Viessmann EM-140/207, EM-18/36, EM-199/263, EM-199/293, EM-238/363 Overview

Subject to changes due to technical improvements ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
CHP accessory range 01/2010 1
5368 463
5368 463 01/2010
Issue 2010-01
CHP accessory range
Subject to changes due to technical improvements ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
2 CHP accessory range – 01/2010
5368 463
Subject to technical modications
Constant development may lead to minor deviations in the illustrations, functional steps and specications from those described/shown.
Updating your documentation
Please let us know if you have any suggestions which would improve our documentation, or if you have noticed any errors.
Manufacturer’s postal address
ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
Celsiusstraße 9
D-86899 Landsberg
Date of issue: 01/2010
Subject to changes due to technical improvements ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
CHP accessory range – 01/2010 3
5368 463
Table of contents
Introduction .........................................................................................................................8
2 Transport and installation .................................................................................................9
2.1 Transport within Germany ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Handling .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Installation ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
3 Gas .....................................................................................................................................15
3.1 Gas tightness test ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Natural gas knocking monitoring equipment ............................................................................................................ 15
4 Exhaust gas ........................................................................................................................16
4.1 Exhaust silencer ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
5 Heating ...............................................................................................................................18
5.1 Higher heating water return temperatures ................................................................................................................. 18
5.2 Heating water temperature control ............................................................................................................................ 18
5.3 Heating water connection set ..................................................................................................................................... 19
5.4 Ventilation air via silencer hood ................................................................................................................................ 20
5.5 (Extract) fan box on silencer hood ............................................................................................................................. 20
5.6 Recirculating air damper ........................................................................................................................................... 21
6 Electronics .........................................................................................................................24
6.1 Data BUS systems / interfaces (gateway) .................................................................................................................. 24
6.2 Options for power failure .......................................................................................................................................... 24
6.3 TeleControl remote monitoring ................................................................................................................................. 26
6.4 Management system for multi-module management ................................................................................................ 30
6.5 Control units .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
7 Service and training ..........................................................................................................35
7.1 Service ....................................................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2 Training ...................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Subject to changes due to technical improvements ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
4 CHP accessory range – 01/2010
5368 463
Overview of accessories for natural gas CHP modules
* More detailed specications are available for these articles.
CHP compact module VITOBLOC 200 EM-18/36* EM-50/81* EM-70/115* EM-140/207* Page
ESS / internal 700-02-0020 700-02-0050 700-02-0070 700-02-0140
Art. no. 74 111 44 74 111 46 74 111 48 74 111 51
Electrical output
Thermal output
Fuel usage
incl. 1) Set of elastic connections, incl. 2) Calibrated electricity meter
18 kW 36 kW 56 kW with 1-2
50 kW
81 kW 145 kW with 1-2
70 kW 115 kW 204 kW with 1-2
140 kW 207 kW 384 kW with 1-2
2. Transport + installation
EM-18/36 EM-50/81 EM-70/115 EM-140/207 9
2.2.1 Lifting eyes (unloading in export destinations)
ESS / internal 710-00-0061 710-00-0061 710-00-0061
Art. no. 74 392 50 74 392 50 74 392 50
2.2.2 Additional transport brackets for horizontal transportation
ESS / internal 710-00-0041 710-00-0041 710-00-0042
Art. no. 74 177 53 74 177 53 74 177 54
2.2.3 Delivery in sections
ESS / internal 900-00-0101 900-00-0101 900-00-0102
Art. no. 70 007 81 70 007 81 70 007 82
2.3.1 Silencer hood and temperature-dependent extract fan
ESS / internal standard standard standard standard
Art. no.
equipment level equipment level equipment level equipment level
2.3.2 Plinth
ESS / internal 710-00-0063 710-00-0063 710-00-0063 710-00-0064
Art. no. 74 392 51 74 392 51 74 392 51 74 392 52
3. Gas
EM-18/36 EM-50/81 EM-70/115 EM-140/207 15
3.1 Gas tightness test
ESS / internal 710-00-0052 710-00-0052 710-00-0052 standard
Art. no. 74 111 68 74 111 68 74 111 68
equipment level
3.2 Natural gas knocking monitoring
ESS / internal 710-00-0050 710-00-0050 710-00-0050
Art. no. 74 177 55 74 177 55 74 177 55
4. Exhaust gas
EM-18/36 EM-50/81 EM-70/115 EM-140/207 16
4.1. Exhaust silencer DD
ESS / internal 710-00-0065 710-00-0066 710-00-0066 710-00-0067
Art. no. 74 392 53 74 392 54 74 392 54 74 392 55
4.1. Exhaust silencer DD, pack 2 pce
ESS / internal
Art. no.
5. Heating
EM-18/36 EM-50/81 EM-70/115 EM-140/207 18
5.1 Higher heating water return temperatures 90/75 °C
ESS / internal 710-00-0035 710-00-0035 710-00-0036
Art. no. 74 177 49 75 177 49 74 177 50
6. Ventilation
EM-18/36 EM-50/81 EM-70/115 EM-140/207 20
6.1 Ventilation air via silencer hood
ESS / internal 710-00-0046 710-00-0046 710-00-0047
Art. no. 74 111 94 74 111 94 74 111 95
6.2 (Extract) fan box on silencer hood
ESS / internal 710-00-0048 710-00-0048 710-00-0049
Art. no. 74 111 96 74 111 96 74 111 97
6.3 Recirculating air damper (on request factory-tted to fan box)
ESS / internal 710-00-0030 710-00-0031 710-00-0031 710-00-0032
Art. no. 74 111 75 74 111 76 74 111 76 74 111 77
7. Electronics
EM-18/36 EM-50/81 EM-70/115 EM-140/207 24
7.1 Data BUS systems / interface (gateway)* (either LON BUS, MOD BUS, CanOpen Bus or ProBus DP)
ESS / internal 710-00-0054 710-00-0054 710-00-0054 710-00-0054
Art. no. 74 112 01 74 112 01 74 112 01 74 112 01
7.2.1 Equipment level for operation to VDE 0108
ESS / internal 710-00-0055 710-00-0055 710-00-0055
Art. no. 74 111 79 74 111 79 74 111 79
7.2.2 Uninterruptible reverse synchronisation after emergency power mode
ESS / internal 710-00-0057 710-00-0057 710-00-0057 710-00-0057
Art. no. 74 112 04 74 112 04 74 112 04 74 112 04
7.3.1 Telecontrol LIGHT for single module systems* (not released for export!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0021 710-00-0021 710-00-0021 710-00-0021
Art. no. 74 111 90 74 111 90 74 111 90 74 111 90
7.3.2 Telecontrol CLASSIC for single module systems* (for export on request!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0022 710-00-0022 710-00-0022 710-00-0022
Art. no. 74 111 87 74 111 87 74 111 87 74 111 87
7.3.3 Telecontrol EXCLUSIVE* (for export on request!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0023 710-00-0023 710-00-0023 710-00-0023
Art. no. 74 111 89 74 111 89 74 111 89 74 111 89
7.3.4 Telecontrol GPRS for single module systems* (customer mobile phone contract + annual server charges) (not released for export!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0059 710-00-0059 710-00-0059 710-00-0059
Art. no. 74 177 56 74 177 56 74 177 56 74 177 56
7.4 Management system for multi-module management MMM Basis* (additional options on request)
ESS / internal 710-00-0020 710-00-0020 710-00-0020 710-00-0020
Art. no. 74 111 85 74 111 85 74 111 85 74 111 85
7.5.1 Cylinder level control unit SFR*
ESS / internal 710-00-0060 710-00-0060 710-00-0060 710-00-0060
Art. no. 74 245 55 74 245 55 74 245 55 74 245 55
7.5.2 Load controller for 1 module*
ESS / internal 710-00-0053 710-00-0053 710-00-0053
Art. no. 74 112 05 74 112 05 74 112 05
8. Service + training
EM-18/36 EM-50/81 EM-70/115 EM-140/207 35
8.1.1 Commissioning (Germany) (in other countries, subject to costs incurred plus travelling expenses)
ESS / internal 900-00-0003 900-00-0003 900-00-0003 900-00-0003
Art. no. 74 277 68 74 277 68 74 277 68 74 277 68
8.1.2 Lubricant TANK initial ll
ESS / internal 710-00-0007 710-00-0010 710-00-0010 710-00-0010
Art. no. 70 000 71 70 000 72 70 000 72 70 000 72
8.1.3 Additional 8 h supervised test run in conjunction with commissioning
ESS / internal 900-00-0011 900-00-0011 900-00-0011 900-00-0011
Art. no. 70 007 62 70 007 62 70 007 62 70 007 62
8.1.4 Order processing support for installation inspection in Germany
ESS / internal 900-00-0100 900-00-0100 900-00-0100 900-00-0100
Art. no. 70 007 80 70 007 80 70 007 80 70 007 80
8.1.5 Warranty preservation after 4 weeks each (in Germany)
ESS / internal 900-00-0010 900-00-0010 900-00-0010 900-00-0010
Art. no. 70 007 79 70 007 79 70 007 79 70 007 79
8.2.1 Local operating instructions, plus travel expenses
ESS / internal 900-00-0006 900-00-0006 900-00-0006 900-00-0006
Art. no. 70 007 59 70 007 59 70 007 59 70 007 59
8.2.2 Operating instructions at manufacturing site (per participant)
ESS / internal 900-00-0007 900-00-0007 900-00-0007 900-00-0007
Art. no. 70 007 76 70 007 76 70 007 76 70 007 76
Subject to changes due to technical improvements ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
CHP accessory range – 01/2010 5
5368 463
Overview of accessories for natural gas CHP modules
* More detailed specications are available for these articles.
CHP compact module VITOBLOC 200 EM-199/263* EM-199/293* EM-238/363* EM-363/498* EM-401/549* Page
ESS / internal 700-02-1950 700-02-1980 700-02-0200 700-02-4080 700-02-4050
Art. no. 74 111 53 74 111 55 74 111 52 74 243 98 74 243 99
Electrical output
Thermal output
Fuel usage incl. 1) Set of elastic connections, incl. 2) Calibrated electricity meter
199 kW
263+20 kW
538 kW with 1-2
199 kW 293 kW 553 kW with 1-2
238 kW 363 kW 667 kW with 1-2
363 kW 498 kW 960 kW with 1-2
401 kW
549+26 kW
1053 kW with 1-2
2. Transport + installation
EM-199/263 EM-199/293 EM-238/363 EM-363/498 EM-401/549 9
2.2.1 Lifting eyes (unloading in export destinations)
ESS / internal 710-00-0062 710-00-0062 710-00-0062 710-00-0062 710-00-0062
Art. no. 74 177 48 74 177 48 74 177 48 74 177 48 74 177 48
2.2.2 Additional transport brackets for horizontal transportation
ESS / internal
Art. no.
2.2.3 Delivery in sections
ESS / internal
Art. no.
2.3.1 Silencer hood and temperature-dependent extract fan
ESS / internal 710-00-0080 710-00-0080 710-00-0080 710-00-0081 710-00-0081
Art. no. 74 392 92 74 392 92 74 392 92 74 392 93 74 392 93
2.3.2 Plinth
ESS / internal
Art. no.
3. Gas
EM-199/263 EM-199/293 EM-238/363 EM-363/498 EM-401/549 15
3.1 Gas tightness test
ESS / internal standard standard standard standard standard
Art. no.
equipment level equipment level equipment level equipment level equipment level
3.2 Natural gas knocking monitoring
ESS / internal 710-00-0051
Art. no. 74 111 69
4. Exhaust gas
EM-199/263 EM-199/293 EM-238/363 EM-363/498 EM-401/549 16
4.1. Exhaust silencer DD
ESS / internal 710-00-0068 710-00-0068 710-00-0068 710-00-0069 710-00-0069
Art. no. 74 392 56 74 392 56 74 392 56 74 392 57 74 392 57
4.1. Exhaust silencer DD, pack 2 pce
ESS / internal 710-00-0070 710-00-0070 710-00-0070 710-00-0071 710-00-0071
Art. no. 74 392 58 74 392 58 74 392 58 74 392 59 74 392 59
5. Heating
EM-199/263 EM-199/293 EM-238/363 EM-363/498 EM-401/549 18
5.1 Higher heating water return temperatures 90/75 °C
ESS / internal 710-00-0037
Art. no. 74 177 51
6. Ventilation
EM-199/263 EM-199/293 EM-238/363 EM-363/498 EM-401/549 20
6.1 Ventilation air via silencer hood
ESS / internal as standard as standard as standard as standard
Art. no.
prepared prepared prepared prepared
6.2 (Extract) fan box on silencer hood
ESS / internal
Art. no.
6.3 Recirculating air damper (on request factory-tted to fan box)
ESS / internal 710-00-0033 710-00-0033 710-00-0033 710-00-0033 710-00-0033
Art. no. 74 111 78 74 111 78 74 111 78 74 111 78 74 111 78
7. Electronics
EM-199/263 EM-199/293 EM-238/363 EM-363/498 EM-401/549 24
7.1 Data BUS systems / interface (gateway)* (either LON BUS, MOD BUS, CanOpen Bus or ProBus DP)
ESS / internal 710-00-0054 710-00-0054 710-00-0054 710-00-0054 710-00-0054
Art. no. 74 112 01 74 112 01 74 112 01 74 112 01 74 112 01
7.2.1 Equipment level for operation to VDE 0108
ESS / internal 710-00-0056
Art. no. 74 111 80
7.2.2 Uninterruptible reverse synchronisation after emergency power mode
ESS / internal 710-00-0057 710-00-0057 710-00-0057 710-00-0057 710-00-0057
Art. no. 74 112 04 74 112 04 74 112 04 74 112 04 74 112 04
7.3.1 Telecontrol LIGHT for single module systems* (not released for export!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0021 710-00-0021 710-00-0021 710-00-0021 710-00-0021
Art. no. 74 111 90 74 111 90 74 111 90 74 111 90 74 111 90
7.3.2 Telecontrol CLASSIC for single module systems* (for export on request!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0022 710-00-0022 710-00-0022 710-00-0022 710-00-0022
Art. no. 74 111 87 74 111 87 74 111 87 74 111 87 74 111 87
7.3.3 Telecontrol EXCLUSIVE* (for export on request!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0023 710-00-0023 710-00-0023 710-00-0023 710-00-0023
Art. no. 74 111 89 74 111 89 74 111 89 74 111 89 74 111 89
7.3.4 Telecontrol GPRS for single module systems* (customer mobile phone contract + annual server charges) (not released for export!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0059 710-00-0059 710-00-0059 710-00-0059 710-00-0059
Art. no. 74 177 56 74 177 56 74 177 56 74 177 56 74 177 56
7.4 Management system for multi-module management MMM Basis* (additional options on request)
ESS / internal 710-00-0020 710-00-0020 710-00-0020 710-00-0020 710-00-0020
Art. no. 74 111 85 74 111 85 74 111 85 74 111 85 74 111 85
7.5.1 Cylinder level control unit SFR*
ESS / internal 710-00-0060 710-00-0060 710-00-0060 710-00-0060 710-00-0060
Art. no. 74 245 55 74 245 55 74 245 55 74 245 55 74 245 55
7.5.2 Load controller for 1 module*
ESS / internal 710-00-0053 710-00-0053 710-00-0053 710-00-0053 710-00-0053
Art. no. 74 112 05 74 112 05 74 112 05 74 112 05 74 112 05
8. Service + training
EM-199/263 EM-199/293 EM-238/363 EM-363/498 EM-401/549 35
8.1.1 Commissioning (Germany) (in other countries, subject to costs incurred plus travelling expenses)
ESS / internal 900-00-0004 900-00-0004 900-00-0004 900-00-0004 900-00-0004
Art. no. 74 277 69 74 277 69 74 277 69 74 277 69 74 277 69
8.1.2 Lubricant TANK initial ll
ESS / internal 710-00-0011 710-00-0011 710-00-0012 710-00-0011 710-00-0011
Art. no. 70 000 73 70 000 73 70 000 74 70 000 73 70 000 73
8.1.3 Additional 8 h supervised test run in conjunction with commissioning
ESS / internal 900-00-0011 900-00-0011 900-00-0011 900-00-0011 900-00-0011
Art. no. 70 007 62 70 007 62 70 007 62 70 007 62 70 007 62
8.1.4 Order processing support Installation inspection in Germany
ESS / internal 900-00-0100 900-00-0100 900-00-0100 900-00-0100 900-00-0100
Art. no. 70 007 80 70 007 80 70 007 80 70 007 80 70 007 80
8.1.5 Warranty preservation after 4 weeks each (in Germany)
ESS / internal 900-00-0010 900-00-0010 900-00-0010 900-00-0010 900-00-0010
Art. no. 70 007 79 70 007 79 70 007 79 70 007 79 70 007 79
8.2.1 Local operating instructions, plus travel expenses
ESS / internal 900-00-0006 900-00-0006 900-00-0006 900-00-0006 900-00-0006
Art. no. 70 007 59 70 007 59 70 007 59 70 007 59 70 007 59
8.2.2 Operating instructions at manufacturing site (per participant)
ESS / internal 900-00-0007 900-00-0007 900-00-0007 900-00-0007 900-00-0007
Art. no. 70 007 76 70 007 76 70 007 76 70 007 76 70 007 76
Subject to changes due to technical improvements ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
6 CHP accessory range – 01/2010
5368 463
Overview of accessories for biogas CHP modules
* More detailed specications are available for these articles.
CHP compact module VITOBLOC 200 BM-36/66* BM-55/88* BM-98/150* Page
ESS / internal 700-02-0045 700-02-0065 700-02-0105
Art. no. 74 111 45 74 111 47 74 111 49
Electrical output
Thermal output
Fuel usage
incl. 1) Set of elastic connections, incl. 2) Calibrated electricity meter
36 kW 66 kW
122 kW with 1-2
55 kW 88 kW
165 kW with 1-2
98 kW 150 kW 291 kW
with 1-2
2. Transport + installation
BM-36/66 BM-55/88 BM-98/150 9
2.2.1 Lifting eyes (unloading in export destinations)
ESS / internal 710-00-0061 710-00-0061 710-00-0061
Art. no. 74 392 50 74 392 50 74 392 50
2.2.2 Additional transport brackets for horizontal transportation
ESS / internal 710-00-0041 710-00-0041 710-00-0042
Art. no. 74 177 53 74 177 53 74 177 54
2.2.3 Delivery in sections
ESS / internal 900-00-0101 900-00-0101 900-00-0102
Art. no. 70 007 81 70 007 81 70 007 82
2.3.1 Silencer hood and temperature-dependent extract fan
ESS / internal standard standard standard
Art. no.
equipment level equipment level equipment level
2.3.2 Plinth
ESS / internal 710-00-0063 710-00-0063 710-00-0064
Art. no. 74 392 51 74 392 51 74 392 52
4. Exhaust gas
BM-36/66 BM-55/88 BM-98/150 16
4.1. Exhaust silencer DD
ESS / internal 710-00-0066 710-00-0066 710-00-0067
Art. no. 74 392 54 74 392 54 74 392 55
4.1. Exhaust silencer DD, pack 2 pce
ESS / internal
Art. no.
6. Ventilation
BM-36/66 BM-55/88 BM-98/150 20
6.1 Ventilation air via silencer hood
ESS / internal 710-00-0046 710-00-0046 710-00-0047
Art. no. 74 111 94 74 111 94 74 111 95
6.2 (Extract) fan box on silencer hood
ESS / internal 710-00-0048 710-00-0048 710-00-0049
Art. no. 74 111 96 74 111 96 74 111 97
7. Electronics
BM-36/66 BM-55/88 BM-98/150 24
7.1 Data BUS systems / interface (gateway)* (either LON BUS,
MOD BUS, CanOpen Bus or ProBus DP)
ESS / internal 710-00-0054 710-00-0054 710-00-0054
Art. no. 74 112 01 74 112 01 74 112 01
7.2.2 Uninterruptible reverse synchronisation after emergency power mode
ESS / internal 710-00-0057 710-00-0057 710-00-0057
Art. no. 74 112 04 74 112 04 74 112 04
7.3.1 Telecontrol LIGHT for single module systems* (not released for export!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0021 710-00-0021 710-00-0021
Art. no. 74 111 90 74 111 90 74 111 90
7.3.2 Telecontrol CLASSIC for single module systems* (for export on request!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0022 710-00-0022 710-00-0022
Art. no. 74 111 87 74 111 87 74 111 87
7.3.3 Telecontrol EXCLUSIVE* (for export on request!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0023 710-00-0023 710-00-0023
Art. no. 74 111 89 74 111 89 74 111 89
7.3.4 Telecontrol GPRS for single module systems* (customer
mobile phone contract + annual server charges) (not released for export!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0059 710-00-0059 710-00-0059
Art. no. 74 177 56 74 177 56 74 177 56
7.4 Management system for multi-module management MMM Basis* (additional options on request)
ESS / internal 710-00-0020 710-00-0020 710-00-0020
Art. no. 74 111 85 74 111 85 74 111 85
7.5.1 Cylinder level control unit SFR*
ESS / internal 710-00-0060 710-00-0060 710-00-0060
Art. no. 74 245 55 74 245 55 74 245 55
7.5.2 Load controller for 1 module*
ESS / internal 710-00-0053 710-00-0053 710-00-0053
Art. no. 74 112 05 74 112 05 74 112 05
8. Service + training
BM-36/66 BM-55/88 BM-98/150 35
8.1.1 Commissioning (Germany) (in other countries, subject to costs incurred plus travelling expenses)
ESS / internal 900-00-0005 900-00-0005 900-00-0005
Art. no. 70 007 63 70 007 63 70 007 63
8.1.2 Lubricant TANK initial ll
ESS / internal 710-00-0009 710-00-0009 710-00-0009
Art. no. 70 000 75 70 000 75 70 000 75
8.1.3 Additional 8 h supervised test run in conjunction with commissioning
ESS / internal 900-00-0011 900-00-0011 900-00-0011
Art. no. 70 007 62 70 007 62 70 007 62
8.1.4 Order processing support Installation inspection in Germany
ESS / internal 900-00-0100 900-00-0100 900-00-0100
Art. no. 70 007 80 70 007 80 70 007 80
8.1.5 Warranty preservation after 4 weeks each (in Germany)
ESS / internal 900-00-0010 900-00-0010 900-00-0010
Art. no. 70 007 79 70 007 79 70 007 79
8.2.1 Local operating instructions, plus travel expenses
ESS / internal 900-00-0006 900-00-0006 900-00-0006
Art. no. 70 007 59 70 007 59 70 007 59
8.2.2 Operating instructions at manufacturing site (per participant)
ESS / internal 900-00-0007 900-00-0007 900-00-0007
Art. no. 70 007 76 70 007 76 70 007 76
Subject to changes due to technical improvements ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
CHP accessory range – 01/2010 7
5368 463
Overview of accessories for biogas CHP modules
* More detailed specications are available for these articles.
CHP compact module VITOBLOC 200 BM-123/177* BM-190/238* BM-366/437* Page
ESS / internal 700-02-0125 700-02-1955 700-02-4055
Art. no. 74 111 50 74 111 54 74 392 62
Electrical output
Thermal output
Fuel usage
incl. 1) Set of elastic connections, incl. 2) Calibrated electricity meter
123 kW 177 kW 343 kW
with 1-2
190 kW
238+16 kW
493 kW with 1-2
366 kW
437+16 kW
960 kW with 1-2
2. Transport + installation
BM-123/177 BM-190/238 BM-366/437 9
2.2.1 Lifting eyes (unloading in export destinations)
ESS / internal 710-00-0061 710-00-0062 710-00-0062
Art. no. 74 392 50 74 177 48 74 177 48
2.2.2 Additional transport brackets for horizontal transportation
ESS / internal 710-00-0042
Art. no. 74 177 54
2.2.3 Delivery in sections
ESS / internal 900-00-0102
Art. no. 70 007 82
2.3.1 Silencer hood and temperature-dependent extract fan
ESS / internal standard 710-00-0080 710-00-0081
Art. no.
equipment level
74 392 92 74 392 93
2.3.2 Plinth
ESS / internal 710-00-0064
Art. no. 74 392 52
4. Exhaust gas
BM-123/177 BM-190/238 BM-366/437 16
4.1. Exhaust silencer DD
ESS / internal 710-00-0067 710-00-0068 710-00-0069
Art. no. 74 392 55 74 392 56 74 392 57
4.1. Exhaust silencer DD, pack 2 pce
ESS / internal
710-00-0070 710-00-0071
Art. no.
74 392 58 74 392 59
6. Ventilation
BM-123/177 BM-190/238 BM-366/437 20
6.1 Ventilation air via silencer hood
ESS / internal 710-00-0047 as standard as standard
Art. no. 74 111 95 prepared prepared
6.2 (Extract) fan box on silencer hood
ESS / internal 710-00-0049
Art. no. 74 111 97
7. Electronics
BM-123/177 BM-190/238 BM-366/437 24
7.1 Data BUS systems / interface (gateway)* (either LON BUS,
MOD BUS, CanOpen Bus or ProBus DP)
ESS / internal 710-00-0054 710-00-0054 710-00-0054
Art. no. 74 112 01 74 112 01 74 112 01
7.2.2 Uninterruptible reverse synchronisation after emergency power mode
ESS / internal 710-00-0057 710-00-0057 710-00-0057
Art. no. 74 112 04 74 112 04 74 112 04
7.3.1 Telecontrol LIGHT for single module systems* (not released for export!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0021 710-00-0021 710-00-0021
Art. no. 74 111 90 74 111 90 74 111 90
7.3.2 Telecontrol CLASSIC for single module systems* (for export on request!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0022 710-00-0022 710-00-0022
Art. no. 74 111 87 74 111 87 74 111 87
7.3.3 Telecontrol EXCLUSIVE* (for export on request!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0023 710-00-0023 710-00-0023
Art. no. 74 111 89 74 111 89 74 111 89
7.3.4 Telecontrol GPRS for single module systems* (customer
mobile phone contract + annual server charges) (not released for export!)
ESS / internal 710-00-0059 710-00-0059 710-00-0059
Art. no. 74 177 56 74 177 56 74 177 56
7.4 Management system for multi-module management MMM Basis* (additional options on request)
ESS / internal 710-00-0020 710-00-0020 710-00-0020
Art. no. 74 111 85 74 111 85 74 111 85
7.5.1 Cylinder level control unit SFR*
ESS / internal 710-00-0060 710-00-0060 710-00-0060
Art. no. 74 245 55 74 245 55 74 245 55
7.5.2 Load controller for 1 module*
ESS / internal 710-00-0053 710-00-0053 710-00-0053
Art. no. 74 112 05 74 112 05 74 112 05
8. Service + training
BM-123/177 BM-190/238 BM-366/437 35
8.1.1 Commissioning (Germany) (in other countries, subject to costs incurred plus travelling expenses)
ESS / internal 900-00-0005 900-00-0005 900-00-0005
Art. no. 70 007 63 70 007 63 70 007 63
8.1.2 Lubricant TANK initial ll
ESS / internal 710-00-0009 710-00-0011 710-00-0011
Art. no. 70 000 75 70 000 73 70 000 73
8.1.3 Additional 8 h supervised test run in conjunction with commissioning
ESS / internal 900-00-0011 900-00-0011 900-00-0011
Art. no. 70 007 62 70 007 62 70 007 62
8.1.4 Order processing support for installation inspection in Germany
ESS / internal 900-00-0100 900-00-0100 900-00-0100
Art. no. 70 007 80 70 007 80 70 007 80
8.1.5 Warranty preservation after 4 weeks each (in Germany)
ESS / internal 900-00-0010 900-00-0010 900-00-0010
Art. no. 70 007 79 70 007 79 70 007 79
8.2.1 Local operating instructions, plus travel expenses
ESS / internal 900-00-0006 900-00-0006 900-00-0006
Art. no. 70 007 59 70 007 59 70 007 59
8.2.2 Operating instructions at manufacturing site (per participant)
ESS / internal 900-00-0007 900-00-0007 900-00-0007
Art. no. 70 007 76 70 007 76 70 007 76
Subject to changes due to technical improvements ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
8 CHP accessory range – 01/2010
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1 Introduction
Note This product range describes in detail all articles and services provided by ESS which are available
through Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG.
In addition, extra details from the Viessmann catalogue are included.
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2 Transport and installation
2.1 Transport within Germany
Article number CHP module type Viessmann
for all CHP module types 0000962
Scope of service Delivery and unloading
ESS generally delivers from the Landsberg am Lech factory. Transport from Landsberg am Lech should be arranged separately with a forwarder. In Germany, Viessmann Logistik is commissioned by Viessmann Deutschland GmbH. Their HGVs are equipped with lifting eyes to unload CHP modules.
Transport and installation 2
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Delivery • 4 lifting eyes and 1 key per set
• Lifting eyes are attached to the exhaust outlet ange with cable ties
Note • In Germany, the HGVs belonging to Viessmann Logistik are equipped with lifting eyes for unloading.
• Lifting eyes can be supplied free of charge with CHP module EM-18/36 if required. Please state when ordering!
2.2 Handling
2.2.1 Lifting eyes (unloading in export destinations)
Article number CHP module type ESS Viessmann
EM-50/81, EM-70/115, EM 140/207, 710-00-0061 7439250
BM-36/66, BM-55/88, BM-98/150, BM-123/177
EM-199/263, EM-199/293, EM-238/363, 710-00-0062 7417748
EM-363/498, EM-401/549, BM-190/238, BM-366/437
Function • For unloading and handling with a crane
Fig. 1 Transport of a CHP module with a crane using lifting eyes
Transport and installation2
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2.2.2 Additional transport brackets for horizontal transportation
Article number CHP module type ESS Viessmann
EM-50/81, EM-70/115, BM-36/66, BM-55/88 710-00-0041 7417753
EM-140/207, BM-98/150, BM-123/177 710-00-0042 7417754
Scope of service Additional transport brackets for laying the module on its long side for on-site handling plus an
installation inspection, to be ordered separately (see section 8.1.3)
Fig. 2 Horizontal transportation
Transport and installation 2
Subject to changes due to technical improvements ESS Energie Systeme & Service GmbH
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2.2.3 Delivery in sections
Article number CHP module type ESS Viessmann
EM-50/81, EM-70/115, BM-36/66, BM-55/88 900-00-0101 7000781
EM-140/207, BM-98/150, BM-123/177 900-00-0102 7000782
Function The conditions at the installation location may make it necessary to handle the CHP module in sections.
If so, it is delivered in two sections:
1. Engine generator unit
2. Heat exchanger unit
Tab. 1 Sectional delivery of CHP module – dimensions and weights
Scope of service The service provided is divided into the following three steps:
1. Dismantling the prepared CHP module at the ESS factory.
2. As a nal step in the handling to be completed on site, the engine generator unit is positioned on the heat exchanger unit (adjusted accordingly) and secured. Suitable lifting gear (e.g. assembly crane, lifting pallet truck) for this purpose should be provided on site. For this step, at least 2 other people (e.g. from the transport staff) should be available to assist at no extra cost.
3. Re-assembling the prepared CHP module at the ESS factory.
Travel expenses and overnight accommodation for the 2 installers assigned to the job are included.
On-site tasks / • Additional costs incurred for the extra transport load oor
requirements • Overall transportation
• All lifting gear required
• Additional costs that we incur through unavoidable delays during handling or re-assembling the CHP module
Engine generator unit Heat exchanger unit
Sectional delivery CHP module
in t
Dimensions (L x W x H)
in mm
in t
Dimensions (L x W x H)
in mm
EM-50/81 EM-70/115 BM-55/88
approx. 1.0 2000 x 800 x 1000 approx. 1.1 3000 x 900 x 1100
EM-140/207 BM-98/150 BM-123/177
approx. 1.5 2400 x 800 x 1200 approx. 2.1 3700 x 950 x 1200
Transport and installation2
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