ViewSonic Pro8510L Product Sheet

Key Features
5,200 lumen brightness | Vertical lens shift with centere d le ns | S ec ure
MHL/HDMI por t, a nd o pt io na l HD BT adapter | 4 HDMI port s for flexible
Delivering 1024 x 768 resolution and 5200 lumens of brightness, the ViewSonic LightStream Pro8510L is the ideal XGA projector for professional installations, large venues, and business and education
environments. With its 1.6x optical zoom, centered lens, vertical lens shift, and HV keystoning, the Pro8510L provides extreme flexibility even in the most challenging installations. The Pro8510L boasts a
sleek top cover design for quick lamp and accessory access, while an intuitive PortAll compartment accommodates additional accessories such as an HDBT receiver, wireless streaming device, or PC
stick. The cable management hood hides unsightly cables, and a 4-in-1 power button serves as a central point for LED notifications. Moreover, four HDMI ports and additional audio and video ports
allow for extensive connectivity to handle multiple devices without the need to switch cables. Powered by SuperColor™ technology for beautiful image reproduction, and SonicExpert™ technology for
incredibly clear sound, the Pro8510L delivers a professional audiovisual performance.
Cab le M an ageme nt Ve rt ic al Lens S hi ft IR Re mo te Sen so r Pr oj ec ti on L en s Po rt Al l™ ( HDMI /M HL ) Zo om r in g
Fo cu s r ing Moni to r Out Po we r Swit ch HDM I (x 3) LAN Menu C on trols
Kens in gt on ® Lo ck S lot AC In VGA (x 2) Au di o/ Vi deo In Au di o In /O ut IR Pa ssthr ou gh
USB 12V D C Trig ge r RS2 32 3D VE SA USB t yp e Mi ni B
1024 x 768
5,200 ANSI
1.41 ~ 2.25
Contact Sales
call: 888.881.8781
® ®
Type: DLP L amp
Resolut ion Type: XGA (1024x 768)
Resolut ion: 1024 x 768
Brightn ess (Lu mens): 5,200 ANSI
Displ ay Size (in .): 30 - 300 in. / 0.7 6 - 7 .62 m
Throw Dist ance : 2.3 – 37.3 ft. / 0.86 – 1 1.36 m
Throw Ratio: 1.41 ~ 2.25
Keyston e: Ver tica l (± 30º) / Horizo ntal (± 3 0º)
Len s: 1.6x Manu al opti cal zoo m / man ual optic al focu s
Light Sou rce ( watt): 370
Light Sou rce L ife, Norm al (hou rs): 2000
Light Sou rce L ife, Dyna mic Eco­Mode (h ours):
Color Depth: 30 bi ts, 1.07B Color (10+10+ 10)
Aspec t Ra tio: 4:3 (native )
Video Signal:
Frequenc y Ho rizontal: 15–10 0KHz
Frequenc y Vertical: 24–12 0Hz
PC Reso lution (max): Up to 1920x108 0
Mac® Re solution (max ): Up to 1920x108 0 (may require MAC adapter )
USB 2 .0 Ty pe A(1), Ethernet LA N (RJ45)( 1), 3.5mm 12V Tr igger(1 ), 3.5m m Audio O ut(1), 3.5mm Aud io In(2), Control (RS-232) (1), HDMI 1 .4(3), HDMI MHL( 1), VGA In(2) , VGA Out (1), Comp osite RCA Video In(1), S-Video In( 1), Mi ni US B(1) , Micro USB(1), RCA Audio In (L/R)(1)
Interna l Sp eakers: 10W ( x2)
Vol tage: 100~2 40VAC (Auto S witching) , 50-60Hz ( universal )
Consu mption (m ax): 570W
Stand -by: <0.5W
Phy sical Con trols:
Power, keys tone/arro w keys, lef t/blank , me nu/exit, righ t/panel key loc k, m ode/ enter, auto, source
On Screen Di splay:
Displ ay, I mage, Power Mana gement, Basic, Adva nced, Sys tem, Infor mati on
Operating Conditions:
Temp erature : 32-10 4º F (0 - 40º C )
Humid ity (non-cond ensi ng): 0-90%
Noise Level:
Eco-Mod e: 33dB
Additional Hardware:
Kensing ton Loc k Slot: 1
Weight (imperial):
Net ( lbs): 13.89
Gro ss ( lbs): 23 .81
Weight (metric):
Net ( kg): 6.3
Gro ss ( kg): 10.8
Dimensions (imperial) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (i n.): 22.72 x 21.14 x 10 .24
Phy sical (in .): 19.55 x 12.45 x 5.5
Dimensions (metric) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (m m): 577 x 537 x 260
Phy sical (mm ): 496.5 x 316.2 x 13 9.8
AV Con trol: A MX Certifie d, ATE N Cert ified, Crest ron C erti fied, Extro n Cer tifi ed, PJ L ink Cer tifi ed
Regulat ions: M exic o Energ y tes t/Re gistr ation, EA C, TUV- S Ma rk (Arg entina) , In dia BIS, FCC, CE , EMC, CB, CCC, RoH S, REAC H, SVHC , WEEE, E rP, M exico N OM, cTU Vus, PS B, RCM, C ECP
PACKAGE CONT ENTS: Pro851 0L proj ecto r, power cable, VGA ca ble, re mote cont rol w ith batte ries, Quick Start Guide, ViewSoni c Wizard CD (wit h User Guide), C able mana gement co ver
War rant y: T hree-ye ar limite d warra nty on par ts and labor, 1-y ear lim ited warr anty on lam p, 1st year fre e Ex press Exchan ge® serv ice. (One ye ar Expres s Exc hange Service r equires prod uc t reg istrati on).
Recycle /Dis posal: Pleas e di spose o f in ac cordanc e wi th loca l, st ate or fe deral l aws.
UPC: 766907829 815
PGD-350 , PJ-WMK-006, PRJ-EE-0 9-03, PRJ -EEE W-09-01 , PR J-EEEW- 09-02, PR J-EW-09-0 1, P RJ-EW-0 9-02, VIEWSTI CK2, VIEWSTIC K2-S, VIE WSYN C3, WPG-3 00
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