VIAVI Solutions
Quick Card
T-BERD®/MTS-5800 Network Tester
Tuning SFP+ Transceivers
This quick card describes how to tune the wavelength of MSA Compliant 10G tunable SFP+ transceiver
using the T-BERD 5800. Note: Some vendors’ SFP+ transceivers use proprietary tuning methods and
cannot be tuned with the T-BERD 5800.
Equipment Requirements:
• T-BERD 5800v2 or T-BERD 5800-100G equipped with:
o BERT software release V27.2 or greater
o 10G Ethernet test options: C510GELAN
• MSA Compliant Tunable SFP+ optical transceiver
Information Requirements:
• Tuning Mode: Channel, Wavelength or Frequency
• DWDM Channel, Wavelength or Frequency
Figure 1: Equipment Requirements
Launch Test:
1. Press the Power button to turn on the test set.
2. Using the Select Test menu or Quick Launch menu, launch the Ethernet ► 10GELAN ► Layer 2
Traffic ► Terminate test on port 1.
3. Press the Setup Soft Key, to display the Interface/Connector settings tab.
Figure 2: Select Test menu

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Product specifications and descriptions in this
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Verify transceiver supports tuning:
1. Insert SFP+ into the Port 1 slot on the top of the T-BERD.
2. The SFP tab will populate with information about the transceiver. The 2nd column of the display
will indicate whether tuning is supported.
Figure 3: Interface/Connector Settings
Tune the SFP+:
1. Tap the Signal Tab to display Tunable Device settings
2. Select the Tuning Mode: Channel, Wavelength or Frequency
3. If you selected Wavelength, specify the wavelength in nm.
4. If you selected Channel, specify the channel number.
5. If you selected Frequency, specify the frequency in GHz.
6. The transceiver is tuned to the selected value, or nearest value in the ITU G.694 Spectral Grid.
Figure 4: Interface/Signal Settings