Vibra-Tite 314 Technical Data

Technical Data Sheet
Vibra-Tite® 314
Vibra-TITE 314 I nstant S uperGlue E thyl Cyanoacrylate i s a l ow to m edium v iscosity cyanoacrylate t hat i s used for a v ariety o f b onding applications, but is ideally suited for bonding plastics, metal a nd r ubber t o t hemselves o r va rious combinations.

Typical Applications

Vibra-TITE 31 4 i s a hi gh s trength general p urpose Superglue. This product is ideal for bonding of name plates ( plastic) o r f or t hread te rmination o n b ook bindings. It is recommended for use on small gaps or relatively smooth even surfaces, bond time is fast.

Instructions for Use

Ensure p arts ar e cl ean, d ry and f ree f rom o il an d grease.

Procedure for Application

Product is normally hand a pplied f rom t he b ottle sparingly to one side a nd parts are he ld until fixture strength is achieved.

Compatible Accelerators

Accelerators s uch as V ibra-TITE E xcel 6 21, E xcel 623 or Excel 624 can be used for accelerating fixture speeds, for filet curing or for priming absorbent surfaces.

Technical Features

Resin:.......................... Ethyl Cyanoacrylate
Fixture Speed w/Accelerator...<5 seconds Fixture Speed w/out Accelerator. 15-40 sec.
Viscosity ...................... 110 cP
Gap Fill..........................0.006"
Shelf Life...................... 12 months @ 40°F
Max. Operating Temp…… -65°F to +180°F

Cured Performance

Full Cure Time................. 24 hours @ 68°F
Tensile Shear Strength................3200 psi


Bottles.......................... 1 ounce and 1 pound
Instant Superglue
January 2012

General Information


Refrigeration a t 40° F pr ovides opt imum s torage stability.


Prior to use, remove all surface contaminants such as oil or grease. Products like isopropyl alcohol can be used. Test compatibility of cleaner with substrate. Make sure surface is completely dry before bonding. Product conforms to GM-1183023.

Health & Safety in use

CAUTION: S uperGlues bon d s kin a nd e yes on contact. If accidental skin bonding occurs, wash area with warm s oapy water a nd s lowly p ry s kin a part using a blunt object (such as a t easpoon handle.) In case o f e ye co ntact, b athe immediately with water and seek immediate medical attention.