Vibra-Tite 913 Technical Data

Technical Data Sheet
Vibra-Tite® 913
November 2012
Product Description
Features and Benefits
Easy mix Ratio Excellent chemical resistance Cures without shrinking Good impact resistance Produces strong, rigid bond on metal,
ceramics, wood, concrete, glass, or combinations
Casting can survive harsh chemical
Properties of Uncured Material (resin)
Chemical Type Epoxy Appearance Clear Liquid Specific Gravity 1.16 Toxicity Low Solids 100% Viscosity @ 25ºC, cP 13,000 Flash Point (TCC), °C(°F) >93(>200)
Properties of Uncured Material (hardener)
Chemical Type Amine Appearance Amber Liquid Specific Gravity 0.96 Toxicity Low Solids 100% Viscosity @ 25ºC, cP 7,000 Flash Point (TCC), °C(°F) >93(>200)
Properties of Cured Material
Vo. Mix Ratio, Resin: Hardener 1 to 1 Wt. Mix Ratio, Resin: Hardener 100:83 Viscosity @ 25ºC, cP 8,200 Gel Time, 100g (25ºC) 8 mins Fixture Time (25ºC) 35 min. Functional Cure (25ºC) 2 hrs. Full cure (25 ºC) 12 hrs Hardness @ 25ºC , Shore D 85
Performance Properties
(Substrates cured or 5 days @ 22°C)
T-Peel 2-3 pli Impact Resistance 7 ft.-lb Adhesive Lap Shear 2,300 psi Compression Strength 11,000 psi Tensile Elongation 1% % Solids by Volume 100%
General Information
Product should be stored in cool, dry conditions. VIBRA-TITE 913 A&B when un-mixed has a shelf life of 12 months when stored at 25°C. Storage in cool, clean areas is recommended. Usable shelf life may vary depending on method of applications and storage conditions.
The data are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is recommended that the product be tested in the application for which it is to be used.
VIBRA-TITE is a registered trademark of ND Industries, Inc.