,000 :1
Aspec t Ra tio: 16:1 0
Len s Shift: Ver tica l (-12.7% /+23.7%) / Horizon tal (+/- 10.9 %)
Video Signal:
Frequenc y Ho rizontal: 15-10 0kHz
Frequenc y Vertical: 24-12 0Hz
PC Reso lution (max): Up to 1920x108 0
Mac® Re solution (max ): Up to 1920x108 0
USB 2 .0 Ty pe A(1), USB 2.0 Type B (1), Et hern et LAN (RJ45)(1) , 3.5mm 1 2V Tr igger(1), 3.5mm Au dio Out(1 ), 3.5mm Audio In(3) , Control (RS2 32)( 1), H DMI 1.4(1), HDMI MHL (1), DVI-D( 1), VGA In( 2), VGA Out(1 ), Compos ite RCA V ideo In(1 ), S-Vi deo In (1), RC A Audio I n (L /R)(1), RCA Audi o Out(1), 3D VESA( 1), Wired Remote I n(1), W ired Remote Ou t(1), 5-B NC(1)
Interna l Sp eakers: 7W (x 2)
Vol tage: 100~2 40VAC (Auto S witching) , 50-60Hz ( universal )
Consu mption (m ax): 480W
Stand -by: <0.5W
Phy sical Con trols:
Power, H/ V le ns shif t, focu s, zoom , ke ystone/ar row keys, left/bl ank, rig ht/pane l key loc k, m enu/exit, mod e/ent er, s ource
On Screen Di splay: Displ ay, I mage, Vid eo, A udio, Basic, Adva nced
Operating Conditions:
Temp erature : 41-10 4º F (5 - 40º C )
Humid ity (non-cond ensi ng): 10-85 %
Additional Hardware:
Kensing ton Loc k Slot: 1
Weight (imperial):
Net ( lbs): 18.26
Gro ss ( lbs): 27 .31
Weight (metric):
Net ( kg): 8.29
Gro ss ( kg): 12.4
Dimensions (imperial) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (i n.): 22.7 x 11.5 x 17.2
Phy sical (in .): 17.5 x 5.8 x 12 .8
Dimensions (metric) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (m m): 576 x 291 x 436
Phy sical (mm ): 445 x 147.8 x 325. 5
AV Con trol: A MX Certifie d, Cres tron Ce rtif ied
Regulat ions: U L, cUL, F CC, CE, EMC, CB, R OHS, RE ACH, SV CH, WEEE, E rP, M exico N OM/ENERGY, PSB, RCM, CCC
PACKAGE CONT ENTS: Pro952 0WL pro ject or, powe r cable , VGA c able, las er re mote cont rol wit h batte ries, Qui ck Star t Guid e, Vi ewSo nic Wiz ard C D (with U ser Guide )
War rant y: T hree-ye ar limite d warra nty on par ts and labor, 1-y ear lim ited warr anty on lam p, 1st year fre e Ex press Exchan ge® serv ice. (One ye ar Expres s Exc hange Service r equires prod uc t reg istrati on).
Recycle /Dis posal: Pleas e di spose o f in ac cordanc e wi th loca l, st ate or fe deral l aws.
UPC: 766907848 014
HB10B , PJ-W MK-00 6, PRJ- EE-09-03, PRJ-EEEW-0 9-01, P RJ-EEEW-0 9-02 , PRJ-E W-09-01, PRJ-EW-09 -02, RLC-106, VIE WSTICK2 , VI EW SYNC3
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