Zoning Product Series
VZ7260 & VZ7656 Series
For Commercial Zoning Systems
BACnet Integration Manual
(028-6011_R4 Issue Date: May 31st, 2012)

VZ7260 Product Overview
The Viconics VZ7260 PI controller family is specifically designed for local
pressure dependent VAV zone control within Viconics Zoning System
product family.
The product features a backlit LCD display with dedicated function menu
buttons for simple user operation. Accurate temperature control is achieved
due to the product’s PI proportional control algorithm, which virtually
eliminates temperature offset associated with traditional, differential-based
The controllers are used in conjunction with the Viconics VZ76561000B
Roof Top Controller for total system operation of each zones and the RTU.
A local BACnet RS485 MS-TP communication bus between all devices insures proper communication and data
exchange of all required information between the Zone controllers and RTU controller. They can be seamlessly
integrated into any 3rd party BACnet supervision system.
The Zone controllers are also compatible with the new Viconics PIR cover accessories. Controllers equipped with a
PIR cover provide advanced active occupancy logic, which will automatically switch occupancy levels from
occupied to stand-by as required by local activity being present or not. This advanced occupancy functionality
provides advantageous energy savings during occupied hours without sacrificing occupant comfort. All Zone
controllers can be ordered with or without a factory installed PIR cover (see ordering notes below).
VZ7656 Product Overview
The Viconics VZ7656 controller is specifically designed for RTU control of the Viconics
Zoning System product family.
The RTU controller is designed for single stage or multi-stage control of heating and
cooling equipment such as rooftop and self-contained units used in zoning systems.
The product features a backlit LCD display with dedicated function menu buttons for
simple user operation. Accurate temperature control is achieved due to the product’s PI
proportional control algorithm, which virtually eliminates temperature offset associated
with traditional, differential-based controllers.
The controller also contains extra digital inputs, which can be set by the user to monitor
filter status or used as a general purpose service indicator. All models contain a SPST
auxiliary switch, which can be used to control lighting or disable the RTU economizer
function during unoccupied periods. It also features a discharge air sensor input.
Proportional static pressure logic (input and output) has been integrated onto the
controller to provide a complete single packaged unit for most small to medium size jobs.
The controllers are used in conjunction with the Viconics VZ7260 Zone controllers for total system operation of
each zones and the RTU.
A local BACnet RS485 MS-TP communication bus between all devices insures proper communication and data
exchange of all required information between the Zone controllers and the RTU controllers. They can be
seamlessly integrated into any 3rd party BACnet supervision system.

BACnet System Overview
Viconics VZ7260 zone controllers are used in conjunction with the VZ7656 roof top controllers. Combined, they
are designed for operate typical single or multistage RTUs and their associated local zones.
Typical BACnet zoning system installation
Please refer to the following Viconics documents for detailed information and design guidelines for the BACnet
zoning system version:
As an example, a typical job layout system may feature three RTU controllers with thirty one total zones. This
would bring to total number of nodes (individual Com addresses) to thirty four. RTU one would have ten zones
under its command, RTU two would have ten zones under its command and RTU three would have eleven
zones under its command.
The additional following documents are available at: www.viconics.com
For detailed information on the Viconics Zoning System, please refer to the Zoning System Product
Guide. Installation and commissioning information is available in document: Zoning-System-Guide-Exx
For detailed information on the Viconics VZ72 Zone controller, please refer and read the VZ72 Product
Guide. Installation and commissioning information is available on document: LIT-VZ7260-Exx
For detailed information on the Viconics VZ7656 RTU controller, please refer and read the VZ76 Product
Guide. Installation and commissioning information is available on document: LIT-VZ7656-Exx
PIR cover installation information is available in document: PIR Cover Installation-Exx

VZ7260 series Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements (PICS)
Standard Object Types Supported
List of Proprietary Properties
List of Property Value Range
List of Property Enumeration Set for BI's and BV's
List of Property Enumeration Set for MV's
VZ7656 series Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements (PICS)
Standard Object Types Supported
List of Proprietary Properties
List of Property Value Range
List of Property Enumeration Set for BI's and BV's
List of Property Enumeration Set for MV's
Maximum Number of Devices
Default Device Name and Device ID
Tips and Things You Need To Know

BACnet Interoperability Building Block
Data Sharing COV-B (DS-COV-B)
Data Sharing-ReadProperty-B (DS-RP-B)
Data Sharing-ReadPropertyMultiple-B (DS-RPM-B)
Data Sharing-WriteProperty-B (DS-WP-B)
Device Management-Dynamic Device Binding-B (DM-DDB-B)
Device Management-Dynamic Object Binding-B (DM-DOB-B)
Device Management-DeviceCommunicationControl-B (DM-DCC-B)
BACnet Interoperability Building Block
Data Sharing COV-A (DS-COV-A)
Data Sharing-ReadProperty-A (DS-RP-A)
Data Sharing-WriteProperty-A (DS-WP-A)
VZ7260 Series Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
Vendor Name: Viconics
Vendor ID: 140
Product Name: VZ7260 Zoning System Zone Controller
Product Model Number: VZ7260F5x00B
Product Description:
The Viconics VZ7260 PI controller family is specifically designed for local pressure dependent VAV zone control
within Viconics Zoning System product family.
The controllers are used in conjunction with the Viconics VZ76561000B Roof Top Controller for total system
operation of each zones and the RTU.
VZ7260 Supported BACnet Services
The BACnet communicating controller meets all requirements for designation as an Application Specific Controller
(B-ASC). The BACnet controller series supports the following BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBBs).
The following BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks supported are used ONLY with the VZ76561000B Roof Top
Controller for system operation. The following BiBBS are NOT listed under the “protocol service supported” device
attribute. As such, the VZ7260 application cannot use these services to communicate with “other” third party
devices (see Annex K in BACnet 2004):
Note: The controller does not support segmented requests or responses.

AV 7 Cfg Heating Stpt Limit
GUI PI Heat Weighted Demand
GUI PI Cool Weighted Demand
GUI Transferred CO2 Value
Device Object List for VZ7260 Models

MV 2 Cfg BI1 Configuration
Cfg Temporary Occupancy Time
Cfg BO1-BO2 Floating Time
Cfg BO3-BO4 Floating Time

Object Property
Object Type
AI 1 GUI Analog Heat Output
X R AI 5 GUI By-Pass Damper / VFD
GUI Highest PI Cool Demand
GUI Highest PI Heat Demand
GUI Current Zone PI Cool
GUI Current Zone PI Heat
GUI Supply PI Heat Demand
GUI Transferred PI Cool
GUI Transferred PI Heat
Cfg Discharge High Limit Spt
Cfg Discharge Low Limit Spt
Cfg Economizer Max Position
Cfg Economizer Min Position
Device Object List for VZ7656 Models

Object Property
Object Type
AV 2 Cfg High Balance Point
Cfg Minimum Supply Heat
Cfg Mixed Air Setpoint
Cfg Return Air Occ CL Spt
AV 7 Cfg Return Air Occ HT Spt
Cfg Return Air Unocc CL
Cfg Return Air Unocc HT
Cfg Supply Heat Lockout
GUI Outdoor Temperature
Sta Cooling Lockout Status
BI 9 Sta Discharge Temp Alarm

Sta Heating Lockout Status
Sta Reversing Valve Status
BV 7 Sta Comm Lost Status
BV 3 Sta Supply Heat Lockout Status
BV 4 Cfg Compressor Interlock
BV 5 Cfg Progressive Recovery
Cfg Static Pressure Ctrl Type
BV 1 GUI Outdoor Temp Override
Cfg Static Pressure Transducer
Cfg Temporary Occupied Time

Property 75 (R,W)
Unique ID number of a device on a network
Property 77 (R,W)
Unique name of a Device on a network
Model Name
Property 70 (R)
Firmware Revision
Property 44 (R)
Current BACnet firmware revision used by the
Protocol Version
Property 98 (R)
Current BACnet firmware protocol version
Default is Version 1
Protocol Revision
Property 139 (R)
Current BACnet firmware protocol revision
Default is Version 2
Max ADPU Length
Property 62 (R)
Maximum ADPU Length accepted
Default is 244
ADPU Timeout
Property 10 (R)
ADPU timeout value
Default is60 000 ms
Maximum master devices allowed to be part of the
network. 0 to 127, default is 127
VZ7260 Device Object Table