The VT76x7 PI thermostat family is specifically designed for single stage
and multi-stage control of heating/cooling equipment such as rooftop and
self-contained units with humidifier and/or dehumidifier. The product features
an embedded complete humidity solution with an intuitive, menu-driven,
backlit LCD display that walks users through the programming steps, making
the process extremely simple. Accurate temperature & relative humidity
control is achieved due to the product’s PI time proportional control
algorithm, which virtually eliminates temperature offset associated with
traditional, differential-based thermostats.
All models contain one digital input, which can be set by the user to monitor
filter status, activate a remote temporary occupancy switch, and/or used as
a general purpose service indicator. The two models contain a SPST
auxiliary switch, which can be used to control lighting or disable the
economizer function and a discharge air sensor input.
The additional following documentation is available on
• Information on the LON models (VT76x7B1000E), is available on document ITG-VT76x7-LON-Exx
• Information on the BACnet models (VT76x7B1000B), is available on document ITG-VT76x7-BAC-Exx
• Information on the Wireless models (VT76x7B1000W), is available on documents: ITG-VWG-40-
Fig.1 - VT76x7 thermostat
BAC-Exx and LIT-VWG-40-SETUP-Exx
Models Avalable
Ordering Information Notes:
(X) model number represents available communication options: X = none for Stand-alone,
Features and benefits
X = B for BACnet MS-TP, X = E for Echelon and X = W for Wireless
⇒ Simplifies installation and reduce installation costs
colder climates
⇒ Can be used for all types of establishments
028-0174 R5_LIT-VT76x7-E05.doc /
Theory of operation
The VT7600 uses a Viconics proprietary adaptive
logic algorithm to control the space temperature. This
algorithm controls the heating / air conditioning system
to minimize overshoots while still providing comfort. It
provides exceptional accuracy due to its unique PI
time proportioning control algorithm, which virtually
eliminates temperature offset associated with
traditional, differential-based on/off thermostats.
Fig.2 - On/Off mechanical control vs PI electronic control.
Features overview
• 7 day programmable models, 2 or 4 events
• Gas/oil or electric system compatibility for all type
of applications
• Internal RH sensor and remote RH input with
humidification and dehumidification sequence of
operation embedded
• Remote outdoor sensing capability for added
- System mode lock out
- Humidity setpoint reset
• High limit input to prevent over-humidification
• Lockable keypads for tamper proofing. No need for
thermostat guards
• Automatic frost protection to prevents costly freeze
• Anti short cycle and minimum on/off run time
protection. Reduces wear and maximizes life span
of mechanical equipment.
• Programmable digital input for added flexibility. The
input can be programmed as the following:
- None: No function will be associated with the
- Service: a backlit flashing Service alarm will be
displayed on the thermostat LCD screen when
the input is energized. It can be tied in to the AC
unit control card, which provides an alarm in
case of malfunction.
- Filter: a backlit flashing Filter alarm will be
displayed on the thermostat LCD screen when the
input is energized. It can be tied to a differential
pressure switch that monitor filters
- Rem NSB: remote NSB timer clock input. Will
disable the internal scheduling of the thermostat.
The scheduling will now be set as per the digital
input. The menu part related to scheduling is
disabled and no longer accessible. It provides low
cost setback operation via occupancy sensor or
from a dry contact
- RemOVR: temporary occupancy contact. Disables
all override menu function of the thermostat. . The
override function is now controlled by a manual
remote momentarily closed contact. When
configured in this mode, the input operates in a
toggle mode.
With this function enabled it is now possible to
toggle between unoccupied & occupied setpoints
for the amount of time set by parameter
(TOccTime) temporary occupancy time.
• Programmable smart fan operation saves
energy during night mode
• Non volatile EEPROM memory prevents loss of
parameters during power shortage
• Built in default profile set-up for easier start up
and commissioning
• Configurable SPST output relay on
programmable models for lighting, exhaust fan
or fresh air control
• 6 hour typical reserve time for clock in case of
power loss
• 0 to 10 Vdc humidification output
- Built in proportional humidity controller
- Proportional humidity high limit when used
with the analog input for supply humidity
- Automatic humidity setpoint reset when
outside air temperature value is used.
• Remove security screw on the bottom of thermostat cover.
• Open up by pulling on the bottom side of thermostat.
• Remove Assembly and remove wiring terminals from sticker.
(Fig. 3)
A) Location:
1- Should not
be installed on an outside wall.
2- Must be installed away from any heat source.
3- Should not be installed near an air discharge grill.
4- Should not be affected by direct sun radiation.
5- Nothing must restrain vertical air circulation to the thermostat.
B) Installation:
1- Swing open the thermostat PCB to the left by pressing the PCB
locking tabs. (Fig. 4)
2- Pull out cables 6” out of the wall.
3- Wall surface must be flat and clean.
4- Insert cable in the central hole of the base.
5- Align the base and mark the location of the two mounting holes
on the wall. Install proper side of base up.
6- Install anchors in the wall.
7- Insert screws in mounting holes on each side of the base.
(Fig. 4)
8- Gently swing back the circuit board on the base and push on it
until the tabs lock it.
10- Strip each wire 1/4 inch.
11- Insert each wire according to wiring diagram.
13- Gently push back into hole excess wring (Fig. 5)
14- Re-Install wiring terminals in correct location. (Fig. 5)
15- Reinstall the cover (top side first) and gently push back extra
wire length into the hole in the wall.
16- Install security screw.
• If replacing an old thermostat, label the wires before
removal of the old thermostat.
• Electronic controls are static sensitive devices.
Discharge yourself properly before manipulation and
installing the thermostat.
• Short circuit or wrong wiring may permanently damage
the thermostat or the equipment.
• Anti-short cycling can be set to 0 minutes for equipment
that posses their own anti cycling timer. Do not use that
value unless the equipment is equipped with such
internal timer. Failure to do so can damage the
• All VT7000 series thermostats are to be used only as
operating controls. Whenever a control failure could
lead to personal injury and/or loss of property, it
becomes the responsibility of the user to add safety
devices and/or alarm system to protect against such
catastrophic failures.
Valid for both hight limit sensor (HL) or
main remote humidity sensor (HS) connections
24 Vac Power
To Thermostat
Remote wiring
0-10 Vdc
User menu flow chart:
Prompts may not all be present depending on model selected
If statu s is:
Overr i de
schd Y/ N
If statu s is:
Temporary Occupied Time,
Occupied hold or
schd Y/ N
Unoccupied hold
set ? Y/ N
Humi d i t y
set ? Y/ N
Sys mode
set ? Y/ N
Fan mode
set ? Y/ N
Dehumi di
set ? Y/ N
Humi d i f i
set ? Y/ N
Exi t ?
Y/ N
set ? Y/ N
Heat i ng
set ? Y/ N
Unocc CL
set ? Y/ N
Unocc HT
set ? Y/ N
Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature
Schedul e
set ? Y/ N
set ? Y/ N
Cl o c k
set ? Y/ N
Ti me
set ? Y/ N
Exi t ?
Y/ N
Schedul e
hol d Y/ N
Occ Hold
Uno Hold
Da y
set ? Y/ N
On stand-alone
models only
Exi t ?
Y/ N
12/ 24hrs
set ? Y/ N
12 / 24
Exi t ?
Y/ N
Exi t ?
Y/ N
set ? Y/ N
Occupi ed
day? Y/ N
Occupi ed
12: 00 pm
12: 00 pm
Sat u r day
set ? Y/ N
Occupi ed
day? Y/ N
Occupi ed
12: 00 pm
12: 00 pm
Fr i day
set ? Y/ N
Occupi ed
day? Y/ N
Occupi ed
12: 00 pm
12: 00 pm
Thur sday
set ? Y/ N
Occupi ed
day? Y/ N
Occupi ed
12: 00 pm
12: 00 pm
We dnesda
set ? Y/ N
Occupi ed
day? Y/ N
Occupi ed
12: 00 pm
12: 00 pm
set ? Y/ N
Occupi ed
day? Y/ N
Occupi ed
12: 00 pm
12: 00 pm
set ? Y/ N
Occupi ed
day? Y/ N
Occupi ed
12: 00 pm
12: 00 pm
Programming and status display instructions
1. Status display
The thermostat features a two-line, eight-character display. There is a low-level backlit level that is always active and can only
be seen at night. When left unattended, the thermostat has an auto scrolling display that shows the actual status of the
system. Each item is scrolled one by one with the backlighting off. Pressing any key will cause the backlit to come on.
Sequence of auto-scroll status display:
Room Temp &
x.x °C or °F Monday Sys mode Occupied Outdoor Service
xx % RH 12.00 AM auto x.x °C or°F
If humidity display is
x.x °C or °F
If humidity display is not
Sys mode emergenc
Clock status System mode Schedule status
Sys mode
Sys mode
Sys mode
Frost ON
Manual scroll of each menu item is achieved by pressing the Yes (scroll) key repetitively. The last item viewed will be shown on the
display for 30 seconds before returning to automatic scrolling. Temperature is automatically updated when scrolling is held.
Outdoor air temperature display is only enabled when outdoor air temperature sensor is connected or a network value is
• A maximum range status display of 50 °C (122 °F) indicates a shorted sensor. Associated functions, such as mode lockouts
are automatically disabled.
• A minimum range status -40 °C (-40 °F) is not displayed and indicates a opened sensor or a sensor not connected.
Associated functions, such as mode lockouts are automatically disabled.
If alarms are detected, they will automatically be displayed at the end of the status display scroll. During an alarm message
display, the backlit screen will light up at the same time as the message and shut off during the rest of the status display. Two
alarms maximum can appear at any given time. The priority for the alarms is as follows:
Frost ON
Indicates that the heating is energized by the low limit frost protection room temperature setpoint 5.6 °C (42 °F )
Indicates that the clock needs to be reset. There has been a power failure which has lasted longer than 6 hours
Indicates that there is a service alarm as per one of the programmable digital input (DI1 or DI2)
Indicates that the filters are dirty as per one of the programmable digital input (DI1 or DI2)
Three status LEDs on the thermostat cover are used to indicate the status of the fan, a call for heat, or a call for cooling.
• When the fan is on, the FAN LED will illuminate.
• When heating is on, the HEAT LED will illuminate.
• When cooling is on, the COOL LED will illuminate.
Fig.10 – VT7657 and VT7607 cover
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