Type: DLP L amp
Resol ution Type: HD (1 920 x108 0)
Resol ution: 1920 x 1 080
Brigh tness (Lume ns): 2,200 AN SI
Displ ay Size (i n.): 30 - 300 in. / 0.76 - 7.62 m
Throw Dista nce: 4.2 – 46 .9 f t. / 1.2 9 – 14. 28 m
Throw Ra tio: 1.1~1 .5
Keyst one: Ver tica l (± 30 º) / Ho rizonta l (± 30 º)
Len s: 1.3x Manu al opti cal zoom / manual optica l focus
Light Source (wa tt): 240
Light Source Lif e, Norm al (hours) : 3500
Light Source Lif e, Dyna mic Eco Mode (hours):
Color De pth: 30 bi ts, 1.07B C olor (10 +10+10)
Dynam ic Cont rast Ratio: 22,00 0:1
Aspec t R atio : 16:9
Video Signal:
Freque ncy H orizont al: 15–10 0KH z
Freque ncy Vertic al: 24–12 0Hz
PC Re solution (max): 1920x 108 0
Mac® Resol uti on ( max ): 1920x 108 0 (m ay require MAC a dapter)
USB 2 .0 Type A(1), 3 .5mm Au dio Out( 1), 3.5 mm Audi o I n(2) , Control (RS-232 )(1), H DMI 1.4 (1), HD MI
MHL(2 ), Composi te RCA Video I n(1) , M ini USB(1), Mic ro USB( 1), RGB Inpu t(15-pi n mini D-Su b (x1))
Inter nal Spe aker s: 10W ( x1)
Consumpt ion (ma x): 350W
Stand -by : <0. 5W
Phy sical C ontrols:
Power, keys tone/ar row key s, left /blank, me nu/exit, righ t/panel
key l ock, mode/e nter, au to, s ource
On Sc ree n Displ ay:
Displ ay, Pictu re, Source, Sy stem Se tup (Ba sic), Sy stem Se tup
(Ad vanced) , In formati on (See user gu ide for fu ll OSD
funct ionalit y)
Operating Conditions:
Temp erature : 32 -10 4º F (0 - 4 0º C)
Humid ity (non -con densing ): 0-90%
Noise Level:
Norma l: 34dB
Eco-M ode: 31dB
Additional Hardware:
Kensi ngton Lock Slot: 1
Weight (imperial):
Net With out Stan d (lbs) : 5.7
Gro ss ( lbs ): 11.7
Weight (metric):
Net With out Stan d (k g): 2.6
Gro ss ( kg): 5. 3
Dimensions (imperial) (WxHxD):
Pac kagin g (in.): 16.14 x 8.86 x 17.72 i n.
Phy sical W ithout S tand (in .): 12.44 x 8.98 x 4.08 in .
Dimensions (metric) (WxHxD):
Pac kagin g (mm): 410 x 225 x 450 mm
Phy sical W ithout S tand (mm ): 316 x 22 8 x 103 .7 mm
Regul ations: CB, CCC, cTUVus, C E, FCC, C-Ti ck, RoHS, R EACH, S VHC, WEE E, ErP, EAC, TU V-S Mar k
(Argenti na), CEC P, NOM , M exic o Energy Tes t
PACKAGE CONTE NTS: Pro7827H D proje ctor, pow er cable , V GA c able, remot e c ontrol with bat teries,
Quick St art Guide , V iewS oni c Wizar d C D (w ith Use r G uide), Cable m anageme nt cove r
War rant y: Th ree- yea r li mit ed warr anty on par ts a nd labo r, 1-yea r limite d war ran ty o n lamp, 1s t year
fre e Ex pre ss Excha nge® ser vice . (One yea r Expre ss Excha nge Ser vice requires product registrat ion).
Recyc le/Disp osal: P lease di spose o f in ac cordanc e w ith loc al, sta te or fede ral laws.
UPC: 766 9078147 12
PGD-3 50, PJ-C ASE-008, PJ-CASE -009, PJ-WMK-00 6, PRJ-E E-07-03 , PRJ-E EEW-07- 01 , PR J-EEEW- 07-02,
PRJ-E W-07-01 , P RJ-E W-07-02 , RLC- 101 , VI EWSTI CK2, VIE WSTI CK2-S, WPG-300 , WPG-3 70
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