Technical Data Sheet
of t ime a nd varies de pending on e nvironmental
conditions a nd substrates be ing bon ded. P roduct will
Polymer (Cured)
Service T emperature
Softening Point
Tensile S trength
60 80 100 120
Vibra-Tite® 333
Vibra-TITE 333 is a single component medium viscosity
cyanoacrylate adhesive. Fast setting and ideal for rubber
and p lastic b onding a pplications. I t is p articularly
designed to set and adhesre rapidly to inactive surfaces.
Monomer (Liquid)
Viscosity (cP @ 68°F)
Shelf Life @40°F
Military Specifications
Type II, Class 3
Curing Properties
Ambient s urface moisture w ill in itiate th e h ardening
process. H andling strength is reached in a s hort p eriod
Physical Properties
February 2012
-65°F to 200°F
(@ 1Kc)
Performance of Cured Materials
Tensile Shear strength after 48 hours at 20° to 25°C
continue to cure for at least 24 hours before full strength
and resistances are developed.
Setting Time (68°F, 65% R.H.)
Curing Performance
The gap of t he b ond line will affect set speed. S maller
gaps t end t o i ncrease the s peed. A ctivators ca n b e
applied to improve set speed but may also impair overall
adhesive performance.
Temperature Resistance
Sheer Strength on steel after 1 week at 22 °C
Technical Data Sheet
Dispense a drop or drops t o one surface on ly. A pply only
Press p arts t ogether an d h old f irmly for a f ew s econds.
Good contact is essential. An adequate bond develops in
recap. C yanoacrylate p roducts i f l eft u ncapped m ay
or g rease. P roducts l ike isopropyl a lcohol c an be u sed.
object (such as a teaspoon handle.) In case of eye
ontact, b athe i mmediately with water a nd s eek
Vibra-Tite® 333
Surfaces to be bonded should be clean and dry.
enough to leave a thin film layer after compression.
less that one minute and maximum strength is attained in 24
Wipe off excess adhesive from the top of the container and
deteriorate by contamination from moisture in the air.
Because Cyanoacrylate p roducts cu re b y p olymerization,
whitening may appear on the surface of the container or the
bonded m aterials. S hould this happen, wipe surfaces well
with acetone.
February 2012
For safe handling information on this
product, consult the Material Safety
Data Sheet, (MSDS)
General Information
Store out of direct sunlight. Refrigeration at 40°F
provides optimum storage stability.
temperature before use.
Prior to use, remove all surface contaminants such as oil
Test compatibility of cleaner with substrate.
Make sure surface is completely dry before bonding.
Health & Safety in use
CAUTION: SuperGlues bond skin a nd eyes o n c ontact.
If accidental skin bonding occurs, wash area with warm
soapy water a nd s lowly p ry s kin a part us ing a b lunt
immediate medical attention.